Spore Story

Chapter 718

Chapter 718
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Zerg Meteorite Base Research Center in G06 Industrial Zone.

There was a hint of warmth in Kong Huan's eyes that reopened, but it disappeared after the blink of an eye.

After rubbing his stiff body lying on the bed, he got up, approved a coat, opened the door, and walked to the laboratory of the research center in the distance.On the way, he learned of Aiyi's whereabouts through a correspondent who was caught by hand, and soon came to the genetics laboratory, just in time to see the target who was guiding a friend assistant hand in hand with the content of the experiment.

But before he could say hello, Aiyi came up like a kitten smelling fish, ignoring the injured expressions of the surrounding researchers and the frantic movements of the little assistant watching the half-finished experiment.

In this regard, Kong Huan can only express helplessness.

"Why did you come back so soon? What's the situation? Empty illusion," Aiyi grabbed the other party with both hands, looking expectant.

If an outsider saw this scene, they might have some reverie, but Kong Huan was very clear that there was no such thing as a man and a woman in the eyes of the person in front of him, and only research was left in his mind.It's just that it's easy to know others but difficult to know yourself, and he often fantasizes about himself, isn't it the same.

The two of them stood in the laboratory like this, attracting the attention of the surrounding researchers.

"Of course I'll be back when I'm done." Perhaps seeing Aiyi's playful expression, a hint of playfulness appeared in the air: "But if you want to know, call me a brother and maybe he will tell you?"

"elder brother."

"Uh, so straightforward," doesn't this feel like nothing at all?Kong Huan shook his head depressedly, and then he was taken aback: "No, I'm not that sister-in-law of Bai Nong, how could I have that kind of thought!"

Shaking his head to calm himself down, what greeted him was Aiyi's enlarged face.

"What are you doing?" Kong Huan took two steps back to distance himself.

"Hurry up and answer the question!" Now that the conditions are met, you should respond, which is probably Aiyi's idea.

"Ah, yes!" Kong Huan surrendered.

As the main consciousness, many of the illusory information belong to the core secrets of the friends, and they were only spread within the elders' house at the beginning.But now, with the continuous expansion of the elders' home, for the sake of confidentiality, it has begun to restrict its release.

Therefore, apart from the original Gaga team members and a few elders such as the older generation of leaders, the relatively innocent people like Aiyi are the ones who know the most about the core situation of the emptiness.It is also because of knowing that Aiyi asked Konghuan to go to the No. 03 meteorite base before, to help or ensure the integrity of the research object.

And now that Kong Huan is back, in Aiyi's view, it is of course the time to reap the fruits, and she resolutely responds to Kong Huan's trickery with silent gaze.


"Okay, don't look at it like this, it's scary!" Kong Huan couldn't help turning his head away: "This time the battle on the 03 side has ended, and the situation is much better than expected, because the prisoners were captured at the beginning..."

"Get to the point!" Aiyi waved his hand to interrupt Kong Huan's explanation.

Kong Huan obviously knew what they wanted to know, and it was just a joke before: "Yes, the point is, not only the cerebrates are alive, but the meteorite base is also very small damaged, just like new, the door is open for you to study. "


Ai Yi had a happy smile on his face.

Why are you so happy?Kong Huan couldn't help but want to complain, but the researchers around him were starting to be a little absent-minded. He decisively pulled someone out of the laboratory who was so happy that he couldn't find the north at this time, and conveniently, amidst the mournful expressions of a group of researchers, put the experiment The room door is closed.

At this moment, this word popped up in the minds of all curious researchers.

But Kong Huan didn't care at all, after pulling Aiyi to an empty corridor, he stopped after making sure there was no one around.

However, at this moment, Aiyi, who was awake, suddenly stared at Kong Huan with the gaze of a pervert, then took a half step back, covered her chest with her hands, and made the standard gesture of a girl who lost her footing facing a pervert, and then...

"Just ignore the indecent words, unless you don't want to know the specific situation." Kong Huan hit the other party's head with a knife, obviously seeing through the other party's thoughts.

"It's really boring," Aiyi pouted.

"Your bad taste is the most boring thing, okay?" God knows whether these women in Pengzu, or the women around him have suffered from any bad influence, they all have weird personalities.Therefore, it can be regarded as the time-tested Kong Huan staring at the opponent's movements with black lines all over his head at this time, and added: "Speaking of which, if you cover it a little bit, there will be nothing left."

"What's the matter, this is a rare value!"

Aiyi proudly puffed out her chest, but she still lowered her hands.

"Forget it, let's get down to business." Leaning against the wall, Kong Huan shook his head and said, "The brain worm has been properly placed, and you remember to prepare building materials for mental power insulation. This worm has the mental power of the early stage of the Youshen level, and It's weird, be careful not to affect the researcher."

When it comes to research, Aiyi has taken a lot of seriousness. Although she can't take notes, her brain can quickly memorize the main points of what Kong Huan said.After telling the story, Aiyi's eyes are getting brighter and brighter, but Kong Huan's mouth is a little parched.

"Well, the last thing to add is the corpse of the tentacle monster and the roots of the internal pillars of the meteorite base. These two things must be studied emphatically."


Stretching out her thumb, seeing that Kong Huan had nothing to add, Aiyi bouncing towards her personal laboratory.

But before Kong Huan shook his head to express his impatience, Aiyi's voice suddenly came.

"By the way, empty fantasy, the cargo spaceship must be arranged quickly!"


There are many things to do next, but Kong Huan still took the time to go to the hospital to see Xiao Lingyun.

She was mainly damaged by her mental strength. The coma was just to nourish her spirit so that she could recover quickly. If she wanted to, she could actually wake up at any time, so Wuhuan didn't bother her too much.

After lightly rubbing the bunny ears of Xiao Lingyun, who was lying on the bed, Kong Huan turned to those who were doing their best to study their respective subjects, and vowed to start the research on the meteorite base before abandoning them. The researchers who arrived earlier, such as Aiyi and others.

And after receiving the complete preservation of the illusory meteorite base, the enthusiasm of these people further increased.

As a result, it seems that it was the illusory creators who were in charge of the research of these groups who were innocently affected, because in order to ensure the accuracy and time of the research, they had to adjust the time ratio of the illusory world to their own at the strong request of the researchers. limit.

In this regard, Kong Huan can only offer the following consolation.

"Work hard, this is also a kind of strength training."

"Why don't you come and try it," a certain illusion maker complained in his heart.

———Harvest statistics———

It is now the end of July and the beginning of August. According to the 7-month calendar division of the double moon star, it is only in the end of summer.

However, with the current glacial weather of Double Moon Star, there is obviously no need to say much about the climate at this time.

Crescent Yeyi could not help shivering and standing quietly in the corner of the fortress. On the surface, it seemed that he was holding the AZ02 in his hand and looking straight ahead, defending against bugs that might appear in the dusk. In fact, he was using his own spirit. Forcefully swept away the teammates in the fortress.

One original sergeant, two original corporals, six Moon Spirit soldiers, plus the Dunjia scouts who went out to check the situation now, it was a standard infantry squad.

For outsiders, this is the organizational structure of the group of friends established more than a year ago.

However, for the soldiers here, they have been teammates for at least three years.

During this period of military career, they spent most of their time in the imaginary world simulation.And the fantasy world cannot be used for leisure. The soldiers who have experienced countless battles, big and small, have already known each other in all kinds of life-and-death battles. Be flexible.

At this time, there was a knock on the door of the fortress, and the nearest Corporal Yuanren stood up vigilantly, opened the small window to confirm the identity of the other party, and then opened the door.

During this period, the others still stuck to their posts without any unnecessary actions.

The Dunjia scout who came in was trembling to shake off the dirt on his body, and reached out to take the hot tea handed over by another moon spirit soldier.

It seems that, compared with the world above the ground, the soil layer on the surface seems to be colder.

"How is it?" Corporal Yuanren waited for the other party to finish a sip of hot tea before asking softly.

Coming from a family of researchers, the Yuanren corporal who also has a high level of technology but chooses to join the army is the firepower of the team.

He can carry the rapid-fire gun that is usually equipped on assault vehicles to run around by himself, and at the same time, he can use this thing to accurately attack the enemy within a kilometer. With a suit of fourth-generation armor, he is full of deterrence no matter how you look at it. People have to admire Yuanren's strength, how unreachable it seems to Xinyue Yeyi.

However, from time to time, I just mentioned some weird weapon transformation ideas to the superiors. Even if none of them have been adopted up to now, I still enjoy it, which makes people feel a little speechless.

"There is still no movement. The underground can only be excavated to a place close to one kilometer and there is no way to move forward. During the period, we sneaked up and observed, and got not much information. Of course, it is not without gain."

Some long-winded Dunjia soldiers come from dungeons, their parents are farmers in underground farms, and so are their parents' parents.Without this war, his result probably would not have changed much.However, because he practiced good digging skills when reclaiming land on the farm to expand the area of ​​arable land, he soon became a armored scout after joining the army and joined the army's reconnaissance unit.

After hiding in the fortress and taking a sip of hot tea, he complained about the weather, especially the cold surface climate, and reported the investigation situation this time.

After an offensive and defensive battle with the insect swarm at noon to drive back these damned insects, until now, it was already night, but the insect swarm still remained silent.

And after the commander of the third group command restricted the shelling due to lack of ammunition, the movement of the swarm became even smaller.

Since the Dunjia people's investigation was not the main investigation operation before, and there was no shelling cooperation, the amount of useful information they could get was probably already expected by everyone, but everyone expected unexpected gains.

From the summaries of previous investigations by the reconnaissance troops, everyone found that this group of bugs was not really useless.They seemed to be protecting something and surrounded the swarm without attacking or retreating.If the Friends start shelling, they will disperse, and at that time the telescope can't see anything abnormal inside; if the Friends stop shelling, the Zerg will immediately surround the inside with water.

At the same time, bugs from all over the world joined the swarm from time to time, so that the strength of the swarm has returned to the level it was at the noon attack, and it is still growing.

That alone is worrying.

Most now agree that the bugs are likely to launch a nighttime raid.

But regarding this, Xinyue Yeyi felt that the bug might have miscalculated.

The soldiers who account for 60% of the existing troops of the entire friend clan are moon spirits who do not rely on vision. Their mental power is developed. Although they are not as comprehensive as the friends, they are enough to meet their own weapons to find and hit them within the effective range. enemy;

The mental power of the friend's soldiers is not bad. In order to fight at night, Shenting specially developed a technique for the friend to use energy to stimulate the eyes to produce night vision, so that the friend's vision at night will not drop much. It looked a little scary back then.

In comparison, the only thing that would be affected by night battles would be the Dunjia soldiers, who accounted for about 7% of the total.

But when it comes to fighting, no one will send the Dunjia soldiers who are mainly doing auxiliary work to the front line.

Therefore, Xinyue Yeyi is not worried about the so-called enemy night attack at all.

Compared with the relatively simple ideas of these front-line soldiers, the atmosphere in the headquarters located in the floating fortress in the sky seemed much duller.

After summarizing the investigations against the Zerg, the high-level people who can look at the problem from a holistic perspective face a lot of information, and there are more choices when they need to make decisions. Of course, it is not easy.

Especially in the middle of the afternoon, they received the news from the No. 03 Meteorite Base that 'the war is over, not only captured the opponent's commander but also kept most of the base intact, providing a good base for the friends to study the Zerg later', Everyone is happy and worried.

Needless to say hi, everyone is happy about victory; worry is that after comparing the situation here with that of No. 03, these commanders became a little unhappy.After all, it is not a happy thing to be suppressed and beaten by the enemy.

"Instead of waiting for the enemy's strength to increase before attacking, we should end the heavy artillery attack and take advantage of the fleet's maneuverability. Didn't the 03 war zone succeed step by step under the mobile harassment of Elder Chu Ling? What's more, The results of the long-range heavy artillery unit have not been great."

Several fleet commanders hesitated for a moment, but most of them agreed.

In the imaginary world simulation, they are basically fighting mobile warfare, after all, it is fleet warfare.Although there are also exercises in defensive warfare, they are not coordinated with the current troops.This has to be said to be a mistake caused by the lack of experience of the staff department, but it has affected the fact that the team is not very willing to conduct fleet defense operations.

But what the proposed commander said clearly offended the Heavy Artillery.

"What's not good!" The commander of the Heavy Artillery Regiment slapped the table and stood up and glared at him, "Don't forget, our Heavy Artillery Regiment cleaned up the six outlying bases of the Zerg in just one afternoon. The number of external bases of the swarm has dropped from 27 at the beginning to 13 now, isn't this our achievement?"

This data was provided by the Pterosaur under the guidance of Elder Kong Ling, and everyone was irrefutable.

Most of the commander's words were annoyed before, and now he is even more sullen and silent.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Lieutenant General Dia stepped forward: "The achievements of the Heavy Artillery Regiment are indelible, I hope everyone will remember them."

"Yes," several commanders nodded in agreement.

"And the question now is, is everyone unhappy about staying here and defending?"

Except for the heavy artillery regiment, most of the remaining commanders of the third group nodded.

Waving to the commander of the Heavy Artillery Regiment, Lieutenant General Di Ya put his hands together in front of his mouth and suddenly asked in a deep voice, "Waiting for the enemy to attack like this is really dissatisfying, but I want to ask you: What is our mission?"

"..." Several cluster commanders were silent.

"Guarantee the safety of the Heavy Artillery Regiment, assist the Heavy Artillery Regiment to complete the task of pinning down the enemy while waiting for the follow-up troops. This is the task of our third group, and it is the task that everyone was ordered to resolutely complete when we left. I think everyone still remembers it! "The lieutenant general's tone became severe: "As a soldier, since you have accepted the mission, you must complete it. How about you?"

"But Lieutenant General, didn't the first and second clusters also fail to comply with the mission, but won the perfect victory at the No. 03 meteorite base?"

"Your neighbor robbed the wallet and became a hero after robbing the thief. Are you going to rob the wallet too?"

"Eh." Several people shut up immediately, this metaphor is too bad.

"We are the third combat group! Could it be that the first and second combat groups disregarded the order, and we have to follow suit? Do you have any honor as soldiers!" Lieutenant General Dia did not make any other actions, but said coldly Looking at everyone.

But the result disappointed him. Although these commanders didn't say anything, many of them still felt unconvinced.

After the news of the No. 03 Meteorite Base came, coupled with the fact that the 04 Meteorite Base was easily resolved by them, the military seemed to have begun to feel complacent.Even though they are being oppressed by the Zerg in Dongshan right now, everyone still thinks that this is because the heavy artillery regiment restrained everyone's actions, and this situation is only temporary.

Indeed, this is only temporary.

But this does not mean that they can win immediately, at least in this temporary period, their third combat group must still protect the heavy artillery regiment under the requirements of the mission.

"Think about it for yourself, don't think that you will be invincible after one or two tricky victories! To be honest, no one in the current friend clan combat group is a real commander, including me!"

Ignoring the unconvinced people, Lieutenant General Dia got up and walked out of the conference room.

"Adi, will you be too cruel?" The adjutant followed up with the lieutenant general, but because of his urgency, he called out all the intimate names.

The lieutenant general stopped at the corner, looked at the conference room behind him, and then shook his head to the adjutant: "We have experienced too few wars, and now we have won consecutive easy victories. Complacency will ruin everyone. The current situation is that Fei Meng There is no future for medicine!"

"Is this... strong medicine?" The adjutant muttered to himself after taking a deep look at the lieutenant general who was straightening up and walking towards the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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