Spore Story

Chapter 719 Dongshan Defense Line: Front Line

Chapter 719 Dongshan Defense Line: Front Line

At dusk, the weather was cold, and the cold current blowing from the eastern coast was still affecting the entire continent beyond the lonely friends.

Even though it was the end of summer, there was already a bit of icy air around Dongshan, so most of the soldiers were reluctant to go out.Fortunately, the fortifications have already been built, people only need to guard in their respective forts and forts, and communication can also pass through the traffic tunnels dug by the armored soldiers later, which is safe and warm.

Even the underground defense that was hastily built before and then quickly destroyed has been re-used by people in this afternoon's free time, and it has been improved after tinkering.

Now, with both experience and fortifications, the underground army said it would be able to deal a heavy blow to any incoming enemy.

The only ones who are not very satisfied are probably the soldiers of the Heavy Artillery Regiment.

Although for the sake of safety, the construction troops also built a semi-enclosed position for the heavy artillery regiment when they were free.But you can’t repair a cover, right? The muzzle is covered, so most of the heavy artillery are wrapped in reinforced concrete fortresses, but because of the particularity of the mission, the targets are often changed, and most of the heavy artillery fortresses are open. of.

It is conceivable how many cold protection functions this model can have.

Trembling, he drank a sip of hot tea, and then handed the cup to the soldiers in the cellar-like underground cavity through the opening on the ground. The gunner turned his head and looked at the original soldiers who were transporting the shells to the position through the underground transportation channel. He stretched out his hands and breathed a little, then raised his binoculars to look at the swarm formation in the distance.

The powerful raid launched by this group of bugs at noon, even though most of them were defending with all their strength in front, many bugs still flew in during the period.

Even though there was a gorge in charge of protecting the heavy artillery regiment, and the heavy artillery regiment itself had certain defensive capabilities, it was still damaged by those agile bugs, and many soldiers were even injured while carrying ammunition.

Summing up the experience and lessons after the war, the headquarters dug a simple ammunition delivery channel one meter below the ground based on the proposal of the construction group.

Although the transportation volume of this kind of passage is reduced compared to the ground due to the haste, the safety is not twice as high as twice.

What's more, after responding in this way, the soldiers who originally needed to protect the transportation channel can be deployed to defend the heavy artillery exposed to the ground, thereby strengthening the defense capability of the heavy artillery itself.

The plan of killing two birds with one stone, coupled with the help of Dunjia people, can be established quickly.

This approach was immediately adopted as a matter of course.

Now looking around, apart from the scattered scattered heavy artillery that exposed half of the entire position, the previously scattered accumulation of shells can no longer be seen.

Most of the shells with heavy artillery can be transported through a small hole connected to the ground on the back side of the heavy artillery position recessed in the ground.

"Continue to the previous goal, prepare to... let it go!"

Three dull electromagnetic ejection sounds sounded, and the ordinary fragmentation shells after replacing the calcium carbide shells were fired quickly.

Although the attack distance and speed are not much worse than those of calcium carbide bullets, the calcium carbide bullet has a damage radius of 400 meters and also has an electromagnetic disorder effect; while the fragmentation bullet has a damage radius of only 100 meters and is a purely physical attack.

Comparing the two, it is conceivable which is better and which is worse.

It's just that no matter how good things are, they can't stand production restrictions and quantity restrictions.

The production time and consumption of one calcium carbide bomb are enough to make ten fragmentation bombs.

Ten minutes later, Jianyu's bombardment observation data was sent back. The headquarters got a copy of the same data, and the gunner also got a copy.

The effect was not bad. Although two of his three cannons missed the target and hit the square outside a small Zerg base, it was a pity that they failed to damage any buildings, but they still smashed a group of bugs into the air, which was not useless.It was a surprise that another fragmentation bomb actually hit the main building in the middle of the small base.

But unfortunately, the opponent's main building is extremely strong, and the fragmentation bullets that hit it directly only brought a lot of blood to that building, but it didn't burst open and shrink quickly like other destroyed Zerg buildings, which shows that it was only a minor injury Only the other party.

This made the gunner feel sorry.

Judging from the previous observation results, the Zerg, especially their buildings, have a very strong self-healing ability. As long as they are not completely destroyed, even such a large building will be repaired within half a day to a day.

In comparison, the three days required for the construction of such a large Zerg building seemed a bit long.

"If it was a calcium carbide bomb, I'm afraid it would have exploded long ago."

However, this kind of hit rate is rare, and he doesn't have much regret if he can hurt the opponent.If in the next few rounds of attacks, even if there is only a side attack, you can successfully make up the knife to kill the opponent, then the team can move to attack the next target.

According to previous experience, each small base of the Zerg has a core building. Every time the shelling destroys this core building, the creep of this small base will wither abnormally quickly, and then the surrounding small buildings will disappear in half a day. Disappeared throughout the day.

Of course, some small bases will recover during this time, but most of them will disappear because of this.

Although the principle is not understood, but based on this experience, the army made a countermeasure before the technical department, that is, to concentrate on attacking these core buildings, and after killing this, if time is tight, directly transfer the target.

"Gunner! The gun crew is ready!"

"Very good, the original target! Get ready... let it go!"

Another shell was fired, during which several other artillery groups made their own attacks.

In order to ensure the threat to the No. 05 Meteorite Base of the Zerg, 30 of the 21 heavy artillery pieces of the Heavy Artillery Regiment, a total of 7 artillery teams, were dispatched to attack the surrounding buildings of the No. 05 Meteorite Base. The Canglong was in charge of guiding there, and it is said that the harvest was not bad.

In this way, only the three artillery groups of the gunner, including the artillery group and nine heavy artillery, are responsible for attacking the small bases on the periphery under the guidance of the Swordfish.

Because the attack distance reaches hundreds of kilometers, even if the muzzle velocity is very high, the shells still need a long flight time on the way, so after the shelling, the preparations for loading the shells are over, and the soldiers still have a few minutes to spare, drinking hot tea and shaking each other Throw your shoulders.

The gunner took this time to confirm the stability of his team's heavy artillery.

A gunner is responsible for the command of three heavy artillery, which is the standard configuration of the heavy artillery regiment.The main reason for this allocation is that there is an extreme shortage of gunners who can command shelling and inspect and maintain heavy artillery. At the same time, the accuracy of shelling is too low and needs to be replenished.

All in all, the current heavy artillery regiment is attacking the enemy as always.

At this time, the gunner, who seemed to be bored for a moment, raised his binoculars and scanned towards the floating fort where the headquarters is located, but just in time to see the lieutenant general slowly walking out of the inner cabin of the fort, standing on the edge of the fort with his hands on the guardrail , looking into the distance as if absent-minded.

The next moment, the shrill siren suddenly came to mind.

———Let the shells fly———

The Zerg attack started earlier than expected.

The lieutenant general was still worried about the complacency of the high-level commanders in the army. When he was thinking hard about countermeasures, standing on the top of the fort, he only raised his head once, but he happened to see the shadowy figure approaching the defense line in the distant night. swarm.

At the same time, the alarm of the security force has also sounded.

Before the adjutant who arrived could speak, he had already begun to issue orders: "Let all commanders return to their posts. After the temptation with the enemy is over, we will talk about specific countermeasures!"


The adjutant immediately found the commanders who had already flown to their respective positions after hearing the alarm through the spiritual network. The function of the order was obviously only to emphasize.

Soon, the ground troops also sent a signal that the enemy land troops were approaching.

In contrast, the underground troops who were waiting in full battle did not respond. It was not until the elders took the initiative to ask, that they realized that there was no enemy movement underground.It seems that the Zerg have given up the underground attack tactics after realizing that the underground attack is less sudden.

But it is impossible for the friends to withdraw the underground troops to supplement other places because of this. After all, no one can say whether the Zerg really gave up the underground attack.

Two or three minutes later, the Sky Force began to engage the enemy.

With the experience of fighting in the fantasy world and at noon, plus the tactics set after summarizing the ammunition problem, the battles of the warships appeared to be quite brave.

Of course, the result is that the consumption of ammunition has also become very large.

The assault ship with the highest agility, like a meat grinder, was drawn into a circle around the entire cave mountain. The rapid-fire weapons of the assault ship moving at high speed, faced the Zerg sky troops beating their positions wave after wave, Sandblasting produced more bullet screens, blocking them in the extension of the position;

The capital ship formation, which was barely maneuverable, moved left and right inside the defensive circle formed by the assault ships.The rapid-fire guns deal with the Zerg sky troops that have slipped through the net, and the ship-borne assault guns and main guns launch shells at the approaching insect sea on the ground;
The floating turrets, whose horizontal movement is basically zero, are distributed on the periphery of the entire defensive circle. Relying on their hard armor and ferocious ammunition projection, they have become the undisputed meat shields in this team.

At the same time, the four Youshens in the team were distributed on the meat shields... the floating turrets in four directions, which avoided the purely physical defense of the floating turrets, and were quickly killed by the enemy after becoming targets.

In this way, the defense seems to be solid.

However, although the previous arrangement was the best formation configuration for the fleet, it still seemed powerless in the face of the superior attack of the swarm.

"How do you feel that the Zerg's attack is so much more flexible this time?"

Disregarding his own safety, Lieutenant General Dia, who was standing on the commanding fort in the center, looked sternly at the defense line that was still barely maintained, his brows furrowed.

He had to admit that as a commander, he had made a mistake. The Zerg's attack at noon seemed to have completed their probing mission. I was caught off guard.

The bug's more flexible fighting style added fuel to the fire of the current defense.

After discovering that the friend clan fleet adopted a fixed maneuvering outer circle, supplementary inner circle, and firepower tanks to fight, the Zerg did not rely on their numerical superiority to launch a full-scale attack. Instead, they quickly adjusted their tactics, part of which was attracting the attention of the fleet. The other part flew up to [-] meters in the air, and then swooped down.

However, the heavy artillery regiment and other ground troops preparing to be in the inner circle also have a lot of anti-aircraft weapons, and cooperate with the floating turret located in the central command to strangle the diving Zerg.

However, even if the enemy attacking directly above was shot down, they would still fall straight into the base under the attraction of gravity, causing a strong corpse bombing effect.

This made commanders deeply aware of another characteristic of sky attack.

Lieutenant General Dia had to adjust his defense immediately.

"The fleet maintains a horizontal formation, the capital ship formation descends to 100 meters, the assault ship formation floats to 3000 meters, and the floating turret maintains an altitude of 1500!"

After the formation adjustment, the fleet changed from the initial defensive formation on the same level of the sky force to a three-dimensional three-layer defense, and the effect was significantly better.

However, this is not to be taken lightly.

At this time, the ground troops had just collided with the sea of ​​insects, and the launch of various individual electromagnetic weapons caused an annoying buzzing sound in the world where there were only battleship weapons and the neighing of insect swarms.

However, the soldiers had long been accustomed to this. For example, in the fortress where the ordinary moon spirit soldier was located, Xinyue Yeyi, several of his teammates waved their weapons nonchalantly, and launched attacks on the dim swarm of insects outside through the fortress's shooting holes.The original fireman even cheered and put the rapid-fire gun on the special bracket, and the armored scouts helped him reload from time to time, while he himself projected countless ammunition at the control weapon at the enemy with his eyes shining. inside the body.

Bright eyes are not a metaphor.

The technical department used the night vision principle obtained after studying the Zerg specimens, combined with the energy and spirit research data of Shenting, and within half a year, they came up with this kind of night vision eye technology suitable for friends. The effect is good, but unfortunately it will cause Eyes produce a slight glow.

If it is in the dark night, this kind of light can easily lead to the user's exposure, so it is only used in defensive warfare now.

As for the modification and improvement of this technique, that is something that the technical department is doing but has not yet completed.

After firing more than 300 electromagnetic bombs in a magazine again, taking advantage of the neutral position of changing orders, Xinyue Yeyi's mental power swept to the sky to know the whole battle situation.However, because of the scanning height problem, he failed to get any useful gains.

At this time, the members of the floating fleet seemed extremely excited.

"Barrage attack! Kill me!"

The commander of the First Assault Squadron sitting on the bridge roared excitedly. In his opinion, the current situation seems to be in crisis, but it is actually very beneficial to the friends.Ammunition can still support a battle of this intensity for six or seven hours, and now every minute, hundreds of bugs die in the direction of the sky troops alone.

Then, just keep fighting like a meat grinder for an hour or two, and the number of bugs will be reduced by more than half.

At that time, even if the ammunition is insufficient, the number of enemies will not be enough. Relying on the four Youshen and nearly a hundred attendants, it seems that it is not difficult to eliminate the remaining enemies.

At this time, another assault squadron commander made a different choice.

"Save ammunition, the barrage is mainly responsible for the floating turret, and all the rapid-fire guns focus on clearing the densely populated places. Don't worry about letting a few go in, there are ground air defense, floating turrets and capital ship formations inside!"

The Commander of the Second Assault Squadron, who sat relatively calmly in the captain's seat, was actually quite optimistic about the current situation, but she was different from the Commander of the First Squadron. It was her creed in life to leave a way out for everything, projected on The same goes for command.

Stability comes first.

Compared with the first two teammates, the Third Assault Squadron, which encountered a battle when it first entered the polar region, was obviously much more flexible in combat after gaining valuable actual combat experience.Although they were still in the circle formed by the battleships of the assault fleet, these assault ships did not maintain a fixed course like the others, but continued to maneuver flexibly.

In this way, it looks like they are still in the team as a whole, but in fact, they will always irradiate the maximum firepower of the battleship on the densest place of the enemy, and at the same time avoid most of the long-range attacks in the place.

The all-round mobility of the magnetic field engine was brought into full play by the members of the third assault formation.

Commander Dia, who was standing on the floating turret in the innermost circle, witnessed the actions of the three assault fleets and was very pleased with the actions of the third assault fleet, but he did not immediately interfere with the specific decisions of the commanders of the three squadrons. .

Growth is to come step by step.

Perhaps Commander Dia didn't know that his current thoughts were somewhat in line with 8051's strategy.

But at this time, Commander Dia's main attention was still on the overall battle situation.

On the surface, it seems that the Zerg has the upper hand, because the Zerg's defense line has shrunk twice after the battle at dusk; but looking further, the Zerg actually suffered very little casualties except for some ammunition consumption. Thousands of bugs were also lost.

From this point of view, it seems that the friends have taken advantage of it.

But is this really the case?
The battle lasted for an hour, and Lieutenant General Dia was still standing above the cold and bloody floating fort, feeling a little worried about the whole battle situation.

At this time, cheers suddenly came from the battlefield.

The excitement generated by the cheers disturbed even the spiritual network through most of the members, creating a sense of collective excitement.

Looking around, it turned out that the insect swarm may have begun to retreat because another attack was ineffective.

However, the ground troops were alright. Because the sky swarms were intertwined with the battleships, the retreat seemed a bit messy.

For a moment, the lieutenant general, who was also a little excited, suddenly had an idea in his heart.

We can't let them just retreat like this, this is a great opportunity for our side to take the initiative in the battle.

As a result, new orders were quickly issued to the three commanders of the assault ship formation: "Chasing after the tail, try to test the situation in the inner circle of the swarm defense line!"

At the end, Lieutenant General Dia cautiously added: "Be careful!"

However, at this time, the assault ship formation that received the attack order had impatiently changed the circle into three stripes, and rushed straight into the fleeing insect swarm, dropping insect corpses all over the sky as if it was raining.

(End of this chapter)

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