Spore Story

Chapter 720 Dongshan Defense Line: Falling

Chapter 720 Dongshan Defense Line: Falling

Thank you lmxy for the monthly pass to encourage me, ga =w=
The setting sun is like blood, dyeing the world red, but at the same time, it is gradually sinking into the end of the sky.

However, sitting in the floating battleship at an altitude of nearly [-] meters, the crew members didn't have much interest in admiring the scenery, or they couldn't appreciate it at all, because the surroundings of the battleship were already filled with real blood.

Although mostly green.

It seems unbelievable, but because the swarms are too densely surrounded, no one can get close under the barrage attack of the warships. As a result, a large amount of insect corpses and insect blood are produced too fast, creating a feeling like a torrential rain in the sky. , but raindrops are those things.

It was both shocking and terrifying.

The retreat of the swarm was very unstable this time. In dense places, the swarms were clustered together; in sparse places, even the gunners of the battleship were unwilling to waste bullets to attack.

After the commanders received the order to rush into these retreating swarms, the gunners' eyes were bloodshot, and they aimed excitedly at the dense areas.

A string of cannonballs smashed past, and even the densest swarm would become sparse, and then become abnormally empty.

As the main gunner of the six-barreled rapid-fire gun on the side of an assault ship, Chong Yu is very satisfied with the results of his battle.Since the start of the war, in less than half an hour, countless bugs have died on his hands.Even Fu Gunner, who was in charge of changing the ammunition and had spare time to observe the results of the battle, could only give a vague number of "probably a few hundred".

Such achievements, combined with his current technology after the war, it is easy to get the title of "elite rapid-fire gunner", and adding a "glory friend" medal is almost a certainty.

As for promotion, Chong Yu is not very enthusiastic about it.Although it was indeed a good thing, he thought he was very lucky, and he could see things clearly.

There are quite a few reserve officers in the Pengzu, but most of them are long-term students of the military academy; while most of the existing officers are students of the short-term assault class. Adding up the two, the number of military officers is enough to be used within a few years.

At the same time, in Chong Yu's view, if he wants to be promoted, it's okay to jump up to the rank of sergeant and become a sergeant major. If he becomes the gunner of a battleship, he can continue his old job, but if he is promoted to a second lieutenant, it will be a disaster. up.

If he didn't make it right, he would be thrown into the Marine Corps. Taking dozens of people with him was a good thing for others, but it was a bad thing for him that couldn't be worse.

Because he is used to doing things according to other people's decisions, how easy it is.

Moreover, he also believed that it was impossible for his superiors to do anything harmful to him. After all, everyone on the battleship was a grasshopper on a rope, and everyone would be unlucky if they were in danger.

Therefore, at this time, thinking back on the heavy rain of his victories, he is more concerned about titles and medals that can increase his honor, welfare, and hidden status.

However, this is also a post-war problem.

After the deputy gunner reminded that the reload was over, Chong Yu immediately woke up from his contemplation. It is not a good thing to be distracted at this time.

The ammunition of electromagnetic weapons is very simple, so it is not difficult to load nearly [-] rounds in a standard magazine.

Of course, that refers to the battleship turret controlled by Heavy Rain at this time.

After twisting the joystick, Chong Yu took the time to smile and encouraged the deputy gunner beside him: "It only took 30 seconds this time, the speed has increased, boy, go back and buy you a drink."

The deputy gunner is related to the security protection of the unnoticed area and the ammunition attack when the turret is firing. It is necessary to have a good relationship.

"Hey, practice makes perfect."

Using chat to soothe the spirit during the battle has basically become a routine between the two, but at this time the deputy gunner unexpectedly did not wait for Chong Yu's answer.

He looked up suspiciously, but was surprised to find that, holding on to the rapid-fire cannon, the heavy rain that had killed hundreds of bugs before was staring straight ahead with a frightened expression on his face.

"What's the matter?" While asking, the deputy gunner felt uneasy, and turned his head to look in the direction Chong Yu was looking at: "Then, what is that!"

Looking along the line of sight of the heavy rain, several tentacles at least one meter thick suddenly appeared in the distance where several layers of insect swarms were pried open, and at the tips of the tentacles, shining light was being produced.

This became the last scene the two saw.

At this moment, many people have changed and many things have changed.

The battleship group, which had been chasing the Zerg retreating troops and fighting happily, did not notice the fact that they had rushed into the Zerg dense area at all, and the floating position was already behind the Zerg defense line.

Maybe they have noticed, but they just think that now their side has the advantage, and the surrounding Zerg are nothing to worry about.

However, the sudden change completely disrupted the command of the entire battleship group.

Three giant tentacle monsters, with a body tens of meters long and longer tentacles, the plasma ball from the tentacles slammed heavily on the nearest assault ship.

But for a moment, the assault ship was hit by hundreds of football-sized plasma balls, causing debris to fly.

Even if the pilot reacted quickly the moment he found out that he was under a powerful attack, and made high-speed maneuvers without waiting for the captain's order, because the enemy was too close, under such a high-intensity saturation attack, he was still destroyed by the plasma. The ball chipped away all the turrets and most of the field engine casings.

In an instant, they had to face a major crisis.

Without the barrage provided by the external turret, the Zerg can immediately approach the attacking warship. No matter how hard the shell is, the only result in the face of so many bugs can be imagined.

What's more troublesome is that the maneuverability of a spaceship lacking a magnetic field engine exoskeleton drops by 90% almost instantly, and only the pumice engine is left to support the spaceship's suspension, but how long can it last under passive beating?

The next moment, the commanders of the battleship group had just reacted to the attack, and before they had time to respond to the current situation, the front-end assault ship, which lost its maneuverability, ushered in another saturation attack in despair.

This time, not only those plasma balls, but also corrosive white mist and dense energy balls.

If it was just the latter things, it would be a little more troublesome in front of battleships with experience in dealing with them, but after the plasma ball smashed through the defenses, no matter how strong the battleship skeleton and armor were, they could do nothing.

The assault ship that knocked down piles of swarms of insects like a beast a minute ago turned into parts in an instant, and fell to the ground like the rain of insect corpses before.

The few surviving energy body attendants wanted to fly out of the wreckage of the battleship, but were quickly surrounded by dense swarms of insects. In desperation, they turned into clusters of energy explosion halos, sending out the final brilliance and taking away thousands of people. The Zerg also paid their own lives.

And these flashes of light finally woke up the shocked commanders.


Lieutenant General Dia, who watched all this from a distance, let out a mournful cry, clenched his fists and even the telescope made of alloy became a waste product: "Immediately order the assault fleet to retreat! The battleship formation raises its height to assist in the rescue!  … ..."

However, this order seems to be a bit late.

After the initial assault ship suffered losses, the commanders of the three assault ship squadrons realized belatedly that the battleship they were on was more or less scarred due to continuous battles.Many scars on the exoskeleton of the magnetic field engine directly affected the maneuverability of the assault ship.

Even a 5% reduction in mobility is fatal at this time.

Some warships turned quickly, while others turned slowly. The battleship group was supposed to change formation according to the standard of training, but it suddenly became messy due to the differences between the warships.

At this time, the three Zergs, which looked obviously the same as the extremely dangerous tentacle monsters in the 03 bulletin, had already started to turn their flexible tentacle cannons and aimed at these assault ships.

Lieutenant General Dia's heart twitched, and he directly contacted all the captains of the assault ships through the spiritual network, and issued a rational diameter from the standpoint of a bystander: "End the retreat, build a defensive front on the spot, and kill the three-headed tentacle monster with all your strength. Otherwise, you won’t be able to withdraw at all!”

This is a fact.

After seeing what happened to their predecessors, these captains actually had this idea, but on the one hand, their nature of seeking good luck and avoiding evil caused them to have a fluke mentality; be consistent.

As a result, just as the assault ship started to turn its muzzle to attack the three-headed tentacle monster, another wave of plasma ball attack combined with Zerg's surprise attack in the sky, corrosion ball attack, and corrosion white mist hit the ground again. Nine... No, it's the surface of eight assault ships.

The two closest assault ships shared most of the tentacle monster's plasma balls. Due to old injuries and attacks from other Zerg units, the originally hard shell was directly pried open the armor layer, exposing the skeleton inside.

At this time, because the distance was too short, the tentacle monster was inevitably hit by attacks from other warships.

Amidst the shrill neighing, a tentacle monster was bombarded by the main guns of five assault ships because of its position, and its internal organs ruptured.Although it barely floated in the air due to unknown reasons, the tip of the tentacle was hit in a critical position, and it was unable to launch a plasma attack.

This gave the members of the battleship group who suffered heavy losses a little bit of psychological comfort, and several commanders who were overjoyed at the beginning of "winning" suddenly jumped to the grief of "the fleet was surrounded", and then fell into panic , and finally calmed down.

But calmness cannot be exchanged for experience and the past.

The two assault ships that had exposed their skeletons and lost their shell defenses were soon besieged by swarms of insects that were originally separated by armor and barrage.Although the internal members fought with all their strength, the pumice power mechanism at the core of the interior was damaged. Although the overall body still had a certain level of floating ability, because the balance was broken, the hull tilted nearly [-] degrees, and the interior was in chaos.

If this continues, they will obviously inevitably encounter the footsteps of their predecessors.

And the weight of thousands of tons is not something Youshen can rely on to rescue.What's more, when the fleet had problems, the Zerg suddenly launched a counterattack.Lacking the line of defense of the assault ship fleet, Youshen didn't dare to leave the floating turrets, the largest firepower outputters in the sky at this time, otherwise these turrets would be killed by the Zerg in the next moment, and the result after that was self-evident.


Lieutenant General Dia quickly calculated the current situation, one plan after another appeared but was rejected, but time waited for no one.

Soon, he made a decision: "The third and second assault formations form a box formation, and attack the two tentacle monsters with all their strength! The damaged warships of the first assault fleet immediately lower their altitude!"

The first assault ship fleet was the fastest to advance and suffered the most damage.

At this time, one of the First Assault Fleet fell and two were seriously injured.

If there is no response, the two seriously injured ships will inevitably lose their floating power and fall to the ground. After all, the output of the magnetic field engine is not enough to float the 2000-ton battleship.

Instead of this, it is better to take the initiative to land and still survive.

But now a question is, how to land under the attack of the swarm?This requires the attack of the remaining six assault ships to attract the enemy's attention.

After receiving the order, the commanders did not make any extraordinary actions this time. Although the assault ship fleet was densely populated with Zerg, the length of more than 100 meters and the barrage attack regardless of consumption still opened a way.

Based on the protection of the six assault ships in the sky, the rapid-fire guns are all used to deal with the approaching bugs, while the main guns on the assault ship are used to deal with the two tentacle monsters in the distance.

At this time, the assault ship Thunder Cannon, which had been in a silent state, also began to attack.

It was an experimental weapon, only three Barracudas in the team were equipped with it.

The war was stable before, and no one was willing to use this kind of experimental weapon at the risk of explosion, but now no one cares about it.Controlled by the energy body, the three assault ships equipped with thunder cannons acted as arrows, and instead of being solid, the thunder grid that presented a mesh quickly cleared the swarm of insects in front of the battleship.

Surprisingly, when the plasma ball emitted by the tentacle monster was touched by this kind of lightning net, it disappeared without any reaction.

This kind of unexpected harvest shocked morale, and under the bombardment of the main artillery, another tentacle monster was smashed with most of its tentacles flying, and withdrew from the battle when the insect swarm used its body as a barrier.

There was only one tentacle monster left. Although the surrounding swarms were very annoying, with the Thunder Cannon blocking the plasma ball, many rapid-fire cannons were released to deal with the surrounding swarms, and the crisis seemed to have weakened a little.

But the house leaked every night rain.

Of the two assault ships that were landing, one of them suddenly exploded violently.

Looking for the reputation, people realized that they were already directly above the swarm's position because they rushed too deep in the previous pursuit.The two warships that fell were completely in the position of the swarm. It was probably the Zerg anti-aircraft turret that was built this afternoon, and they almost attacked the two warships without any scruples.

Relying on his teammates to block another assault ship that escaped, he hurriedly took advantage of the emptiness created by the explosion of the battleship beside him, turned his head and accelerated towards the Dongshan position.

However, because the engine was severely damaged, the trajectory of the battleship was obliquely rushing towards the area between the positions of the two armies.

The danger is that because the Zerg is attacking the Dongshan position, this so-called middle area is densely populated with a large number of Zerg at this time.


Even after being bombarded with less than half of its shell, the Barracuda-class assault ship that was more than 100 meters long and weighed several thousand tons still left a long bloodstain in the 'middle area'.After running over an unknown number of bugs, it finally crashed and stopped under a cliff below the Dongshan position, the bow of the ship was seriously twisted.

And around the point where it fell, densely packed jumping spiders and giant elephants discouraged the troops who wanted to rescue them.

In the sky, the fleet, which was affected by the changes of the two assault ships below and reacted sluggishly for a moment, soon suffered a bitter fruit.The tentacle monster that had lost its bombardment ability suddenly attacked and captured an assault ship, and the other tentacle monster fired again with more than 20 tentacles all over its body.

In the dim night sky, the bright plasma ball drew a straight trajectory like a flare, and smashed towards the flagship of the third assault ship squadron, Harayama, which was at the forefront.

At a critical moment, the gunner controlling the main gun hastily turned the main gun, which was not a Thunder cannon but a heavy-caliber heavy gun, and fired a heavy 205mm electromagnetic gun at the tentacle monster in the distance, and was immediately hit by a plasma ball. At the bow, the main gun shaft lost power.

Although he was not hit directly, the main gunner was one of the many victims because of the deformation of the control cabin.

The front of the Yuanshan was hit directly, the front bridge and the upper turret were all destroyed, and the main bridge escaped by accident.Because the hull was facing the tentacle monsters in the distance, the area of ​​impact was much smaller, and many plasma ball shells just grazed the hull, so it seemed that the damage was serious, but it was much lighter than the previous two assault ships.

And the next moment, after the tentacle monster attacked, the assault troops reacted and launched another salvo of main guns, successfully killing the tentacle monster.

But now is not an easy time. The poor Wind Valley was caught by the tentacle monster with damaged internal organs but full of fighting spirit. The crew members in the hull could even hear the skeleton and hull shell made of special alloy steel, The creaking sound produced by being squeezed by a huge force.

In desperation, the captain decisively ordered the entire magnetic field engine to fully exert its power, and rushed towards the assault ship that fell below the cliff of the Dongshan defense line in the distance.

"Wind Valley announced that this ship will land directly, others don't need to worry, please return to Dongshan defense line as soon as possible!"

After finishing speaking, Captain Fenggu said to the bridge members fiercely: "Everyone is prepared for impact resistance, don't worry about the problem of the battleship, at worst, go back and get a new one! Hit me hard on the ground, I can't do it Tentacles can be stronger than steel!"

This order indicates that the entire assault ship will likely be scrapped, and the crew will also be accompanied by the crew of the previous downed assault ship.

But at this moment, no one in the room objected.

Anyway, the current situation can't get any worse.

"Come on everyone, let me show you how powerful I am in the fantasy world, ahahaha!"

The most excited driver pushed the output of the magnetic field engine to the maximum without giving everyone any time to react.

At this time, some parts of the hull have been squeezed and broken by the tentacle monster. If they don't react, even if they hit the ground, they will only end up disintegrating.

Like the graceful little birds that have only been seen occasionally in recent years, the Valley of the Wind draws a smooth arc in the sky, bringing the tentacle monsters that are not letting go, and knocks a large group of bugs into the air, opening a passage for the fleet. At the same time, it bypassed the fleet and slanted towards the sea of ​​insects on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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