Spore Story

Chapter 721 Dongshan Defense Line: Strategies

Chapter 721 Dongshan Defense Line: Strategies

The chaotic sound echoed in my ears, and Lan Jiu, who was in a trance, tried his best to control his consciousness to gather some scattered mental power, and the energy followed the mental power to gradually stop the collapsing movement, and was attracted by the regained consciousness. It continuously condenses and finally gathers into the original energy body form.

Afterwards, the memory came back little by little.

It was like, we fell off.

Habitually reaching out to press his forehead, Lan Jiu hesitated for a moment, and finally opened his eyes, but the originally stable energy body was now flickering, and there was even a lot of undissipated light in the surrounding space It should be the energy that has dissipated from this body but has not yet disappeared.

Regardless of Sanqi 21, Lan Jiu first brought these light spots back into his body with mental power, and only then did he have a little strength to support his body and stand up slowly.

Different from ordinary people, the energyized line of sight sweeps around, seeing far more clearly and cruelly than ordinary people.

The condition of the bridge was dire.

The usually active captain was already trapped in the twisted captain's seat at this time, and he had no breath for a long time.

In the eyes, a fragile light group above the captain's head is floating and shrinking.

Surprised in his heart, Lan Jiu used most of his mental power to quickly sweep across the entire bridge regardless of the fact that his body also needs mental power to maintain.

"Is that all there is?" The rescue of the dead was far from easy as expected.

It seems that the ratio of the death of the living and the generation of ghosts among the friends is relatively high every year, but that is because many people have early warnings, and most of them die in hospitals.On the battlefield, the rescue of dead souls is actually not ideal, because dead souls dissipate too fast, even if they are soul level, if they are not awakened after they are produced, then sleeping dead souls will continue to dissipate until they disappear.

At this time, the light clusters of dead souls floating in front of Lan Jiu's eyes varied in size, but there were only six of them left.

As his eyes swept across the entire bridge, only he himself was left in the bridge of 21 people.

"Fortunately, it can be saved so much."

Carefully supporting his body and sitting next to the captain's seat, Lan Jiu let out a heavy sigh of relief.

Since the captain's soul was saved, and the other party was also a soul-level man, but couldn't be energyized because he was behind in the queue, the corpse wouldn't be so scary at this time.But in order to protect the six souls and to restrain his own body, Lan Jiu didn't have the energy to do other things.

Even though he knew that there were definitely more dead souls outside the bridge who needed to be rescued, there was nothing he could do, because the only result of over-rescue was that none of them could be rescued.

However, although he chose to ignore these things, and it was impossible for his eyes that had already been quantized to shed tears, his heart was still full of sadness.

"No, you shouldn't have to worry. I'm definitely not the only one who survived. As long as it's a ghost-level advanced stage, at least one dead soul can be saved."

In this way to comfort himself, Lan Jiu carefully gathered a few dead souls, and did not rush to wake them up through mental shock, because he had never been a priest, and he didn't know the dead souls that had dissipated for a while before, even It is a soul-level dead soul, whether it can withstand its own mental shock, this kind of thing is left to professionals.

Moreover, when the dead souls are awakened at this time, what will they think when they see their corpses and the corpses of their teammates?
That's just a supplementary reason.

Shaking his head to drive these wild thoughts out of his head, Lan Jiu took a deep breath, and suddenly remembered that there seemed to be calcium carbide in stock in the bridge.If you can find a little bit, by absorbing the energy in the calcium carbide, your body can also recover quickly.

As soon as he thought of it, he hurriedly waved his limbs, hurriedly pulled away the captain's body, and then twisted the drawer that could be opened and began to search.

"Ah! Found it!"

Two standard calcium carbides exuding faint fluorescence were placed in the captain's drawer. Due to posture problems, Lan Jiu, who couldn't move his hands, simply rolled up the two calcium carbides with his tentacles.

However, just as he was about to absorb it, the earth trembled violently as if angry.

Lan Jiu, who was already exhausted, was unsteady with his tentacles, and the calcium carbide rolled towards the opening at the front of the bridge.

"do not want!"

Subconsciously bent forward and wanted to grab the life-saving straw, but was attracted by gravity and fell directly to the gap, rolled down a few times, and Lan Jiu and calcium carbide fell into the gap together.And even in mid-air, he still firmly grasped the calcium carbide that he caught halfway with both hands, and the six dead souls were protected by him in his arms.

Soon, there was a heavy impact on the back, and the energyized body even trembled slightly.

But fortunately, because of the long time of energyization, the fit between his body energy and consciousness is already very high, and there is no danger of a little impact on his rather solid body at this time, otherwise, before he just woke up, he would have been injured because of The energy was unstable and dissipated and died.

"It's unfortunate."

Complaining like this, Lan Jiu, who was about to turn his head to look at the surrounding situation, shrank his pupils when he saw the porthole.

Through the cracked porthole on the side of the fall, a shocking scene was reflected in his pupils: a relatively intact Barracuda-class assault ship was carrying a bright energy light obviously produced by the full output of the magnetic field engine, dragging Moving a tens of meters long tentacle monster wrapped in the shell, it kept sliding on the ground.

The insect corpses splashed at the junction where the hull was in contact with the ground. Whether it was a dog or a giant elephant, the only result of this kind of impact was to turn into muddy flesh, and the splashed mud completely covered the contact point between the hull and the ground.

As the hull continuously pushed the soil forward, obvious cracks began to appear.

As for the tentacle monster that seemed to be stealing chickens, it was struggling violently to get rid of it at this time, and because it was too tight before, it was now being carried by the spaceship and it was getting tighter.

The biggest problem is:
Why is the direction of the assault ship charging on the ground exactly at the wreckage of the battleship where Lan Jiu is!
"No! Damn it!"

His body was shaking and he wanted to get out of the possible route of the hundreds of meters long warship as soon as possible. Only at this time was he horrified to find that when he fell from the bridge before, he seemed to have pried some fragile parts of the wreckage.So much so that under the constant shaking of the ground, several loose armor plates fell down and just pressed his body.

In normal times, these armor plates weighing only one or two tons are not enough to look at at all, and it is easy to push them away or deform them.

However, at this moment, Lan Jiu, who was seriously injured, didn't even have the strength to support his body to stand up, and he was even more powerless to deform.

After a moment of panic, he finally calmed down.

With a wry smile, Lan Jiu simply laid his body flat on the ground, glanced casually at the assault ship in the distance, and then turned his gaze back to his arms.

"I didn't expect that I would end my life here, but it's a pity that everyone is with me."

The six groups of dead souls in his arms floated quietly, as peaceful as a sleeping baby.

Looking down at the calcium carbide in his hand, Lan Jiu didn't care about the approaching assault ship in the distance. After thinking for a while, he let go of his hands, and then watched the two calcium carbides fall beside him, making a crisp impact sound Finally, it rolled down the sloping deck and fell to the ground, and finally disappeared from his sight.

Although absorbing calcium carbide can restore some of his abilities, it is not enough for him to escape.

Therefore, instead of completely dissipating the energy of the two calcium carbides due to death after absorbing them, it is better to save them and wait for the rescue force to recover the wreckage after killing the Zerg.

"Could it be that my life is only worth two calcium carbide?" Lan Jiu made a self-deprecating smile, but it was just a joke.

As for the victory of the friends, he has always believed in it, even now.

But at this moment, there was a harsh sound of steel cracking outside.

Although it seems that he has no fear of life and death, it does not prevent Lan Jiu from seeing the existence that may cause his real death, but the next moment, his face becomes weird.

The eyes of the energy body don't need to worry about being invisible at night, so he can see clearly. When the assault ship in the distance was about 600 meters away from the wreckage where he was, the engine suddenly exerted force to make a subtle attack. posture adjustment.

Although this adjustment directly caused the entire warship to reverse its forward balance, it also caused the assault ship to deviate from its original direction and turn to hit the cliff beside Lanju's location.

And at this moment, because there was a tentacle monster wrapped around the top of the hull that wanted to leave but couldn't, after the hull turned over, the unlucky child was directly crushed.

Then, due to the damage to the internal structure of the hull, the assault ship broke from it the moment it ran over the corpse of the tentacle monster.

Afterwards, the assault ship that was broken into two rolled and slammed into the Zerg that had avoided its direction of advance, but now happened to be in the direction of rolling because of the breakage of the battleship. Standard 'Y' character.

In the end, half of the ship hit the cliff on the west side where Lan Jiu was located, and dropped a pile of gravel; the other half of the ship rubbed against the wreckage of Lan Jiu's battleship, and smashed dangerously on the cliff on the east side , Knock down a few stones again.

Lan Jiu was still in a daze until there was nothing in front of him and the splashed soil fell to the ground again.

"No, not dead?"

This situation makes people extremely speechless, but at least it is a good thing to be alive.

What's more, Lan Jiu is not alone. He still protects six dead souls. These dead souls who have experienced real war and death will become excellent battleship commanders after they join the soul world for training and become soul-level.

Of course, Lan Jiu didn't think so much, he just hoped that he and his comrades could survive.

But so what if he didn't die?How should I leave next?
"Send ground troops to launch an assault! We must rescue these warriors!"

Two consecutive assault ships rolled over the middle area of ​​the battlefield, crushing a bunch of Zerg, which unexpectedly caused the pressure on the ground defense troops to be greatly reduced.After the battleships in the sky stabilized their formation, they finally returned to the sky above the Dongshan defensive position. The normal Zerg units lacking tentacle monsters as the main force, although the threat is not small, can still be dealt with under the all-round defense of the position.

At this time, in addition to the assault ship that exploded in the air at the beginning, and it can be confirmed that there is no survivor, there are two assault ships that may have survivors and need to be rescued.

"Judging from the arc of the fall of the Wind Valley and the previous Moon Flower, the crew members among them have a high probability of surviving. Elder Youshen couldn't be dispatched for a while, but several soul-levels have managed to get close to the scanning situation!"

"In any case, we must rescue!" Lieutenant General Dia set the tone for the meeting, so that even if some people had various considerations, they would not raise objections at this time.

"However, judging from the situation at the scene, although a large area of ​​Zerg has been cleared, there are too many Zerg, and they still surround the wreckage area. However, they have not actively attacked..."

A commander pointed out the core of everyone's concerns: "It is obvious to encircle the spot for reinforcements, but this is something we have to consider."

As for how the Zerg would think of this method, that's not a question that the commanders should care about.After the previous ambush encounter, the complacency in these guys' hearts has dropped to the lowest point, especially for several commanders in battleship command.

Although he was very satisfied with this mature change, Lieutenant General Dia felt heartbroken after paying such a high price.

It is precisely because of this that he strongly calls for rescue, otherwise it will leave a very bad example and memory for others and himself.Doing nothing at all is a very controversial topic when I was studying conducting.

Some people make 'rational' choices about whether to save or not to save in various situations based on the comparison of effort and gain;

Some people think purely emotionally, thinking that in any situation, no matter how much they pay, they should be saved.

But when they are in it, everyone here clearly understands that reality is often not as simple as opening their mouths.

If they don't save them, neither they nor the soldiers around them will be able to raise their heads again; but if they are saved...how should they be saved?
"Captain, let us go to the assault group, we are tired of staying in the fort all the time!"

"No," the staff officer beside him pointed at the map and shook his head.

The defense line of Dongshan is located on the top of Dongshan, so it is very easy to rush down, even when the swarms of insects were dense before. However, the area where the two assault ships fell happened to be in the direction of the cliff on the other side of Dongshan. Rush down the hillside, and then pass through the dense swarm of insects around the entire cave mountain range to reach it.

What's more, after arriving, you need to organize a period of defense, while you have time to save people and organize, the danger in this can be imagined.

"What about the deployment of the battleship?"

"No, the assault ship formation is seriously damaged now, the defense is barely adequate, and the attack is still insufficient. The capital ship may be okay in pure air combat, but it will definitely need to land to respond at that time. Facing a large number of ground Zerg, the main force without the advantage of flying The ship might not be able to save people but needs to be rescued, that would be even more troublesome."

Although the words were harsh, the staff officers knew the reason and could only remain silent.

But the problem now is that no matter what, a solution needs to be considered.

When the headquarters urgently discussed countermeasures, the intensity of the defensive battle was still maintained at a moderate level, but perhaps seeing that the friends had not done anything so far, the Zerg surrounding the wreckage began to approach the wreckage. Some long-range attack, The monster like the poisonous hydra spewed out a few balls of liquid from time to time and hit the edge of the wreckage in the distance.

At this time, any fool could see what the Zerg was thinking.

If you don't save them, they will attack directly.

This is basically a conspiracy. Unless they don't care about the life and death of the warriors, they have no choice but to save them even if they know they are going to be stopped by the army.

This is the experience accumulated in the Zerg wars with many civilized races, and it has radiated to all Zerg commanders.But now, as the battle continued, the Zerg also began to face up to the friends, and of course they began to use tactics in the battle.

This makes people not know whether to be happy or depressed.

The staff officers of the headquarters who received the movement of the Zerg calmed down instead.Facing the successive requests for battle from the marines and battleship formations, the commander who had just gotten rid of his complacency and recovered his composure knew very well that the impatience in the hearts of the frontline troops was actually suppressed. If the wreckage continued to be attacked by the Zerg, it would not be a certain frontline commander Officials will make decisions without authorization and act independently thinking they have nothing to do.

There must be a solution as soon as possible.

Lieutenant General Dia rubbed his forehead, staring at the sand table of the Dongshan defense line in front of him.

At this time, the armored man who was in charge of communication suddenly appeared in his line of sight. Looking at the specially modified finger claws on the front of the armored soldier's hands, his eyes lit up.

"I know what to do!"

Soon, after summing up the experience and lessons, they were ready to fight another underground battle with the Zerg, but because the Zerg failed in the previous underground raid and did nothing, the underground troops who became idlers received the order.

At the same time, another assault gorge was deployed from the ground defense line to cooperate with the underground troops. After leaving the defense line with a small amount of heavy weapons, they came to the cave that appeared during the previous underground war.

So far, there is only one regiment of 1500 left in the defense force of the ground marines.

At this time, the troops of the Heavy Artillery Regiment had to mobilize part of the supplementary line of defense.

The most important thing in underground raid warfare is stealth.

The bugs suffered a disastrous defeat because of exposure before, and Lieutenant General Dia didn't want his underground troops to suffer the same result due to exposure this time.Therefore, in order to confuse the Zerg, a Thunder-class from the capital ship formation and a Barracuda-class from the assault ship formation were also deployed to form a temporary formation and move along the defense line to the wreckage area in the sky, giving the Zerg a kind of "friends launching rescue from the sky" 'The illusion.

Although it was impossible to analyze whether the Zerg was really fooled, the Zerg troops attacking the wreckage temporarily stopped their movements, and from time to time sent long-range attacks to hit the wreckage area, adding pressure to the friends.

At this time, the density of long-range air-to-air attack troops such as Vipers located on the outskirts of the wreckage area began to increase.

Another Monday has started, so we recommend and support you.

(End of this chapter)

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