Spore Story

Chapter 722 Dongshan Defense Line: Preparation

Chapter 722 Dongshan Defense Line: Preparation

Thank you for the tip of Canon in D minor, ga=w=
With the assistance of dozens of energy bodies, the rescue force is carefully digging a mountain passage to the wreckage area; while in the sky, two battleships are used as bait to attract the Zerg's attention.

As for the headquarters, Lieutenant General Dia also began to contact Xinpeng Island, reporting the situation while also discussing the current situation.In his view, the reality facing the Dongshan defense line is that the possibility of continuing to defend has fallen to the lowest. No matter what the reason is, it is time for the heavy artillery regiment to withdraw.

"Quick, put away the stand, the first group is responsible for carrying the ammunition!"

"Why hasn't the third group arrived yet?"

"Report, the delivery of the shelling components of Group 21 has been completed!"

"The eleventh group continued to shoot, the target..."


After the evacuation order was issued, the first to evacuate were the three artillery groups that attacked the small outlying Zerg bases.After all were transported onto the cargo ship, the shelling teams that were attacking the Zerg meteorite base followed, but in order to avoid the enemy from discovering the situation in advance through the changes in the shelling, the shelling of these shelling teams continued, and for the time being, they were only targeting the ammunition. Carried out, leaving only three shots per battery.

According to the plan, these shelling groups will not evacuate until the rescue operation officially begins.

At this moment, several shelling teams around were packing their bags and returning to the cargo spaceship. The head of the strategic heavy artillery regiment stood upright on the shelling position and looked up at the sky, looking at the battleship group full of scars in his sight. Very uncomfortable.

It's not that he's blaming anyone, it's just that he feels that the effect of using the strategic heavy artillery regiment in actual combat for the first time is not satisfactory, so he is a little worried about the future.

"After we go back, maybe we should submit a mobile vehicle for making ultra-long-range heavy artillery."

If the ultra-long-range heavy artillery this time also has the same maneuverability as the self-propelled artillery, with the protection of the tanks and fleet of the Marine Corps, under mobile operations, how could the third combat group become the current situation of being passively beaten.

It is a pity that there are still too few technical personnel in Pengzu, or the overall population is too small.

Even though the proportion of Pengren technicians accounted for 37%, due to the large number of alternative research projects, most technicians can only focus on a few key technologies.

Many alternative research projects, as long as they are not confirmed to be extremely urgent, generally can only be postponed.

This is helpless.

Shaking his head, he threw his odds and ends into the wooden box handed over by the orderly, and watched the armored orderly seal the wooden box skillfully and carry it to the cargo ship behind. One shelling team, gradually reduced to six shelling teams' shelling positions against the meteorite base, and forced myself to cheer up.

"There's still a long way to go."

After straightening out his clothes, the regiment leader flapped his wings and flew to the floating fort where the command headquarters was located in the distance.And beside it, the five wingman guards who were in charge of protecting it also followed closely.

At this time, the floating 'rescue' formation used to attract the enemy had just moved slowly over the cliff.

This place is not far from where the wreckage of the two assault ships fell. Although the bugs there showed a look of indifference, surrounding the wreckage and attacking without pain, the formation stopped.This caused a slight commotion in the swarm, but the commander of the other side seemed to have made some decision, which quickly made the swarm retreat a little insignificantly.

One side wanted to rescue, but stopped; the besieger on the other side deliberately stepped aside. This weird scene made the insiders in the two warships dumbfounded, but they were helpless.

"According to the plan, we will shell the swarm here, but the timing of the shelling must be flexibly adjusted according to the current actual situation. The only premise is that we must cooperate with the ground rescue force."

"How about the investigation of the wreckage area?" the captain of the capital ship on the bridge asked in a deep voice.

"There were a lot of casualties. There may not be more than 100 surviving individuals detected, including the dead souls that can be awakened." The adjutant looked sad, but recovered quickly: "But not long ago, the souls who went to the edge of the cliff in this place The members of the super team have already contacted three of the energy bodies, and they are discussing the specific rescue plan."

"Hey, that's fine."

Although some automation technology has been adopted, Pengzu has not accumulated much technology in this area, so there are more than 200 crew members on an assault ship.

There were at least 400 people on the two assault ships, but less than 100 survived, even people and dead souls. This number of casualties is shocking enough for friends who have not had many wars.

In fact, the reason why the second assault ship that fell actively caused such a large loss was the disintegration during the fall, which had to be done in order to kill the tentacle monster and avoid colliding with the wreckage of the previous ship deflection.Under the circumstances at the time, it was a helpless move to do so, so no one complained.

What's more, the captains of the two battleships have died, leaving only one vacillating ghost standing still, and the behavior of finding a scapegoat has not yet risen in the friends.

After paying tribute to the victims in his heart, the captain of the capital ship suddenly raised his head and asked, "Can the wounded be able to move? How are the specific rescue arrangements?"

The correspondent hurriedly asked these questions about the soul level in the investigation ahead, and immediately got a reply: "The dead souls dissipate quickly, and among the surviving individuals who are capable of rescuing the dead souls, there are not many original souls above the middle stage of the soul level, so there are only 31 dead souls." was rescued."

"In addition, the survivors are all injured. However, if they go underground, they should be fine with mutual support." Frowning slightly, the adjutant who heard the news obviously made the adjutant in charge of the report a little sad: "The trouble now is , some survivors were caught by the deformed hull and could not move, and the members of the two assault ships were saving each other, but in order to avoid being discovered by bugs, the rescue movement was not much."

"The subsequent rescue plan is that after the underground troops arrived under the wreckage, we began to block the shelling to provide time for the troops to transfer. Then, the ground troops made actions to attract the Zerg attack, and then detonated two assault ships."

"Can it go well?" Frowning and looking at the insect swarm in the distance, the capital ship captain chose to trust the soldiers: "Okay, continue as planned. By the way, what about the underground troops?"


The real rescue force operation is not easy at this time.

According to the plan, they should dig all the way and keep approaching the wreckage area, but when they dug up the underground battlefield with the Zerg in the mountain, and then turned to the bottom of the wreckage below the cliff, the leader soul-level energy body in the shape of a armored man in the team Suddenly stopped.

Before everyone expressed their doubts, he explained.

It turned out that, using mental power scanning and pathfinding, he found that there were many stratum structures made by Zerg digging bugs under the wreckage.

Although there is no way to be sure that it must be the masterpiece of the excavator or other Zerg in the mental power, but out of caution, the attendants of the team leader still feel that they should make adjustments to the possible ambush forces of the Zerg underground.

The situation was quickly reported to the headquarters, and after some discussion, the evacuation plan was temporarily suspended.

Through the soul-level transit on the front line, the command contacted the survivors in the wreckage.

After the wreckage of the second assault ship hit the cliff and stopped, Lan Jiu was unable to get out because he was suppressed by the armor. Luckily, Lan Jiu was rescued by another surviving original person, and soon Quickly absorbed a large amount of calcium carbide energy, survived completely, and became the leader of the wreckage area.

After receiving the notification from the headquarters that there might be an ambush underground, he quickly organized the survivors of the ship to assemble in the warehouse area.

After deciding that the Zerg would not attack in a short period of time, everyone discussed and decided to adopt the suggestion of the headquarters and unite with the survivors in the other two wreckages through the shallow underground.Let all the survivors get together, and then respond flexibly, and better cooperate with the underground team according to the plan.

"The plan is very risky. I have just discussed it with the leader of the assault ship on the other side. The other party accepted the suggestion and chose to gather in the wreckage area in the middle of us." Lan Jiu looked at all the wounded team members with a serious face, with a tone of voice Grateful: "Although it is because we are in the middle section, it is also out of trust in us. Therefore, everyone must cooperate with this rescue operation!"


Everyone stood up, especially the six armored men who survived by accident. They will be the main force in excavating the shallow underground passage.

Although there are more people protecting them, and the place where the Zerg may exist at this time is the stratum below 50 meters, everyone still dare not take it lightly.

"Captain, what do you think?" Lan Jiu turned to look beside him.

"Now you are the team leader. I don't have any opinions. Please feel free to do it." The dead soul floating beside Lan Jiu is the captain who was rescued before.

After the survivors gathered on the ship, the captain and two other soul-level dead souls have been awakened by some of the crew members who have experience in priests.

However, due to the excessive damage, the three soul-level dead souls were still weak even though they retained their soul-level ranks. Moreover, many things seemed unfamiliar to them as dead souls for the first time, and they were no longer qualified to continue serving as commanders.

Therefore, the three soul-levels simply took over the task of protecting the rest of the rescued souls, and formed a temporary temple domain at the wreckage location.

The main command work was handed over by the captain, and the deputy captain Lan Jiu was in charge.

Now, the captain wants Lan Jiu to learn to make his own decisions.

Seeing the captain's reaction, Lan Jiu didn't say much. After nodding his head heavily, he turned to look at the rest of the survivors and began to assign tasks.

At this moment, the underground troops have also received orders from the headquarters, and began to dig a passage carefully from the cave mountain, intending to open a passage at the junction of the cliff and the ground, so that there is no need to pass through and may be garrisoned by the Zerg. The underground area is too risky.

(End of this chapter)

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