Spore Story

Chapter 723 Chapter 63 Dongshan Defense Line: Contest

Chapter 723 No.60 Three Dongshan Defense Lines: Contest

The sky has completely darkened, and it looks like it will be a lightless night.

The wreckage area is 60 meters deep underground, and nearly a hundred latent teams composed of a digging worm and three ground thorn spiders are quietly staying deep underground.

They really wanted to ambush here, just as the friends had thought before.However, their main ambush targets were the two warships that wanted to approach the wreckage area from the sky, and they did not expect that the friends would pass through from the ground.But if you think that in this way, the underground troops can easily rescue the survivors directly through the obstruction of these underground Zerg, then you are completely wrong.

Digging bugs are the most advanced underground digging troops among the Zerg. Its combat effectiveness is extremely weak, but it has digging capabilities and stratum early warning capabilities that all Zergs can't match.

Through the subtle vibration of the formation, they can sense the abnormal activities in the formation in a wide range.Therefore, when the underground troops approached the cliff here, they had actually discovered the activities of the friends.

However, under the Zerg commander's plan, they did not intend to launch an attack directly, but to jump out the moment the opponent came into contact with the survivors in the wreckage area, and surround these rescue troops in the wreckage area to further increase the enemy's strength. Rescue pressure, and at the same time make friends even more desperate to rescue.

This is an extremely vicious tactic, and it is also the conclusion reached by the Zerg over the long years of dealing with civilized races.

Even if the Zerg don't understand the idea of ​​'must rescue your colleagues', it doesn't prevent them from applying it.

As for the fact that compassion does not command soldiers, it is a pity that whether it is the empty fantasy or the current friends, the military literacy is actually at a very naive stage, which is completely incomprehensible.

Time passed by, and in the perception of the digging worm, the passage dug by the Peng Clan's underground army not far away was getting closer to the cliff.

Because the understanding of the Zerg is not comprehensive, even the servants of the leader of the underground team think that they only need to avoid the Zerg in the excavation area as much as possible, so as not to disturb these bugs.On the way of approaching, the fact that the Zerg didn't make any movement really made him lucky.


Mental strength can already confirm that the cliff will be dug through, ten meters, eight meters, six meters...

At this moment, he was startled suddenly, and in a trance, he seemed to find some movement in the holes that he had been monitoring all along, where there might be underground Zerg.

Whether it was his own hallucination or whether a certain insect of the Zerg race was acting abnormally at that time could not be verified in later history, but at that time, out of caution, the attendant immediately waved his hand to signal everyone to stop.

The survivors in the wreckage area did not notice this, and were still approaching the cliff, and finally gathered in the wreckage of the assault ship in the center, waiting for the rescue force to dig through the cliff and swarm up to the top of the mountain through the passage.

According to the plan, the Zerg underground team will attack after the Friends underground team has dug through the cliff.

Therefore, the Zerg on the ground are not oppressing the friends in the wreckage area, and the Zerg commander is fully focused on monitoring the friends' underground troops who are about to dig through the cliff.

However, at this moment, the army stopped.

This made the Zerg commander feel suspicious, but it still did not let the underground troops launch an attack, because in its view, the attack at this time could not leave the friend rescue troops with a relatively smooth rear, even if they stayed Survivors in the lower wreckage area will also have a much reduced effect.

It is still the saying that kindness does not hold soldiers. According to Zerg’s previous experience in dealing with civilized races, if this friend’s underground army is scared away this time, then the opponent may definitely abandon the survivors in the wreckage area; or the wreckage area Survivors may choose to fight to the death.

According to the opponent's previous move to directly hit the ground in order to kill the tentacle monster, the survivors fought desperately, and the possibility that this half-day plan of their own side would be in vain is very high.

Therefore, the Zerg commander chose to let the underground Zerg continue to wait instead of putting more pressure on the survivors.

The two sides became stalemate in such a strange way, the underground troops of the friends clan stopped digging, and stayed where they were, but did not dig through the cliff that was only more than three meters thick; and the underground troops of the Zerg clan and the ground troops who received the notification from the Zerg commander also remained silent like this. Waiting quietly for the actions of the friends.

The atmosphere was so strange that even the soldiers on the Dongshan defense line who were fighting the Zerg ground and sky troops felt something was wrong.

The Zergs in front of them were still attacking wildly at the beginning, but now basically anyone with a bit of tactical literacy can see the Zergs' containment behavior: once the troops on the defense line retreat, the Zergs there will immediately increase their attack strength; Once the friend race somewhere in the defense line is full of fighting spirit, the Zerg will reduce the attack power accordingly to reduce the loss.

Not in a hurry to capture the line of defense, but dragged the troops and couldn't divide the troops to expand rescue, which is despicable.

"The Zerg must have a conspiracy, we can no longer rush forward!"

In the mental power communication network, the leader of the underground team felt right about his decision to stop digging after learning about the situation of the defense line.

When the command asked, he immediately reported his guess.

But how to solve the current problem has made everyone embarrassed.

Even if they stop here, the Zerg have nothing to worry about. They have time and strength to confront the friends because they have the initiative;

"The status quo is, even if we choose this stalemate and the Zergs don't attack, with the current strength, our ammunition can only last for less than a day; and if the Zergs can't wait to launch an attack, they have waited for half a day before doing nothing at most. But our rescue plan will be in vain, more than 100 survivors can't survive, let alone the rescue force may not be able to withdraw!"

In the headquarters, the staff officers are analyzing the current situation.

As time went by, the Zerg's ground and underground troops surrounding the wreckage area were silent.

But this kind of action has already proved the guess of the underground team leader from the side.

At this time, the team leader had left the decision-making power to the headquarters, and he himself directed the excavation troops to rest in place, and widened the evacuation route behind without irritating the Zerg.

In the headquarters, the staff members were already battered.

It is difficult to move forward now. In the initial discussion, they found that the Zerg's idea of ​​"making the underground rescue force also become members who need to be rescued, thereby oppressing the friends to further expand the rescue force".

From the point of view of the command, if this underground rescue force is also surrounded, the situation will 100% be more difficult.

At that time, if the Dongshan defense line wants to continue to rescue, under the shortage of troops, it will inevitably reduce the defense strength of the defense line, and it is very likely that the Zerg will take the opportunity to break through the defense line; ; As for not being rescued, it cannot be considered at all.

Now, relying on the defense line, the friends can still use their weapon advantage to resist the Zerg's numerical advantage.But if they all rush out and face the wave-like attack of insects, even if they pull the entire friend clan over, the friend clan troops that have lost their mobility and positional defense will only have one word in the end: death.

Therefore, the underground rescue force must not be surrounded by the Zerg underground forces.

However, the survivors absolutely had to be rescued.

So... withdraw the rescue force and reconsider the rescue plan?

This can't be an option, because the Zerg can still make containment and stalemate actions. It's completely because the underground rescue force stops at the place where they can advance and retreat, and the Zerg has a fluke mentality in their hearts.Once the underground rescue force chooses to retreat, the Zerg will judge that the friends have given up the rescue plan.

At that time, whether it is to directly swallow the survivors or further increase the pressure, it is best to cause more survivor losses.

As for the worst... the staff dare not think.

This is probably the first time that the commanders of the friend clan have faced a relatively complicated battle situation.

For a while, there was even a long silence in the headquarters.

(End of this chapter)

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