Spore Story

Chapter 724 Dongshan Defense Line: Evacuation

Chapter 724 Dongshan Defense Line: Evacuation

Time passed by little by little, and the Dongshan defense line was still shrouded in darkness, but at this time at an altitude of more than 3000 meters, the rising sun in the east had already projected its light on the alloy shell of the battleship, reflecting dazzling lights one by one. of luminous body.

Due to the design of the exterior paint, until this time, people did not discover the disadvantages of this glossy shell design: they are constantly attacked by ground bugs.

However, with the support of mobility, it can barely cope.

Unknowingly, one night has passed.

Lieutenant General Dia, who just saw the reflection of the battleship when he looked up, blinked his haggard eyes lightly. Looking at the relatively speechless staff officers, he could only shake his head in response.

"It seems that the final decision is still for me to make."

However, who made him the supreme commander of this force?
Everyone discussed for a whole night, and finally came to the conclusion that it was the first two choices: to save or not to save.

It's ridiculous, busy for most of the night, noisy analysis and recording, but in the end it's just useless work?Lieutenant General Dia sighed in his heart.

In fact, none of the researchers who turned to the minutes of this meeting during the routine case analysis after the war believed that they had done useless work in reaching such a conclusion.

Because, on this night, these staff members racked their brains, and after mobilizing their fourth- and fifth-level brains for the first time, every plan, every guess, and sentence-by-sentence analysis were all recorded in the meeting document.Although these plans, guesses, and analyzes may not have played a role at the time, they provided a strong reference for many decision makers in subsequent battles.

Perhaps, the sentence "this discussion is an analysis of the choices that the friends may make in the next hundred years" can best explain the results of this discussion.

But no matter how high-profile people commented on this discussion afterwards, Lieutenant General Dia at this time could only face the choice of "saving or not saving" again.

"The world is making fun of people."

Although I really want to say "absolutely must be rescued" without hesitation like last night at dusk, but after facing the various possibilities analyzed this night, Lieutenant General Dia raised his voice several times , and then couldn't help swallowing.

However, time waits for no one.

When the first ray of sunlight in the sky shone on the armor of the first battleship, as if it took only a moment to wake up and wake up, the sunlight quickly swayed on the top of Dongshan Mountain.

Looking from top to bottom, the top of Dongshan Mountain, which is covered with strong bunkers and battleships, has been shrouded in sunlight; while below the mountain range, the entire land is still hidden in the darkest world before dawn.Inside, there are swarms of worms, and more than 100 Shuangyue star warriors who need to be rescued. There are still dozens of soldiers going to rescue.

"Damn it! What am I hesitating about!"

A heavy punch quickly hit the desk, and when the innocent desk directly blew a hole, Lieutenant General Dia, who twitched his arm from it, was silent in the face of the knowing but apologetic gazes of the surrounding staff.

Around the desk that was shattered by Lieutenant General Dia's powerful physical force, pieces of paper recording the discussion of the night were flying around. In the entire office, except for Lieutenant General Dia's heavy panting, only two Dunjia servants were left to gather and fly. The sound of files moving.

"Save! Be sure to save! If you don't save us, how can we continue to fight with confidence in the future!"

Perhaps it was caused by the pressure of the night and caused excessive hypoxia, but Lieutenant General Dia, an ordinary Wingman, breathed heavily in the surrounding air mixed with blood and ionized gas, and then directly encouraged his mental strength to connect to the battlefield at this time command network.

People didn't realize that the lieutenant general's spiritual power had entered the soul level that he hadn't broken through for a long time, but they just listened to the lieutenant general's emotional speech, and quickly began to prepare for their next actions according to the lieutenant general's instructions.

At this moment, these soldiers are no longer acting in the majesty of the lieutenant general, but have a look of approval in their eyes.

The heavy artillery unit that responded first quickly stopped shelling the meteorite base completely, and the six artillery teams moved the troops to the adjacent cargo ship as quickly as possible.Because the interval between long-range bombardment was as long as ten to twenty minutes, the Zerg didn't respond until the cargo fleet began to float and then moved to the gathering points of several troops at the front of the Dongshan defense line. It was almost half an hour before the shelling ended.

A large number of Zerg quickly attacked the defense line according to their commander's strategy of restraining the friends' troops.

At this time, the Pengzu defense forces swept away the ammunition-saving attack method at night, and attacked these offensive troops with all their strength, and even used assault vehicles to launch several close-range counterattacks, thereby destroying a large number of Zergs and at the same time giving the Zergs Leaves a sense of 'The Friends are probably preparing for an all-out attack'.

This allowed the Zerg commander to see the hope that had been waiting for that night, but he was not in a hurry to adjust his troops, because it was cautious by nature and would continue to confirm the current situation.

But at this time, the airship staying on the front line landed on the ground, but did not rush to gather the various troops, but did not move after opening all the passages.

This confused the Zerg commander who was observing here, but he didn't have time to think about it.

Just when the Zerg commander took the time to glance at the friends through the sky troops fighting with the friends' fleet, but couldn't understand the actions of the friends because he didn't understand the situation comprehensively. Except for the next energy body as an emergency warning, the remaining more than 60 energy bodies were secretly concentrated in the underground cavity.

Because of the small number and the transformation ability of the energy body, the Zerg commander didn't notice it.

And in order not to make the action too obvious, the four Youshen on the four floating turrets, who should be the best rescue force, did not make any adjustments at this time.

After a short assignment and encouragement before the battle, these friend elites began to approach the rescue force.

But before that, safety measures must be taken.

Although the friends at this time have not yet discovered the powerful perception ability of the Zerg excavator, but out of insurance, all the energy bodies have adopted the method of magnetic levitation, turning their bodies into the shape of a Dunjia human body while maintaining It broke away from the ground, floating at a height of more than ten centimeters from the ground, and tried not to touch any surrounding underground passage structures as much as possible.

In the previous analysis, the staff also proposed to send reinforcements, which was adopted at that time, but when more than 100 primitive troops were dispatched in the early morning, they found that they had just touched the passage dug by the previous rescue force in the cave inside Dongshan. Suddenly there was a report of the Zerg making an offensive move ahead.

That test directly caused the staff officers to be inactive towards the rescue, but they did not dare to object due to the cleanup, thus leaving Lieutenant General Dia with that choice.

At that time, Pengzu had no choice but to withdraw that army.

But it was also that brief experiment that allowed the friends to confirm that the Zerg has an extremely sensitive ability to perceive underground troops, and that the Zerg will not allow reinforcements from the friends beyond what they can handle at this time. key point.

It's not that the Zerg doesn't allow it, and the friends don't do it, but there's a skill in everything.

After Lieutenant General Dia once again made the decision that they must be rescued, the staff established the basic goal, re-referenced the previous discussion results, and learned from the past, which allowed them to come up with some seemingly effective countermeasures, but whether If it is really as predicted, it can only be judged by facts.

The attendant troops floated in the passage, carefully floating close to the entrance of the passage.

When the No.1 attendant entered the passage and continued to move forward for ten meters, everyone stopped again.

After contacting the headquarters and confirming that the Zerg had no abnormal behavior, dozens of energy bodies showed expressions of relief, which indicated that their measures of floating in the air to avoid detection still had a certain effect.

The current Zerg should not have discovered this troop floating in the channel, or they should not have discovered that they are energy bodies.In order to ensure safety, the energy body troops will confirm the situation with the headquarters every ten meters, and the Zerg still have not acted aggressively until they are about to approach the first batch of rescue troops ahead.

Hearing the report, there was a clear sound of relief in the entire headquarters.

"Very good, if you keep working hard, getting people out is success!"

Judging from the previous investigations, the combat power of the energy body team has definitely exceeded the limit allowed by the Zerg as a rescue force, and it is impossible for the Zerg to fail to determine the combat power of the friend clan's energy body through previous battles.The only explanation for the Zerg's lack of response now is that they haven't noticed.

Otherwise, no matter whether the Zerg attack and destroy the survivors with all their strength, or attack the defense line with all their strength, oppressing the defense line that lacks the combat power of [-] energy bodies and looks a bit strong on the outside, the headquarters will be in a hurry.

The situation is optimistic.

"You are finally here!"

After seeing the energy body troops appearing, the leader of the energy body servants in the first batch of rescue troops was excited and habitually wanted to come forward to say hello, but the energy bodies of the support troops all shook their heads and winked.

The team leader who quickly reacted froze for a moment, then nodded and made the same natural movement as the previous inspection of the passage, then turned around and returned to the wall that was only about three meters thick from the cliff wall, and passed the mental force. Connect to the support unit and ask about the other party's situation.

The previous action was just a moment of excitement. Under the action of others, the team leader quickly realized the concerns of the support troops.

When the surveillance methods of the Zerg cannot be confirmed, if the other party can completely monitor the actions of the first batch of members of the rescue team discovered, then once the team leader's previous gesture of greeting is discovered, the Zerg excavator may not understand, but it definitely has an important role behind it. Wise commanders are likely to discover that the friends have reinforcements they cannot see.

That would mess up the whole plan.

details make a difference.

"The meaning of the headquarters is that you will continue to command us. After all, you know the situation here better."

He didn't underestimate the other party because the team leader suddenly stopped the rescue action before. On the contrary, the team leader's behavior of making a decisive decision after discovering something wrong won the approval of many people in Lieutenant General Dia. The energy body of the situation supports the members of the troops, so it can be regarded as willing to be commanded by it.

In terms of status alone, there is actually not much difference among the more than 1000 energy bodies in the friend clan.

"Thank you."

There was no delay, but the leader was disrespectful.

After informing the team leader of the plan, the first group of troops suspected of being under surveillance began to carefully move around the front of the passage, and retreated a little bit.

The slight vibration of the ground caused by this action was quickly discovered by the digging worm.After confirming that the troop was leaving the direction of the cliff, the Zerg commander ordered the troop to exert pressure in accordance with the practice that occurred several times last night to prevent the troop from escaping.

After receiving the news from the headquarters about the movement of the Zerg, the members of the first rescue team who retreated a certain distance stopped immediately, but instead of returning to the edge of the cliff as they did several times before, they waited in place.

But where the Zerg didn't find out, the energy body troop had already floated to the wall.

On the other side of the wall, more than 100 survivors had already been waiting on the opposite side. The survivors' arrival at the edge of the cliff was originally planned by the Zerg commander, so the process was hardly disturbed.It was only during the transfer that some people apparently discovered that the underground Zerg troops were also moving laterally.

Therefore, at this time, a large number of Zerg underground troops gathered in an area less than six to seventy meters below the friend troops in the passage and the survivors on the opposite side of the wall.

Both parties have discovered the other's actions, but both sides have tacit understanding, but in the eyes of the Zerg commander, even if the friends know it, they have to jump in.Its idea was correct, and the friends' reinforcements did come; however, at the same time, its idea was also a failure, and the friends' reinforcements were energy bodies that its digging army failed to discover.

However, whether such small mistakes of the enemy can be further expanded depends on the subsequent actions of the friends' troops.



"Everyone is ready!"

The order was issued by the leader of the energy body to the minds of everyone inside and outside the wall through the mental power network. Although it seemed that there was no movement, the people inside and outside the wall were already concentrated, highly nervous, and could jump up at any time.

Even the seriously wounded were being hugged or carried on their backs. On the surface, they looked like they were being treated, but in fact they were all ready to rush in when the wall fell down.

Now they are running out of time.

At 5:15, the two warships in the sky, which were originally used as bait, left the friend clan defense area above the cliff in front of the Zerg, and began to slowly lower their altitude under the expectant eyes of the Zerg.

Although the Zerg commander regretted not being able to lure more rescue troops, he was also satisfied with it.

For a while, although there were orders from the previous commander, on the one hand, there were not many friend rescue troops underground; At least they turned their attention to the sky.

Of course, if it was just like this, the friends would not dare to take risks.

Just when the Zerg felt that there was an imminent movement, the Sky Battleship stopped at an altitude of 1000 meters, and then turned its muzzle, while the Dongshan defense line in the distance began to move.

After a comprehensive analysis of the current situation, the commander of the Zerg, who thought that the Friends might launch a full-scale attack, thought for a moment, and then deliberately lowered the attack on the defense line, and at the same time increased the fighting power of the Zerg in the rear, intending to let the Friends get out of the turtle shell General line of defense.

The ground encirclement on this side of the wreckage area was also slightly relaxed, and the underground troops were ordered not to make any moves.

Some of these were seen by friends, some were not.

But the Friends Force is still proceeding according to plan.

5 points.

With an order, the fleet floating above the position suddenly gathered.

Subsequently, all the main guns of the fleet launched a fierce attack on the Zerg located on the periphery of the defense line.For a moment, the Zerg even felt the fighting spirit coming from the defense line.The Zerg commander, who was not surprised but happy, decisively ordered the troops to continue to retreat, intending to drag the Pengzu fleet away from the Dongshan defense line and launch another sneak attack.

However, the ground troops on the defensive line seemed to have been tricked, leaving the bunker, boarding their respective assault vehicles and slowly pressing towards the Zerg.

Since two of the group marines that arrived this time were assault troops, the vehicles had not been used in the previous battles, but they were used at this time, and the pressure on the Zerg in a short period of time was higher than when they were defending in the previous line of defense.

This allowed the Zerg to strengthen the guess that 'the friends are about to launch a counter-charge, rescue the surviving troops and then break out'.

Therefore, the Zerg began to shrink the troops on the front line, further strengthening the defense from the cave mountain defense line to the outer circle of the cliff wreckage area.They intend to surround the two parts of the friend tribe's troops together, and then launch a full blow when the friend tribe is about to break through.

And at this moment, the three-meter-thick soil layer on both sides of the cliff wall of the rescue team that had been waiting for a long time collapsed under the attack of the energy body without even being able to hold on for a second.

The response of the underground Zerg was not unpleasant. Almost at the same time as the wall collapsed and the prepared survivors reacted, they began to dig to the back of the passage, intending to block the rescue troops and the survivors on their way back to the passage.

However, to their surprise, the rescue force did not take the survivors back to the Dongshan position through the tunnel in a hurry, but rushed out of the tunnel instead.

What is this doing?
Because most of the attention was turned to the gathering of the peripheral bug swarms and guiding the 'breakout' troops on the Friends' Dongshan defense line to escape from the defense line, the Zerg commanders blocked the passage very smoothly after receiving the digging bug troops, and the Friends rescue troops After the news of voluntarily leaving the channel, I was only a little puzzled in my heart, and I further believed in the idea that the main force of the friends would join the rescue force.

As a result, the Zerg surrounding the wreckage area once again made the move to reduce the attack power of the front line and concentrate their forces behind the line of defense.

It felt that by doing so, it could give the friend tribe troops a hope of being able to join the troops at the wreckage and then break out of the encirclement.

At that time, the two sides will meet, and in the cliff wreckage area where there is no danger to defend, the Zerg will be able to take advantage of the sea of ​​insects to quickly take down this group of friend troops, so that the No. 05 meteorite base can destroy the No. 03 meteorite base before the arrival of the friend tribe troops. ,be ready.

But is the Pengzu Dongshan defense line really going to give up the solid line of defense and choose the dangerous wreckage area, and then break out after joining the survivors and the previous batch of rescue troops?

At 5:27, the Zerg time, the Zerg commander received the ground troops in the wreckage area, and saw the news of sixty unrecorded energy bodies appearing in the rescue force from a distance.

At this moment, the situation of the battle suddenly changed.

(End of this chapter)

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