Spore Story

Chapter 726 Dongshan Defense Line: Gift

Chapter 726 Dongshan Defense Line: Gift

In fact, neither Bugs nor Friends seem willing to let the campaign end like this.

On the way of the cargo fleet taking off and the rescue fleet returning, the ground troops of the Zerg had been bombarded by the main fleet and floating artillery batteries regardless of consumption, and they were blocked from the previous line of defense in Dongshan.

Meanwhile, the assault fleet in the sky struggled to support under the siege of the Zerg, buying time for the fleet to rendezvous.

When the large forces successfully merged and withdrew, the surface of the remaining four assault ships in the assault fleet had been severely damaged, and two of them could only rely on the floating ability provided by the built-in pumice engine and less than 40% of the output of the magnetic field engine. , to stabilize the hull within the protective circle of the battleship.

As for the remaining three assault ships, I don't know how long they can last.

This time the third combat group has a total of nine assault ships with three combat formations, and nearly half of them have been lost in this battle alone. Even if they successfully evacuated now, it would be a disastrous failure.

But if you don't evacuate, it will be a complete defeat.

Of course, it was already a fiasco, and the members of the headquarters didn't think much about it.Because of some unavoidable things that affect the mood, most of them are selectively ignored by friends. As for the source of this personality, I don’t need to say much.

At this time, the ground troops of the Zerg had been completely blocked by the wreckage under the cliff, and the bugs who were unwilling to be squeezed by the escaped survivors were crowded on the edge of the cliff.

On the cliff, holes were opened by digging worms. They stretched their bodies in vain, looking up at the sky.

But even if they fled in embarrassment, the survivors were actually unwilling to make the Zerg feel better.

"So, let me release this wonderful fireworks for everyone!"

Lan Jiu, who received this honor, excitedly raised the starter in his hand.

A simple mental power device, by inputting mental power and adjusting the output frequency, an invisible wave can be transmitted through this device to the receiver among the three wreckages on the ground.

In the wreckage, because it looks so special, it is still a complete energy warehouse. A puppy just crashed into this warehouse full of electric cores through the corridor.

It sniffled, and even the Zerg, who didn't have much emotion, still showed a greedy expression.What a pure energy that is, if I can absorb a small part of it, I am afraid that I can have the power of proportional universe Zerg.

Although this is probably the idea of ​​a nouveau riche, it also shows the Zerg's greed for nuclear energy.

But it was attracted by piles of electric nuclei, and it didn't notice that in the very center, a red light suddenly turned green.

Afterwards, the unique streamer after the calcium carbide energy was excited appeared on the nearby electric core.

These rays of light seem to be alive, moving rapidly along the surrounding electric cores and conductors, multiplying continuously, and finally arousing the electric cores of the entire warehouse.

The puppy finally realized something was wrong, but facing this scene, it didn't know much about what it meant.But out of instinct, it swung its sharp claws habitually and slashed towards the nearest electric core.

Then, the dazzling light ruled the world.

With the three pieces of wreckage as the core, the electric nuclear energy explosions produced successively, the power formed is already the largest artificial explosion in the history of the Pengzu.

The fleet has been raised to a height of 5000 meters, and when the Zerg flying troops are still entangled, the sudden explosion on the ground makes the whole space suddenly silent, and all friends close their eyes at this moment. Controlling the trembling battleship to lift off.

Those relatively slender Zerg flew towards the periphery of the explosion core in the sudden shock wave.

When the warship finally stabilized at an altitude of 6000 meters, people didn't know whether it was the warship shaking or they were trembling themselves. They didn't pay attention to controlling their bodies, so they stretched out their eyes to the portholes and looked at the ground curiously.

There, only half of Dongshan, which had made everyone stick to it for a day and two nights, was left.

The huge explosion crater left a smooth arc on one side of the mountain range, stretching for nearly ten kilometers; on the other side, most of the cave mountain was cut off, revealing the large hole formed when it was used as an underground army before.

From a distance, Dongshan stands there as if there is a hollow mountain cross section inside, which left a deep impression on all the members who saw this scene.

And the next moment, due to the loss of most of the mountain, the cave mountain lacked support to build the peak of the bombardment position, and finally tilted outward little by little under the attraction of gravity.

Afterwards, the collapse got out of hand, and the entire mountain range collapsed like a domino in the area hit by the explosion.

When the dust dissipated, the 200-meter hill had turned into a small dirt bag less than 50 meters long, and it was no longer called a mountain.

However, even after a long time on Double Moon Star, the name of 'Dongshan' is still clearly marked on any map that includes this place.Some curious people were reminded by insiders after expressing their objection to this. After finding out this period of history, they felt the hardships of the predecessors, but they never made any refutation of its name.

At this time, the people who witnessed the collapse and "formation" of the cave mountain were shocked by the power of the explosion, but they were actually more concerned about the problem of bugs.


"Suddenly, I feel like I will be scolded to death by Elder Kongling after I go back."

"No, I think the merits and demerits are equal."

Standing on the floating fortress, several elders who knew the identity of 8051 looked at the big pit in the distance with lingering fear.

From a distance, the densely packed insect corpses on the edge of the pit are as inconspicuous as floating dust. You have to zoom in, and then move your sight a few hundred meters to the outer edge of the pit to notice the existence of the insect race.

Everyone didn't know what the Zerg commander thought, but if they were placed in the direction of the Zerg commander, they might have been blown up.

The moment the explosion formed, the Zerg at the core were of course not spared. The arcs, electromagnetic waves and physical shocks generated by the intense energy explosion wiped out these bugs first; It split apart and splashed out as deadly shrapnel; the fragments pushed out by the shock wave cooperated with the electronuclear explosion, causing the three wreckages to become oversized calcium carbide shells.

Judging from the visual situation in the sky at this time, within the explosion radius of at least eleven kilometers, the Zerg were directly affected by the electromagnetic disorder and could not make any response, and all the debris and sand pushed up by the shock wave were cleared away.

At the center of the explosion, part of the sand had crystallized, and the lethality of the high-voltage arc and high temperature was self-evident.

In the sky, the body of the Zerg that relies entirely on wings or airbags to float in the air is much weaker than the Zerg on the ground.Under the explosion regardless of the sky and the earth, those who were close were directly shattered in the air; those who were far away also fell to the ground and died due to the rupture of wings or airbags.

Even the Zerg, which was at the same height as the floating battleship, was pushed several kilometers away due to the strong shock wave.Those who react quickly can still stabilize their body shape, but those who react slowly can only accept the fate of 'hit hard on the ground and turn into meat paste'.

But at this moment, Lieutenant Admiral Dia, who was transferred to the bridge of the capital ship, suddenly received a report from an assault ship.

"what's the situation?"

"The Nightingale was already seriously damaged before. When the shock wave was generated, several Zergs were hit by the shock wave and smashed into the damaged armor area of ​​the battleship. As a result, these Zergs actually made a self-destruct action, so that the engine was completely damaged..."

Misfortune never comes singly.

While the Nightingale was reporting the situation, after the strong light and thick smoke dispersed, members of several observation points immediately issued warnings of the approach of a large number of Zergs.

"Could it be that these bugs are immortal!"

Seeing such a serious explosion with their own eyes, it was inevitable that the thought of 'the battle is over and the Zergs here have all been wiped out' came out in their hearts, but this news shattered everyone's illusions.

"I'm afraid it's not a matter of immortality. Maybe we helped the Zerg this time."

"What do you mean?"

Everyone in the headquarters focused their attention on the face of the staff officer who was smiling wryly.

The opponent knew exactly what to do, nodded to Lieutenant General Dia, and then explained: "The series of actions we made before did not cause the Zerg to concentrate their main forces in the rear, with the intention of breaking our 'breakout'. 'Is the behavior restricted?"

"You mean, this move accidentally allowed the Zerg to escape the explosion?" The lieutenant general was speechless.

"I'm afraid that's it."

Everyone looked at each other and smiled wryly, but they couldn't refute, because if it wasn't like this, they wouldn't be able to withdraw.

One cause and one effect, it can only be said that the life of the Zerg should not die.

"Forget it, this is the end of the matter, at least our original goal has been achieved." Lieutenant General Diya waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and then looked at the adjutant: "What is the distance of the Zerg army now, and how is the movement?"

"The Zerg didn't seem too shocked by the explosion (everyone smiled wryly). When the smoke cleared, many ground Zerg had already penetrated into the smoke."

The members of the headquarters were on the bridge at this time. While the adjutant was explaining, they were all blocked at the porthole of the bridge, listening to the explanation and observing with binoculars.

The smoke and dust in the distance had dissipated, and a large number of ground Zerg who were mistaken for being undead at first, in fact, after a short observation, it was confirmed that they all entered after the explosion.At this time, they were dragging the corpses of the same kind to the small base in the rear where the Zerg had already made no secret.

Obviously, these bugs really don't have much marvel at the explosion, whether they have seen it too much or have no mood swings about everything, the reality that the friends face is that the bugs react very quickly.

And in the sky, the Zerg that were still spinning in place when they first observed it had already lined up and rushed towards the fleet.

It seemed that their commanders did not intend to let go of this fleet that caused a lot of damage to the Zerg. Although the densely packed flying Zerg was much smaller than when defending the cave mountain before, it still blocked the sky.

This is also impossible, after all, the number of Zerg has never been below five figures.

"Order the Heart Shadow to drag the Nightingale, and the entire fleet turns to the southwest, at a speed of 200!"

The fleet didn't have much ammunition left, and the speed could not be increased due to the drag of the cargo ship.

At this speed, the Zerg will narrow the distance between the two sides a little bit, and they may be caught up in half an hour, or at most an hour.

Can the third combat group successfully get rid of the pursuit of this swarm?Lieutenant General Dia felt a little uncertain, but he had to do it.

At this moment, the word 'Queen' suddenly appeared in his mind and could not be dissipated for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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