Spore Story

Chapter 727 Battle Zone 03

Chapter 727 Battle Zone 03
Thank you Tong Guan for the monthly ticket and Feng Xi Hun Ji for the reward =w=
The blue sky was clean and empty, not even a single white cloud.

In fact, it's just too much space.

In the sky, the clouds that should have been used as embellishments have already been exhausted or dispersed by the friends; as for animals such as cloud jellyfish, they fled here according to the orders of the great master consciousness before the arrival of the Zerg.

Under the sky, the huge fleet is staying neatly in the wide square.Teams of heavy chariots are entering and exiting through the cargo spaceships that stay in the square.

At the entrance of the open spaceship, the flow of people is surging, which is a busy and orderly scene.

This is not the 05 theater where the friends were evacuated in a disastrous defeat, but the 03 theater that has already won a big victory.

Here, the greasy creeps and biological tissue-like buildings that previously covered the ground have long since disappeared.With tens of thousands of people walking back and forth, the ground was also leveled.However, in just over a day, the green grass that had been devoured by the creep before was tenaciously revived on this land, which made people feel a lot of emotion.

On the periphery of the square, many chariots and materials still waiting to board the plane were piled up there, waiting for transfer.

Among the chariots, the drivers nervously overhauled the chariots that had been transported from Xinpeng Island to War Zone 03 but failed to catch up with a battle. Their oily faces looked forward to going to War Zone 05 afterwards. , can make the baby in the hand play its due role.

The logistics personnel are equally tense and cautious through the spiritual network, constantly checking the supplies in front of them, to ensure that these important supplies are sufficient for the troops to use in future battles.

Beside a mighty BL03 chariot, Chi Yu was standing there straight with his Sergeant Major's epaulets on his shoulders, his eyes were looking straight ahead, seemingly full of enthusiasm, but his eyes swept over the battleships floating on low-altitude patrol But still couldn't help frowning slightly.

"What do you think?"

The chariot leader carrying the captain's epaulettes came over and patted his right-hand man.Following the line of sight of the other party, he also saw the fleet in the distance, showing a look of understanding for a moment, and then turned into helplessness. The rapid change made people feel very curious.

"Don't think so much. Although it is true that we are leaving us to join the war, it is for victory after all. Although there is suspicion of fighting for merit, everyone's ultimate goal is for the friends, for the Double Moon Star, isn't it?"

Because the first and second combat group warship formations abandoned the cargo fleet and marines in order to catch up with the battle, their actions directly led to dissatisfaction with the fleet members in the marines and cargo fleets after the war.

The cargo fleet is okay. After all, the ultimate reason is that the speed of the cargo ships is too slow. After facing the same complaints from the Marine Corps, they have lost much grievance against the battleship formation.

But the Marine Corps is different. They don't need to consider the issue of ship speed, so most of the grievances for not being able to participate in the battle are directed to the battleship formation.

However, this kind of resentment, after all, stems from 'the Marine Corps failed to participate in the battle, but the fleet was able to make contributions'.But if you think about it carefully, in fact, the reason for the behavior of the battleship formation is from the same source, but the fleet can accelerate the battleship to seize the opportunity, but the cargo ship cannot.

Therefore, when complaining about the fleet, the soldiers of the Marine Corps did not have much confidence to make substantive opposition.

As a result, under the entanglement, the members of the Marine Corps simply became strangers to the members of the fleet during the rest period of more than one day, like children throwing a temper and ignoring each other to vent their dissatisfaction.

This kind of behavior made the elders feel amused, but at the same time, they also had some understanding. After all, Chu Jie's behavior was not because she couldn't wait to rush over to fight. After discussing it in detail, the culprit was actually her, the Yin God.

As a result, the senior leaders of the fleet and the Marine Corps were brought together for a meeting by the elders.

The elders were peacemakers, and after giving the fleet commanders a moderate beating in front of the landing team, the Marine Corps' psychological resentment was able to vent; at the same time, the battleship formation took advantage of it and also violated the rules, but it was reprimanded a little, although it lost a little bit. Face, but that's not that important, so I'm not dissatisfied.

So, hello, hello, hello everyone, the morale of the army has barely stabilized.

But that's only on the surface, it seems that this matter is over, but in fact, only these people know how many people still can't let it go, but at least it's not going to affect the overall situation at this time, this is what the elders want .

As for the commander of the chariot gorge, although he also has a bit of resentment towards the fleet, at least he will still show generosity when facing others.

But unexpectedly, Chi Yu shook his head.

"That's not what I was thinking of."

Turning around and sitting on the hull of the chariot behind him, Chi Yu looked down at himself, the commander of the canyon, with some teasing in his eyes: "Those things are in the past after all, if we go back to that time, if any of us are fleet commanders, Ask yourself, maybe you will do the same?"

Looking at the embarrassed captain, Chi Yu smiled and patted the captain on the shoulder, saying a few words of comfort.

But it's not that Chi Yu is more magnanimous than others, it's just because one of his friends is the captain of a battleship in the fleet. He had already quarreled with the other party before. It's not a entanglement at all, so now I can stand in the position of a senior and preach to others as someone who has experienced it.

"The dissatisfaction in everyone's hearts is just because they can't find a more serious reason to criticize the fleet, so they are playing childish temper. These things are in the past tense, so let them go. What are you caring about? It's a waste of time. It's a waste of emotion."

"What I was thinking about just now was actually the battle on the 05th side." Just a little bit of preaching, after seeing the slightly embarrassed expression on the captain's face, Chi Yu decisively changed the subject: "I think you heard the battle report, the third We all know the strength of the clusters, and the battle has been fought like this, although there are guys in the first and second clusters arguing that they already know what they are going to, but in fact, the results are probably the same no matter who they go.”

Hearing Chi Yu's words, the embarrassing captain also borrowed the opportunity to descend the donkey, with a serious expression on his face, but in fact, it was out of sincerity: "The situation in the No. 05 war zone is indeed very difficult now."

Chi Yu silently nodded.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, they had obtained the battle report of the No. 05 theater through their respective authority of the spiritual network.

Because the battle was extremely fierce and the group lost a lot, in order to avoid affecting the morale of the army, the Elderly House temporarily kept the battle situation secret, delayed the notification to the society and the soldiers at the bottom, and discussed the public opinion solution once.

This kind of confidentiality treatment is not to mark a certain document.

Friends with spiritual skills, after the great development of the mental power communication network and the magnetic field communication network, borrowed the huge spiritual sea of ​​the elders (that is, members of the Youshen level and above) to create something similar to the central library.

In such places, the elders make spiritual readings of what they know, and allow all individuals who are connected to their spirits to read.

Among them, the confidential documents are set with the corresponding spiritual codes, and the required spiritual codes are different for different levels.This is something like an ID card, and it is the special identification mechanism of the friend clan for members above the ghost level.

That is to say, to enter this central library, one must at least have a level of consciousness above the mid-to-high stage of the ghost level, which indirectly stabilized the status of the friends.

Chi Yu is Sergeant Major Xia and a soul-level junior, so his inherent status level is enough for him to understand the combat secrets of the No. 05 theater, and the captain Xia Zhang on the opposite side is of the same level as him, so the two parties can discuss it.

After learning that the battle report of the No. 05 theater where their troops were about to go had been updated, Chi Yu read what he could know, and the content he mastered was similar to that of the captain next to him.

However, everyone still had mixed emotions regarding the damage to the third battle group.

"This can be regarded as the biggest loss in history." Chi Yu opened his mouth and couldn't find out what to say for a while. He smiled wryly and shook his head. After saying this, he simply pulled out a cigarette and stuffed it into his mouth. Here, make it impossible to speak.

The captain, who knew something about his comrade-in-arms, returned his contempt, and then he also got on the chariot. While puffing out a puff of white smoke, he looked up at the blue sky in a trance.

After a long time, the captain held back a word.

"Is there any smoke?"


During the period when the two packs of cigarettes were exhausted, the slow suicide of the two (smoking is harmful to health (=.=)) was also transferred from the square to the cargo spaceship, and from the shell of the tank to the inside of the tank.

But when the servant appeared in the cargo warehouse, the two had to stop.

"Report, the Joint Command requires all commanders above the Xia level to go to the conference room for a meeting!"

"Okay, I see."

Depressedly, the captain threw down the last half of the cigarette butt, watched it fall into the garbage can in the distance, and then turned away under the gaze of many soldiers who were dissatisfied with the two officers' blatant smoking.

"What are you looking at, have the wheels been checked? Don't loosen the tracks!"

"Sergeant Major, this has been checked more than a dozen times, don't worry."

The driver, a part-time maintenance worker, walked over with a smile and offered tea with a flattering expression.

The hull shook slightly, causing ripples on the surface of the teacup.

Looking back, the ground outside the ship continued to descend, and the cargo fleet began to sail to the next battlefield.

"not bad."

Taking a sip and savoring the taste, Chi Yu nodded with satisfaction, then looked at the soldier in front of him.

For a moment, he glanced at the surrounding soldiers, most of whom were secretly watching here, and put the teacup on the chariot beside him.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

"Your Excellency is wise, in fact, we want to know about number 05..."

Chi Yu's face immediately sank.

The confidentiality regulations are known to all friends, not limited to soldiers and civilians. He doesn't think the soldiers in front of him will forget.

"...Hehe, but Sergeant Major, you definitely won't say it, keep it secret, so we won't ask," the soldier said to himself with a look of embarrassment, and then saw that Chi Yu's expression was wrong, and immediately handed him a piece of paper. Ke Xiguoguogan: "No, it's mainly because I heard that the technical department has developed a flying chariot. Everyone wants to ask when will we upgrade it, or do we need to recruit troops directly?"

"What? The chariot troops are not feeling well, want to move?" Chi Yu joked.

"Then why, the chariot unit is ours, isn't this curious?" The soldier frustrated his hands and hurriedly quibbled.

But looking at the other party's erratic eyes, Chi Yu knew it well.

Maybe a day ago, this soldier said so, everyone believed 100% in their love for tank troops.But ever since the experience of being abandoned by the battleship troops before, and the troops flew across the ocean to the Far West Continent but was emptied, many soldiers began to question the role of the Marine Corps.

This suspicion largely spread from the upper-middle-level staff.

From the perspective of the staff, the warships of the Pengzu seem to be sufficient to deal with most of the combat tasks, while the marines in many cases only undertake the tasks of occupying troops and cleaning up the troops. It seems that only the army needs to be stationed, and the marines are specially organized Some waste.

Needless to say in air combat; in ground warfare, there are battleships and floating turrets responsible for attacking, and the role of tanks is very weak; in underground combat, because of the small space and changeable terrain, the role of tanks is even more dispensable.

With the previous terminating battle in theater No. 03, even ordinary tank troops began to have this idea.

If this is the case, in order to maintain the dignity of the chariot troops and maintain the beliefs of the troops, as time goes by, everyone will still make rational choices.But at this time, the technical department produced a flying chariot, which was actually just changing the name of the military version of the aircraft.

But this caused a great reaction in the Marine Corps.

Look at the comparison between the two, the chariot and the flying chariot are both driven by one or two people, both are small-sized raid operations, both are single-fire attacks, and even the combat missions are similar... In comparison, everyone directly regards 'flying' The chariot is regarded as an upgraded version of the current tracked land combat vehicle.

At the same time, the flying chariot is very good to prevent the chariot troops from being unable to fight when they are in the air, and the speed is slow. They can only nest in the cargo ship and wait for the snail-like speed of the cargo ship to send people to the destination before being surrounded by the enemy. Below the flaws of the landing charge.

From the soldiers' point of view, it was completely clear that the entanglement caused by the actions of the battleship troops was fundamentally clear. No matter how you look at it, it was the gospel of the tank troops.

As a result, the 'aircraft', which had not received too much attention before, has now become the 'flying chariot' that marines are eagerly discussing.Even the engineering troops in the Marine Corps were persuaded by the soldiers with the same reason that the 'floating engineering vehicle' could not be transformed into a 'flying chariot'.

In the past few days, in Chi Yu's eyes, the entire marine corps, apart from complaining about the colleagues in the battleship unit, is probably discussing this issue.

However, ordinary soldiers knew very few things, and the news about the plane was not clearly kept secret, so the soldiers had the courage to come and ask.But after receiving this inquiry, Chi Yu remained silent.

About 'aircraft', more than a day ago, he knew as little as ordinary soldiers.Because he heard that it was a new subsidiary force to be attached to the fleet, and the selection was strict, and the initial number was not large.In his opinion, this kind of organization should not be the turn of his own land troops. After all, there is a big gap between the two in the sky and the ground.

But as the soldiers began to discuss various speculations about the 'flying chariot', he also came up with a similar idea, so he specially invoked his authority to check in the network information area provided by Elder Aiyi, who is in charge of technology. After a while, as a result, he couldn't help but feel his heart pounding.

"If the chariot troops directly become flying chariot troops, then when the battleships are charging, the flying chariots will fill in the gaps in defense and attack. Wouldn't it be a good combination? Fighting for land feels much better."

"Yes yes yes!"

The soldiers who finally waited for Chi Yu to speak understood the second, and the soldiers around who had been listening with their ears pricked up nodded at the same time, feeling a sense of confidant.

It was only then that Chi Yu realized that he had said everything he was thinking, and kicked the soldier in front of him in embarrassment. The general situation has been said.

As for the third S-2 modification, because it involves the brains of the Moonling clan, it is not understood by Chi Yu at this level.

Unsurprisingly, although the soldiers were very concerned about the data and combat conditions of the two models of 'flying chariots' that Chi Yu mentioned, they were most concerned about speed.

Speed ​​has become a heart disease for the cargo fleet and the Marine Corps.

When they heard that the speed of the 'flying chariot' might exceed the speed of sound, reaching twice the speed of the warship troop, the fellows of the chariot troop were already frightened.

"Haha, when the time comes, I will drive a flying chariot that is twice as fast as them, swish over and kill the enemy, and let the battleship troops eat the soup, quack!"

It has to be said that the soldiers of the surrounding chariot troops were indeed proud.

Through the previous discussion among the soldiers and Chi Yu's narration, everyone already believed that the flying chariot was definitely prepared for the soldiers of the chariot troop. Comfort their "fragile" hearts that were injured by the warship troops before (soldiers' self-comments).

Regarding this, Chi Yu could only smile on the sidelines, other than that he didn't know what to do.

Tell them it's still going on?Are chariots and airplanes actually two different things?But he still wants to live for a while, and he will be killed by resentment if he hits his colleagues unnecessarily.

At this time, it was still a sober soldier who pulled everyone out of the speed issue.

"By the way, Sergeant Major, what do you mean by saying that this kind of flying chariot is not capable of protracted combat?"

"Well, according to the information of the technical department, although the speed of the current flying chariot is very fast, it is relatively expensive. Not only is the endurance combat capability only half a day to a day, but also for long-distance combat, a specially designed and built warship is required to carry it. ..."


There is a lot of complaints around, and now everyone knows that the future battle will not only be global, but it may even rush to the universe.Although there is nothing out of the universe in the group of friends, everyone is very confident in the speed of development of the group.

In this way, the flying chariot, which is not strong in long-lasting combat power, gives them a feeling of loss.

"Isn't there still a battleship on board?" A soldier reminded cautiously.

(End of this chapter)

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