Spore Story

Chapter 728

Chapter 728
"The name of the super battleship used to carry the flying chariot is too long."

The huge shipyard stands in the dock area of ​​the G09 industrial area. Before it was completed, its huge body frame had already eclipsed all the surrounding buildings. Now it stands completely behind it, and it looks even more majestic.

This is the largest building ever built by Pengzu (except artificial floating islands). While the scale of 2 tons of shipbuilding is amazing, it also brings a leap in the overall construction level of Pengzu.

Around it, two other docks of the same level have also begun laying foundations.

If the future development goes well, similar or even larger docks will be built one after another, which will be the content of Pengzu's future planning.

Of course, everyone knows a truth: whether the so-called future plan of the Pengzu is five years, ten years, or a hundred years, no matter how great and difficult it seems to be completed, it seems that it can only last for two or three years at most before major changes are made, and there will be major changes. The content after the change will be even greater and difficult to complete, but these ever-changing plans have been steadily advancing.

And this change, especially in recent years, is extremely rapid.

Therefore, the so-called dock area planning can only be used as a reference.

In the periphery of these three docks, there are many [-]-ton and [-]-ton docks that have been built in as short as two or three months, and as long as four or five years; as for the smaller thousand-ton docks, most of them are Scattered throughout the Friends, they are used to produce floating turrets, patrol boats, and civilian airships.

Accompanied by the establishment of these docks, there has been an uninterrupted shipbuilding task since the day they were built.

Often the previous spaceship is still erecting external components in the dock, and the parts of the next spaceship have already been piled outside the dock.Once the main body construction is completed, the floating ship will be dragged out of the dock, and the interior and exterior decoration will be carried out in the open air, thus freeing up space and saving time for the production of new warships.

At this time, people can still see several warships that are nearing completion beside the many docks, and they can only be regarded as semi-finished products.Countless workers are still busy painting its outer shell, while carrying internal wiring and other things, and improving the spaceship internally.

However, on the shell, there are not many moon spirits who have become the main skilled workers in the friend clan, because there is an experience in the friend clan factory: it is best not to find moon spirit people for jobs such as painting, otherwise it is uncertain A good painting becomes a painting.

The reason is that the Moon Spirits have no vision, so they cannot distinguish the colors of the spectrum.

Compared with other busy dock complexes, this newly built 2-ton dock is still empty, even though it has been built for nearly half a month, which is rare in Pengzu.

Because, according to the plan, the first ship to depart from this dock must be the future "super battleship for flying tanks". After all, it was built for this purpose, and it is also what the workers hope.

However, this battleship has just finished the blueprint design stage, and is urgently processing the required parts in various factories in the industrial zone.

After modifying countless details through the real simulation of the fantasy world, the design of this warship is completely different from before. With a full load of 6000 tons, it has leapfrogly changed the shipbuilding level of the Pengzu from the current 2-ton main force The ship has been upgraded to a super battleship with a scale of nearly [-] tons.

It is designed to carry 101 S-2-level improved models as the main combat power of the battleship, so as to expand the attack range of the battleship to a radius of 300 kilometers, and the attack power is raised to the same level as a combat group and a half.

In other words, only two such warships are needed, and relying on the fighter planes above, the attack power of the battleship can be compared to the combat power of the three fleets of the whole family;
The battleship itself only carries ten short-range rapid-fire artillery turrets, which endows the battleship with a certain self-defense capability, but due to factors such as design problems (there is also the concept of a human aircraft carrier instilled in illusory), the battleship itself has almost no combat effectiveness if fighter planes are excluded;

In addition, the number of electronuclear, materials, and ammunition carried by the battleship can support the battleship to fly around the double moon star twice without supplies, and ensure that all fighters take off an average of 21 sorties when they are fully loaded with ammunition;
The most important thing is that because of the special requirements and the new engine usage plan, the maximum design speed of the warship has reached 500km/h, and the cruising speed is 350km/h.

In this way, the battleship can cooperate with the current capital fleet composed of Barracuda-class and Thunder-class battleships.

After eliminating the first-generation cargo ships and equipping them with transport ships manufactured by the second-generation warship technology in the future, the overall speed of the Pengzu fleet will be increased to 300km, thus dispelling many people who were under the influence of the speed of the previous cargo ships. psychological shadow produced.

However, looking at how excellent these data are, it is actually even more difficult to achieve.

The first is the design. This kind of warship is completely different from the structural design of cargo ships and warships. As a result, the designers first spent three months in the fantasy world to familiarize themselves with the use of fighter jets, and the design of the floating airport was able to have a preliminary concept. .

Secondly, the first-generation exoskeleton electromagnetic engine used in the engine design.

However, in recent battles, this engine has been judged to be seriously lacking in safety, and it is extremely easy to lose power due to damage to the shell, and it has been judged by the Ministry of Technology to have no future, so it can be expected that it will gain a period of stable development in the friends. , as soon as a new engine design is obtained, it will be eliminated.

However, another available engine, that is, the dot matrix engine equipped on the fighter plane, was only suitable for small-sized aircraft due to its original design intention, and it was initially judged impossible to use it on a super-large Thundercloud-class battleship.

As a last resort, it seems that the technical department can only design a brand new engine.

In this regard, the Zerg's atmospheric flying race has little reference at all, because the conclusion drawn from the study of the Zerg is that the opponent's atmospheric flying ability basically relies on wings and gas, which is more primitive than pumice power.

This can be regarded as a big puzzle when the friends analyze the Zerg.

But to completely redesign, the technical department urged by the shipping bureau and the elders' house can only spread their hands and express that they don't have time.

In the end, there is no other way, and the designers can only find another way to find a breakthrough in the way of use from the existing engine.

Soon after, based on a very common principle, the designers came up with the idea of ​​adopting a multi-engine design, expanding the number of dot matrix engines, and thus turning it into a form with an external skeleton. Although the resulting multi-engine design finally made the super The propulsion of the spacecraft became feasible, and at the same time, it also gained the benefit of an unexpected increase in survivability, but this is a temporary solution after all, and it still cannot make people feel satisfied, but it can only be so in a short period of time.

Furthermore, the most important issue, which also seems to be the most common issue-ship steel, has become the chief culprit in restricting the appearance of this giant ship.

Previously, whether it was the Thunder class or the Barracuda class, the alloy steel used for the warships was the same type.

However, the technicians discovered a long time ago during the design and construction of a [-]-ton warship that this kind of steel can be used in warships below [-] tons. After breaking through that limit, it becomes useless.

When the length exceeds 250 meters, the hull made of this steel will undergo serious denaturation.

If you still try to take off forcibly at this time, even if there is a pumice engine to provide lift, with the continuous shaking of the hull, the swing will become larger and larger, until the hull breaks due to metal fatigue.

After all, a battleship is not a floating island, and it is impossible to fill the entire interior of the battleship with pumice stones.

The above questions are not derived from theoretical calculations in the laboratory, but real lessons.

A few months ago, Pengzu conducted a 8900-ton spaceship construction test.Due to the lack of information from the imaginary simulator, the large spaceship that passed the actual construction task turned out to have just emerged from the [-]-ton dock, and the [-]-ton floating ship swayed like a jelly in front of the people who watched the spaceship leave the port.

When the pilots tried to adjust the balance of the pumice engine, the large spaceship made a sharp metal cracking sound, and quickly became two halves in the air.

What makes people laugh and cry is that the nearly [-]-ton spaceship at that time, due to the good and reasonable structural design of the pumice engine, did not fall after it broke into two halves, but just floated in the air.

You can think about the scene at that time, people panic and embarrassment, it is really hard to look back on the past.

That experiment was not published due to its secrecy, rapid progress, and tragic end.

But since then, research on marine steel has become the top priority of relevant departments.

At the same time, due to the mistakes in the simulation of the fantasy world during the period, it also played a large role in the failure, so the technicians' dependence on the fantasy world has decreased a lot since then, and I don't know whether it is joy or worry.

But this time, Pengzu directly launched a super warship of more than 7000 tons, and it was because of the data of the [-]-ton warship construction test that it dared to proceed.

But even so, coupled with the tense factors of the war, it feels a bit hasty to do it like this.Even with the support of the illusory research model and the assistance of a large number of technicians, the designers of the battleship are still walking on thin ice when designing, trying to make every detail of the design as perfect as possible.

For marine steel and phantom world simulations, the requirements are of course more stringent.

Until not long ago, the research team analyzing the Zerg technology analyzed an excellent metal in the shell of the Zerg meteorite base with the help of the illusory research model, and made a similar alloy according to the formula. After several verifications, it was confirmed that it was available , In the end, it took several months to achieve mass production in small batches, which made the construction of this super warship possible.

And now, Kong Huan is standing in this dock, witnessing the skeleton construction of this super battleship with his own eyes.

Previously, Kong Huan had also seen the construction of many second-generation warships, and was no stranger to skeleton construction.

People who don't know the reason may think that the construction of this super battleship is just a little bigger than other warships, but when you are in it to understand all the steps, you can find that the Thunder Cloud class There is a huge gap between its skeleton construction and other warships.

A single skeleton structure, whether it is a Swordfish-class, Barracuda-class, or even a Thunder-class battleship, except for the few core keels, the rest of the skeleton weighs only a few tens of tons.A skeleton of this weight can even be assembled manually by several original humans or energy bodies when building it, thus making the assembly of a battleship as easy as making a toy.

This is one of the reasons why these types of warships are built so fast.

But the Leiyun class is different. Even if the layered structure is not considered, the part of the skeleton related to the engine alone weighs hundreds of tons.

If you want to move these skeletons by manpower, unless you ask the Youshen class to move them with mind power, it will be difficult for manpower to carry out this work under the condition of ensuring safety.But the possibility of the Youshen class going to the shipyard to attack is not high. Every Youshen class in the friend clan has their own tasks, so how could they just go to the shipyard to work.

As a result, the designers had to consider improving the original parts hoisting structure at the beginning of the design of the [-]-ton dock designed and built for the construction of the Leiyun-class warship;
Considering that the improved hoisting structure still cannot touch the bottom and slope of the hull, it is necessary to separately design a floating carrier with a dead weight of 78 tons and a load of 300 tons, which is used to move flexibly in the dock to assemble some the detail part;

Then, in order to design this kind of floating transport ship, the mechanical design department had to design a brand-new manually operable mechanical arm, so that the transport ship can universally carry various types of large parts, saving the time and effort required for design At the same time, reduce the model requirements for this kind of floating carrier.

Next, because the design of this mechanical arm was unexpectedly outstanding, it was quickly favored by the design team members who planned to improve the S-1 into a combat boat because it could not be finalized, so they planned to equip the mechanical arm on the The S-1 improved combat boat, which turned the relatively tasteless combat boat into a general-purpose combat boat with arms, which can be equipped with "unlimited" weapons;
Then, because of the emergence of this general-purpose combat boat... and so on.

In short, there is a series of knock-on effects behind it.


"This is not talking about the relevance of modern research items to the overall industry, but just to tell everyone, I believe you can see how much technological progress and resources our family has made in order to design and build this Leiyun-class warship. How many new things have appeared, and how many categories have been developed?"

Standing beside Kong Huan, the chief designer of the Leiyun-class battleship proudly introduced their achievements to the people around him.

At this moment, one can imagine the excitement of seeing the busy 'child' about to change from a fertilized egg (design drawing) to an embryo (core skeleton).

Because of this, Kong Huan didn't intend to pursue the designer's 'crime' for standing on stage and burning everyone for two full hours.

In fact, he himself was very happy to hear it.

"Okay, everyone thinks that they are very satisfied with the design of Thunder Cloud. However, this is a brand new warship, and its function is completely different from the current Thunder-class battleship and Barracuda-class assault ship. Therefore, this type of warship should be redesigned. Naming, I can understand this, but..."

Kong Huan looked at the chief designer with some confusion: "Don't you realize that the name 'super battleship for flying chariots' is too complicated?"

"how come?"

On the surface, it looks only 30 or [-] years old. In fact, if the time in the fantasy world is included, there are at least [-]-year-old designers. The use of a super battleship is both functional and mighty. In comparison, don't you think the 'aircraft carrier' provided by the elders is a bit too simple?"

"Uh, simple..."

Human beings who have been following the aircraft carrier for as long as the friends' calendar will cry, Kong Huan can't help but want to complain. (PS: At this moment, it is the 45th year of the Pengzu Calendar (=.=))
"Of course, the word 'aviation' can be regarded as accurate, but no matter capital ships, assault ships or even fighter planes are all aviation, it can't express the actual speciality of the super battleship used to carry this flying chariot; the two 'motherships' are also Not bad, pointing out the function of this flying...well, super battleship, but failing to describe its greatness..."

"Hey, even you, the person who named you, omitted a part of it just now, absolutely!"

Kong Huan squinted his eyes, watching the eloquent chief designer making complaints.

Although he knew that his naming skills were not good, and his friends generally didn't know how to name them, but he couldn't bear such a weird name anyway.

"Okay, everyone take a step back."

The chief designer who had no confidence spread his hands gloomily, and glanced at Kong Huan as if looking at a child who was not up to date, making the other party angry, but he had nowhere to vent his anger.

The two looked at each other for a while, and then the designer said, "How about a friend clan super fighter mothership?"

"No! It's too troublesome."

"The fighter plane is equipped with a super battleship?"

"Isn't this the same thing?"

"Aerospace super fighter warship?"

"Have you run out of ideas?"


Even the chief designer who didn't have a headache in the face of millions of warship design drawings left a waterfall of sweat in the face of a small name.

"Let's listen to me, aircraft carrier," Kong Huan jumped in line taking advantage of the chaos.

"Resolutely oppose!" The designer, who was a little exhausted, immediately jumped up.

"Uh," Kong Huan's head was full of black lines.

"What's the point of you arguing about this! Waste time, hurry up and get to work for me!"

Lingxue, who appeared here at some time, knocked Kong Huan and the chief designer with a knife one by one. Looking at the two innocent faces covering their heads, she despised them with incomparably majestic eyes.

In the end, Kong Huan and the chief designer were defeated by a strong enemy and fled with their tails between their legs.

As for the name of the ship, in the absence of opponents, it was occupied by the simple and unacceptable name proposed by Lingxue, 'Fighter Mothership'.

By the time Kong Huan and the chief designer reacted, the name had already been recorded in the network database, and it was provided by Chu Jie, Dark Blood, and Chu Xia, plus the proposer Lingxue, the four friends of the Yin family. The key database admitted that it was already impossible for the two of Kong Huan to object.

Soon after, the abbreviation became 'mothership' because four characters were too long.

From this, it can be seen how accurate the saying that the fisherman wins when the crab and the clam compete, especially when the fisherman is a combination of a beautiful woman and a master, the two poor male crabs and clams have no ability to fight back.

On July 45, 7 A.D., the skeleton of the Leiyun-class mothership, a key battleship of the Atmospheric Era, began to be laid.

(End of this chapter)

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