Spore Story

Chapter 729 Complicated Office Problems

Chapter 729 Complicated Office Problems (Happy New Year =w=)

Happy New Year everyone, the new year is here again, Spores has been writing for more than a year, I feel emotional, looking up at the sky.

There is a naming issue about the black and thick outer belt that shoots out many deadly objects in tense moments, because Lingxue has already solved it forcefully, so let's skip it.

After being coerced by Lingxue, Kong Huan fled in embarrassment. After thinking about it on the road, he came to the Zerg Wreck Research Department according to the standard of 'doing business'.

However, after discovering that it will take time to produce results here, and many things are beyond his control, he began to wave his hands here and walk his dog there like a leader patrolling, and was finally kicked out by the impatient researchers.

"How can this be, you are contemptuous of the leaders!" A certain Kong Huan deeply felt that his dignity as an elder had been challenged, but in the face of friends who were not afraid these days, even Zerg and elders could apply for research. Technologists, especially biotechnologists, didn't get hard for long.

So, thinking about the difference between masculinity and femininity, he felt that he should avoid these male researchers and talk to women.

So, he decisively came to the office of the first researcher who came to mind—Elder Aiyi.

"Aiyi is also a woman, so she should have a better temper, so she should respect herself." Thinking like this, Kong Huan smiled and pushed open the door of the other party's office.

Unfortunately, dreams are beautiful, but reality is cruel.

Just pushed open the door of Aiyi's office, and the first reaction of the poor breast inside was to light up when she saw the void.

Kong Huan has not yet understood the meaning of this expression, because Aiyi quickly changed his face after learning that the cargo ship was still in the final inspection and had to wait until midnight before setting sail, and was mercilessly kicked out by the other party, and studied The personnel's evaluation of "don't make trouble" added a sentence of "the great main consciousness (in Aiyi language) that has no effect".

"My self-esteem." Thinking about it carefully, didn't Lingxue say "not doing business" before?

As a result, Kong Huan was almost squatting in a corner.

At this time, the offices of Aiyi behind Kong Huan were opened for a while: "Kong Huan, go to the construction site to supervise, with your help, the speed will be faster there! Call us immediately when you are ready."

Faced with the request of a poor breast, Kong Huan was very powerless.

However, although he didn't have the idea of ​​staying here with Aiyi, it felt very embarrassing to be pushed out like this.No matter how you say, you are also the main consciousness, Aiyi, as one of the insiders, has no respect at all, how amazing this is!

So, he decisively refuted.

"Aren't you Youshen too? Why don't you go together?"

"No, the noisy place like the shipyard is the enemy of the researchers! I don't know if staying for a long time will affect the thinking. Besides, I still need to organize everyone to prepare to board the ship."


Well, Kong Huan is too lazy to complain that he is not a half-researcher, why don't you consider my feelings and other things.

Because he found that a good man not fighting a woman is the best excuse for him to get rid of.

Shi Shiran strode away from Aiyi's office with big strides, fantasizing that perhaps it would be a good way to use the dock work to kill this little leisure time.

As a result, his mood recovered a little.

However, things are fickle, and today is probably an illusory lucky day (the day of lucky E (-)).

After arriving at the overhaul factory of the cargo ship, Kong Huan was told that the overhaul work at this time was all about detailed inspection, and only needed and could only be handed over to skilled workers.Even if Youshen wants to help, the factory administrator is still worried that Youshen will disturb him.

The reason for the incident is that not long ago, the former Minister of Development and Reform, the Elder Chu Qin who was in charge of the unified deployment of the autonomous floating islands at this time, came to inspect the dock amidst the warm welcome of the factory managers, and offered to help permission.The administrators at that time foolishly asked Chu Qin to take action, but they did not expect that Chu Qin had no experience in shipbuilding, not only failed to provide help, but caused the shipbuilding that was originally smooth to become a mess.

This incident made the managers clearly realize that if the ghosts want to help in the dock, they can only serve as coolies, and they still don't have any technical coolies, otherwise just wait and cry.

In this regard, Kong Huan feels a lot of pressure.

After that, the managers of the dock began to strictly control the so-called "youshen's help". For example, Kong Huan offered to help with short-term jobs for half a day or a day, but they firmly rejected them.

Being stuck in the 'business' that he had just thought about, the depression on Kong Huan's face became even heavier.

After urging the overhaul of cargo ships in the dock to step up work while maintaining quality and quantity, Kong Huan could only shift positions again.

However, the research department has been there, and the dock proposed by Ai has been here, so where should we go next?After ten minutes of contemplation, an illusory and bleak figure appeared at the headquarters of Xinpeng Island, where the top management is located.

"That is to say, you couldn't find anything serious for a while, so you came here to take a look?"

God knows why I can meet Lingxue everywhere today, Kong Huan was only blown by the general command department for a while, and was caught by Lingxue who just returned from the outside, and immediately scolded for a while, Then he was dragged to the room.

Before the other party complained, Kong Huan, who had been stepped on by his tail, resolutely stated his previous actions in detail, and immediately reaped "Lingxue's forehead covering" and "Lingxue's helplessness".

(Lingxue's evaluation of you -1) and other auditory hallucinations seem to be endless.

But the weird thing is, it seems that there are more weird and inappropriate things like (Lingxue's intimacy with you +1).

"Could it be that I have a mental problem recently?" Kong Huan felt powerless for a while.

"What did you say?"

"Ah, no."

He pushed the door open and walked in. He was very familiar with the emptiness of this office, but he sat on the sofa without realizing it at all.

"You...forget it, I happen to have something I can leave to you." After shaking her head depressedly, Lingxue, who led Kong Huan to sit in the office, rummaged on the table for a while, pulled out a document and placed it on the confused Kong Huan. before.

But no matter how you look at it, the other party doesn't seem to be handing over to Kong Huan if there is something to do, but to hand over to Kong Huan if something just happens to happen.

Thinking so, Kong Huan stretched out his hand to take the report, and glanced at it casually.

"Abolishing the chariot troops...how is this possible! Hasn't the danger of pure air troops been discussed? Land troops must be retained."

"You finish reading it first," Lingxue buried her head in the document on the desktop, she didn't look up as if she had expected the illusory reaction, but waved her hand casually and continued to do her own thing.

Looking away suspiciously, Kong Huan glanced at the document in his hand again, and after a while, his face was slightly embarrassed.

This document is a report previously submitted by the Academy of Military Affairs. The content is very simple. After integrating the two weapons of 'tank' and 'aircraft', it is necessary to adjust the original tank force based on various factors.

Considering that the 'airplane' of Pengzu also uses pumice stones to provide lifting force, and the dot matrix magnetic field engine can make the 'airplane' maneuverable.Then the "aircraft" of the Pengzu has some functions that overlap with the chariot, but it is also worthy of the "flying chariot" spread by the soldiers.

Therefore, in order to avoid waste, the General Staff put forward a proposal for the transformation of tank units.

At first, it was just a simple consideration by the staff department on the backwardness of the 'chariot', a land weapon. After it aroused heated discussions among the soldiers, the guys in the staff department collected some suggestions from the soldiers, but suddenly found that they once Discussions arising from unconscious actions certainly lead to something new.

Therefore, the staff officers immediately collected and sorted out more relevant suggestions, and finally it became the current document of "requesting to cancel the tank unit and upgrade all the original tank units to air fighter units".

"Lingxue, what do you think?" Kong Huan put down the document, and did not rush to comment, but asked Lingxue first.

I thought that the other party should have some ideas before handing over the documents to me, but there must be some problems with this idea, so I couldn't make a final decision.Otherwise, Lingxue gave the order directly.

"On the surface, the problem is actually very simple. It only lies in the scope of use and the comparison of combat capabilities between the tank unit and the future fighter unit." Lingxue explained.

Kong Huan nodded, thinking of this question.

Chariot troops can only be used on land. Although several categories of assault, assault, troop transport, and artillery have been designed, they are ultimately limited to land and cannot be applied to the current form of warfare.

In terms of fighter planes, the fighter planes of the friends are not the kind of planes in the human world.In comparison, the title given to it by the soldiers as a "flying chariot" is indeed more appropriate, because when the designers designed it, the battleship used by S-1 was Chachao, and now it has become the predecessor of the "combat boat"; S -2 uses tanks as a reference, but it seems that it has nothing to do with tanks after modification.

But in fact, the fighters of the fighter force can undertake the tasks of all tanks, but they do not have the fragility and low mobility of human aircraft.Coupled with the versatility of air and ground, and the advantages of speed, maneuverability, and transfer, it has indeed been able to drive the chariots of the friends into the backward corners.

After describing these comparisons one by one, Lingxue also nodded in agreement.

But this confuses Kong Huan. Since it looks like the fighter force is dominant, why does Lingxue still hesitate?

"The more advanced a weapon is, the better it is, and sometimes even looking at it from the perspective of the society as a whole, it doesn't necessarily mean that it's better if it fits well." Lingxue explained.

The more advanced is not the better, I can understand this thing. After all, no matter how advanced something is, if it is not suitable for the current combat situation, it will become a tasteless thing. This kind of thing will become a technical reserve under normal circumstances. Such equipment will be reproduced from time to time.

However, it doesn't necessarily mean that it is suitable, which makes him confused.

"The problem is not the weapon itself, but other aspects." Lingxue simply put down the pen in her hand, looked up at Kong Huan and explained: "The chariot is a new weapon that has only appeared in recent years. The land force has evolved from the model of 'soldier + armor + weapon' to the model of 'soldier + chariot + chariot', and the troops are several times higher in terms of defense, combat, logistics, and security..."

Since the appearance of the chariot a few years ago, the three major Pengzu clans, the three Dunjia tribe legions, and the increasing number of Moonlings have been integrated for the first time, forming the Pengzu subordinate to the three major battle groups. A cluster of dozens of land combat armor regiments.

But there has always been one of the most important problems, that is, the armored forces have not experienced much actual combat.

However, considering the good performance in the experiment and the real improvement in the strength of the friends' troops, the senior leaders of the friends still strongly promoted the production of tanks.In order to replace the armored combat vehicles, the whole family has 107 existing production lines, with 21982 directly related production personnel, and the peripheral related industries involve the whole family.

However, in order to promote the actual combat of the tanks in order not to cause a strong backlash, the friends used to rely on a lot of publicity, portraying the armored forces as powerful, mighty, and even almost invincible.

Everyone knows that no matter how good the publicity is, it needs to be supported by facts, otherwise it will never last.

However, in quite a few actual battles, the chariot troop has always been robbed of the limelight by the warship troop.Even if there is a small amount of actual combat, the performance is only unsatisfactory because the opponent is a Zerg.

If it's just like this, although it's a little troublesome, it won't be a big problem for the high-level to explain it.

But not long ago, the battle report of the No. 05 war zone came, but it pushed the high-level officials into a dilemma.

Marine troops equipped with tanks have almost no demand for tanks in defensive battles; at this time, combined with theater 03, the fleet left the slow cargo fleet to set off first in order to "cooperate with the elders inside and outside to eliminate the Zerg. With the news that the team has no results' (the content of public opinion propaganda), the situation becomes more delicate.

The people's association ability will always exceed the high-level thinking ability.

It may be nothing if these things appear individually, but once the public associates them together, and think of the news that the high-level officials forcibly passed the tank production plan, they will have doubts about the high-level orders, and even implicate the previous efforts to promote the "chariot tank" Strong' public opinion circles.

At this time, if there was another news of 'cancelling the chariot unit and replacing it with a fighter unit', wouldn't it be a blatant slap in the face?How does this affect the credibility of the government?
This is the most important issue, and the secondary ones are the transformation of workers related to the production line, the waste of resources caused by the shutdown of the old production line, the waste of time, the vacuum of weapon production, and so on.

"It won't be such a trouble."

After Lingxue explained, Kong Huan couldn't help covering his forehead, and even his tail limply drooped on the ground, curled up in a circle.

"That's what it is."

The corner of her mouth was also twitched in distress, and Lingxue, who walked to the beverage counter with a water glass, put it at the exit of Xiguo Water, after thinking about it, she moved to the front of the tea, took a glass and put it in front of Kong Huan, while she continued to savor the food in front of her clear tea.

"Warplanes are a good thing, and they really need to be developed, but tanks are not outdated now, they just have better ones."

"That's what you say," Kong Huan held hot tea in both hands, and said uncertainly after he exhaled: "It seems that the chariot that we were optimistic about before has now become something like a chicken rib, and it is obvious to cancel it all at once. No, it will be a disaster for the manufacturing industry, public opinion, and government credibility.”

The two nodded in unison, and then fell silent.

Lingxue couldn't think of a way to throw this kind of troublesome thing to Kong Huan in a short time. Since he threw it to Kong Huan to solve it, he simply put down his thinking, refocused his attention on the document in front of him, and reviewed it on his own. .

Kong Huan couldn't refuse, looking through the documents in his hand distressedly, sometimes got up and went to Lingxue's pile of documents to search for various relevant information, and sometimes connected to the spiritual network to inquire about various document information.Occasionally, I also complain about whether Pengzu's spiritual network should create a Baidu tool, so as not to be so troublesome to find anything, but it is just a fleeting idea.

Chariots, chariots, public opinion...

The scorching sun at noon gradually rises to the sky. Xinpeng Island is located in the equatorial region. Even under the overall glacial climate, the temperature is far warmer by five or six degrees than the two theaters of No. 05 and No. 03.Standing at the large glass window of Lingxue's office, she stretched her waist, staring straight at the distant emptiness, with an expression that didn't seem like she was worrying about anything at all.

"Why, do you think of a solution?"

Seeing the other party's expression, Lingxue felt that she could not calm down for some reason, and broke the calm atmosphere at this moment with her words, then turned her head to look at the clock on the corner of the table, thought for a while and asked in a slightly expectant tone: : "It's already noon, why don't we have dinner together?"

"Okay, I haven't eaten for more than ten days, and now I feel stomach cramps when I see the electric nucleus." Kong Huan immediately showed a satisfied smile.

"Ah, hehe, is that right?" Lingxue's cheeks twitched.

Energy bodies like them can directly rely on electric cores to replenish energy without eating, which doesn't need to be said much.

Under normal circumstances, two standard electric cores can meet the regular energy needs of the energy body for half a day; but if you want to use food to meet your consumption, you have to eat at least half a month's worth of ordinary primitive people a day.

However, whether it is due to past habits or to prevent oneself from becoming inhuman, the energy body will eat one or two meals a day, at least maintain a formal food intake, and only use electricity to fully satisfy consumption in critical times .

Throwing the documents to the servants for sorting out, Kong Huan and Lingxue walked to the canteen downstairs side by side.

Talking about the chariot during the march, Kong Huan, who had already had a general idea, seemed relaxed.

His coping method is actually four words: step by step.

"It is inevitable that chariots will be replaced by fighter planes, but there is no need to cancel them all at once."

In fact, in this regard, Kong Huan felt that Lingxue was just dark under the lights. If there were not so many things interfering, she would only need to spend a little time to think: "On the surface, we are only promoting the news that the fighter plane is a modified version of the tank. .”

"Of course, this cannot conceal the decline of tanks, but on the one hand, we can speed up the erection of production lines for fighters and the process of turning tank units into fighter units. But on the other hand, we slowly reduce the number of tank production lines, seal them up or remodel."

"It seems that this will cause the number of fighter jet production lines to exceed the current number of tank production lines, resulting in nowhere for tank production line workers to be placed, but we are not canceling all tank production lines."

"But what are we using it for?" Kong Huan smiled, and pointed to the distant sky: "In addition to the friends, Dunjia, Moonlings and Shadow Clans in the Dapeng Clan system, the entire Double Moon Star also has There are Black Bone Clan, Spirit Clan, and Sea Clan systems. The upgrade of fighter jets is an improvement of the combat power of the Dapeng Clan system, but we must not forget the Black Bone Clan members of the Double Moon Stars."

"The most advanced weapon reserve, the advanced weapon self-equipment, and the second-class weapons are used as foreign trade arms. By this, the strength of the entire Double Moon Star Army can be improved while ensuring the advantages of the Dapeng clan system. This is a good idea. means, isn't it?"

Kong Huan blinked mischievously: "By the way, I can get some foreign exchange."

Lingxue, who was walking by the side, looked at Kong Huan with a smile, and already understood his thoughts.

This is indeed a solution, or the best solution currently.Being able to find a solution so quickly, Lingxue was more satisfied with Void.However, perhaps neither of them noticed that as time went by and Lingxue accepted the job of the patriarch for longer and longer, the two who worked hard at first to want each other to be satisfied have now lost each other.

However, this will not affect the relationship between the two.

Congratulations to Xinxiga

(End of this chapter)

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