Spore Story

Chapter 732 Procrastination

Chapter 732 Procrastination
Where the huge explosion crater is located, the world-like scene after the impact of the meteorite is shocking.

But that’s only for a race like the Friends. For a Zerg commander who has participated in interstellar wars, he has encountered nuclear bombs, lava bombs, forbidden curses, and salted duck eggs. It's all about encountering such a powerful explosion, so you won't be amazed at all, let alone panic.

After a brief exclamation, the Zerg ordered the pursuit of the sky Zerg.

As for the feelings of ordinary bugs, do they have feelings?
So ignore it.

At this time, Dongshan has completely become the world of the Zerg. The original small Zerg base was built behind the Zerg defense line six to seven kilometers away from the Pengzu Dongshan defense line.

Previously, in order to ensure safety, the small base was concealed behind the line of defense by the Zerg.After driving away the third combat group, there is no need to cover up any more here, so it also appeared on the surface blatantly.However, perhaps because the establishment time was too short, the creep of this small base only covered the edge of the explosion area.

Therefore, many things that can be used as resources in the explosion area can only be transported by the Zerg to the creep area.

At this moment, in the explosion area where countless lives were buried, only the bare ground was left standing still, and a few Zerg puppies and other low-level troops were busy.

The puppies and devouring bugs wandered around the explosion area, digging and carrying all the things they could find, and then threw them back to the small Zerg base not far away, so as to supplement the energy and materials needed for the development of the small base.

Although they have the ability to dig minerals, right now it seems that the mining of minerals is due to the interference of heavy artillery units, resulting in a slow supply of resources, and the Zerg is also a very economical race.

At this time, the two puppies seemed to have found something in a slightly raised area. They stopped for a moment to search with their sense of smell, and soon they started digging.

The big bang not only destroyed a lot of things that dared to rise above the ground, but also relied on the dust it raised to cover up many objects that existed on the surface or underground, and the task of these puppies is to dig out the useful ones.

With sharp claws, the accumulated dust was quickly dug away by the puppy from the suspension.

The accumulated dust that fell on the ground raised a large cloud of dust, which was quickly blown away by the breeze, and the black lacquered steel hollow was exposed in front of the puppy.

However, the two puppies didn't go deep into it, but after trying to drag it to no avail, they used their hard and sharp claws to cut it up from the outside along the edge of the steel, so that other puppies and devouring insects could eat the big A piece of metal, moved back to the base bit by bit.

Half an hour later, the entire raised area was surrounded by hundreds of puppies and devouring bugs.

The huge shape of the wreckage was revealed. It was one of the wreckages of the two assault ships that exploded in the air before. On the distorted armor plate, the logo of the Floating Mountain belonging to the battle group of the friends was even clearly visible, but it was only caused by several impacts. Something twisted.

After another half an hour, the huge wreckage was finally broken into several pieces by the tireless puppies waving their paws again and again.

Afterwards, the scene looked down from a high altitude was like ants moving food.

The wreckage was moved a little by the bugs, and was finally thrown on the creep.

After sensing the presence of foreign matter, the surface of the creeper began to secrete a viscous but clear liquid.

These liquids seem to be free from gravity, and 'flow' along the shell of the wreckage from bottom to top, gradually overflowing the twisted armor, sealing the broken openings, and wrapping the raised fort... Finally, the mucus is like a film, Cover several pieces of wreckage entirely.

On the viscous creep, a group of sacs appeared just like this.

Time passed little by little, and the early morning sun rushed from low to high to high. When he finally stopped at the apex, the several wreckage clusters wrapped in this small base were already more than half smaller than they were at the beginning.The huge steel wreckage before, as if it had never existed, was absorbed and decomposed by the liquid secreted by the creeper and disappeared into various Zerg buildings.

As for what it transformed into, we don't know.

When the membranous sacs stopped shrinking, a few puppies walked up to these membranous sacs, stretched out their paws and waved lightly.

The next moment, the film that was originally wrapped in a large group immediately became fragile and was broken by the things inside.

The viscous liquid flowed out first, but the initial clarity of the liquid had long since disappeared, leaving only a cloudy appearance and a strange smell, not smelly but pungent.And these liquids were absorbed by the creep the moment they touched the creep, and then flowed to the surrounding Zerg buildings along the blood vessel-like structure in the creep.

But not all the substances were turned into decomposed slime, followed by things that the creep secretions could not decompose or did not decompose—hundreds of dead soldiers.

There are friends, moon spirits, and dunjia people.

Previously, the third combat group did obey the order not to leave the corpses behind, and most likely collected all the corpses and put them into a floating boat with the intention of transporting them back to the friends.

But after the loss of four consecutive warships, it is already even more difficult to rescue the survivors with all their strength.In addition, two of them exploded in the air above the swarm. To retrieve the corpses, it is necessary to rush into the main area of ​​the swarms, which is more dangerous. There is no guarantee that the corpses in the wreckage have been dragged away by the swarms.

After careful consideration, the headquarters reported the situation to the general headquarters, and finally gave up the decision to protect the corpse, and only took away the energy cores of the Winged Man that could be taken away.

In this way, the order to keep the body was of course a failure.

And after the huge explosion before, the wreckage of the two assault ships that were at the core of the explosion at the beginning was definitely turned into powder; Therefore, the third combat group believed that the explosion had already dealt with the wreckage of the four assault ships and the bodies inside, so they breathed a sigh of relief when they left.

But I didn't expect that these wreckages were only slightly affected by the explosion, and finally covered by dust, and the corpses inside were preserved.

Looking at the hundreds of corpses on the creeper, the Zerg didn't hesitate, as if they had done countless times, they swiftly carried these corpses to the entrance of the huge building in the center.

Then, the wriggling larvae outside the building scrambled to drag the corpses into the building one by one.

Why are they doing this?what purpose?Friends do not know.

However, at this time, staying at high altitude, the Nanling, which happened to pass by this area, saw this scene clearly.

With the help of 8051, the Swordfish-class Nanling and the Canglong still hidden outside the No. 05 meteorite base are all shrouded in clouds and mist. , can rely on the cloud to allow any approaching Zerg to pass through naturally but cannot find them.

However, this thing cannot be popularized, and there are many restrictions, otherwise 8051 will not be able to explain why it is provided for the main fleet.

After quickly sending this information to the headquarters, several officers of the Nanling together thought that instead of just rushing to L11 to join the evacuated third combat cluster, it would be better to continue to monitor this Zerg base where the behavior of devouring soldiers' corpses appeared. Maybe even more useful news.

It can only be said that the previous artillery guidance gave these guys a lot of courage.

So, in the eyes of the Zerg, when the friends left, a white cloud floated in the sky again.

———Battle of Energy Body———

Lan Jiu, who was floating in mid-air, looked nervously at the approaching insect swarm in the distance, thinking about the countermeasures after contact.

In fact, he was far less fearless than he had shown in the conference room earlier.

As the deputy captain of a battleship not long ago, he actually existed mainly as a radar. The so-called battle was all about sitting on the bridge, scanning and analyzing the surrounding situation with mental power, and then notifying the captain of the situation.

At most, it was nothing more than standing in the bridge during tense battles, mobilizing the energy outside the bridge, sending out some lightning arc attacks across the bridge, and knocking out those bugs that might threaten the bridge.

Therefore, in terms of combat experience, these energy body deputy captains are actually very lacking.

What's even more detrimental to Lan Jiu is that he wasn't even a soldier before he was quantified, but an ordinary librarian.I was able to become an energy body at the beginning, purely because I was bored with the work of a librarian, and I was envious of the power of the energy body, so I took the risk to join the initial energyization experiment with a high mortality rate.

In the end, he was lucky enough to survive, and he also successfully jumped from an ordinary wingman to an elder attendant.

After that, he followed Elder Longyue for a period of time, and he also experienced the difference in status and strength of attendants.

But following the elders, his strength has not improved much, because there are very few times when he needs to do it.

It wasn't until Lan Jiu was recommended by the elders to serve as the deputy captain of the assault ship that Lan Jiu had a little battle training.

But at that time, the Pengzu had little research on energy bodies that were not of the Youshen level and above, and the use of all soul-level energy bodies for physical combat power was still in the groping stage.

If he hadn't practiced the Concentration Art provided by Shenting for a long time, so as to combine consciousness and energy thoroughly, he might have collapsed because his body was not solid when the previous assault ship fell.

Speaking of which, many energy bodies know that the complete combination of consciousness and energy can make the body more solid.But among them, many formally energyd people deliberately suppressed the fusion of the two because they were worried that they would not be able to form a dead soul after death. As a result, a small part of consciousness became independent and their control over the body was reduced.

In this situation, if they die, a small part of their consciousness will be transformed into dead souls, thus surviving.

Ke Lanjiu scoffed at this.

Because the souls of the dead with only a little bit of consciousness transformation can't even reach the ghost level, and they will probably dissipate within a few seconds after they die and form.When talking about this in ordinary chats, some energy bodies also argue that at least a few seconds allow others to rescue their dead souls.

But things are really that simple?
Lan Jiu shook his head. If this was the case, he would not be the only one who survived among the four energy bodies in the assault ship he was in before.

On the battlefield, the rescue time of a few seconds is not enough for others to discover your death. Moreover, when the energy body dies, it is usually very spectacular. Otherwise, it will be washed away.

As for natural death?That would be even more ridiculous, the energy body has never died naturally.

To sum up, Lan Jiu firmly believes in one sentence: neither high nor low will always be a tragedy.

"What are you thinking, prepare to fight!"

The words of the elder beside him pulled Lan Jiu out of his distraction, and when he realized that he was distracted, he smiled awkwardly, then adjusted the fifth-generation armor on his body, and tightened his grip on the broadsword-like weapon in his hand.

Surprisingly, he would choose a melee weapon even though he was a little afraid of fighting.

But in fact, when leaving the fleet, after a brief exchange of opinions between the elders and the energy bodies, what everyone was holding was no longer an electromagnetic weapon, but a melee cold weapon.


Because their task is to delay the pace of Zerg pursuit.

Facing tens of thousands of Zergs, the party with a small number of friends planned to let the four Youshen not directly participate in the battle, but to use their thoughts as logistics to help drive the Zergs away.At the same time, Youshen uses mental power to provide a layer of protection for all energy bodies.

Ordinary energy bodies are in charge of frontal battles. After rushing into the swarm, they use long weapons, thunder nets, replaceable electric nuclear armor, and the ability to guide thunder clouds and lightning to contain the swarm.

As for the evacuation after the time is up, as long as the four Youshen are still there, the energy bodies that are still alive can escape smoothly.At that time, the swarm would have no strength to stop Youshen.

Of course, before that, everyone still needs to ensure that Youshen will not suffer from excessive consumption.

After confirming these, there is no need to be surprised by the weapon in Lan Jiu's hand.

Moreover, with melee combat, although they will be surrounded by swarms of insects, it avoids the crisis of being saturated by a large number of long-range attack weapons of the zerg.

For example now.

When the distance between the two sides was still six kilometers, long-range attacks flew out from the swarm, and white mist, energy balls, and corrosion balls abounded.Perhaps considering the flexibility of the energy body, these attacks adopted a range attack mode, which directly caused the energy team to only use hard resistance besides using thunder to eliminate the attack.

In Lan Jiu's opinion, hard resistance is impossible. Although the four elders can do it, they need to consider the mental impact of defending against so many attacks on Youshen.Even if it is not all defense, but only needs to resist the attack that will attack the energy body, it is the same.

Nodding to his teammates beside him, Lan Jiu waved the broadsword in his hand, like the warriors in the stories of the older generation, roared, gave up waiting, and rushed straight to the attack ahead.

There is no too strict command of the energy body team, but only rely on the auxiliary command of the elders of the spiritual network recipients, and the specific operations are assisted by themselves.Encouraged by the actions of Lan Jiu and the others, they thought that even if there was danger, they could be protected by the elder's mind power, and their own strength was not bad, so they also accelerated their charge.

The Zerg in the distance were not moved by this, but calmly launched another batch of attacks.

Afterwards, the bug swarm began to disperse, and it seemed that they wanted to use part of it to drag down the energy body team, and then went around and continued to attack the fleet not far away.

But for this, the elders who clearly knew that their team was small and would not be easily valued by the swarm had long been prepared.

For a moment, when Lan Jiu swung his long knife and passed the calculated trajectory from a distance, avoiding the first attack of the insect swarm, the surrounding water vapor began to increase, and after a short while, everyone's vision began to blur .

"It's getting foggy."

Muttering to himself, Lan Jiu looked at the space for less than half a minute, and the visual distance was reduced to less than 20 meters. Even the perception of the direction of the magnetic field was disturbed by the interference of Youshen. He knew that the swarm wanted to go around and continue chasing the fleet. , It was impossible before killing them.

"Then let's fight! Ha!"

A force-splitting Huashan smashed the corrosion ball facing him, and glanced at the slightly corroded knife surface, Lan Jiu frowned slightly and ignored it, but he remembered in his heart that he would not use weapons to attack those dangerous ones. Experience with corrosive objects.

Speaking of which, these cold weapons are old products from decades ago, and they were able to make up enough in the fleet, and it was entirely out of unnecessary "preparation".

A dark figure seemed to flash in front of him. If he wasn't a partner in the mental power network, then he was an enemy.

Regardless of whether the other party found him or not, he quickly confirmed the movement distance of this Zerg with mental power immunity through the mist squeezed out when the other party moved during the mental power scan.

Smiling coldly, the energy of the whole body twisted at high speed in the magnetic field that was only stable around the body, driving the big knife to split the mist, and slashed heavily on the neck of the corrosive dragon.

Being in the mist, the mental power can even deduce the identity of the other party through the hollow shape formed by the fog, which is extremely beneficial for the energy bodies who use the mental power.

The strength of the energy body's full-strength knife is so great. It has eyes. Of course, the Corrosion Dragon, which relies on eyes to confirm the target, can't even react and decapitate.

However, the next moment, the three-headed Corrosion Dragon and a group of war bees had already discovered Lan Jiu's location.

First of all, there were three balls of corrosion, and then the swarm of bees surrounded them.


Swipe the long knife horizontally at the waist, and the magnetic force under the control of the body will spin the whole body mover rapidly.

Thunder swept across the swarm of war bees quickly among the spinning figures, and after chopping, smashing, or electrically clearing the swarm of bees around, Lan Jiu, who just stopped, rubbed his dizzy head slightly, saying yes In the distance, the Corrosion Dragon, who was still relentlessly launching Corrosion Balls, showed a slight smile.

The next moment, he suddenly accelerated and appeared beside the Corrosion Dragon.

Avoiding a group of spore flying insects flying in the mist, before the Corrosion Dragon under him could react, he found the enemy's spore flying insects and launched a spore attack that did not distinguish between enemy and friend.

Lan Jiu, who disappeared in place in an instant, was unscathed, while the poor Corrosion Dragon was swallowed by his companion's spores.

Holding the big knife high and staying on the back of the other Corrosion Dragon, Lan Jiu even showed an excited and satisfied smile on his face.

Perhaps it was the aftereffects of listening to the stories of the era of hot-blooded and cold weapons from the older generation since he was a child. He felt that he began to like this kind of battle in the fog, using a big knife to slash huge enemies.

With a knowing smile in his mouth, Lan Jiu slashed the knife again.

"And then, next."

(End of this chapter)

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