733 Mist
The battle in the mist was extremely fierce, which can be seen from the insect corpses that never stopped falling below the mist.

But the specific situation of the internal battle, I am afraid that apart from the four ghosts who control the foggy area, even the energy bodies in it have no way of knowing.Because after the fog was created, the energy bodies had already fought on their own according to the plan, and what they paid attention to was only the Zerg beside them.

In the beginning, the attendants could still communicate with each other through the spiritual network, but as the battle became more intense, the swarms continued to gather among the attendants who were far apart, and the connection of the spiritual power network was blocked by the dense swarm not long ago. The barrier fails.At this time, the energy bodies have no way of knowing how long they have been fighting or whether any teammates are still alive.

Such a situation puts a lot of pressure on the servants of the energy body.

Fortunately, those who can successfully quantify are very good at emotional stability, which has not caused unnecessary losses.However, this situation cannot last long after all.As for keeping time, the attendants could only choose to trust the four elders.

"It's only been 10 minutes, keep going?"

An elder floated above the center of the mist, staring at the energy bodies in the mist.

After arbitrarily using the way of concentration of thoughts to protect an energy body attendant who was almost ambushed by more than a dozen corrosive dragons, he calculated the time and looked at the attendants who were fighting hard, feeling hesitant.

The fighting awareness of the Zerg exceeded expectations. I thought the fog could make the Zerg swarm confused, and as the elders of Youshen guided the team, it would be no problem for the team to stop the Zerg for 10 minutes or even longer.Unexpectedly, the insect swarm gathered together in groups of three or four, and fought against the attack of the energy body in a group.

After paying a lot of losses, the Zerg even found out the observation range of the energy body's mental power in the foggy area. Ambushed the servant who thought he could see the Zerg, but the Zerg couldn't see him.

If Youshen hadn't used his mind power to protect him in time, this attack would have been enough to wipe out the entire energy body troop.But even so, several energy bodies have been pushed to the periphery of the mist to guard because of lack of energy.

Looking back in the southwest direction, the main fleet is faintly visible, which means that the opponent has not yet escaped from the pursuit range of the swarm.It also shows that the elders' broken troops have not yet been completed.

"Looks like at least another 10 minutes or two."

The elder above the mist muttered to himself, but he kept mobilizing Thunder in his hand to kill the small number of insect swarms rushing out of the mist, and relied on Thunder to make a very threatening way above his head to prevent the insect swarm from passing through the only confirmed upper and lower two swarms. The sky breaks through in the direction; as for the ground direction, because the fog covers the ground, and the insect swarms are all flying insects, they are not afraid.

"The current situation is that even if you can't hold on, you must hold on!"

The elders who were in the mist to the southwest echoed their words. They are connected to each other through the spiritual network, and they are not disturbed by the insects in the mist, so the information exchange is very clear.

And in the southwest, although the swarms are basically disturbed by the fog, even if they occasionally approach the edge, they may not be able to escape, but the elders still need to divide them into several directions just in case.

"But strategy is indispensable, otherwise seventy to ten thousand, there is no chance of winning at all."

The elders in the east and northwest in the mist agreed.

The difference in numbers between the two sides was too large, and it was the fog rather than the elders and attendants who mainly restrained them.The battle of the energy body is just to assist the maze function of the mist, so that the swarm of insects will not gather in large numbers.The elders of Youshen commanded and mobilized the servants of the energy body to attack the area where the swarms gathered. This is the abbreviation of the battle in the fog area at this time.

"The key problem is that the number is too small. Should we unite with the energy bodies to create a thunderstorm?"

A Youshen elder suddenly proposed.With the thunder cloud above the head and more than 70 members of energy body level, mobilizing the thunder to attack the swarm can produce a much higher lethality than the current killing speed, but there is also a big problem here.While proposing, the elders thought of it.

"The swarm is now shrouded in mist. Although the thunderstorm we sent out with the combined power of the group can definitely kill thousands of zerg, that's all we can get. On the contrary, once we do this, the fog that has finally gathered will be covered by the thunderstorm." Disperse, then the Zerg can easily escape..."

"Yeah, is there any way to kill them all at once?"

"That's fine."

The four fell silent at the same time.

Killing a thousand Zerg at once would cause the Zerg to continue chasing the fleet due to the dissipating fog. This was a very uneconomical deal, so I gave up decisively.However, the temptation of Thunderstorm was too great, and the elders were unwilling to give up completely. Among them, those who acted quickly even started to read the usage methods of Thunderstorm on the Friends Network.

At the same time, the battle of the energy body servants will not stop there.

As the time spent fighting the fog and energy bodies increased, the combat experience of the attendants increased, and the swarm's understanding of the attendants became deeper.But the number of Zerg is more, even if the combat experience of the servants is improving, the battle is still becoming more difficult.

In the mist, Lan Jiu skillfully swung his knife to cut off the wings of the Corrosion Dragon. Before the other party flustered his limbs and fell to the ground, he had already disappeared in place.The next moment, the Corrosion Dragon, which was still attracted by gravity and fell to the ground, was swallowed by the covering corrosive white mist, which was the attack of some white mist cysts.

"It's too early to kill me, hum!"

In a highly concentrated battle, the speed at which a friend who is good at thinking accumulates experience is amazing.Lan Jiu, who hadn't done much melee training, especially the melee training during high maneuvering flight like the energy body, after the initial panic, swung the big knife in his hand more and more smoothly.

After avoiding the charge of a swarm of war bees, he flew straight forward without taking a breath.

Then, at a speed of nearly a hundred kilometers per hour, the mist rolled up and crashed into a batwing Zerg.Before the contact, he stopped suddenly, then turned [-] degrees to avoid the impact, stabbed the long knife obliquely into the neck of the war bee beside the batwing Zerg, and took advantage of the trend, hitting Hit the Batwing on the head, smashing it into a concussion.

Although the energy body has a strong ability to resist impact, and as long as it is not absolutely saturated or exhausted, it is basically an immortal body. After all, Lan Jiu still retains the thinking of friends when he was in the human body. Injury is something that can be avoided. avoid.

Taking advantage of the concussion of the Batwing Zerg, he turned around and hid under the opponent.

The next moment, more than a dozen corrosion balls wiped the gap and disappeared at the end of the fog.

"The attacks of these bugs are getting more and more accurate."

Looking intently at the mist where nothing can be seen, the direction of the source of those corrosion balls, through mental power, Lan Jiu knows where there are more than a dozen corrosion dragons, but the problem is that these corrosion dragons could not find themselves without vision before. Yes, why is it possible now?
"It seems that the Zerg is also learning, let's see who grows faster!"

The potential of the energyized body is huge, and Lan Jiu just uses this to further tap its combat power. This is an excellent opportunity for him.

Glancing coldly at the Zerg rolling in the mist, he stretched out his hand and caressed the blade of the sword, but he sighed helplessly.

Although the idea of ​​exercising is good, the Zerg's carapace is too hard, and I haven't discovered it when using electromagnetic weapons before. After all, even a 10mm electromagnetic rifle is powerful enough to threaten the Zerg.However, when switching back to cold weapons, especially when these cold weapons were old weapons decades ago, the gap between the two sides was revealed.

Every time the knife is cut on the Zerg, it is okay when it hits the opponent's joints or gaps. If it hits the brain and back areas with thicker carapace, the long knife can't break through the defense most of the time. Leave a white mark on the opponent.

But at the same time, a gap would definitely pop out of the long knife.

Of course, it was also the reason why Lan Jiu didn't know how to use cold weapons at the beginning, and didn't master the skills, which led to unnecessary damage caused by the brute force use of the big knife.However, before, through the uninterrupted friends network, he sharpened his gun and looked up the skills of using the big knife and practiced it immediately.

After constant grinding, Lan Jiu's technique of using the broadsword is improving rapidly.

Even if it is temporarily unable to connect to the Internet, it is still very smooth to chop up bugs by constantly familiarizing with the skills I learned before.

However, after fighting for a long time, in Lan Jiu's view, to deal with the tortoise-like enemies like Zerg, maybe the power of hitting the sap is stronger, so in many cases, Lan Jiu is used to hitting the head of the bug with the other half of the big knife , anyway, for the energy body, the mobility of a single Zerg is really very low.

"go to hell!"

After using the body of the batwing Zerg to block another wave of Zerg attacks, Lan Jiu stabbed the long knife through the carapace junction of the Zerg's abdomen, stirred it slightly, pulled out the long knife from the piercing area, and stabbed the stick through the wound went in.Then, ignoring the dancing bugs, Lan Jiu waved his weapon and threw the bugs that hadn't turned into corpses into the swarm of bugs that were planning to attack Lan Jiu in the distance, causing a panic.

Looking around, there are only six or seven Zerg that appear and disappear in the surrounding mist.

During the mental power scan, at least three or four hundred Zergs within a radius of [-] meters noticed Lan Jiu's existence. Lan Jiu said that he was not weak at such a terrifying fighting instinct, perception and growth speed of the Zergs.

However, because the goal of Lan Jiu is too small and flexible for the Zerg to target, most of the Zerg's goals are still on finding a way to leave the fog.Although it violated the original intention of Lan Jiu's mission, it was precisely because of this that he was able to persist until now.

But looking at the scratches on Lan Jiu's five-generation armor, he knew that his actions were not so smooth.

At this moment, Lan Jiu, who was planning to throw a thunderbolt according to his previous habit, to kill the Zerg who had tried to attack him but was disturbed by the thrown bat-wing Zerg corpse and temporarily lost his target, found that the Zerg in the mental scan The group, as if they were instructed by something, suddenly flew in one direction in unison.

"what happened?"

The mission of the attendants was to organize the swarms to gather, but after all, there were few people, so the mist played a major role.But after a long time, the bugs are still gathering. If they insist on attacking in one direction now, to be honest, everyone really has no way to deal with it.But in the current situation, it seems that the Zerg have already discovered the direction.

"Impossible, the magnetic field interference is still there."

Lan Jiu, who releases the human magnetic field at any time, of course knows that the magnetic field interference of the elders is still working.

At this moment, the elder's voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Not good, the bugs have found the edge, everyone is going to move to the edge to stop the bug swarm!"

Although the spiritual network between the energy bodies is blocked by the swarm, even if the spiritual power of Youshen is blocked, it can be forcibly opened through the power of thought.So when the elder's voice suddenly sounded in his mind, Lan Jiu was not too surprised, but the content made people break into a cold sweat.

How is it possible to build a line of defense on the edge of the fog.The energy body is only about 70 people. After losing the fog, if you want to stop tens of thousands of insect swarms, it is simply a dream, and [-] ghosts are about the same.

"What should we do? Elder, do you really want us to stand in front of the swarm?"

"Never mind him, if I really need it, I won't refuse!"

"You are reckless! That is a swarm of tens of thousands of insects, and the insects rushed over regardless of casualties. It is not a big deal if we die, but the failure of the mission is a big deal!"


After brandishing a long knife and knocking out the three-headed Zerg again to buy himself some reaction time, Lan Jiu noticed that there had been a quarrel in the mental power network.After thinking for a moment, he also issued a challenge to the elders. In any case, the posture must be correct.

Although it is not clear how the Zerg found the edge, the situation has clearly reached a critical state.

"If everything is on the edge..." The elder's tone seemed hesitant. It is true that members of the Military Academy are more likely to be promoted to Youshen, but none of the four elders present were born in the Military Academy. Except for one Shadow Troop, the rest are from society. , Combat experience is seriously lacking.

"No, elder, go to the edge to stop the situation at this time, the role we can play is too small!" An attendant suddenly inserted into the network, and refuted the thoughts of the elder and most of the attendants.

Elders have certain skills when setting up foggy areas to interfere with the swarm's sense of direction.For example, strengthen the interference of the edge and internal irregular areas, without any regular interference intensity, it is easy to mislead the Zerg under the virtual reality, so that the opponent cannot find the real edge within a certain period of time.

This attendant had fought in an area with less interference before, because the interference was relatively small, and the inter-connection and coordination of the swarm was greater. In that case, the attack he faced was huge, and he knew the swarm better. Group combat power.

"Our number is very small. When I faced nearly a hundred Zerg attacks alone, if I hadn't relied on energyizing my body, I would have been killed by the Zerg. Even now, the energy consumption is so high that I have already started to use it. The spare power core of the armor is used to supplement the energy loss of the main body.

Once we are mobilized to the edge to stop the swarm, not only will the worms that were pinned down by us at the core replenish to the edge, but the battle of our servants will directly become the initial defensive battle?Everyone should be aware of the pressure it creates.

And in the face of tens of thousands of insect swarms, how much effect can the energy and physical fitness of less than a hundred people play? "

The attendant's explanation was correct, and everyone had to think about the problem.

However, once the swarm was allowed to break through the fog defense, wouldn't the mission fail?

As for the elders outside intercepting the Zerg?No matter how powerful they are, the strength of the Youshen class is more manifested in single-body mobile combat, and it has not yet reached the level of the Yinshen class that can stop tens of thousands of insects from charging with their own strength.

"Let me think about it."

"No time to think!"

Time waits for no one, and it takes only a few minutes for the swarm to break out of the fog. Their quarrel here can't achieve good results at all, it can only waste time.

In desperation, the elder suggested that a few insect swarms that would not threaten the fleet be allowed to leave.Rely on the energy body inside the fog to further contain the Zerg by dividing the responsible area.At the same time, Youshen tried to continue to expand the range of fog and strengthen interference to relieve the current pressure.

There was no better way, and the proposal was passed quickly.

After knowing the scope of his distribution, Lan Jiu just looked at the sky worriedly, then mobilized energy, made a high-speed assault to get rid of the siege of a dozen Zergs around him, and soon appeared on the periphery of a bunch of Zergs.

At this time, he stopped in a little surprise.

Under the mental scan, the swarms of insects in front of them are arranged in a very regular shape of a cube. The distance from each other is no more than ten meters, but it happens to be within the visual range of the mist.

Why do you do that?

Lan Jiu's heart moved, and he suddenly realized that he might have found the reason why the swarm suddenly had a sense of direction.

But this still needs to be verified. While contacting the elders, Lan Jiu mobilized the energy in and around his body.

The next moment, Lan Jiu, who suddenly accelerated and wrapped his body in lightning, rushed into the insect swarm in an extremely arrogant manner.Dali, who was erected in front of his head, was driven by the body of the high-speed road, and cut through everything along the way. After killing more than a dozen Zerg, Sui Lanjiu's body stopped.

But at this time, the jagged broadsword had already lost its combat effectiveness, and on the contrary, it somewhat affected the battle.

"Maybe we can apply to make some weapons with better alloy steel after we go back."

Lan Jiu, who was able to fight with this kind of cold weapon, thought to himself, and with a swing in his hand, he threw the useless blade at a white mist sac, and then tried to swing the one-meter-plus weight in his hand. Long steel rod, nodding slightly.

"Sure enough, the feeling of hitting the stick is better, hehe."

At the same time, Lan Jiu suddenly broke in, causing more than a dozen Zergs in the cube to die, and the sparse cube also had a short period of chaos.Although the chaos soon returned to calm as the nearby Zerg filled in one by one, and the cube did not change much from the outside, Ke Lanjiu knew that his goal had been achieved.

"Really? Sure enough, this cube is the compass of the Zerg, although there is no guide."

After breaking off contact with the elder, Lan Jiu, who received the news that there would be support, narrowed his eyes. Sensing the spiritual perception, he rushed straight to his swarm from the distance of the cube, curling his lips in disdain.

"Although I admire you for thinking of this method, it's not enough."

Raising the long stick, Lan Jiu roared bravely, turned around suddenly, and flew around the cube to avoid the rushing insect swarm.


"The fool rushed into the swarm and was surrounded by you! Come on, haha, chase me!"

It seems that it is the first time in my life that my hands are frozen. It is really a strange experience, huh.

(End of this chapter)

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