Spore Story

Chapter 734 Hidden dangers of rule

Chapter 734 Hidden dangers of rule

Thank you for the reward of 'the wind is close to the track'=w=
When the swarm was in the foggy area, apart from the up and down directions judged by gravity, basically, the southeast, northwest, and southeast directions that were sensed by the geomagnetic field had been shielded by Nether God's regional magnetic field interference.

In this way, in the misty area where the direction is uncertain, and even the direction perceived by the body changes from time to time, it is impossible for the scattered Zerg to escape.

Aiming at one direction and moving in a straight line, the method of leaving in a straight line is first ruled out, because the front may become the left and right sides in the next moment, and even the attendants cannot move in a straight line inside, let alone the Zerg that is mainly disturbed;

Second, 'upward escape', which seems to be the best method, is the most difficult and dangerous method for the Zerg.

Because the people in the foggy area at this time are all flying Zergs in the atmosphere, except for a few fort-type Zergs such as the floating cysts that rely on airbags, the Zergs that rely on wings to fly cannot rise above the height of [-] meters in the fog.And once these turret-type airbag Zerg dared to surpass the height of the fog zone, they were slow-moving and fragile, and the only result was that they were easily dealt with by Youshen when they just saw the blue sky.

Repeatedly, even the Zergs affected by the mist have learned that the sky is dangerous, and for the time being, not many Zergs want to escape from the sky.

After a few 10 minutes, I finally got acquainted with the Zerg in the mist and came up with their own solution.

First, dozens of bugs form a cube in the air, with the gravity line as the central axis, marking out the unique front, rear, left, and right directions; then, the Zergs in the foggy area form a small distance between the Zergs. A physical communication line, and then connected the Zerg in the entire misty area, and marked a certain direction for them.

This method is very effective, at least before that, the energy body team was caught off guard.

At that time, in order to deal with the overwhelming Zerg that dispelled the fog and rushed to the edge in a small area, even the four elders had to be cautious, and at the same time mobilized their attendants to the edge to check for omissions, which made the commanders burnt out.

However, after all, it was formed hastily, and this cubic compass was unfortunately discovered by Lan Jiu without protection.

The next development is very simple.

Faced with the enemy's sharp weapon but lack of protection, Lan Jiu's attendant naturally cooperated with several attendant teammates mobilized by the elder to solve it easily.Then the Zerg, who lost their direction, fell into the confusion of the fog again. With the supervision of the elders, they could not assemble a new cube compass in a short time, so the Zerg had to find a solution again.

And again, time passed by little by little.

After another ten minutes, the remnant fleet of the third group had already disappeared from the horizon.

After confirming through communication with L11 that the fleet is approaching the airspace of the L11 floating observation station, and that the fortifications have begun to be built on the floating island where the observation station is located, the four elders looked at the news that they are almost gathering to the limit. In the foggy area where the insect swarm dispersed, I roughly calculated the time that everyone could bear, and nodded to each other.

"Hold on for a while, and it will count as much as you can delay."

"it is good."

So, at the 50th minute after the fog formed, seeing the current situation of the fog where many Zerg in the inner circle could be seen visually even if they were located on the periphery, the elders knew that it was time to leave.

Surrounded by a large group of Zerg who are more and more familiar with the fog area, and more and more gathered by the advantage of numbers, it is only possible to rely on the elder's mind defense, and at the same time abandon the solidified armor and transform into a Zerg war bee. Lan Jiu, who escaped, finally heard the long-awaited order to end the battle in his mind.

"It's a pity about my armor."

That is the fifth-generation special armor, and only the servants in the whole family can get this kind of treatment, but think about it carefully, with the achievements of this battle, he might be able to get a set of sixth-generation armor to wear after he goes back, although he heard It is said that the technology of that thing is not perfect, and it does not work very well.

"The old doesn't go and the new doesn't come."

Maybe this guy is holding such an idea, so he simply discarded the intransformable armor. What exactly is Lan Jiu's idea, no one has time to think about it.

Looking back at the increasingly thinner foggy area, he turned around and followed the remaining teammates and flew into the sky.

But before leaving, this group of guys from the third group habitually wanted to leave some souvenirs.

The thunderclouds in the sky were already waiting above, and the remaining [-] attendants and four elders were distributed into four groups to form a simple plane formation, staying between the thunderclouds in the sky and the swarm of insects below.

When the swarms gathered together due to the continuous dissipation of the fog and the disappearance of magnetic field interference, and finally broke through the foggy area, 64 groups of dazzling lights in the sky had already illuminated the world covered by the dark clouds.

Afterwards, continuous flashes of thunder and lightning occupied the entire space, obliterating vision; the deafening thunderstorm sound followed, depriving all creatures of hearing in a moment; And the static electricity, magnetic field disorder and other physical phenomena will become numb.

After blocking the tens of thousands of insects in the foggy area for nearly an hour, everyone counted up the number of insects they killed, and the total was only close to a thousand.But when the thunder dissipated, the sky was once again occupied by sunlight, and under the observation of the energy body team hiding in the white clouds, the originally dense swarm of insects had become sparse and messy.

Although they didn't run away in chaos, the Zerg who stayed in the sky at a loss was still a rare sight.

Even if the scenery only lasts for a few minutes.

As soon as the time is up, the static electricity in the sky disappears, and as soon as the magnetic field returns to normal, the fearless swarms continue to gather into groups and start searching for the culprit.

But at this time, the energy body team had already fled.

"At least three or four thousand."

Lan Jiu stayed in the team excitedly, his appearance had changed back to that of a wingless man, the only difference from before was that he lost the special armor.However, the people around them were pretty much the same, and a few of them even flickered because of the high energy loss, making people worry about it.If it weren't for the protection of the elders, they might have collapsed at this speed.

Recalling the thunder storm caused by the cooperation of the 64 people before, Lan Jiu could hardly help but want to do it a few more times.


Lan Jiu shook his head as his eyes drifted past most of his colleagues who were lacking in energy and looked sluggish. Finally, he felt the body that was also light because of the lack of energy left.

Sure enough, everything should be done in moderation.

"It's a pity. If we have enough energy to perform multiple times, it won't be difficult to kill these bugs."

There is still an energy body who expressed these regrets. I am afraid that he never thought about everyone's feelings before he said it.Seeing that the enemy is right in front of him, and he also has a way to easily kill the opponent, but because of his own lack of strength, he is powerless.While feeling powerless and aggrieved, most people deliberately avoided thinking about it afterwards.

But when someone brought it up at this time, everyone's expressions suddenly sank.

However, seeing this reaction, the elders did not offer any comfort, and even one of the elders looked at the surrounding energy bodies and said harshly: "If you are not strong enough, don't think about those unrealistic things. If you have that time of self-pity, you might as well use it to work harder. If everyone is at the Youshen level this time, even if they are at the advanced soul level, do they still need to be afraid of these bugs?"

Yes, if they are all soul-level high-level or even Youshen...

Turning his head and looking at his colleagues around him, Lan Jiu felt yearning.If there are more than 60 people around you who are all ghosts, why should the friends be afraid of these bugs?

What he didn't know was that the four elders were actually very surprised by their performance.

"Before this, I'm afraid no one thought that the soul-level energy body would have such a great effect."

The Peng Clan now has close to [-] energy bodies, and there are still a large number of soul-level candidates waiting for transformation. The factors that restrict the speed are professionals, safety guarantees, and nutrient solution materials.But the effect of the energy body seen by the higher-ups before mainly lies in the enhancement of immortality, changeability and thunder attack.

But in this battle, the elders saw another advantage of the energy body.

Greater advantage.

It is true that even if the soul level is transformed into an energy body, they are just a soul level energy body without mind power, and their individual strength will never be comparable to that of Youshen, let alone Yinshen.

However, just like the Zerg, what happens when the quantity overwhelms the quality?
A soul-level energy body is not as good as Youshen, but what about two?What about ten?
At least for now, when the four elders discussed in private, they felt that with their mid-level Youshen-level strength, without thought power, they could only overwhelm five energy bodies at most; Twenty or so soul-level energy bodies were tied.

But the power that twenty soul-level energy bodies can exert when dealing with insect swarms is actually more than that of a ghost god.

That is to say, when the opponent is a bug, twenty soul-level energy bodies are more useful than one ghost.

Furthermore, there is a large-scale attack ability that only the Yinshen class can use-Thunderstorm.After its steps were jointly analyzed by the technical department and Shenting, it became a move that can be coordinated by many people.So now, four or five Nether Gods cooperate with each other to create a thunderstorm comparable to that of a Yin God.

And if it is based on the ratio of 1 Youshen to 20 soul energy bodies, then at least 80 soul-level energy bodies should be needed to send out the same thunderstorm.However, what was shown after the break this time was that sixty soul-level energy bodies with severe energy consumption cooperated with each other, and they were able to emit a thunder storm of the same intensity.

Taking this as an example, doesn't it mean that as the number of energy bodies increases, the average strength that a single individual can exert after they are united is increasing?

This shows what?
Several elders looked excited and worried.

What is exciting is that the strength shown by the energy body shows that they still have more potential to tap.And even the current performance is enough to prove the success of quantization technology.It is only necessary to expand the number. In the future, with the increase of the energy bodies of the friends, the power against the Zerg will become stronger. Compared with the difficult formation of Yinshenyoushen, it is obviously easier to produce a large number of soul-level energy bodies;

But on the other hand, when the number of soul-level energy bodies reaches a certain level, beyond the range that the elders' house can suppress?What kind of scene would that be?

For a long time, political stability and a solid social system have been the foundation for Pengzu to achieve such rapid development.

But this good state is largely due to the deterrent power of the absolute combat power of the Youshen and even the Yinshen, which is controlled by the high-level elders, mainly the Elder's House.

Under the suppression of this absolute power, there is no need to worry about any rebellion and resistance within the friend clan, because it is futile, and all friends know this very well.

But if the number and strength of soul-level energy bodies gradually exceed the suppression range of the elders' house, then the ruling system of absolute power will obviously be useless.

One instability, and the political structure of the clan will collapse.

When the time comes, the four elders have no idea whether the Peng Clan will split or even perish, or embark on a new path.

"Let's leave these things to Elder Kong Huan and the others to solve them. Report truthfully. This is what we should do."

This elder, who is relatively flexible in thinking, has some understanding of how deep the water in the elders' house is.Just the fact that Elder Kong Ling is the will of the entire double-moon planet is enough to make the members of the entire elders' house far behind.

Therefore, although he also hesitated about the safety of the soul-level energy body, in fact he was not too worried.

"Actually, you don't have to think too much about it. Even if you have a lot of soul-level energy bodies, so what. Everyone is a friend, and they will become Youshen after they work hard. The ruling structure of the first-level friends is not so easy to be shattered. What's more, our friend clan doesn't rule purely by absolute strength, it's just the final guarantee of security."

The elder's words made the three people around them relax from thinking about the soul-level energy body, and they all laughed at themselves.

"It's nothing to worry about, us."


The entire group of friends, ruled by a conventional regime composed of top to bottom, has become a ruling body dominated by the Supreme Council as early as entering the Sky Century, and composed of industrial areas, floating islands, and underground city autonomous associations; As the main body of belief and spirituality, it affects the thoughts of the people; as the core of intelligence collection and public opinion control, the shadow system affects the development direction and stability of society; and the existing role of the Elderly House has become a symbol rather than an absolute force. violent institutions.

So, if there is going to be trouble, the entire friend clan will have to go out early, so why wait until now.

After calming down and understanding these, the elders felt much more relaxed.

However, the performance of a few people confused the soul-level energy bodies flying around, because they couldn't intervene in the spiritual communication of the four elders, and couldn't hear what they were saying.Therefore, these people can only chat about their own topics while rushing on the road.

"The key point is that you can gain thought power by becoming a Youshen, and you will be a Youshen if you get the thought power. So, do you have the thought power first or become the Youshen first?"

A certain soul-level energy body raised this painful topic when everyone was discussing how to become a Youshen.

As a result, energy bodies who have no so-called network chat experience such as crooked buildings, random spraying, novelty hunting, etc., soon found helplessly that everything they were discussing had been forgotten, and a group of people were there at this moment. The question of 'Where is the mind first or the ghost comes first' is a struggle.

"It's not that complicated."

It was only after the elder had finished discussing his own problems that he noticed the status quo of his attendants. They were obviously at a loss for such a boring topic.

"After the soul level enters the advanced stage, I have touched the path I insisted on. With persistence in this path, and even persistent thinking, the spiritual power will continue to be purified.

When one day you realize that a certain path is the purpose of your life, the purified spiritual power will begin to transform to a higher level, and people in this process are called the peak of the soul level.

When the transformation is complete and you transform all your spiritual power into this higher-level thing for the first time, you will find that everything in the future is extremely clear and your mind will expand further.At that time, you knew what you should do and what you should stick to.In that case, you are a ghost. "

"Something at a higher level? Isn't it mind power?"

Hearing the elder's kind words, everyone who didn't miss the great opportunity thought about each other's words, and quickly discovered the difference.

"Indeed, for people below the Youshen level, mind power seems to be just a simple thing like the spiritual power that can touch the material world, but in fact, it is just a general term."

The elder raised his eyes to the sky and pretended to be a superior person, but in fact he was only organizing words in his heart.

"Each Youshen's mind power is different, with some special effects that belong to the self-adhere to the direction of the road. For example, Elder Bai Nong in the Presbyterian House, who became Youshen, mainly chose the path of agriculture and time , its mental power has a certain ability to perceive plant life, reproduction, and demand; Elder Aiyi's energy control is very powerful, which is also the reason for his mental power assistance... As for more, when you have sufficient authority or strength, you can completely Check out the Elder Library of the Friends Network."


After his appetite was whetted, the other party suddenly stopped talking.Faced with this situation, the surrounding attendants all showed expressions of desire and dissatisfaction, and surrounded the four elders.One of the other three elders was reporting the situation to Xinpeng Island, the other was accepting the verification of Xinpeng Island's situation, and the other was leading the crowd on their way without saying a word.

Surrounded in the middle at this time, the elder who was the spokesperson before shook his head with a smile.

"It's not a secret..."

"Then let's talk more, my lord elder, you also think that everyone can become Youshen, so that there won't be a situation where you can't kill the bugs this time, right?"

"That's true, but it still doesn't work," the surrounded elder calmly shook his head and refused.


"Because the road has to be walked by yourself," the elder pointed to L11, which was about to arrive, with a vicissitudes of life on his face: "You may be tired of hearing this sentence, from elementary school to university, the teachers in the practice class will repeat this sentence, but don't get bored , because that is indeed the truth. Everyone's path is different, you just need to know that 'you need to find your own path if you want to become a ghost'. But how to find it? This is not something you can use other people as a reference, you need to rely on yourself Start from scratch."

"How long will that take?"

"It depends on yourselves. A thousand words are worth a line, so do it well."

Those present are all soul-level, and those who can come here are all people who have experience in cultivation, and they can understand what the elder said after thinking about it carefully.It's just that there are a few of them who can't turn the corner and short-circuit somewhere. For this kind of people, the discussion in the Elder's House is considered to be lack of growth, and they can be ignored in critical moments.But individual elders may not necessarily give up on them in normal times, because for them, all they need to do is a few words of preaching.

If there are a few more ghost spirits, it seems to weaken the strength of the elders, but in this troubled world, it will improve their own safety, so why not do it.

(End of this chapter)

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