Spore Story

Chapter 735 Starry Sky Equator-L11

Chapter 735 Starry Sky Equator-L11
Initially, due to the threat of the space Zerg, in order to be able to monitor the entire outer space in real time without launching satellites that are very easy to be shot down, to provide investigation data for the friends and to warn the movement of the Zerg, just entered the sky The Pengzu in the century spent a lot of manpower and material resources, using floating island technology and atmospheric astronomical observation technology, to establish an artificial astronomical observation system around the equator on the double moon star equator, referred to as the starry sky equator.

This system consists of around 17 artificial floating islands.

Limited by the production capacity, maintenance, and lifespan of Pengzu's artificial floating islands, in recent years, the number of available floating islands in this system has remained below 20, and the codes start with L.

L11 is the nearest artificial floating island located in the 05 theater.

However, the floating islands in the 'Sky Equator' system are not stationary, but move slowly around the equator.In this way, every once in a while, a floating island starting with L arrives not far from Xinpeng Island, so that it can be maintained.This allows islands in the system to receive maintenance at regular intervals.

However, due to the arrival of the Zerg this time, in order to ensure the control of the three theaters, the floating island closest to the three theaters stopped moving and existed as a fixed supply base.The rest of the floating islands starting with L continue to maintain the space warning ability of the starry sky equator through speed adjustment.

On these artificial floating islands starting with L, the Pengzu established the most advanced astronomical observatories.

Through these observatories that are stably active on the equator and rotate to monitor the fixed space area of ​​​​the double-moon planet, the Pengzu has realized the monitoring of the entire outer space of the equator, and then established the front line of cosmic early warning defense for the double-moon star. Get down on solid foundations.

It was also because of this line of defense that the friends were able to discover the third invasion of the Zerg before and make corresponding combat preparations several months in advance.

The "Starry Sky Equator" system produced results for the first time, and the months of time I won for the friends became the key to the preparations for the friends and even the Double Moon Star World and the successful elimination of the two meteorite bases before. Therefore, many original Complaints about the system consuming grand have died down.

However, before this early warning is successful, no matter how effective the "starry sky equator" system will be in theory, for the friends who have not been able to transform a fortress floating island so far, it is necessary to establish dozens of them with a horizontal diameter of nearly one kilometer. The consumption of artificial floating islands is the main object of attack by some short-sighted people.

The problem is that in a society, most of the members are often short-sighted.

Therefore, in order to quell public anger, the artificial floating island is not simply used as an astronomical observatory, but with the astronomical observatory as the core, it is promoted as a key node for the friends to control the world.

As we all know, the actual control area of ​​the Peng Clan is only in the three continents of the Central Plains, the Far West and the West.

After the world entered the ice age, friends from the Far West Continent had already evacuated to the Central Plains Continent.Immediately afterwards, the Pengzu entered the sky century again. The territory on the map was huge and abnormal, but the actual controlled area was further declining.By the 45th year of the Pengzu calendar, only dozens of large floating islands over the Central Plains and Westlands remained in the area controlled by the Pengzu, as well as a small number of industrial areas and underground cities on the two continents.

If calculated strictly, the area of ​​the control area is probably less than 1% of the land area of ​​Double Moon Star.

But even so, from the perspective of members of the Dapeng family, their lives are still sparse but not crowded.

It is under such circumstances that the friends have to shoulder the important task of leading the double moon star civilization and defending against the cosmic Zerg on the double moon star.But the entire Dapeng clan system, with a combined population of just over 60, how can it control the entire land area of ​​Shuangyue Star, which is wider than the earth?
As for the ocean, it is temporarily controlled by the Sea Clan and many epic creatures, and the Friends Clan is powerless and unwilling.

In response to this situation, the Friends of the Family Staff Department came to a conclusion after discussion.

"We can't use the way of global colonization to control the world, because there are too few people, and the only result of dispersing is to provide opportunities for the Zerg to break through. But in order to ensure wartime, we can attack the Zerg around the world, and To win, we need to take a trick to let the friends gain the ability to project global forces through nodes."

In short, the establishment of numerous bases capable of resupplying troops around the globe.

Originally, the base in this plan was a fixed ground base based on the construction of an industrial zone. However, at the time when the starry sky equator system caused widespread controversy, the elders' house took the lead, and this plan merged with the starry sky equatorial plan.

So very smoothly, the people of the Military Academy turned their attention to the 'Starry Sky Equator' system, which was quite expensive and controversial because it couldn't show its actual effect for the time being.

In the eyes of the members of the Military Academy, the dozens of empty artificial floating islands in this system are completely the temptation of Chiguoguo. Floating sky bases are only suitable for friends who have begun to develop into the sky. It is the real global control node.

The Presbyterian Academy, the Military Academy, and the Astronomical Bureau hit it off.

Soon, these artificial floating islands operating on the equator returned to the Pengzu floating islands for renovation and expansion, and transformed into genuine military bases.

The renovation program was divided into several times.

First of all, a complete supply, repair and medical system will be established on the island.

This phase of the project has given these artificial floating islands the basis to support the Pengzu troops in medium and long-term battles outside the Pengzu territory.Since the Pengzu had already started to build a floating fleet at that time, it was mainly to assist the fleet;

Next, consider the issue of defense in wartime.

When the fleet cannot arrive immediately and the floating islands are in an emergency situation, these floating islands need to have certain self-defense capabilities.

The Academy of Military Affairs proposed to combine the fortress floating island technology that is still under construction until now, to carry out small-scale fortification transformation on these small artificial floating islands, and then make the floating islands of the entire "starry sky equator" system have a level not inferior to The defense capability of a group fleet.

Although it consumes a lot of resources, considering that it is a military base, there is not much opposition;
Afterwards, the enthusiastic members of the Military Academy proposed that because more and more people need to stay on the island, a complete town should be established on the island to obtain a certain self-circulation ability and reduce the number of friends. pressure.

However, this proposal had to be thrown into the wastebasket when faced with a report from the logistics department.

In the end, the artificial floating island staying on the equator, in addition to the first two items, also has some more farmland and internal buildings planted on the island. When resting, it can supply enough supplies for one cycle.

At this point, the renovation plan of the floating island was completed.

However, when the third invasion began and the three Zerg meteorite bases fell on 03, 04, and 05, the transformation of the artificial floating island had not actually been completed.

It is precisely because of this that they performed poorly in this battle.

Fortunately, at this time, the first phase of the L11 artificial floating island that Lanju and the third combat group returned to: maintenance, supply and medical systems, has been completed.And after the Zerg's third invasion began, Xinpeng Island has consciously allowed various places to accumulate supplies, and then provided supplies for these islands that stayed at the possible landing sites of the Zerg.

Therefore, at this time, L11 has sufficient storage materials.

"Great, if you are not in charge, you don't know how expensive the rice is. With these ammunition supplies, the third group can fight at high intensity for at least two days."

In the huge material warehouse of L11, the logistics chief officer of the third group looked at the pile of materials in front of him with satisfaction. One of the wooden boxes had been pried open, revealing six standard calcium carbide shells. activated version.

And looking around, there are wooden boxes of this kind of shells all around.

However, after checking the record sheet carefully, the chief officer knew that there were actually not many calcium carbide bombs that were not easy to make.

"Hey, what kind of bomb is this, why are there so many?"

The chief officer looked at the data in the record book suspiciously, and the quantity of one of the shells even exceeded the routine consumption of calcium carbide shells.But he recalled many times, and he can confirm that he does not know the situation of this shell, which only shows that it is a new product of the technical department.

Although it is not uncommon for new products to appear suddenly, and they are somewhat used to them, the number this time seems to be too much.

At this time, there is only one name for this new product in this comprehensive brochure: split bomb.

What it is?The logistics chief was at a loss.

The person in charge of L11 next to him looked at the report after hearing the other party's questioning, but he was just an ordinary warehouse manager, and he didn't have the obligation and time to understand the functions of each material in detail.After hesitating for a moment, he decisively chose the most effective method: to move a box of these weapons out.

The lid of the wooden box was easily pried open, revealing a bunch of weapons that looked similar to ordinary shells, that is, the details were slightly complicated.

"200mm diameter?"

The chief officer is a little curious. The Pengzu electromagnetic gun does not have strict requirements on the ammunition. As long as it is smaller than the electromagnetic gun caliber, but not much smaller, it can be fired (for example, 105mm caliber, it cannot fire ammunition with a diameter of less than 50mm). Therefore, some conventional ammunition will not be very large in order to ensure universal use.

But the split ammunition in front of me has reached a diameter that most electromagnetic guns of the friends cannot reach. The data is still so ambiguous, so the only explanation is that this product belongs to the standard ammunition for 205mm caliber electromagnetic guns, that is to say, it is a long-range large powerful weapon.

Now, in addition to the main guns of several battleships in the third group, only the ultra-long-range heavy artillery regiment is available.

Thinking of this, the chief officer was not in a hurry to look at the ammunition manual that the administrator dug out from the box, and turned around to check the storage time.

"Sure enough, it's for the Heavy Artillery Regiment."

The time was just a few days after the third group left Xinpeng Island, which also coincided with the time of the Heavy Artillery Regiment.Most of the ammunition here seems to have entered at that time, and these materials are obviously the masterpiece of the logistics supply fleet at that time.

After asking the administrator, the logistics director, who was a little pity, was not too worried when he learned that the next supply would have to wait until a week later.

However, he quickly thought of the news that the first and second clusters would arrive in a day's time, and knowing that a lot of supplies here would be divided by then, he decided to act first.

"Very good, how many warehouse supplies like this are there?"

"There are two Class-A warehouses for this type of ammunition, six Class-B warehouses; three warehouses for nuclear storage, and one nuclear charging station on the island; there are three warehouses for living supplies..."

The administrator consulted the statistic book, and said it in detail.

"It's almost a week's battle demand for a combat group. Could it be that those guys are just trying to transport it? Cut."

Complaining bitterly, the logistics officer of the third combat group calculated and allocated half of the supplies to the warships of the third combat group with a wave of his hand.

The administrator opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but seeing the wolf-like soldiers of the third group, he decisively shut up.

At least, these people left half of the first and second combat groups that were about to arrive.As for L11's own use, it is stored in other warehouses and is not counted in these logistics material warehouses.What's more, I heard that the first and second clusters fought very smoothly, and the troops didn't consume much ammunition, so the amount of supplies needed is not much.

After figuring this out, the administrator also became cooperative.

As for the third group of soldiers in front of him, although he was a little bit dissatisfied with their failure, the administrator could feel a bad spirit from these soldiers. This is not the garrison soldier on L11 who usually looks awesome. can be compared.So don't lose the respect you deserve.

Perhaps, the first and second groups of soldiers who have been fighting with the wind are not as good.

The administrator thought so, and with a swipe of his hand, hundreds of boxes of shells were carried out of the warehouse.

The strength and speed of the soldiers are good. The ammunition box of hundreds of kilograms can be easily carried away by only one original soldier. If it is replaced by a Moon Spirit soldier, at least two people should carry it. As for the Dunjia soldiers... To prevent L11 from being Dig through, you better go make tea.

Pengzu's artificial floating islands are all fusiform structures, with high mountains on the top and pointed lands on the bottom.The headquarters, observation stations, and dormitories are located in the mountains; the farmland and warehouse areas are basically located in the strata; as for the surface, for safety reasons, there is only an open-air airport and maintenance station.

After transporting the ammunition away from the stratum through the not-so-spacious corridor, the relatively spacious ground of the floating island is what you see. Unfortunately, because there are a lot of warships staying at this time, the surface of the small floating island is obviously crowded. .

The ammunition that had just been carried out was soon happily snatched up by the soldiers of the warships under the distribution of the soldiers of the ground logistics force.

For the scene at this time, the word 'lively' is most appropriate for the floating observatory stationed by no more than a thousand people on the island.

Standing on the highest observatory platform, Lieutenant General Dia looked at the warship that had already set up scaffolding and was undergoing emergency maintenance below, wondering what he was thinking.

"Aren't the elders back yet?"

"Your Excellency, Lieutenant General, didn't you communicate just a minute ago? The opponent's battle situation is very good, don't worry."

The adjutant standing beside him shook his head helplessly.

Maybe she was as worried as the lieutenant general at first, but as the content of the news from the army after the energy body in front was broken gradually eased, she also tasted the meaning of it.Obviously, the performance of the energy body troop exceeded expectations. Although it may be difficult to kill the enemy, it is no problem to block it.

"Oh, hehe." The lieutenant general smiled awkwardly and sat down.

At this time, it is time for the troops to check the time after the energy body is broken, and prepare to give souvenir gifts to the Zerg. The third combat group in L11 was receiving emergency repairs and supplies, and the wounded were transferred to the hospital on the island. Due to insufficient completion of the project, the fleet's accompanying doctors also joined the treatment team.

The entire island was a busy scene, and only the lieutenant general and a few commanders had time to stand there to rest and recover.

Ten minutes later, the soldiers who were standing on the hull of the capital ship, firmly welded a piece of armor plate to the cracked area of ​​the hull with the welding machine in their hands, put down the tools in their hands and stretched, first spotted the black man approaching in the distance. point.

I thought it was Zerg, but the number was too small to attract attention, but the one with good eyesight quickly discovered the return of the troops after the break through the telescope, and immediately notified the whole island.

For the energy body troops who ventured out of the team and cut off for everyone, the current third group can be said to be grateful.

After seeing the crash of a warship and the death of their teammates, they have a much clearer understanding of the love of life and the cruelty of war, and they are even more grateful for the actions of these energy bodies.Because without them, it might be a battleship that was broken, or no one was broken, and the result could only be that everyone was caught up and caused more casualties.

But sometimes the soldiers want to come, this can be regarded as a kind of avoidance and shirk responsibility.So whenever thinking of these, the soldiers of the fleet are more grateful to the energy bodies.Because now the energy body is broken, the danger is left to the energy body, and the fleet soldiers gain safety and life.

But now, the dangerous task was completed by them, and there was not even much loss.

Then what became of the energy bodies at this time?

strength, responsibility.

Fleet soldiers' gratitude to the energy body is not pure, it is a mixed feeling of guilt for "letting others face danger on their behalf" and reverence for the strength of the energy body "completed tasks that they could not complete".

But no matter what, when seeing the energy body returned safely, the soldiers of the whole group stood up spontaneously, saluted the energy body to express their gratitude.

Perhaps very surprised by this encounter, the flattered energy body troops were a little confused, and did not dare to land directly on the ground, but against the tide of cheers, they tremblingly arranged into a neat team, flying in a proud posture. After crossing the ground of the island, it landed directly on the observation station platform where Lieutenant General Dia is located.

Immediately afterwards, after the elders in the team made a brief speech to appease the emotions of the crowd, the energy bodies of all the people who were able to slow down, and the slight dissatisfaction with being cut off and in danger before, disappeared.

With the support of so many people, I am afraid that even if they charge against the swarm again, it will not be difficult.

"The power of the masses."

Sighing, the elder turned his head to look at Lieutenant General Dia, who was also sighing at this scene, and seemed to have realized something in his heart.

"The atmosphere is really good, but let's get down to business now."

Obviously, after being an elder for a long time, his immunity to this kind of scene is much higher. The energy body elder is not at all as fluttery as the soul-level energy body attendants around him, but calm and restrained.

"Ahem, yes, elder."

Lieutenant General Dia blushed slightly, stepped back half a step to let the elder go first, followed closely behind, and at the same time told about the current battle situation.

"According to the front-line rule, the first and second combat groups will arrive tomorrow, and this time, with the help of the elders, the swarm probably realized that we cannot be wiped out at once, so they have already retreated."

The situation seemed to be fine, but there was no relaxed expression on the faces of the elders, Lieutenant General Dia and others.

(End of this chapter)

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