Spore Story

Chapter 736 Zerg Actions

Chapter 736 Zerg Actions

Thank you for the reward of 'the wind is close to the track'=w=
"For us, it may be a good thing to have such a day or two of rest time. But it is just a little rest. But for the Zerg, especially the Zerg that occupies six mining areas at this time and has a large number of sub-bases In other words, one or two days is enough for them to rebuild the things that the heavy artillery force and the third group have wiped out together, and even develop targeted forces."

"Although on the surface it seems that our race is tied with the Zerg race, but in the bottom line, the friends race is still far behind the Zerg race. Time is a sharp weapon in the hands of our race, but it is a murder weapon in the hands of the Zerg race. The gap lies here!"

Everyone nodded gloomyly, as if their hearts were blocked, but they still had to live, people couldn't be suffocated to death by troubles.

In any case, for members of the third combat group who have been fighting for several days and are physically and mentally exhausted, it is also very valuable to have a day or two to rest.Even if they are energy bodies, their bodies will not be tired, but their hearts will be tired.In the Pengzu, a tired heart means weak consciousness, weak consciousness means lack of spiritual power, lack of spiritual power...

All in all, the energy body also gets tired.

As a result, in theaters L11 and 05, apart from waiting for the arrival of the first and second clusters and setting up artillery positions, they only did a little security work, and the rest of the soldiers entered a rest period.

After cheering, everyone went to sleep with their clothes on.

Compared with the leisurely and quiet friends, the movements of the Zerg are obviously much larger.

The encounter with the third group and the strategic heavy artillery unit did not cause little damage to the Zerg. Of the more than 20 sub-bases that were originally built, six of them were completely destroyed, eleven core bases were destroyed, and the remaining Also found more or less losses from shelling.

In comparison, although the bombardment suffered by the meteorite base was intense and the losses were great, the Zerg at this time did not rely on the meteorite base, and its high-value targets were gradually being dispersed, which was not a good thing for the friends.

As for those small bases, they lost the ability to decompose and transfer energy, and the buildings of the entire sub-base were unable to move.

In this case, the commander of the Zerg Meteorite Base 05 had the option to rebuild the core buildings of these bases, which is what was done.However, after discovering the vulnerable parts of the sub-base, the commanders, who are not as brainless as ordinary Zerg soldiers, feel that they need to find new ways to avoid this situation.

As for the Zerg, this is actually not the first time they have encountered such a situation. The long interstellar wars have brought them rich combat experience, and there are many ways to deal with such situations.

The reason for not being able to use these methods before was only the lack of understanding of the enemy, coupled with time constraints, lack of energy and other reasons, and now, the Zerg commander is to solve these reasons.

So soon, under the surveillance of Canglong and Nanling, a shocking scene began to appear in the area with a radius of hundreds of kilometers led by the swarm: a large number of creep organizations, with each base as the core, moved towards Spread around.At this time, the Nanling, which was on the edge, saw the creeps spreading towards the creeps of other bases in the inner circle. Obviously, they wanted to merge.

The Zerg bases, which were originally independent of each other, began to consume energy to form a creep that seemed to erode the earth. This situation was quickly conveyed to Xinpeng Island by two scout ships through the spiritual network of the shadow system.

After receiving the news, Kong Huan ordered the two battleships to continue to monitor and report all the abnormalities they found; while taking these things, he hurried to the Zerg Research Department under the Technology Department for consultation.

The information was transmitted to the minds of the members of the Creep research team who were open to receiving it through the network. Watching their fluctuating expressions, Kong Huan felt a little anxious in his heart.

The Zerg's movements seemed to be huge, and he, Lingxue and the others felt a kind of uneasiness about to come.

"What do you think? Say it!"

The creep structure with the largest range of Zerg that the friends had encountered before was only about ten kilometers in radius (03 war zone).But this time the Zerg planned to cover the 05 war zone with a blanket of hundreds of kilometers in radius. The impact on the local natural environment was not considered for the time being, and the impact on the frontline troops was unknown for a while, so it was put aside for the time being.

What Illusion and the Military Academy want to know most is what impact these creeps have on the development of the Zerg itself.Because this kind of summary from the standpoint of the enemy is generally the best way to find the problem.

"Elder, things like creep seem simple on the surface, but the overall system is extremely complicated..."

"Isn't that all nonsense? If it's not complicated, why do you need to study it!" Kong Huan, with black lines all over his head, waved his hand to let the other party talk about the main point, but saw a researcher with a frightened expression.

Sighing helplessly, he then waved his hand to signal the other party to continue the story, and Kong Huan, who was half of the research institute, lamented that he didn't understand this profession yet.

The researcher hesitated for a moment, probably trying to determine what kind of narration to Void to avoid getting angry.But soon, he realized that he didn't understand the elders, and it seemed that he didn't need to understand them, so he could just follow the usual research and report.

"In general, my family's research on creep is quite fruitful..."

Because from the first Zerg invasion, the Pengzu started research on the special product of Zerg based on the creep in that small base.

Decades have passed, and the members of the creep research team have changed several batches. Various materials have been accumulated, and a lot has been gained.Creep has even been replicated by friends, at least in the lab.It's just that the existence of creep is a system, but what the Pengzu can do is to copy the most basic single-cell structure of creep, and most of the verified results are attributed to this.

It wasn't until the meteorite base of the second Zerg invasion brought more fresh creeps that the research team came to more valid conclusions.And this time the No. 03 meteorite base is even more enviable, but the team has already sent people to set sail last night.As for the guys who stayed, they thought they were a bunch of unlucky ones.

No comment on this fantasy.

"Having said so much, it's actually just giving the elder a basic impression."

A researcher's occupational disease broke out. After talking about a lot of basic information there, it seemed that he was finally going to start the topic.But for the empty fantasy that is completely aware of these things, it is a bit depressed.It wasn't until this moment that he cheered up a little.

"The creep structure is to the Zerg, just like the supply line is to our race."

The researcher scribbled and drew on the desktop paper, expressing the content in detail: "As for the superficial situation of the size of the Zerg creep, in fact, we don't need to have any worries. On the contrary, it is the additional The role, or the main role, is the point.”

"please continue."

"The formation of creep may not require a lot of energy and materials, but the scale is large, and the consumption will inevitably add up. Therefore, the Zerg's deployment of such a large area of ​​creep this time will actually consume a lot , and also diverted the resources they obtained to a certain extent, thus reducing the development speed of the Zerg during this period."

"You mean, during this period of time, the development speed of the Zerg will slow down?" Kong Huan's eyes lit up: "How long will it take?"

"Decrease is inevitable," the researcher nodded: "In terms of time, according to the information obtained from the No. 03 meteorite base and our research on the proliferation rate of the creeper, it is necessary to cover all the No. 05 Zerg area with a radius of hundreds of kilometers. It will take about two days if the local area is not affected by external factors and the supply of resources is sufficient."

"Two days..."

Kong Huan stroked his chin, thinking deeply.

Obviously, these two days can be regarded as the low-speed development period of the Zerg. If they attack during this period, the Zerg's resistance will be much smaller, which means that the battle will be relatively easy; and if both sides have a tacit understanding If the ground does not attack, the friends will have a two-day rest and adjustment period, and there is no need to worry about the Zerg taking this to exceed the range that the friends can bear. Once the time is up, the losses in the battle should be smaller.

But in reality, that's not the case.

The friends can attack the Zerg within two days, only the three major combat groups and heavy artillery units.The third combat group has just experienced a major war, and its strength has been seriously lost. Soldiers urgently need to rest and cannot continue to fight; the first and second combat groups will not arrive until a day later, and it will take time to familiarize themselves with the situation in the 05 theater and make combat preparations .

Previously, many troops of the Friends Clan were too eager to fight the Zerg, and as a result, they often rushed to the battle, and the gains outweighed the losses.

The Academy of Military Affairs has learned a lesson from this, and now requires all troops to ensure that they have a certain understanding of the enemy's intelligence as much as possible under non-essential circumstances, and make corresponding countermeasures before fighting.

From this point of view, the Friends of the Friends may take advantage of this time to rest.

However, the Zerg would rather take risks to build a large area of ​​creep, which means that this creep can provide them with better harvest than now.

In this case, Kong Huan felt that the first thing he should consider was not himself, but the opinion of the opponent Zerg on the creep.

If the Zerg creep expansion is completed, the strength far exceeds that of the friends, then no matter how much the friends sacrifice, they still need to stop their actions, but if they are not far ahead, even if they continue to tie or slightly exceed, the friends will hesitate.

"In terms of benefits," the researcher thought for a while and said, "There are quite a lot."

Stretching out his fingers subconsciously, the researcher counted five to ten under the gaze of Void.

"First of all, the creep can provide the Zerg soldiers walking on it with repairing abilities beyond their own. That is to say, if the bugs are injured, they only need to stand on the creep, and their already powerful self-healing ability will be further improved. In When the friends attack, our troubles will obviously be even greater."

Kong Huan frowned slightly, but didn't say much.

"Secondly, creep will corrode non-Zerg creatures. Therefore, when attacking, our land troops will become very troublesome even if they have armor protection. Especially the tracks of tank troops and the shoes of infantry troops, once the bacteria Staying on the blanket for too long will corrode the connection, and it is easy to break the chain and burn the feet. In the test, the chariot can move on the creep for no more than three hours, while the infantry shoes hang up in half an hour .”

Kong Huan's brows were further frowned, but when necessary, the fleet is responsible for the attack, and when the marines are needed, they can approach and launch. If the battle is accelerated, the problem should not be too big.

After thinking about it, he signaled the other party to continue.

"Furthermore, creeps have the ability to secrete unknown liquids to corrode and decompose organic matter. They even have something similar to chlorophyll, which can carry out photosynthesis. The conversion rate of solar energy produced per unit area of ​​creeps in the test is comparable to that of our family's existing The efficiency of the solar panels in the laboratory is comparable."

"In other words, a large area of ​​creep can bring another huge energy supply system to the Zerg?" Kong Huan asked, if this is the case, it seems not a good thing, but it will not force the friends to take risks.

"Indeed, but we believe that this kind of energy supply may seem huge, but it probably doesn't occupy an important position for the Zerg. According to the principle of energy conservation, the Zerg is strong and develops rapidly, and the energy consumed will also multiply geometrically. In this regard, our family consumes relatively less energy, which seems to be an advantage."

Regarding this, Kong Huan twitched the corners of his mouth, but he didn't say much.

In his opinion, what the technician said was slightly flattering.

The average energy consumption of a friend force is, in fact, very large.Especially when Kong Huan was free to compare with humans, he found that the friend troops who had been upgrading to pure energy units, but did not pay much attention to reducing energy consumption, consumed astronomical figures for humans.

If it weren't for the high-energy storage mechanism like Diannuo, and the advanced energy output like Thunder Power Station, the Pengzu might not be able to develop to the current level.

When counting the consumption of the Zerg, the research team also concluded that if it is only about the friend army.The average individual energy consumption of the friends actually exceeds the data of the Zerg.

However, the difference in the number of the two sides led to the difference in the total amount. It seems that the friend race consumes less than the Zerg race.

Shaking his head, Kong Huan, who came back to his senses, motioned for the researcher to continue.

"Ahem, we don't know exactly how good the creep is. The above are superficial things, and we can confirm it now. And now this is the last one that we can prove. In my opinion It should be the main purpose of the Zerg to build a large-scale creep."

The researcher seriously wrote four words on the paper: energy sharing.


"Yes," after nodding, the researcher explained: "The Zerg's energy source was initially from the animals and plants around its base, and then it was transferred to mineral deposits, and perhaps there is not much solar energy.

The energy supply in the Zerg base is realized through the creeps spread under each building.We can see from the photos taken by those scouting troops that, except for the core base, all Zerg buildings are connected to the creep.But at this time, there is a problem: creep is only a way of energy transportation, and its ability to convert materials and energy is very poor, so what is the source of energy?

Through the battle in the direction of the third cluster, we confirmed this problem.

A Zerg base, the building at its core is the real energy conversion mechanism.Creep is mainly responsible for transporting the energy transformed by this core building to other buildings.That's why there is a situation where this small base is considered abolished after the long-range heavy artillery smashes that kind of building.

As for the core building being smashed, the reason why the base can last for a while should be the self-retained energy of other buildings plus a little transformation of the creep.It was only because they could not make ends meet that these bases slowly died after losing their core energy conversion buildings. "

"Dead?" This is the way to evaluate living things.

"It is indeed dead, because in our opinion, those Zerg buildings are alive."

The researcher added, and then continued narrating, ignoring the illusory looking eyes: "Metaphorically speaking, the creep is the blood vessel, the core building is the heart, and the rest of the buildings are various body tissues."

"So, we finally get to the main question, why are the Zerg building these 'vessels.'"

The researcher drew circles one by one on the paper. He knew a lot about all kinds of intelligence, and quickly distinguished the arrangement of these circles, which happened to be the arrangement map of the existing small bases of the Zerg.

At this point, what the other party wants to express is very clear.

"Yes, contact."

The researcher nodded, his face serious.

"In the beginning, the various small bases of the Zerg, perhaps for the purpose of reducing energy consumption and expanding the scope of influence, were built independently of the meteorite base, because the distance between each base is very far.

Note that this refers to energy independence, not command.

This method effectively ensured that the Zerg controlled a large amount of land area before the arrival of the third swarm, and also discovered several mineral deposits they could use.

However, in the face of the third group, which is mainly the attack of the strategic heavy artillery unit, this kind of Zerg base that is independent of the meteorite base and needs to collect energy by itself and develop slowly. The weakness of the lack of defense capabilities directly leads to them becoming the target of the heavy artillery unit.

It now appears that the Zerg Commander has clearly realized this.

Therefore, after driving away the third group and the artillery group, and temporarily ensuring that they are safe, they did not hesitate to spend a lot of resources on building creepers, so as to connect the entire occupied area and arrange it into a battlefield suitable for their battles. At the same time, they will The resources of all small bases and meteorite bases are shared.

In this way, the Zerg in War Zone 05 has become a whole, instead of developing independently as before, they can develop more effectively and at a high speed with the division of labor as a whole.

That is to say, when the creeps connect the various small bases with the meteorite base, the real big development period of the Zerg will come. "

Hollow was startled.

What the researcher said is not impossible. The battle of the third group was indeed very difficult before, but as a hostile Zerg, its performance did not conform to the pattern of so many small bases.

In the game of phantom memory, resources can be shared without the need for creep to connect them, but this is reality.

Before the 05 war zone, the speed of Zerg's troop assembly and construction was very slow, and the proportion of low-level troops was too high, so that everyone thought that the Zerg liked to use absolute insect sea tactics.But now it seems that it is only because the small base of the bugs has not yet developed to the level of building advanced Zerg.

In other words, what the third group fought against before was just a small alliance formed by many small Zerg bases led by the Meteorite base.

But now, if the creep connection is successful, the Zerg in War Zone 05 will seem to have evolved from the era of tribal alliances to the era of centralized power.Perhaps the initial combat power seems to have not improved much, but as time goes by, their combat power will increase even more, far exceeding the present.

"No, we must prevent the various bases of the Zerg from uniting."

Kong Huan suddenly sat up, turned around anxiously, and planned to leave.But soon, he stopped again.

There are not many troops in the 05 war zone, and they are remnants. Since the Zerg dared to take the risk of expanding the creep, it is impossible not to prepare. The only result of these remnants in the past was to die, and they may not be able to eliminate them.

By the way, what about 8051?
Kong Huan looked around, of course he couldn't find Xiao 8's figure.

"Damn, when I need it now, I happen to be away."

Shaking his head helplessly, he ordered the researcher to sort out these materials and submit a copy to him, then Kong Huan got up and walked towards the military academy.

The current situation is very serious from the perspective of Unreal. If you don't take action before the Zerg creep transforms the Zerg base in the 05 theater into a whole, then the actions of the friends will be more difficult in the future.However, the troops in the 05 theater were unable to complete this task for a while, even if they used long-range attacks, the result was likely to repeat the mistakes of the Dongshan defense line.

One person is poor in skills, and ten people are long-term.

The habit of fantasy is very good. When I can't think of a way, I will choose to trust the members of the Military Academy.Therefore, he directly put everything he knew, including the research materials on creep, in front of the members of the Military Academy.

"My idea is to fight, but how to fight, it depends on everyone."

I wanted to disassemble it into two chapters, or expand it into 6k, but after thinking about it, it’s better to say, ga=w=
The New Year is really busy, I don’t have time to write words, it’s really troublesome, have we really transformed into a house. (=△=)

Far eye (→.→)
(End of this chapter)

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