Spore Story

Chapter 737 Ward Story

Chapter 737 Ward Story
Thank you zload and Xingchen Qingfeng Yinyue for the month-end monthly pass. O(∩_∩)O
It was a sunny and windy afternoon, floating around the floating island at a height of nearly [-], with white clouds fluttering and a breeze lingering, and winged creatures flying past from time to time shuttled through the clouds in light arcs, And finally landed on the edge of the island.

Looking up at the only high mountain on the island, except for the observatory at the top pointing at the sky, it is basically a scene of natural fresh green, because the buildings are buried inside the mountain.

He lowered his head and scanned the ground of the island, but he looked very busy.Floating warships with a height of tens of meters parked steadily in the center of the square, their bodies were covered by scaffolding, and maintenance workers clung to them like ants. The sound of arc welding was endless, and the broken and damaged parts were slowly repaired.

Nodding his head, shaking his wings, the Wingman who landed on the edge of the island took off again, flying along the island to patrol.

These are personnel on patrol. At this time, the members of the third cluster on the artificial floating island where the L11 floating observation station is located have already rested according to the plan.The soldiers who had been busy fighting for a day or two without stopping for a moment were already exhausted. Even members of the battleship troop should not relax even a bit in the wobbling battleship.

So as soon as they heard the order that it was temporarily safe to rest, the soldiers immediately lay down on their respective posts, letting out soothing grunts, and only the resident members of L11 remained active.

But the soldiers can rest, but the members of the headquarters below the observatory can't, there are still a lot of people here.

Ordinary soldiers place themselves in a dangerous battlefield, risking their lives for survival every moment, with a high level of mental tension, life or death.But once the battle is over, they can relax and rest, and then train and wait for the next battle;
As for the commander, although he places himself in the relatively safe rear of the battlefield, which is a little safer than the soldiers, but because of this, he must spend more mental work, comprehensively consider the entire battle situation, and must not stop for a moment.

The comparison between giving and receiving is fair.

"Your Excellency, the Military Academy orders!"

After the Dunjia orderly who pushed open the door sent the latest Xinpeng Island documents to the office, Lieutenant General Dia stopped his hand that was drawing the map of the war zone, caressed the map, breathed a sigh of relief, turned to the orderly, and nodded.



The orderly put his legs together, and his tail habitually slapped the ground to make a dull thumping sound, but he didn't attract anyone's attention, because everyone in the office was waiting for his speech.

"Xinpeng Island Headquarters, Headquarters of the Air Fantasy Association of the Transfer Technology Department, and the United Military Academy issued suggestions:

According to the information sent by the Canglong and Nanling ships ahead, we have confirmed that the creep of the Zerg is developing, which poses a great threat to us. Once completed, it will completely break the current regional power balance, so we must guard against it.

Therefore, it is suggested that the third combat group in the vicinity, according to the frontline situation, decide on its own to protect the heavy artillery regiment before 12:[-] noon tomorrow, and use the split bombs sent by the technical department to attack and block the spread of Zerg creep, so as to extend the time as much as possible. It even broke the Zerg creep expansion plan.

In view of the cognitive gap between the front line and the rear, the start time and end time of the plan will be determined by the Third Group Command in cooperation with the Heavy Artillery Regiment Command, and the Military Academy will not directly intervene.

above. "

After the standard salute, the orderly placed one of the two orders in his hand on the desk, and picked up another document without waiting for Lieutenant General Dia and others to express their opinions.

Looking at Lieutenant General Dia, after the other party nodded, the orderly continued to read.

"The first and second group combined fleet notice:

As of 7:11 on July 15, our joint fleet was marching on the ocean, and had passed the two observation stations L14 and L13 successively, and received supplies, and the supplies are sufficient.After a short rest at L13, if there is no abnormality, it is estimated to arrive at L21 at 12:11 tonight. After a short rest for supplies, it will arrive at L11 at [-]:[-] tomorrow at the latest.

Lieutenant General Xing Tian's private telegram: Dia, you boy, don't grab all the food, at least leave some bones for your brother, the fight at No. 03 is too boring, you have at least eaten at No. 04, haven't you?

Lieutenant General Haotian's private message: The group's supplies seem to be sufficient, but they may consume a lot in the subsequent battles. There are not many transport ships in the clan, and logistical supplies are difficult, so take it easy when fighting, and don't spend it all because you don't have much.

above. "

"These two boys!" Lieutenant General Dia sneered and shook his head in silence.

After the orderly finished speaking, he placed the two reports in front of Lieutenant General Dia. After saluting, he turned around and pushed the door out, and took it with him. The set of movements was standard and smooth.

This kind of behavior was very rare in the Pengzu army before, because the general laxity within the Pengzu army has led to the lack of success in the construction of military discipline.

However, as expected, it is still a hard battle that sharpens people.

At this time, the third group already had the appearance of real soldiers. When Kong Huan saw it, he might be relieved.However, Lieutenant General Dia is only looking forward to the reaction of the other two Lieutenant Generals after seeing this force.But recalling the previous fiasco, I also shrink back a little. The comparison of the three major clusters is not as simple as imagined.

Forget it.

Lieutenant General Dia, who shook his head heavily to wake him up from his mind-wandering habit and smiled wryly that he still hadn't changed his mind-wandering habit, looked at the two documents in front of him, thought for a while, got up and walked to the cluster staff with the documents.At least in his opinion, as a chief officer, he should listen to the opinions of his subordinates more, and don't make decisions by himself, that would be too much pressure.

But he may not have expected that his behavior is almost exactly the same as that of Wu Huan, and he will follow the standard steps: discover problems, think by himself, ask everyone, and finally make a decision, and act like this.

Is it hereditary?distressed.

Of course, the reasons for the two are still fundamentally different.

When the staff began to discuss the next battle plan based on the order of Xinpeng Island, the soldiers of L11 who did not know that the rest time would be greatly reduced, after sleeping for two or three hours and recovering their spirits, Then they started to wander around, or sat in front of the residents of L11 and described their war experiences.

"... But having said all that, the best way is to aim and shoot."

A soldier with a wounded arm was sitting on his hospital bed, waving his arm wrapped in rice dumplings under the terrified eyes of the nurse, spitting and telling his battle story, and then left After uttering such a concluding sentence, he let go of the injured arm.

The poor little nurse couldn't help letting out a sigh of relief.

"It's that simple, but there are too many bugs, and they will rush to you almost every time, and you have to be careful of the surprise attacks of some ground thorn spiders from the ground. And the inside of the fort is not absolutely safe. According to me, it is still safe to fight. It’s best to shoot as you feel, it’s an advanced technique.”

The soldier on the other hospital bed was also seriously injured. If one only looked at the current superficial condition, it was obvious that he would not be able to go to the battlefield for a while.With a complicated heart, he has been a little depressed during this time.Seeing the lively atmosphere at this moment, the soldier finally got a little interested and spoke out.

However, the people around them all came out of the same battlefield, and the fighting conditions were basically the same, and they were all injured in the bunker battle.These front-line soldiers were originally armored troops, but they were purely defensive at that time, and the experience gained in desperation was also infantry bunker defense experience.

The situation is the same with each other, and it is easy to empathize with each other when chatting.

Therefore, everyone nodded in agreement with the slightly different narration of the two soldiers, because it was only a difference in details.

"At that time, he was in the mood to pay attention to these things. When he was far away, he aimed and shot, and when he was close, he just pointed his head and pointed. Anyway, there are more bugs than grass on the ground. Sometimes I really want to get a lawn mower out. It's easy."

The soldiers complained without saying a word.

"You didn't see what the Menxia looked like when it fell. I was on the right side of the defense bunker at the time, and I saw it clearly. Mowing the grass was the real mowing at that time! The battleship hundreds of meters crashed sideways , It doesn’t matter if it’s a puppy or a giant elephant in the front, it’s all scum! It’s a bloody road in the back, it’s amazing.”

Recalling the scene at that time, the soldier sitting by the door suddenly felt a little chilly.

"But even so, as soon as the number under the door stopped, the surrounding bugs surrounded it again in the blink of an eye, and the so-called blood path was quickly blocked by the bugs."

"Tch, there might be more bugs in that place than the total population of my friends."

"Are there really that many?"

The young nurse couldn't believe it. She had never been on the battlefield, but she was just a newcomer who was practicing in L11 after graduating from Xinpeng Island Medical College.

Without that kind of experience, she couldn't imagine the scene described by the soldiers at all.

And to be honest, because the third group was retreating from the battlefield after all.Although he didn't say it on his lips, and didn't show it on his face because of his good education, in fact, in his heart, apart from a little respect for these soldiers who survived the tragic battle, there was still some contempt.

Failure, no one likes it.

Recalling the history of the Pengzu, from the initial Xiaoxiaogashan to unifying the Pengzu, from driving away the black bones to uniting the Shadowclan, and then overlooking the development of the entire Shuangyuexing civilization with a high-level attitude.Even the previous two Zerg attacks were easily resolved by friends?Even this time, the two bases of the Zerg had already been eliminated.

Now there is only one base left, and the third combat group, which belongs to the three major groups of the friends, has suffered a disastrous defeat and fled back. The soldiers are talking about their combat experience here, which makes the little nurse with little experience look down.

However, the careless soldiers didn't seem to understand what the little nurse meant. Even if one or two felt a little embarrassed, they didn't say much.

The soldier who was asked took a long breath after a short memory, nodded and told the scene at that time.

"A lot! How come there are not many. Can you imagine the scene where the whole sky and the ground are covered with black bugs, and you can't see the side at a glance? Standing in the bunker, looking through the shooting window, there is no sky or horizon outside. Only bugs. On the left, on the right, on the top, and even down when the bugs attack."

The soldiers all showed gloomy expressions. In the defensive battle, the pressure brought by the Zerg to the soldiers was far greater than that in the offensive. Up to now, there are still many psychiatrists in the L11 shuttle ward, but the guy in this ward Maybe he has a big nerve, but his performance is much better.

But that doesn't mean they aren't afraid.

"When they attacked, you obviously knew that your weapon was shot, or even killed a bunch of them, but the bugs behind quickly jumped out and stepped on the dead bugs in front. As a result, you only blinked, and the scene in front It turned into a bug charge again, and there were no dead bodies at all.

Even if you keep reminding yourself 'I killed two more', 'three more arrived', 'ah, I just smashed two ends' and so on, but when you see the swarm charging in front of you, why don't you Can't believe the fact that I've gained something. "

"Yeah, that kind of scene can't be forgotten at all. Only when the worm swarm recedes, leaving a ground of meat paste in front of the position reminds you that there is still a battle. But what's even worse is that the worms will take those who can go down. The corpses of the bugs were dragged back. So it seems that the amount of the bugs we killed and the amount of muddy meat left after the battle are not symmetrical at all, as if we killed so many enemies is an illusion..."


Listening to the soldiers' narration, the little nurse tried to imagine such a scene, and her face darkened a little bit.

Especially when I heard the veterans use the tone of what to eat tonight, they described in detail the ground meat on the battlefield. At the beginning, they had to clean it up, but they didn't bother to do it afterwards. The smell of blood was mixed with the smell of bugs all over the sky, and when she walked out of the bunker and the whole ground became sticky, the poor little girl finally couldn't help it.

"Ouch...don't, don't vomit and say it, okay, okay, please vomit..."

Holding the trash can originally used for the sick, the little girl retched like this under the benevolent and cunning eyes of a bunch of male and female soldiers, causing a burst of laughter.

At this moment, the door of the ward was pushed open.

Seeing the approaching soldiers, the soldiers immediately fell silent, and only the little girl's screams were left in the whole ward.

"What are you doing! The nurse is taking care of you with good intentions, and you have to shiver!"

The person who came was the officer directly under the unit where these patients belonged, and she intended to visit the soldiers, but she was still a little sad in her heart. After seeing the scene inside through the door and window of the ward, her sadness immediately flew out of the sky.

"Ya Zhang, you can't wrong us, it's the little nurse who wants to listen."

The soldiers didn't want to be 'misunderstood', and decisively waved their injured parts, seemingly defending themselves, but they were using Yazhang's sympathy to threaten the soldier in front of him who looked at the soldiers with the same fear as the little nurse. The female cliff head whose body is constantly shaking.

"Stop it all! I want to die!"

Ya Zhang is obviously much more mobile than the little nurse. Although she is a woman, she is also a woman from the friend clan. She is even a little higher in status.

After everyone became quiet like little sheep under the prestige of this Yazhang, Yazhang turned to look at the little nurse who seemed to be better.

No, it's perfectly fine.

The little girl, who was frightened by the scene she imagined, couldn't help laughing when she saw a group of murderous soldiers so docile in front of the female officer who came in.

"It seems that there is nothing serious."

Shaking his head speechlessly, Ya Zhang patted the little nurse, and then briefly asked about the previous incident.During the period, he stared fiercely at the frizzy soldiers. After understanding the general situation, Ya Zhang sneered and turned to look at these restless guys.

The leader of the cliff clearly understands the thoughts of these guys.

But thinking that this battle was indeed defeated by himself and others, how could he blame the little nurse for looking down on him?

Shaking his head away from the little nurse, Ya Chang stood at the door, looking seriously at the soldiers in front of him.He casually pulled a chair and sat down, but his momentum was firmly pressed against the group of old fried dough sticks in front of him.

"Why, a defeat is a defeat, and each of them has their tails up?"

"This... Yachang, it's just a joke."

"A joke? I hope so," snorted coldly, Ya Chang glanced at everyone, and then changed his tone: "This time I failed, I know everyone is holding their breath. Those who are greedy for life and fear of death can raise their hands now and send them away immediately." You go back to Xinpeng Island. There are many things you can do there, and you don't have to worry about not being able to make meritorious service for the friends."


"Very good, no, then give me a good summary of previous experience! Don't waste time molesting little girls."

Getting up and walking around the hospital bed, Ya Chang kept talking, with a smile on his face.

"Of course, I remember that the archives have your family addresses. I remember that before the army went out, every soldier had a family and was guaranteed to have children. So, you can also choose, let me report these 'heroic deeds' to Your wives and sons. Look, your parents are amazing!"

The soldiers who had deliberately made a joke earlier immediately lowered their heads in fear, complaining in their hearts about the viciousness of the officer, which required their lives to be cruel.

"Of course, this is also a joke."

Clapping to focus everyone's attention, Ya Chang leaned against the window and said, "Okay, I won't talk nonsense, since you are all so smart, then you obviously understand what I mean, right?"

"Is there a combat mission?"

Everyone's thoughts suddenly became active.

Although the injuries were heavy, most of the soldiers here had small wounds.Severely injured soldiers with severed arms and legs who are unable to fight have long been transferred to the intensive care unit, waiting to be transported back to Xinpeng Island.And those who stay here are obviously those who can continue to go to the battlefield after rest.Therefore, they also look forward to combat missions.

For the soldiers of the friend tribe, especially the friend soldiers, they are not afraid of being injured.

Because, even severe injuries with severed hands and feet can be repaired by energy after reaching the soul level through hard work.As for ordinary wounds, through the body's not weak healing ability, it can be recovered as long as one or two months, and as short as two or three days.

So don't look at the wounds of these guys that look scary, but they are actually not serious.

And after seeing Ya Chang's expression, those who reacted quickly also understood what Ya Chang meant.


Nodding, Ya Chang stood up and walked to the window.

Looking at some battleships in the distance that were almost repaired, and the scaffolding was already being dismantled, she sighed slightly.Although they were also looking forward to a shameful battle, the soldiers had only rested for two or three hours, and it was obviously very dangerous for the soldiers to start fighting again at this time.

We have been together for a year or two, and we have had friendship for four or five years in the fantasy world. At first, we saw subordinates, colleagues, and even officers die on the battlefield. Because the battle was fierce, there was no time to mourn or anything.But when she got down and thought about it, she also became afraid. She was not afraid of dying, but she was afraid of seeing everyone around her go away, but only herself was left.

As for the rescue of the souls of the dead on the battlefield, it seems that it is so far away in the fierce battle.

Shaking his head, crossing his hands on his chest, he seemed to be looking into the distance, but he was actually comforting the leader of the cliff, until the soldiers began to urge him, and then he gave the order from the headquarters without changing his face.

Fortunately, the command center only asked everyone to get ready before 18:[-] in the evening, and it would not be a direct battle at that time, but it would also depend on the reaction of the Zerg, which should be enough for everyone to calm down.

After leaving the ward, Ya Zhang put away his serious expression with a desire for battle, and walked towards the army station.

She didn't know how many of the soldiers in the ward who showed an extreme desire to fight, as if they were about to shoot bullets into the insect's body after hearing the combat order, were like her, but they didn't want to affect others, so they did that kind of thing. The appearance is for the colleagues around to see.

But at least, if everyone can still make such a performance, then it will be no problem.

Looking up at the starry sky, there is only more than an hour before night falls.

"Go and have a cup of milk tea. After the war, I hope to celebrate the little guy's birthday in time."

The husband who works in the technical department and the daughter who always likes to get into her bed come to mind. Ya Zhang is not amazing, but reveals a heroic spirit of killing both men and women, with a warm smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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