Spore Story

Chapter 738

Chapter 738

Under the dark night sky, on a piece of muddy land, a small beetle is climbing on top of a mountain-like dirt bag for it, rolling a dung ball that seems to have been around for a long time.That is what it collected four or five days ago, and it exists as a food reserve and nursery.

But after that, it was a long time since I saw those huge and dangerous creatures. Even the sky seemed to be gone for a while.

The little beetle didn't know what this meant. During the great animal migration, the little beetle had been resting and multiplying in its own cave.Although he also had the idea of ​​leaving, he was always worried about the dung ball he had just collected, and seemed hesitant.

It wasn't until the thought of leaving became more and more serious in its heart that it tentatively left with the dung ball, but after seeing the scene of the great migration of thousands of horses galloping, it resolutely hid back.

I don't want to be trampled to death.

A few days later, when it finally plucked up its courage again and tentatively crawled out of the cave in the soil, it only saw the barren land, and a few scattered grasses were already wilted, and it seemed that it was about to return to its original origin.Other than that, not even a bird.

What exactly is going on?

What happened, it didn't know at all, and didn't give it much thought.After confirming that there were no dangerous animals running wild, the first thing it thought of was to roll out its precious dung ball, and then happily walked towards the direction that it felt should belong to escape.

There are not many sluggish reactions, and it probably didn’t notice at all. For a small animal like it, it lost the opportunity to escape by climbing on a large animal a few days ago (the evacuation at that time, for small animals, 8051 specifically implies that climbing large animals this way).At this moment, it is obviously impossible to climb out of the evacuation range provided by the will of the planet step by step.

But the little beetle doesn't know this, it just rolls that precious dung ball slowly but firmly, centimeter by centimeter forward.

At this moment, the surrounding grass seemed to make disturbing noises.

The timid Beetle decisively accelerated its speed, as if it wanted to escape from this area.But after a while, the distant horizon was suddenly covered by a strange high wall, and a sticky 'big wave' appeared.It continued to devour the earth, rushed over like a wave, covered the remaining grass, and finally overflowed the beetle's dung ball and its tiny body.

When the mucus flooded the place and quickly melted the beetle's body, its compound eyes were still staring at the dung ball not far away, as if it was still thinking.

Oh shit balls.


The spreading process of the mucus has not been hindered in any way.Even when encountering such a small number of local creatures on the Double Moon Planet, the creep speed of using the mucus to spread still does not stop. It seems to be slow, but it is actually close to the speed of normal people's walking, constantly devouring and decomposing all the animals along the way. plant.

As for the gene of the little bug, it seems that it is not valued by the Zerg, otherwise it would not be swallowed directly.

And whenever the mucus overflows, they will clean up the area into a barren land, leaving only non-living substances such as soil, and covering it with sticky liquid; The large bugs at a height of [-] meters will spit out a lot of disgusting slime balls, and hit the ground that has been decomposed by the mucus before.

The places where the slime balls fall are generally very close to the edge of the creep. They will spread out the moment they touch the slime ground, and quickly neutralize with the slime on the ground, and then become a large creep area.

Afterwards, the original creep and these small creep areas will expand the borders of each other until the connection is successful.

However, the expansion speed of the creep itself is very slow, which is why the Zerg uses the big bugs in the sky to expand. Otherwise, if you want the creep to spread naturally over the area of ​​more than 100 kilometers, I am afraid that the three major clusters of the friends will converge. Then the Zerg were cleaned up one by one, but it couldn't end.

But at this moment, some war bees around the big bug suddenly stopped vigilantly, and then turned their heads to look at the southern sky in unison.

The next moment, long white trails appeared on the edge of the sky.

The next moment, just as the swarm of bees spread out, the dozens of trajectories in the sky suddenly shattered at an altitude of 2000 meters above the ground, and then turned into hundreds to thousands to tiny particles. The trajectory, like a thousand arrows falling from the sky, rushed into the swarm of insects with a strong force

Even though they had already made scattered moves, the bee swarm and the big bug were still shrouded in quite a few attack ranges.

However, it is a long-range attack after all, the accuracy of the shells is very low, and it is not a group attack aimed at flying Zerg.Therefore, most of the scattered shells smashed to the ground through the gap between the flying Zerg.Of course, more than a dozen unlucky big bugs were still hit.

The battle bee is too small and there is not much resistance. The result of the shell hitting the battle bee is to pass through it directly.

However, the big bugs that make the creeps are large enough, and their bodies also maintain a solid defense of the Zerg. After the shells passed through the carapace of the big bugs, they directly stayed in their bodies.

Then, the small cannonball that was originally split from the cannonball exploded again, and then turned into countless shrapnel that devoured the entire visceral system of the big bug. Ferry passenger lists, but only if they have reasons to join this system of mythology.

But before the big bug had time to be summoned by the gravity to rush to the ground, the shells that passed through the war bee's body burst into bursts of fire one after another in mid-air, and turned into countless shrapnel that devoured the nearby bug swarm.Since the swarms are far apart, these shells are not very effective.

Of course, the original purpose of the shelling was not here.

When the shells that hit the Zerg one after another during the flight in the sky began to explode, their kind also passed through the Zerg and hit the ground.

In an instant, hundreds of flames flashed and shrapnel flew across.

The roar of the explosion enveloped the entire area, followed by more and more incandescent flames.

Even the wet creep is useless in the face of this kind of flame, it can only be turned into coke little by little, and has no choice but to join the natural reincarnation of the double moon star, but anyway, their formation resources are also taken from the double moon star , so it's okay.But from this point of view, the Zerg's conquest pair and Double Moon Star seem to be slightly different.

But before that, a large area of ​​creep had been cleared away by the fragments of the split bomb.

The creeps on the ground that the Zerg had worked hard for several hours to build, turned into a world of mud and meat in just a few minutes, and returned to nothing.

When the explosion ended and all the dead Zergs in the sky fell to the ground, the entire space was silent.

For a brief moment, the Zerg commander seemed a little dazed.

Of course, he was not shocked by the power, but rather surprised that his defeated generals dared to use this kind of bombardment.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but in this piece of detritus, there seems to be a small beetle, still struggling to push a ball of wet dung forward.

One centimeter, two centimeters...

"The Nanling reported that the bombardment effect was extremely good, destroying all the creeps within a radius of five kilometers, and the destruction method was bursting and burning. It is estimated that the other party can no longer use it and can only lay it again; in addition, it killed three creeps. Zerg, several war bees."

The Nanling floating in the clouds of the sky is at a height of 2 meters, which is already close to the design limit of the most primitive generation of semi-floating warships like the Nanling.However, in order to complete the task while saving their lives, everyone didn't mind consuming some of the Nanling's design life.

At this time, the observers of the Nanling were recording the shelling effect here and reporting it to their superiors in detail.

In the side corridor, as members of the Nanling ship escort, some of them walked around dutifully, but most of them really stood at the portholes and watched the battlefield below boredly.

It can be said that the people in the entire Sky Fleet who are farthest from the battle are the soldiers of the battleship escort.

Because they are not the Marine Corps, nor are they gunners, nor are they commanders of battleships. They are just members who are responsible for protecting the safety of the interior of the hull, that is, members who will only have an effect when an enemy rushes into the ship.Generally speaking, when the ship is invaded by the enemy, the role they can play is actually not great.Most of the time, the guards still serve as a psychologically stable existence for the members of the ship. At most, they will serve as military police and counter-interruption forces, which makes their status embarrassing.

But even though someone proposed to revoke this position in order to make more rational use of human resources, the Military Academy still retained it after discussion.

The reason: just in case.

Well, no matter what the military academy thinks, at least they have to stay in this boring position because of this.

However, at some point, this kind of captain's escort seems to become the main group of marines, and the transfer battle with the second-line city defense force, which also gives it value.

Zhan Yuan, as the direct grandson of the Elder Warhammer, would not normally be in such a dispensable position, but at the age of 16, he has just chrysalised into a winged man. Although he is a genius, according to the law of the friends Still can't enter the group troops.Because of the small number of friends, group soldiers in high-risk positions generally need to have at least one direct descendant before they are allowed to enter dangerous jobs.

But upholding the family tradition, Zhan Yuan is very yearning for the past wars that his grandfather told about.

Uninterested in his father's abandonment of martial arts for literary pursuits, he took it for granted that he would inherit his grandfather's responsibilities, and Warhammer, the elder grandfather, seemed strict, but he also loved his grandson very much.In the end, after thinking about it, he found a loophole and stuffed this little guy in the second line of the cluster, but he had a certain combat power. The most important thing was to be a guard soldier on the fast-running Swordfish-class Blue Ridge.

It can not only intuitively feel the frontline operations, but also ensure safety.

As a result, in this way, a winged man appeared in the guard team of all Moon Spirits, which was a bit strange.Even though the relationship between the various clans in the friend clan is good, Zhan Yuan still feels a little alienated, which is probably an accidental loss.And he was not very good at communication, and he didn't know how to deal with it. He simply became the captain and did what he ordered. At other times, he chatted with other friends in the ship, or lay on the porthole to watch the scenery like now. .

After a few months, the Moon Spirits in the team hadn't finished getting to know each other, but they became familiar with other friends in the ship.

At this time, of course, he was looking at the scenery.

However, it is the scenery of bombarding the swarm.

"It's beautiful."

The voice of the captain of the Moon Spirit came from behind him, and Zhan Yuan shuddered all over, with both legs together, he turned around and saluted the captain.

The family's education told him that no matter how dissatisfied he is with anyone, he must never violate the rules he should abide by, and he is not allowed to express his true thoughts.This is the rule set by Warhammer's generation. After being influenced by his ears and eyes since he was a child, Zhan Yuan probably abides by it even more strictly than his parents and grandfathers.

The power class of the friend clan is extremely cautious in caring for their offspring. This is not only out of their sense of responsibility, but more importantly because they are at the top, so they are very aware of the many secrets of the high-level, so they dare not be careless.For example, the likes and dislikes of that special elder, or the existence of the shadow system, etc.

Sometimes, the more you know, the more prudent you are.

In comparison, the middle power level of the friends seems to be a bit chaotic, and there are occasional rumors of restless descendants among them.

Of course, once these rumors are confirmed, they will be dealt with by the government soon, and they will generally be implemented without any reservations under the supervision of the legal court.

"Relax, soldier, I'm just curious how it looks outside."

Captain Moon Spirit smiled and pointed to the porthole, then looked at Zhan Yuan expectantly.

The opponent is only carrying the rank of sergeant, and standing in front of Zhan Yuan at this time is actually not very majestic.But the other party is his immediate superior. For Zhan Yuan, who is only a private first class, this Moon Spirit Captain should be respected.But when he heard the captain's words, he was stunned for a moment, and Zhan Yuan didn't smile in good faith until the other party knew about it and pointed his finger at his face.

After all, Yueling people are different from friends. They have no vision, and they observe the world purely with mental power.

Perhaps in terms of perception within a kilometer, the Moon Spirits are super strong, but they can't see the world beyond the observation range of their spiritual power, and they can't distinguish colors. The world is very narrow for the Moon Spirits.

Of course, this will not cause any discrimination, because in terms of perception accuracy within the scope of mental power observation, it is still difficult for friends of the same level to surpass the moon spirits.

This can be regarded as a racial talent.

Thinking so, after Zhan Yuan nodded, he turned and pointed to the space below the porthole.

Although Moon Spirit cannot see the world below 2 meters at this time, he can understand the direction of what happened through his gestures, and then consult the local map through the spiritual network, and then perform mental simulation based on the situation he understands.

Generally speaking, this kind of simulation will not differ too much from the real situation, and this can be regarded as a method of understanding the world that the friends have studied for the Moon Spirits.

And it is this kind of care for some races within the Pengzu that has allowed the Dapengzu system to maintain a stable development.

Even after the Moon Spirits learned of their relationship to the Eldar, they persisted in their membership of the eldar and regarded the Eldar as another race.

Of course, there are also some people in the Moon Spirit people who believe that the Spirit Race should be accepted as members of the Friends Race and let them accept the same transformation, and joined the lobbying of the Spirit Race for this.

It is a pity that the conflict between the Pengzu and the Lingzu was too deep before, and the endless means of the Pengzu made the Lingzu worried. Until now, the Lingzu still has a vigilant attitude towards the solicitation of the Pengzu.

Even, many spirit races took the initiative to migrate in order to avoid contact with their friends.This move unexpectedly promoted the progress of the social system within the Eldar.Up to this point, the Spirit Race has already had a symbolic governing body similar to the public election of the world-the Spirit Race Control Core.

After learning about this situation, the senior management of the Pengzu used to be dumbfounded.

Because the more cohesive the Spirit Race is, the more difficult it is for the Friends to digest the Spirit Race, but now facing the foreign enemy of the Zerg, the Friends are not willing to waste the huge combat power of the Spirit Race, so they did not make the previous conspiracy techniques, but instead It was the initiative to promote this change of the Spirit Race, and also provided the Spirit Race with some books and materials originally designed for the Moon Spirits.

The voice from the Presbyterian House is very good: If you can't directly possess it physically, then you should fight for it culturally and psychologically.

As a result, many targeted and tough measures of the Peng Clan against the Spirit Clan were cancelled, the elder Mu Wen returned to Xinpeng Island, and the relationship between the Spirit Clan and the Peng Clan tended to ease, but they still kept their distance.

However, it is unknown when the Eldar can become a real fighting force against the Zerg.

Zhan Yuan didn't know much about these things, but he felt something when he saw the captain, and now that he came back to his senses, he began to vividly describe the shelling scene outside.

The shelling interval of the long-range heavy artillery is very long, and the procedure has been described before, so I won’t say much.

Ten minutes after the first bombardment, in order to ensure the results of the bombardment, and also to kill the Zerg staying in the bombarded area at this time, dozens of ordinary shells flew in the sky again.

During the ten-minute interval between the bombardment, the bug swarm also recovered from the attack on the creep that had been built with great difficulty.But the Zerg didn't react too much, and started to spread the creep mucus again as if they had endured it, but the Zerg flew more scattered in the sky, and obviously knew how to avoid these shells.

Another bombardment gnawed off a small piece of the re-spread mucus and the Zerg in the sky. After finding that the supplementary bombardment had achieved little, the artillery group that obtained the observation results from the frontline Nanling decisively shifted their targets.

The Nanling, as the front-line bombardment traction support ship, also left this place soon.

There are quite a few places where the swarms spread the creep this time. The idea of ​​the headquarters is that as long as the swarms do not take the action of overwhelming the territory, the shelling will not stop. This seems to be a test of the endurance of the swarms, but the commanders of the third group I know, that's just a test of the Zerg's reaction speed.

They didn't think that the Zerg, who had already breached the Dongshan defense line before, would remain silent after being attacked again.

Therefore, the Nanling was in charge of towing the bombardment, while the other Canglong was observing the movement of the Zerg as usual.Not long after the second shelling ended, news of the Canglong reached the headquarters.

(End of this chapter)

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