Spore Story

Chapter 739

Chapter 739
Ask for tickets at the beginning of the month~\(≧▽≦)/~
The swarm of insects flying in the sky and the huge meteorite base below brought Canglong, who was monitoring here, perhaps shock and fear at first, but after a long time, all emotions were wiped out, and finally became boring.

But as six giant tentacle monsters flew out of the meteorite base, and then the Zerg began to gather in the sky, the calm hearts of the calm Canglong members shook again.

Because, even if the existence of the spaceship has not been discovered by the Zerg before, they are not sure whether the Canglong can stand up against the Zerg monster that caused the third group to lose four assault ships and nearly one-third of the fleet. Fully maintain the hidden ability of the mist provided by Elder Kongling.

Fortunately, Elder Kong Ling's reputation looks pretty good.

A tentacle monster that was only more than 100 meters away from the hidden area of ​​the Canglong, until it left with a group of Zerg, still failed to respond to the area where the Canglong was located, which means that the bugs did not find the Canglong... It should be.


The navigator, who was slumped on the chair, wiped off the cold sweat with his hands, unable to bear the fear in his heart.

Originally, hovering over the Zerg base camp for surveillance was already a test for everyone, but at this time, six heads suddenly flew out of the Zerg base, which had previously dealt heavy damage to the third cluster, and even the elders in the 03 war zone It also specifically mentions the tentacle monsters to be careful of.

The torment involved was like peeking at a small story in the dormitory after the lights were turned off at night. After finally getting used to the teacher checking the dormitory, the head teacher came to make a special surprise attack. It is really indescribable.

"Fortunately, it was not discovered, and it really is Elder Kong Ling who is stronger."

The people who finally came to their senses regained a lot of confidence after recalling that even such a dangerous monster still failed to break through Elder Kong Ling's fog concealment.

At least, our elders are still very powerful. It seems that as long as there are elders, these monsters are nothing to worry about... probably.

Sweeping across the six-headed tentacle monster in the sky, everyone's modest confidence was at stake.

At this time, the captain, who just remembered the business, hurriedly ordered everyone on the bridge to calculate the direction in which the swarms left.After discovering that the other party was flying straight towards the southern direction of L11, the captain who immediately understood the situation, just about to notify the correspondent to use the Pengzu magnetic field communication network to contact the cluster, but a sense of crisis suddenly flashed in his heart.

He decisively stopped his movements.

After hesitating for a moment, the captain, who knew that such urgent information could not be delayed, thought for a while and called a member of the telepathic communication team on the bridge.


"Don't worry, Captain."

The Wingman from the spiritual group nodded with a smile, then closed his eyes and began to connect with the connection object in the L11 resting team.

Under normal circumstances, friends' communication uses ordinary electromagnetic spiritual power to exchange communication, which is convenient, fast, and universal.However, despite these benefits, if this kind of communication encounters creatures that are sensitive to electromagnetics, it is easy to intercept the communication content on the way.

It's just that what the other party intercepts is only electromagnetic communication, which is generally irregular for them. It must be converted into the mental power belonging to the friend race through the unique brain structure of the friend race before it can be translated.

Therefore, the regular communication security factor of Pengzu has always been very high.

However, under special circumstances, the Pengzu also set up a mysterious way of telepathic communication by relying on the telepathic ability attached to the fifth-level brain of Yiren.However, because the principle of this kind of communication is unknown, and personnel selection and training are difficult, it is also very troublesome to set up.Moreover, if used too many times, it will also cause mental problems to members of the distribution group, so its use is restricted.

And soul-level friends are very confident in their spiritual perception ability, especially the premonition of crisis for which the reason is unknown.Although the group of guys who intensively studied spiritual power at Priest Mountain Priest School couldn't explain the reason, the authenticity of its existence has been confirmed.

Therefore, even though he was puzzled as to why he would feel threatened in the depths of his heart when he wanted to order the magnetic field communication, the captain still chose to stop the regular communication and replace it with the safer telepathy.After the replacement, the sense of crisis did disappear without a trace.

And the captain obviously didn't know that this move saved the life of the entire Canglong just as his friends had proved countless times.

One of the proud abilities of the Zerg is to acquire useful genes from other races to expand the Zerg gene pool by devouring other races, so as to develop more excellent troop capabilities under the condition of rationally configuring the gene chain.

Previously in Dongshan, the Zerg had obtained the bodies of Friends, Dunjia and Moonlings.

Of course, they also acquired the genes of these three races.They could even make three racially similar creatures in the main base if they wanted to, but Zerg won't do that.

The long history of the Zerg has given the Zerg a lot of war experience, but it has also brought the Zerg extremely huge precautions and restrictions.

One of them is: be careful with civilized races, especially their brain genes.

Civilized races are a dangerous existence. There have been Zergs devouring certain civilized races before, and then using the genes of those races to create similar civilized creatures, and then using them as spies to replace or even eliminate those races.But the emotional existence of individuals of civilized races has become the culprit.

Perhaps in some cases, this kind of espionage plan can be effective, but most of the time, the Zerg will end up in a miserable situation of stealing chickens but losing money, losing their wives and losing their soldiers.

Sometimes even when the intelligent Zerg brains are used to replace the brains of civilized creatures to control the bodies of civilized creatures, after these pseudo-civilized creatures enter the social system of civilized creatures, they also have wisdom for the convenience of tasks. Under the current situation, those who rebel often appear, even after relying on the Zerg to gain rule, they reverse the Zerg.

This is not an exception, but the rule.

After facing these situations, the Zerg has also learned something, and no longer uses purely civilized individual replicas as spies, but some Zerg are greedy for the short-term benefits of intelligent creatures to direct this kind of short-term benefits, and there have been cases of using the brains of civilized race creatures to control the Zerg bodily movements.

But what makes the bugs collapse is that even so, there are often situations of rebellion, chaos, and even struggle for power and profit.

While this made the Zerg feel incomprehensible, it was also taught again.

Therefore, under many problems, the Zerg finally became extremely afraid of the genetic chain of civilized creatures, especially the brain.Relying on these experiences, the Zerg's restrictions on civilized creatures are naturally becoming more and more extreme.

First, copying the brains of civilized creatures is generally prohibited;

Secondly, when copying the body of a civilized creature, it is not allowed to add the brain of an intelligent creature;
Furthermore, even if the brain of a civilized creature needs to be copied due to special circumstances, it is not allowed to equip it with a separate body, and it is even more necessary to monitor this brain in real time. If there is an abnormal situation, it needs to be destroyed regardless of whether it is right or wrong;
Finally, the excellent gene chains obtained from the bodies of civilized races must also be used with caution.

The Zerg that came to the Double Moon Star was not independent of the Zerg system, but only lost contact with the outside world when it entered the Milky Way where the Double Moon Star was located.However, they also inherit some of the Zerg's knowledge that it spreads routinely to individuals of all races.

And it is this kind of knowledge sharing of the entire race that allows the Zerg to become the public enemy of the universe but still survive leisurely.As for those who thought that bugs would only attack stupidly and violently, I am afraid they have already disappeared in the long river of time.

Of course, the Zerg race of Double Moon Star was careful not to copy the three races obtained.

However, although the Zerg race is powerful, they are still carbon-based organisms. The limitations of the race cause them to obtain only the gene chain carrying the carbon-based body when they obtain the genes of the three tribes of the friends.However, the Pengzu has a non-carbon-based organizational structure - the energy core.The existence of this thing caused the Zerg to encounter setbacks even when they tried to copy their friends.

That's another story.

And that kind of situation directly led to the further increase of Zerg's emphasis on friends.

I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse.

At present, although the Zerg has many restrictions, it is not that they do not use this excellent replication ability, but only restrict its use.For the sake of safety, the Zerg still copied a few brains of friends, armored men, and moon spirits in the team to monitor, because the long experience of the Zerg also told them that the brain of a civilized race is a magical thing, make good use of it There are also big benefits.

And the brain is purely made of carbon, so for the Zerg, there is no difficulty in replicating it.

In this case, if the Canglong uses conventional communication, although the content may not be analyzed and understood by these individual brains, it will still be accepted by the brain.

Then, because the friends' brains copied by the Zerg can sense the existence of these communications, the Zerg can of course quickly find out the source and even the destination of the communication, and then discover the existence of the Canglong.At that time, the Canglong, which is in the hinterland of the Zerg race and whose speed is not much higher, will obviously be doomed.

Therefore, at this time, it seemed that the captain's prudence and premonition of crisis saved the lives of his crew.

Of course, they don't know this.

What the captain did was to be cautious.

After closing his eyes, the Wingman of the telepathic communication group quickly found his sensing object in the third cluster through magical telepathy, and passed all the situation here like a memory copy.The detailed report was placed in front of the members of the headquarters in just a moment.

The Canglong continued to monitor the No. 05 meteorite base.

However, during this time, they can get less and less useful information from here.The bugs seem to no longer focus on the development of the area around the meteorite base, but instead focus more and more on the small bases on the outskirts after they think the defense capabilities are sufficient.

Therefore, the role of the Canglong here seems to be getting smaller and smaller.

In this communication, the captain submitted the request to transfer the surveillance target of the Canglong along with it.

I don't know how the cluster will deal with the 05 theater.

Just thinking of this, the Winged Man in the spiritual team suddenly opened his eyes, and then looked at the captain.

"Report, the third group has been informed and ordered this ship to end the current mission."

"Command order!"

Everyone fell silent, and only the voices of the psychic group correspondents remained in the entire bridge.

"According to the analysis of the current situation, the headquarters believes that the investigation value of the No. 05 Meteorite Base has been reduced in the short term.

In view of the current situation of lack of reconnaissance ships, the Canglong was ordered to end the current mission, and instead tracked the previous tentacle monster swarm, and sent messages to L11 regularly through the psychic group to cooperate with the swarm attack fleet to carry out the mission.

After the task was over, the Canglong ordered another order, and the current soul group returned to Xinpeng Island in rotation to rest.

In case of special circumstances, it is necessary to report in time.

that's all.


"The Canglong received it."

After the salute, the spiritual group correspondents quickly closed their eyes and fed back the information again, while everyone on the bridge resumed the previous discussion.

Everyone expressed their willingness to accept the end of the monitoring of No. 05, because they were a little overwhelmed by this kind of heartbeat activity.

But then they had to go after that swarm of tentacle monsters...

"Canglong lifted off to [-] meters of clouds, turned to the southeast, the target, tentacles clustered."

Although he was a little worried, orders were the most important thing, and the captain also had confidence in the concealment provided by the Canglong, or Elder Kong Ling, especially when the tentacle monsters were so close before and did not find the Canglong.Judging from the orders sent by the cluster headquarters, they also knew the silence of the regular communication on the Canglong, so they let the psychic team take charge of the communication and arranged a rest time for them after the mission was over.

Now it seems that after a while, the Canglong will turn itself into a floating cloud.

But before the Canglong turned into a cloud, the tentacles of the Zerg had already flown into the clouds with a mighty army.

The Zerg commander was clearly outraged that the creep had been attacked.The enemies who were clearly killed by one's own side are still harassing like annoying flies. It will not just strangle the neck and pull out the intestines like Monkey King dealing with Tang flies, but will directly decompose these enemies into particle states.

If possible, maybe it would be better to turn them all into resources.

The production of the tentacle monster team was started after gaining combat experience at the No. 03 Meteorite Base, and expanded after it was confirmed effective in the cave mountain attack.

However, because of the high consumption, the Zerg commander in theater 05 had the idea of ​​uniting all his small base mining areas.Although it was slightly different from what Pengzu thought, fortunately the result was the same.

As for the fact that the tentacle monster suffered heavy losses in the two battles, the Zerg commander of No. 05 didn't care much.Although it consumes a lot of money, compared to the fact that they haven't killed many warships of the friend clan all the time, and can kill four ships when the tentacle monsters come out, that consumption is obviously not a problem.

The swarm of insects filling the sky is now rushing towards L11.

On top of L11, which was notified, all troops have been lifted into the air at this time, ready to attack or evacuate at any time.However, the heavy artillery unit was not loaded into the cargo ship. Instead, it still stayed at the artillery position established by L11, and methodically attacked the Zerg creep under the guidance of the Nanling.

This situation made the soldiers of the artillery unit a little strange.

"What are you talking about? If you want to be prepared to retreat at any time, shouldn't you at least install the energy warehouse and other parts of the bombardment team and transfer it to the cargo ship to provide energy? Of course, it's cool to keep attacking like this. "

While being puzzled, the second-class loader did not forget to add that he was not afraid.

Although he did have some doubts and worries about this group move, after all, when the Dongshan position was transferred to the bombardment position, the group's evacuation steps were delayed to a certain extent, and this time he was very worried that the same mistakes would be repeated.

"What are you afraid of? The people in the headquarters are not idiots. They have learned from Dongshan, so they will definitely be prepared."

The artillerymen of the third class on the side seemed much more relaxed, and were even happy that they didn't have to rush to end the shelling.Maybe it's because men have a violent factor in their hearts. Every time he sees the shells flying out of the muzzle and flying into the distance through the thunderclouds that appear in the sky, and then he hears the gunner telling everyone the result of the shelling, he feels a little bit of a panic. An indescribable pleasure.

Compared to the comrades beside him, he seemed to have more confidence in the people in the headquarters.

"I think, this time, maybe the group will make some big moves to avenge their shame. Otherwise, when we go back, let's not mention the contempt that we small soldiers have received. Their commanders, maybe they will step down. Was thrown to the back, and even sentenced, so everyone will pay attention not to make mistakes again."

Facing his teammate's explanation, the second-class soldier nodded in agreement, then quickly put the shells in his hand into the shelling port, clapped his hands, and looked up at the sky troops.

Before that, they were very envious of the members of the Sky Fleet, who could fly around in spaceships.Even as a wingman, he can't fly very far, not to mention that the proportion of wingmen in the heavy artillery unit is not high.

But ever since I witnessed four previously mighty assault ships falling straight down on the Dongshan defense line, even in a relatively safe way, the two assault ships were still turned into ruins, and the proportion of survivors was even less At 1/5, the second class had no intention of transferring to the battleship force.

"Sure enough, it's better to keep your feet on the ground."

This kind of thinking allowed the second-class soldier to stay in the heavy artillery regiment peacefully. Even the completed report papers that he had originally wanted to apply for the selection of the flying chariot unit were pressed deep in the storage box by him.

But for this idea of ​​evasion, the friends do not support it.

Under the control of common sense, not many people have such thoughts.The second-class soldier was adjusting the direction according to the command of the gunner, and the third-class soldier who was about to fire was all thinking of joining the battleship force as the main gunner.

As an artilleryman of the Strategic Heavy Artillery Regiment, he also has this qualification.

However, his application was not approved for various reasons.

At this time, the third-class soldier who was aiming at it was thinking of the rumored news that the Shipping Bureau was building a super warship.Now that the gunners of the regular fleet are approaching saturation, maybe he can apply to join a super battleship.He is still confident in his ability to learn.


Following the command of the gunner, the third-class soldier decisively pressed the firing button.

The advanced gunpowder-filled cannonball split shells are fired from the end of the electromagnetic track, and after drawing a long trajectory, they disappear above the clouds and fly into the distance.

Among the cluster fleet not far from the trajectory of the shells, the surface layers of the fleet warships, which were much sparser than when they first left Xinpeng Island, emitted the light of the magnetic field engine starting one after another, and began to accelerate.

For failure, they admit it.

But for the pursuit of victory, they never give up.

(End of this chapter)

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