Spore Story

Chapter 740

Chapter 740
Above the dim [-]-meter-high sky, the sky was completely silent, turning into the blackness of a moonless night.

The twilight glow has long since disappeared, leaving only an empty and dark world.That is a phenomenon that will appear after the Zergs arrive at the Double Moon Star, because before their arrival, even on a moonless night, you can still see sporadic cloud jellyfish in the sky, drifting leisurely one by one between the sky and the sky. between.

The natural fluorescence from their bodies, though weak, at least casts a light on the moonless night, reassuring the creature.

But now, the cloud jellyfish no longer stayed here, but under the guidance of the planet, they left all the places where the zergs appeared, because even they could not face the threat of the swarm.

At the same time, this also leaves room for the war to move.

As for the global monitoring system built with cloud jellyfish, it has already been replaced by the starry sky equator.

The fleet of the third group was floating in mid-air, and the formation moved slowly and neatly to the north, but the warships in the fleet were probably continuing to fight, and there was a little panting sound, which made people feel helpless.

The friend clan's warship design has only been a few years in total, and now it is not easy to make the warship the main force of the battle. Occasionally, some minor problems always make people feel depressed, but there is nothing they can do about it.Of course, the fleet that had been prepared for a long time was equipped with damage control personnel for each warship, and Youshen could also help in an emergency, but there was no major problem.

"Look at this, after this battle, this big guy will be overhauled once."

Reluctantly knocking on the iron plate behind him with a wrench, the armored man in charge of maintenance shook his head, threw the tools in his hand back into the toolbox, looked at the deputy captain in front of him and said, "Of course, as long as this battle does not exceed three God, without a direct hit, our damage control team can still guarantee that there will be no problems."

"That's good."

Putting the overhaul aside, from the deputy captain's point of view, as long as this battle can be guaranteed, as for the future, although the Barracuda class is still the most advanced warship of the Friends, but the design bureau is said to have begun to design the supporting equipment for that super battleship Fleet, at that time, it is impossible to say that the Barracuda class will be decommissioned to the second-line troops. At that time, there will be a reason for the overhaul of the ship.

Let's ignore these small thoughts.

After experiencing the Battle of Dongshan, the third group only took a short rest at L11. The fleet floating in the air at this time is much sparser than when it left Xinpeng Island.

There are only three capital ships and five assault ships left in the fleet, which are the three thunder-class ships of Xinyun, Mrs. Rhombus five Barracuda class and Barracuda Kai.As for the floating turret, due to mobility issues and considering the fleet combat mode this time, it was left at L11 by the cluster command as a defensive force.

Although the fleet composed of pure battleships is missing four ships, it can give the impression of Lieutenant General Dia, but it is different from the plump and stable fleet of the previous group fleet, showing a lot of sharpness.

"This is the army that exists as an offensive!"

Through the analysis of battle cases, the staff agreed that it is not possible to carry cargo fleets and floating turrets in every battle for the so-called consideration of the sentiment of friendly forces and to ensure the integrity of combat power.The battle situation changes in various ways, and the troops should also make various adjustments accordingly.Warships have their own scope of adaptation, and they should not be used all the time.

This is just a reasonable use of resources, but it has not been valued by the fleet members before, but this time Lieutenant Admiral Dia proposed that the statement was finally recognized by the Military Academy.

Immediately, the major groups of warships were able to obtain independent combat licenses.

"Captain, I received the Canglong communication."

The psychic team soldiers who stayed in the independent command room of the Heart Rhythm suddenly opened their eyes, and immediately reported the information they received from the sensing object to the commander sitting aside.

In order not to interfere with the command of the battleship captain, the flagship has an independent command room. Although it is only an ordinary cabin with some special equipment installed, the commander can still gather and command all troops in the command room, and has portholes to look out. , but also has enough security and concealment.

Lieutenant General Dia and many group staff officers are here to fight with the army at this time.

If the Xinyun was attacked at this time, then the third cluster would be fun, but in fact, the Xinyun, which is protected at the core, is definitely the most secure in the entire fleet.

And not to mention the number of energy bodies in the battleship, there are even two Youshen-class squadrons, and they will leave the ship to rescue other directions only when the battle situation is urgent.And at this moment, let alone the tentacle monsters, even in the face of the plasma cannon attack from the meteorite base, or the meteorite falling from the sky, the Heart Rhythm...at least the command staff on it can still escape calmly.

Therefore, the safety of the Xinyun number at this time is completely the highest in the third group.

The topic is back.

Hearing the report from the Canglong, Lieutenant General Dia did not move for the time being, but the surrounding staff quickly analyzed the battle situation through the data of the Canglong, and found the location of the tentacle monster swarm on the map.

According to the information, the other party seems to have stopped, and is gathering troops from various places in a small base where the Zerg appeared earlier and was rarely attacked.Even if they were dissatisfied with the bombardment, the Zerg seemed to be much more rational this time. They were completely in a state of not attacking unless they gathered enough troops.

"It's a good thing."

In this regard, Lieutenant General Dia seemed very relaxed.

Facing the adjutant's concern about the combat power of both sides, he explained without any worry.

"Anyway, our purpose is to let the artillery team delay the completion time of the Zerg creep as much as possible. No matter how many Zerg troops gather, as long as they don't come over for 1 minute, we can shoot for 1 minute more, so we can delay the Zerg for a few more 10 minutes. In this case, it is to see who can carry it.”

"That's what I said, but our combat power..."

The adjutant didn't say much, but looked down at the eight signs on the map that marked the location of the third cluster.Each symbol represents a friendclan warship, and there should have been twelve on it, but unfortunately four of them have been transferred to the display room during the Battle of Cave Mountain.

Judging from the current combat power, six tentacle monsters have already appeared on the Zerg side, plus thousands of high-level flying Zerg, it is enough to deal with the existing troops.And the rest are so densely packed that even the Canglong can only give a data that is probably hundreds of thousands.

It is conceivable that with a fleet of eight warships, it is purely delusional to block the Zerg head-on.

"It seems that we can't stop it," Lieutenant General Dia did not object, but calmly stated a fact.

But when the topic changed, a strange smile appeared on his face: "But who said we have to fight head-to-head? Don't forget that this is a mobile battleship with a full crew, and its maneuverability is higher than that of a cargo ship in the group fleet period Two or three times as long as the bottle. We can't fight head-on, so isn't guerrilla warfare still possible?"


All the staff members showed approving smiles, but the adjutant who didn't know the specific arrangement because he helped the lieutenant general deal with the troops' trifles before, was a bit unfounded.Seeing everyone's smiles, she also breathed a sigh of relief.

"In this case, why are you still moving slowly? Now that the main force of the Zerg is gathering, the small bases in various places are obviously neglected; even if we are worried about the air defense in the small base, then we can attack those who are gathering towards the tentacle monster swarm Small troop, piecemeal attack, add up to weaken the strength of the insect swarm, isn't it?"

"That being said, don't forget that we are not fighting independently.

If we choose to avoid the swarms and attack those small bases, although the swarms are severely damaged, we are not boasting. It is still easy for the current fleet to kill those small bases.But the problem is, the bug swarm can get rid of the interference of the fleet and go straight to L11.

At that time, even if L11 ends its bombardment and shifts its direction, the swarm will calmly determine or discover the location of L11 based on the previous direction.At that time, the Zerg may choose between the L11, which can bombard the Zerg at any time, and our fleet, which is attacking the small Zerg base.

Bugs choose whoever is the most threatening. "

Pointing to the sky, Lieutenant General Dia explained warmly.

"Perhaps before this, the Zerg will choose our fleet, which seems to be a great short-term threat, as the pursuit target, but after the Battle of Dongshan, especially the subsequent pursuit operations and battles after the energy body is broken, the Zerg will obviously understand that it is not worthwhile to pursue the fleet. At this time, L11, as the location of the seemingly insignificant but extremely annoying artillery bombardment troops, will become the target of the Zerg attack that has gathered a large group of troops but is temporarily out of stock."

"So, our battle this time is not about the results of guerrilla warfare, but about attracting the attention of the swarm?"

The adjutant frowned, expressing the results of the previous discussions by the staff.

Not quite, but close to the core.

Nodding, Lieutenant General Dia showed a satisfied expression on his face, and then looked down at the map.

The position of the insect swarm was just described by the staff officers. The other party obviously chose the gathering place carefully over a well-defended base during the previous Nanling investigation, and the surrounding area was closely connected with other small bases. Even if the fleet The small group of troops who wanted to attack the gathering also appeared to be in danger.

However, the fleet had no plans to raid the swarm, so it didn't care about it.

The straight-line distance between the fleet and the swarm is only a hundred kilometers. If they wish, the two sides can reach contact within an hour.And the position of the fleet at this time is exactly between L11 and the swarm.In order to ensure that it can attract the attention of the swarm so as to buy time for L11, the fleet will not deviate from this path.

But the fleet commander is not an idiot. He suffered a loss once, and this time no one is willing to block the enemy in a purely defensive manner. Who said that attracting attention must be in front of the enemy?
Now the Zerg is gathering strength, and the cluster fleet wishes for the bugs to slow down.

The longer the Zerg delays, the better. It is best to wait until the first and second clusters arrive at noon tomorrow. By then, the friends will have enough confidence. Even if the two sides are fighting head-on, there is no need for everyone to have another hearty battle. No.

However, I hope so in my heart, but no one will have delusions about it.

After calculating the current situation, Lieutenant General Dia looked back at the adjutant beside him.Lieutenant General Dia was very satisfied that the other party didn't ask directly because he didn't know the details of the battle because he didn't participate in the combat meeting.

"Tell the fleet to stop moving and rest in place."


Although puzzled, the adjutant saluted and turned to nod to the correspondent.

Soon, the shiny engines of the eight battleships began to die.

Under the adjustment of the floating engine, the fleet warships sank into the clouds one after another.Although there is no specially adjusted cloud layer by Elder Kong Ling, the concealment ability in front of the Zerg does not seem to be very high, but at least it can delay the time for the Zerg to discover the fleet when they pass by here, so as to provide the fleet with reaction time.

When fighting, every detail will be paid attention to.

In the distance, the swarm over the Zerg base was still expanding little by little under the surveillance of the Canglong.

However, after a long time, the Canglong, which moved around the swarm at a certain risk, can be considered to have discovered some of its weaknesses that are not considered weaknesses.That is, except for the troops that followed the tentacle monsters from the meteorite base, the largest group of Zerg gathered in other places was only a thousand mid-level Zerg, and most of the rest were small bugs such as war bees.

It seems that the number is huge, filling the sky, but they are all ordinary bugs.

The biggest threat among them is nearly ten thousand self-detonating bugs.

After an investigation, the members of the Canglong looked at each other in blank dismay.Except for the six tentacle monsters, there are only about ten thousand high-level Zerg in the entire swarm, and most of the rest are low-level cannon fodder.

It seems that the insects have not given up the tactics of the sea of ​​​​insects in the development, and turned a large amount of resources into low-level cannon fodder instead of focusing on the development of high-level arms.

The people on the Canglong didn't know that it was because most of the small outlying bases of the Zerg were developing slowly and couldn't produce medium-sized Zerg willingness, but the conclusion was actually the same.Moreover, even with the current number of Zerg, it is not something the third group can compete with.So after all the calculations, the members of the Canglong finally realized a situation: Even if it is cannon fodder, a large number can crush an elephant to death.

"Report the situation to the cluster, thank you."

"No, that's what I should do."

The correspondents of the spiritual group performed telepathy several times in a row, and their spirits became a little trance. Although the connection was still clear and the content could be fully notified to the group fleet, it seemed that the body could not support it for too long.

If so, I'm Youshen...even if it's at the soul level.

Sure enough, it was still powerless.

The correspondent shook his head. Except for experiencing the weakness caused by this long-term telepathy during the initial extreme test, he hadn't experienced this feeling for a long time since then, and for the first time he became dissatisfied with his own strength.I've heard that the elders don't worry about persistence at all when conducting telepathy. Elders Dark Blood, Void, and Bai Nong can even communicate directly visually. For ordinary telepathic communicators like them, how far away is this.

Suddenly, the navigator in the bridge let out an exclamation.

However, she immediately realized that she had lost her composure and covered her mouth decisively, then calmed down and pointed to the ground, frowning as a reminder.

"Captain, look at the ground!"


The curious person and the captain all lay on the porthole, because the location is not far or near, and it is the place where most of the swarms can be barely seen, especially the six tentacle monsters and the Zerg base. The Canglong can clearly see Changes to the interior of the Zerg base.

At this moment, the core base inside the Zerg base was suddenly surrounded by six tentacle monsters.

Afterwards, the core Zerg base began to squirm, and with a burst of ground shaking, tentacles were pulled out of the soil one by one.

"This...is this how tentacle monsters were formed?"

A crew member raised this conjecture, but members of the team did not comment, because everyone was attracted by the actions going on at the Zerg base at this time.

With the tentacles constantly being pulled out from the core building, everyone gradually discovered the difference between them and the tentacle monsters.

Because, this monster is still relying on its tentacles to support the body that used to be a building, and it keeps shaking off the dirt on its body.Then, centering on this core building, a monster that looked like an ancient behemoth stood on the ground.

"So familiar..."

The captain muttered to himself, while the crew members looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Captain, have you seen it?"

"Wait, let me think about it..."

After a moment of contemplation, the Zerg base in the distance, except for the behemoth transformed from the core building at the beginning, did not have any more movements, but a flesh sac from the formation of the core building reappeared.But under the observation of Canglong, its growth rate seems to be faster than the growth rate of core buildings in other places calculated by Canglong, not at 01:30.

After a little analysis, everyone concluded that this should be the reason why the base worm (the giant zerg that the core building climbed out of the ground and became a giant zerg, collectively named in honor of the members of the Canglong (=.=)) was assisting.However, considering that the winged man in the spiritual group is already lacking in energy at this time, this kind of technical discovery is temporarily reserved, and will be sent out together with important information later, so as to avoid unnecessary consumption.

While the crew members were thinking this way, the captain kept searching his memory for information about this kind of base rising from the ground and turning into a Zerg combat unit.

Fortunately, although the level of secrecy is not high, the friends have released most of the content of the Zerg for the purpose of vigilance, including all the content of the first Zerg invasion of the Zerg, so the captain quickly discovered this Memories about bases turning into living creatures.

"I see."

After discovering the relevant information, the captain's reaction to the Zerg base in front of him was no longer so excited.It was mysterious before it was unknown, but once it was known that it had appeared, even though most of the content is still unknown now, the mystery has been reduced by more than half.

"But now it seems that the bases of the Zerg are not only the meteorite bases in the first Zerg invasion that can stand up, they can stand up in this invasion."

"However, why didn't those small bases before, especially the small Zerg base in War Zone 03, not turn into such monsters when facing the most dangerous situation?"

Looking at the current Zerg base, after thinking about it, the most obvious difference should be the existence time of this small base, then...

"So, it means that after the formation of the small Zerg base, it is actually still growing, and can eventually become a moving giant Zerg?"

Thinking about it carefully, there are giant tentacle monsters tens of meters long in the sky, so it seems that there is nothing wrong with giant reptiles tens of meters high on the ground.

Ask for tickets at the beginning of the month~\(≧▽≦)/~
(End of this chapter)

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