Spore Story

Chapter 741 Start Moving

Chapter 741 Start Moving

It was already 3 o'clock in the morning when I finally received the communication from the Canglong about the start of the Zerg's activities.

The gathering time of the insect swarm was much longer than the estimated time of the swarm. While this made people feel very satisfied, they also knew that the longer the time, the stronger the gathering force of the insects would be, so no one dared to relax.

However, in this communication, the information about the three giant reptiles transformed from the core base that appeared one after another is indeed puzzling.

After all, our side is a pure floating force, why do the Zerg have so many giant reptiles on the ground?
But in the end, a sentence that came out unintentionally from a staff officer solved the mystery for everyone.

"The bug must know that we are now a purely air force, not a ground defense like Dongshan?"

Well, in this way, Lieutenant General Dia felt a sense of embarrassment. After all, out of awe of the civilization of the universe, everyone has always had a feeling that their actions are under the eyes of bugs. Psychology, so that a lot of thought was wasted when planning.

However, even if what the staff officer said may be true, the necessary vigilance will still be there.

Of course, how to prepare specifically will have to wait until we understand the enemy's situation.

At around 4 o'clock in the morning, the heavy artillery regiment led by the Nanling launched a tug-of-war between the attack on the Zerg's creep and the expansion of the bug's creep.

The Zerg Creep works at full speed in all directions, although the speed is slow, but it does not stop; while the Heavy Artillery Regiment can only deal with the creep of one place at a time, so as to cause direct damage to the creep of that place.Although one attack can eliminate the creep within a radius of nearly ten kilometers, it can attack the Zerg creep once in a cycle, and the creep is almost rebuilt where it was first attacked.

This caused the two sides to come and go, which made the artillery director of the Nanling very depressed.

In the final analysis, the troops still have too little firepower, and the friends consume the shells in stock under severe logistical pressure, but after the bugs started mining, it seems that there is no shortage of resources, at least in the short term.

In terms of logistical pressure, bugs are definitely easier than friends.

The Zerg didn't necessarily know this situation, but the staff did, but they didn't make any other orders because they couldn't do anything for the time being.

As for the reason why the bugs can still sit on the Diaoyutai and gather the bug swarm troops step by step under the constant fire of friends and the creeps are built and destroyed, and destroyed and built again, it may be that they are very important to the bug swarm. The confidence of the troops.

However, the result of this tug-of-war is that the Zerg's creep laying has been maintained at the scene half an hour after the heavy artillery regiment started attacking.

After a long time, and with the huge gathering of the swarm, the Zerg commander finally couldn't stand it anymore, and felt unbearable for this kind of consumption situation, so the swarm, under the surveillance of the Canglong, began to attack L11 in a chaotic manner. direction to move.

In fact, if the Zerg persist in this way, the heavy artillery regiment of L11 will have to lie down for at most one day.

Of course, that is the premise of the first and second clusters that will arrive at noon, because the freight ships of the two clusters have definitely obtained enough supplies along the way L12, L13, and L14, and even left a surplus of cargo for loading. in a cargo ship.This was notified by Lieutenant General Dia when he communicated with the two clusters.

Of the three major clusters of the entire friend clan, I am afraid that the third cluster knows the importance of logistics best.

But now, in the face of the swarm rushing towards L11 with overwhelming momentum, the third swarm that was on the way also finished its rest, and the engine began to work, waiting for contact with the enemy.

There are still 15 minutes until the contact between the swarm and the swarm fleet, L11.

Fired another round of ultra-long-range heavy artillery. Located on the L11 bombardment position, a third-class soldier felt as relaxed and comfortable as ever, as if he had shot out all his physical and mental depression. Unfortunately, this kind of activity can no longer continue.

"Attention all, the last round of shooting!"

When the gunner's voice came, it immediately poked a hornet's nest. After all, the ultra-long-range heavy artillery fired at intervals of more than ten minutes, shooting in the middle of the night, but these guys were not very tired, and even just had some excitement.

"Ah, it's over so soon?"

"Isn't there still so much ammunition?"


The dissatisfaction was endless, but the gunner ignored it, and all the soldiers still aimed their weapons in the target direction again according to the standard specifications.

When the gunner gave the firing order again, and dozens of heavy guns shot out the ammunition remaining in the gun rails, the loader did not continue to reload, but looked at the sky with his surrounding colleagues, and then all Qi turned to look at the gunner.

"Pack up your things! L10 will start the engine in 11 minutes. It is said that it will be very unstable, so don't fall!"

The order of the head of the heavy artillery regiment was simple and clear, followed by the busy position again.

In the process of carrying ammunition, the shelling components are also being sorted out. Previously, he and his teammates fired dozens of hundreds of shells in a row. They were still excited when shooting. When they stopped, the third-class soldier who felt back pain also pulled the gun beside him. The second-class soldier began to carry the ammunition and walked towards the entrance not far away.

"I said, are there only a few warships in the fleet fighting this time?"

Turning his head to look at the seven floating forts floating in the low altitude of L11, five of them belong to the third cluster, and only two simplified versions belong to the L11 mainland.At this moment, the seven turrets are lowering their heights, and it seems that they are preparing for the movement of L11.

After all, the floating turret does not have the ability to move horizontally, but it is an excellent defensive component. It has been confirmed in many previous battles, so the troops attach great importance to it.

"How do I know, but speaking of it, I heard that the fortress is about to be built."

Following the line of sight of his comrades, he saw the second-class soldier of the floating turret. For some reason, he connected the floating turret with L11, an artificial floating island. empty island.

You must know that even for a medium-sized artificial floating island like L11, only two or three months of construction time is enough.Even after the construction is completed, the island's details and environmental issues will still take one or two months of construction, but the total is only four or five months.

But that rumored fortress floating island...

"Where did you hear that?"

The third-class soldier looked at his teammates in surprise. The two were together almost every day because of the war, and they knew about the same things about each other, but why hadn't he heard of such things?
"You guessed it?"

"Tch, if I guessed it, I wouldn't say it."

The second-class soldier proudly placed the shell box in his hand on the ground of the warehouse, then glanced around, and said with a chuckle: "Isn't that the day I came to the warehouse to move things, and I just heard the administrator chatting there. It sounds like It didn’t seem like it was something to keep secret, because they were all talking in front of my face, so of course I listened with confidence.”


The third-class soldier looked at his teammate with black lines all over his head, not knowing what to say to him.

Although it wasn't confidential, you were too impolite, and it was a good thing that the two administrators didn't treat you well at the time.

However, now that the second-class soldier said it, the third-class soldier felt that it didn't matter if he heard it.

Moreover, he was indeed curious about the progress of that fortress.After all, there have been rumors in the clan for a long time, and it seems to be mysterious, and it seems that they have not kept much secrets from the people of the clan, but until now, what everyone knows is that the Ministry of Technology and the Military Academy have built a certain huge fortress in a certain place. But that message hasn't been built yet.

"Want to know."

The second-class soldier had a beating expression on his face, and he walked on the left front alone.

The two walked out of the warehouse area, returned to the position and moved the ammunition boxes that were still there.The shelling components seemed to have been packed up by the artillery regiment's logistics force during the two people's previous handling, and they were being pulled by a tractor to the large warehouse buried inside the floating island.

Although he really wanted to know the information about the fortress, the third-class soldier, who had a deep understanding of the character of his comrades, chose to remain silent, and even turned his head to look at the floating forts during the transportation.

At this time, the turret had landed on the island about 40 meters above, and the speed of descent was much slower, and a large group of tractors appeared on the ground.

Different from being pulled away by the capital ship, it is only necessary to let the wingman or energy body carry a tough chain to connect the capital ship to the floating turret.The floating turret must be careful when landing, especially when landing in an area without solid ground like a floating island.Because one can't say for sure, if the speed cannot be controlled when landing, the floating island will suffer heavy damage.

Although this kind of situation has never happened before, the friends are not a pure learning race that only knows to avoid problems after they arise.

The horizontal plane of L11 is only two or three kilometers in diameter, and a floating turret has a diameter of nearly [-] meters. Now that seven floating turrets have landed, the pressure on the ground aircrew can be imagined.

It seems that these 10 minutes are mainly reserved for the landing of the floating turret.

Thinking this way, when the two of them stepped into the passage again, they didn't see the second-class soldier who was asking questions from their comrades-in-arms. Finally, they couldn't bear the show-off mentality, and in the unknown smile of the third-class soldier, He told everything he knew.

Of course, he only got it from chatting with the administrator, and he didn't know much about the situation.

According to its narration, it is rumored that one of the two places, the sea or the polar region, is the area where the fortress is built.

The main frame and outer armor of the fortress had been built a few months ago.The alloy steel consumed by this fortress alone is 60% of the annual special steel production of the Pengzu, but it is unknown how much, because they are just soldiers, and they have never paid attention to the things that the Pengzu does not keep secret.

In recent months, many tasks such as 'installing internal buildings', 'building a ship repair and construction factory', 'assembling an independent food cycle' and 'setting the main weapons in key areas' of this fortress have been carried out at the same time.

"...However, I heard that according to the original project calculation, the project should have been completed at the beginning of the year, but it seems that there have been many revisions to the drawings in the middle, resulting in several delays in the construction period. As a result, if it is the fastest now, I am afraid it will have to be postponed until the end of the year. factory."

The second-class soldier shook his head regretfully.

Whenever he fantasizes about a fortress that is as huge as L11 but has a firepower output like a battleship floating in the sky, giving Dongshan the densely packed Zerg summer rain-like ammunition projection, and instantly consumes all the bugs, he feels excited. .

But after thinking about it for a long time, the fortress still couldn't come out, and the battle of Dongshan came out again, and his heart gradually became cold.

At that time, maybe it would be good to stay in that kind of fortress and be a stable artilleryman. As for charging into the battle, it is not what I want.

The so-called people have their own aspirations, although the third-class soldier does not know what the second-class soldier thinks, but he also understands what the other party wants.Seeing the expression of this comrade-in-arms, he just smiled and stacked the ammunition boxes in his hand on the ammunition warehouse in front of him again, and looked around casually.After realizing that most of the people had stopped, the third-class soldier simply sat down and listened to his comrades telling their own stories after it was obvious that the things outside were almost finished.

But the same, when he heard that the fortress would not be able to appear until the end of the year, he shook his head in the same way.

"If there is that fortress now, how can the fleet take risks?"

Indeed, in the eyes of all the soldiers who stayed at L11, the fleet is taking risks this time. After all, they lost four warships in the face of the Dongshan swarm before, so what about this time?How much can a fleet without ground anti-aircraft firepower or floating turret protection do?
For a while, even the soldiers who had just stopped around and only heard the words of the third-class soldier but did not understand the fortress they were talking about fell silent.

"Attention all troops, L11 is about to start, grasp the surrounding fixed objects to avoid falling."

The sudden sound of an alarm brought everyone back to reality. Before they knew it, more than ten minutes seemed to have passed, and after L11 received the floating turret, it also started to start the power engine.

For the floating island, it is very troublesome to rely on the engine technology of the friends to move such a huge thing.In fact, most of the many artificial floating islands of the Pengzu have no independent power and move purely by natural conditions.

According to the research of the Technology Department, it has been proved that the orbital movement of the natural floating island is related to the underground lava activity. The principle is unknown, but it does not prevent everyone from using the experience.In fact, the movement of the floating islands of the starry sky equatorial system with the L code is also due to the fact that there are several near-earth lava activity belts on the equator, and these floating islands usually only need to rely on the guided activities of these lava belts. Artificial engines are only needed when jumping from one lava field to another.

It's just that the situation is special this time. Both L11 and L15 had artificial engines that stopped in place before the test, but it was easy to stop and difficult to start.

When the engines arranged on six equal sides of the artificial island began to emit bright flashes, L11 did not move for a while.But that was just the appearance. For the people inside, the L11 at this time was shaking violently like an earthquake of magnitude five or six.

Some people who didn't stabilize themselves even slipped and fell to the ground.

At this time, the third-class soldier was holding on to the handrail of the passage in the ship next to him, half squatting on the ground, looking at the swaying ammunition pile in the warehouse, and expressed his worries to the second-class soldier beside him.

"I said, in this shaking situation, the ammunition box won't fall, right?"

"Should...probably not."

Couldn't help swallowing, the second-class soldier heard the words of his comrades, and also noticed the internal situation. He also discovered a dozen soldiers around him.Most of them broke out in cold sweat either because of the words of the third-class soldiers, or because they discovered by themselves that seeing the hills of ammunition boxes that seemed to start to shake slowly with the shaking of L11.

"How long will it take for this to start!"

Soldiers who have stayed on the moving floating island know that as long as the speed stabilizes, the island will become as stable as the earth, so they all began to pray that the activation speed of L11 can be faster.

But unexpectedly, not only did the jitter not weaken, but it gradually accelerated.

With the three engines on the right side of L11 suddenly bursting into full force, from the outside, L11 finally began to slowly move westward, but for the soldiers inside L11, who were looking at the hill of ammunition boxes in fear, this It became a disaster.

This has to be said to be a matter of experience.

The administrators who manage the warehouse are used to the floating islands that move smoothly or stay stably, and for a while ignored the violent shaking when starting up.Even if someone remembered it at this time, they could not be notified because of the instability in the island and the extremely slow movement.And the ammunition warehouse where the third-class soldiers were located happened to be far away from the location of the warehouse manager.

More importantly, when the artificial engine of the floating island is activated, the magnetic field generated by the six extremely powerful first-generation bone-type magnetic field engines disrupts the magnetic field around the island, including the interior, in a short period of time, causing the mental power and magnetic field to communicate. All temporarily stagnated.

"No, it's going to fall!"

I don't know who yelled, and the soldiers rushed towards the hill of ammunition boxes with hands and feet, regardless of the unstable situation.

Although Pengzu's electromagnetic bombs are safe, the split bombs this time require special attention to shock resistance. Of course, the soldiers who were told these did not dare to joke about their own lives.

The Wingman flew directly into the air, and after stabilizing his body, he moved the high ammunition box down to the flat ground; while ordinary people ran directly to put their bodies against the 'hill' to prevent it from falling down, providing ample support for the Wingman's handling. Time; ordinary Dunjia people are responsible for observing the situation and promptly notifying everyone where to be careful.

The Dunjia man not far away seemed to be telling himself to be careful, but the third-class soldier couldn't care less.

With his feet against the wall and his back pushing the ammunition box, he clearly knew that as long as he moved away, the ammunition box behind him would definitely fall to the ground like building blocks.But at this moment, he suddenly felt a heavy blow to the back of his head, and then passed out.

Fortunately, the comrades beside him held the ammunition box in a strange posture at the critical moment, thus avoiding the collapse of 'Xiao Shan'.After a while, the shaking intensity inside the ship dropped little by little.

The speed of L11 slowly increased. On the monitoring map of the control center, the projection of the island was moving a little bit, and finally entered the lava moving zone.

In an instant, the engine output was reduced, the shaking of the island stabilized, and the communication was restored.

As a result, the first communication received by the L11 control center was to call a doctor.

(End of this chapter)

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