Spore Story

Chapter 742

Chapter 742
Thank you Yeyue Blackwing, snok, ordinary sheep, zload for the monthly pass and I am Roadhog for your support =w=
When the third-class soldier lying in the affiliated hospital of L11 woke up, it was already No. 20 minutes after he was hit by the falling ammunition box. It was neither fast nor slow, but it made his teammates worry for a while.

At this moment, with his head covered in gauze, he could only look at himself in the mirror dumbfoundedly under the watchful eyes of his teammates who left after comforting him a few words, speechless.

How could it be so unlucky to be hit in the back of the head.

Moreover, there are more tragic things. At this moment, facing the report given by the doctor, he almost went crazy.

"My lord doctor, it was just a bump on the head, is it necessary?"

"Are you a doctor or I am a doctor."

The serious doctor is wearing a white coat, but because of his relatively thin body, he looks like a clothes hanger.But facing the opponent's momentum, no one dared to laugh.

Snorting coldly with a serious face, the doctor shook his head and nodded to the gunner of the group where the third-class soldier was at the door to explain the situation.

"The point is still that the impact of the brain caused a concussion of the cerebellum. The wounds on the rest of the body are not large, and they can recover quickly by relying on self-healing ability, but the coordination of the limbs is slightly unbalanced due to the concussion of the cerebellum. Fighting in a short period of time is not easy. After thinking about it, I think it’s best to send him back to Xinpeng Island General Hospital for a period of time.”

"That's no problem," the gunner nodded, "but the main thing is how long it will take. After all, this kid is also a good soldier of mine."

"It's very problematic!"

Now everyone can see that although the situation here on the 05th is somewhat stalemate, the short-term maximum strength of the Pengzu will gather in these two or three days. That is to say, for the Pengzu, the decisive battle for the Zerg in the 05 theater Two days, leaving now is not the opportunity to leave the decisive battle, the third-class soldier is hard to accept.

However, his opinion was decisively ignored by the gunner and the doctor.

"This happens occasionally. It's not serious. It just needs to be raised. Well...according to his current state of mind, he can recover in about two or three months, so there's nothing to worry about."

"That's good," said the gunner with a sigh of relief.

After finishing speaking, the doctor also nodded and left the ward, ignoring the third-class soldier who was waving his arms wildly on the hospital bed behind, and walked to the next patient.

The gunner, who sent the doctor away, looked back at the third-class soldier who was full of displeasure, and sat down beside the other's hospital bed with a smile, completely showing no signs of behavior that he should have when facing a patient.

"How about it, our hero, now he is going back with injuries all over his body, maybe he can add a warm quilt to the house."


If it was normal, the third-class soldier would have swung his fist.

For a friend like him who has been in the army for a long time, when the two sides know each other well, they don't care about whether the other party is their immediate superior.In one sentence, 'We are people who know everything about each other, so what are we afraid of? '

But it doesn't work now. When the doctor ordered the gunner, the third-class soldier who waved his arms excitedly discovered his problem.

His control of the arm, which is often responsible for reloading and even aiming, has always been delicate.But just now, when he was waving his arms, he had the feeling that he was controlling a body that did not belong to him, stagnant, dull, and very uncomfortable.

Recalling the doctor's words, he also found out the reason.

How could it be so unlucky to have a cerebellar concussion?
Fortunately, this is not paralyzed, and it can be recovered. This is probably the only thing that the third-class soldier feels lucky at this time.But it was hard to let go of missing the decisive battle because of this, so he resolutely chose to ignore the cannon commander's ridicule.

"Okay, seeing how energetic you are, you really need to rest, so I won't bother you."

Seeing that the other party didn't respond, while the gunner felt bored, he didn't intend to continue disturbing.This time, due to negligence in warehouse management, there were not a few soldiers injured, but it was not as serious as this third-class soldier.Thinking about it carefully, this guy is brave enough, but he lacks luck. It might be a good thing not to participate in this battle.

"The cargo ship of the third group stayed at L11 this time, and there happened to be one in the middle of the afternoon that was responsible for transporting the seriously wounded back. You simply go with this spaceship and recuperate well on the way."

Although he didn't speak, the third-class soldier still nodded. It's over and there's nothing to complain about.

After patting the third class soldier, the gunner looked relieved.

"You're a good boy. You didn't disgrace our heavy artillery regiment. This time, you should take a good rest. After ten months as a third-class soldier, maybe after returning to the team, you will be able to become a corporal."

"Yes, Gunner."

Nodding, the gunner turned and walked towards the door, but at this moment, Xun Yue stopped the other party again.


"It's nothing, just the gunner, how is the situation with the fleet?"

Although L11 had stopped shelling, entered the lava field, and began to leave the place at a steady speed.At this moment, unless the Zerg cast a large area of ​​nets, they should not be able to find their side.But the safety of the fleet, which was used to contain the insect swarm, has become a concern for everyone now. After solving their own problems, the third-class soldiers also began to think about these problems in Xunyue.

But it seemed that the gunner didn't know too much and couldn't explain the confusion to the third-class soldiers.

"I don't know the specific situation, but it should have already contacted the enemy."

In fact, according to the original estimate, the fleet should have come into contact with the swarm as early as Xunyue when they were physically uncoordinated when they were hit by boxes, but a small accident happened at that time.

The detection methods of the swarm are not known to the friends. When L11 stopped shelling, the swarm continued to move in the original direction of L11, which is the direction of the fleet.

But that's just inertia.

When more than ten minutes passed, according to the previous bombardment rules, another bombardment should have been received, but the swarm did not wait for this bombardment to appear, and there was a short pause immediately. Obviously, it was discovered that the problem was wrong.This is probably an unexpected benefit of the attack interval being too long.

Although, the swarm started to move again later, but the speed was significantly slower than before.

Based on this situation, Vice Admiral Dia decisively ordered the fleet to retreat slowly, keeping a distance from the swarm itself, and further prolonging the contact time with the swarm.

At the same time, the fleet retreated to the original location of L11 intentionally or unintentionally, but it was not the direction where L11 was moving.

But at this time, the swarm didn't seem to have spotted the fleet.

At this point, it seems that the bugs are tracking the target according to the trajectory of the shell, but now that there is no shelling, the Zerg that lost the target will soon continue to move forward according to the previously confirmed direction.But judging from the actions of the swarm, the Zerg commander was obviously hesitant at this time, because he couldn't be sure whether the enemy would continue to stay in place after the attack stopped.

At that time, it would be a waste of time to run over and find nothing, but if you encounter an ambush or something like that, it will be fun to lose the troops that account for 05% of the Zerg mobile force in the 90 theater at this time.

However, just as Lieutenant General Dia watched the swarm's movements and was thinking about whether to let his side appear in the eyes of the swarm to attract them, the Zerg commander made a decision first: speed up and disperse.

The acceleration is okay, because their moving direction is the original location of L11, and it is only a matter of time to meet the fleet. The fleet has long been prepared for this.

But if the swarms are scattered, that's not good.

With a fleet of only eight battleships, it would be difficult to attract all the Zerg. At this time, no matter how scattered the bugs were, even eight battleships would not even be able to splash water.And the most important thing is that after the scattered Zerg, it is very likely that they will find the slow-moving L11. When facing hundreds of thousands of bugs, the fate of L11 is self-evident.

"Attention all warships! Lure the enemy formation, approach the enemy from the southeast!"

At this time, there is no time to procrastinate. After a little reorganization during the L11 rest period, the fleet will continue to maintain the size of one capital ship formation and two assault ship formations. According to the previous plan, it will start to circle with the flagship to avoid the front of the swarm, and then go all out. Approach the opponent's midsection.

This is the benefit of having an information advantage.

Under the protection of 8051's unknown concealment method, Canglong was able to understand most of the actions of the swarm.And through the communication of the mind group, and under the circumstances that the insect swarm could not find it, they informed the forward fleet of these situations.

In the case of unilateral information transparency, although the fleet faces an overwhelming enemy, it can still make plans calmly.And the distance between the two is about 60 kilometers, which can be crossed quickly for a fleet with a cruising speed of [-] kilometers per hour.

So when the twilight in the early morning began to sprinkle the earth, the swarm was still moving forward step by step. Not long after the dispersal action started, the fleet appeared on the right side, and then the swarm on this side was attacked by the fleet. attack.

The Thunder-class capital ship was originally planned to be equipped with a 2000N-class Thunder Cannon, but the design of the Thunder Cannon has always been slow.Until the completion of the construction of the Thunder-class first ship, the Thunder-class gun was still in the theoretical design stage. As a last resort, the design department gave a 305mm super-heavy gun as a backup.

But what is even more regrettable is that because the reaction force of the electromagnetic gun was very small before, and the 305mm gun is something in the design, it is only faster than the Thunder Cannon. After all, it has a mature technical foundation, so the first special Thunder Cannon is almost It was installed on the Thunder without an offensive test.

Originally, the design department had the idea of ​​testing directly on the Thunder-level platform, but the design department missed the problem of recoil.

In the first attack test after the Thunder-class first ship was equipped with this kind of super heavy artillery, the energy imbalance problem that everyone was frightened by did not appear. The instability of the hull directly led to cracks in the internal skeleton, and the frightened battleship sank to the ground on the spot.

Because of structural damage, this first Thunder-class ship had to be turned into a museum exhibit and a training tool for ground students, forever insulated from the sky.

After that, everyone modified the design and installed a 255mm cannon, which became the Thunder-class temporary main gun.After strengthening the bones of the Thunder-class, there is the current practical Thunder-class warship.

As for the Thunder Cannon that was originally considered to be used as the main gun of the Thunder Class, it was not until the last month that the Pengzu Technology Department came up with the first practical design, which was a simplified version, which is now installed on several Barracudas. 1000N Thunder Cannon.I don't know what the designers were thinking. The weapon originally designed for the Thunder class has not yet appeared on the Thunder class. Probably the designer who first proposed the idea cried every night.


Closer to home, it is the 255mm gun equipped on the Thunder class and the 155mm gun equipped on the Barracuda class that are attacking the swarm at this time.Shooting the swarm in an area 20 kilometers away can attract the attention of the worms, and at the same time, the worms can barely see the fleet at this distance, but they cannot determine the specific size of the fleet.

Because they were on the march and they were very confident in themselves, there were not many Zerg obstacles between the tentacle monsters and the fleet. Therefore, in the first wave of attack, the friend clan fleet aimed at a few tentacle monsters.

The power of the bombardment seemed a bit weak, and it failed to destroy the six monsters, but it managed to cut off a few of the opponent's tentacles.

As for the accuracy rate, there is no need to doubt it. Under the guidance of Youshen's mind power in the fleet, the distance is not far.At a distance of [-] kilometers, a few Youshen could fine-tune the flight path of the shells at the end with a little effort, thus ensuring that the first wave of attacks accurately hit the three tentacle monsters.

Of course, it is impossible for this kind of fine-tuning to make changes such as large-angle arcs beyond the concept of the shell, just a slight deflection in a straight line.

Naturally, the tentacle monster who was attacked would not give up.

They quickly waved the surviving tentacles, and in an instant, dozens of plasma balls shot towards the fleet in the distance.Among the insect swarm, a small number of insects that could attack twenty kilometers away attacked one after another unwilling to be lonely.But the swarm didn't make any more moves, and was still steadily approaching the direction of L11.

Obviously, they don't value the small fleet.

"Hey, it really isn't that simple."

"Aim all the main guns, ignore those little bugs, and keep shooting the tentacle monsters."

The headquarters command issued from the flagship was quickly notified everywhere, and the battleship narrowed the distance to fifteen kilometers.In this direction, the number of bugs in the swarm that can attack the fleet has nearly doubled, but there are still no more than a thousand. This is also because the proportion of middle and low-level units in the swarm is too large, and those who can attack at a range of more than fifteen kilometers There are very few bugs.

That gave the fleet a chance.

Because at this distance, among the fleet, the Thunder-class 105mm secondary battery can already assist in the attack.

In this way, when the distance was shortened from twenty kilometers to fifteen kilometers, the attack of the Zerg only doubled; but the attack of the fleet increased by four or five times.

At the same time, the distance between the two sides is still more than ten kilometers, and the attack from the Zerg can be detected by the friends on the way, and most of the attack trajectories can be obtained through super computing power, so as to calmly make evasive actions.

In contrast to the two, Chongzi was obviously dissatisfied with the status quo and a little restless.

However, it seems that the Zerg Commander still maintains a cautious character, and he does not have the adventurous mentality of the No. 03 Zerg Commander.With the size of the fleet unknown, the swarm still moved in the direction of the original L11, but the speed was further reduced a little.At the same time, it sent out more than 1000 war bee cannon fodder to test.

"Attention close combat, let these bugs come over, and destroy them as quickly as possible!"

The original purpose was to attract the attention of the Zerg, but the fleet commanders knew that with the size of the fleet of eight warships at this time, it was completely impossible to attract hundreds of thousands of Zerg swarms by conventional means.What they were doing at this moment was nothing more than putting pressure on the swarm, while weakening each other piecemeal.

The time to really start implementing the tactics of luring the enemy has not yet come.

Another wave of fleet attacks was launched, but the prepared Zerg had already covered the tentacle monsters with a large amount of cannon fodder, only exposing the tentacle monster's attacking tentacles, so as to avoid being directly attacked by friend warships and at the same time continue to exert themselves effect.

In this regard, it is powerless to continue to attack the tentacle monster.

However, since you use so many bugs as targets, it is a fleet that consumes the vitality of the Zerg, so how can you give up such a good opportunity.

A large number of bombardments continued to attack the direction of the tentacle monsters, but in fact, the shells used for the attack had been replaced by anti-aircraft shells against large-scale Zergs from the armor-piercing shells used to deal with giant monsters like tentacle monsters.

There are thousands of shrapnel fragments from a cannonball. The powerful shrapnel has no effect when hitting the tentacle monster, but it can instantly fragment it when dealing with the small bugs wrapped around the tentacle monster, thus killing the surrounding Zerg Clean it up.

In order to avoid exposing the tentacle monsters to the threatening friends' heavy artillery, the Zerg commander ordered the next batch of dead cannon fodder to be wrapped up.

They confronted each other like this, but in fact that was just the opinion of friends.

In terms of the Zerg, the current situation is nothing more than a group of flies harassing their huge group, while they are moving towards the real goal with firm steps.

In the confrontation, both friends and Zerg seem to be satisfied.

However, the Zerg commander apparently understood the idea of ​​the friends taking the opportunity to consume cannon fodder under several waves of attacks.

But the concept is different.

Friends enjoy consuming these cannon fodder, but they don't know that the bugs have no cherished idea of ​​using these cannon fodder.So when the thousand or so bees sent by the Zerg commander rushed into the fleet, the Zerg consumed about two to three thousand cannon fodder to protect the tentacle monsters.

Of course, that number was nothing compared to the hundreds of thousands of bug swarms.

"The enemy has entered the range, pay attention to the full-speed gun, start!"

Immediately, the sound of the buzzing electromagnetic rapid-fire gun attack filled the space around the fleet, and even the flapping of the wings of the war bees was completely suppressed.

The rapid-fire gun with a range of only two or three kilometers is a weapon specially developed by the friends for the sea of ​​​​worm tactics. It is equipped in large quantities on the Thunder and Barracuda, and it is the main weapon of the Barracuda.

The swarm of war bees that entered the range quickly experienced the power of this weapon. Before they even had time to observe closely, they were turned into shards of meat under the rain of bullets.

You know, according to the design, the rapid-fire cannon mounted on a Barracuda is enough to deal with about [-] warbees without any evasion to eliminate them, let alone the five Barracudas and three Thunderbolts at this time. Level, only facing a thousand cannon fodder.

In other words, the fleet at this time, even though it only has eight warships, is theoretically more than enough to deal with [-] insect swarms.

However, it is certainly not enough to face hundreds of thousands of insect swarms.

But the situation at this time, from a distance, the thousand battle bee swarms were wiped out in an instant at the same time as they rushed into the fleet.This discovery made the Zerg commander slightly shocked, and after a pause, the Zerg finally began to pay attention to this fleet. Although the speed was maintained, the direction was still in the direction of the original L11, but this time there were more than a thousand high-level Zergs like the Corrosion Dragon, leading the fleet. Nearly ten thousand swarms rushed over.

"Good come!"

This time, it was an enemy that the fleet could not easily face. Even with the heavy responsibility of luring the enemy, Lieutenant General Dia still ordered the team to retreat slowly.

Anyway, in the plan, there is still a long way to go before the real time to lure the enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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