Spore Story

Chapter 743 Chapter 83 Fleet Gaze

Chapter 743 No.80 Three Fleet Gazes
A large insect swarm of more than 20 is too large for a fleet of eight warships.

This is also the case for the Zerg commander, so even after reconsidering the combat effectiveness of the fleet, the opponent only sent more than 1 Zergs to destroy the fleet, and they still had the idea of ​​cleaning up the enemy with a full blow.It is conceivable that he despises the friend clan fleet.

But no matter how you look at it, [-] to [-], that's a big deal.

It's just a difference of opinion.

As far as the Friends Fleet is concerned, the enemy's defiance is actually an absolute good thing.

Even after experiencing the Battle of Dongshan, it seems that the swarm still underestimates the actual combat effectiveness of the Friends Fleet to a certain extent.Whenever he thinks of these, Lieutenant General Dia feels very satisfied.Although an army commander should achieve the technique of "defeating the enemy when the enemy understands himself", it is of course better not to let the enemy understand himself.

No one wants to fight an enemy who knows their side perfectly, it's exhausting.

"Retreat slowly, break away from the attack contact with the large swarm of insects, and maintain the distance from the enemy's pursuit of the swarm within two to three kilometers, heading southeast."

The L11 evacuation direction is west, which is southwest for the fleet and the swarm.

Of course, it is impossible for the fleet to let the enemy find L11, but to lure the enemy away from L11, and even away from the Zerg meteorite base. This is the task of the planned third fleet group.

"Let's deal with these ten thousand bugs slowly this time, so as not to be too late."

Following Lieutenant Admiral Dia's order, the fleet began to shrink the large-scale formation that had spread out to attract the attention of the swarm into a small-scale formation that exerted collective attack power.

Soon, the distance between the warships was reduced from the initial one kilometer to one or two hundred meters.

This is obtained in the fantasy world simulation, the best firepower display distance of the existing fleet of friends.At the same time, at this distance, even if a teammate's weapon mistakenly hits his companion, the power of an ordinary rapid-fire weapon will not cause much damage, but it is enough to cause fatal injuries to the Zerg.

As for things like the main turret of non-rapid-fire guns, everyone will use them carefully.

Before the tens of thousands of swarms rushed into the fleet, the team rushed to launch three rounds of main artillery bombardment against the tentacle monsters of the large swarm.

Although it still failed to cause fatal injuries to the tentacle monster, at least dozens of tentacles of the opponent were cut off, which is obviously a traumatic feeling for a tentacle monster that relies on tentacles to fight.

As for the giant base worm crawling steadily on the ground, considering that the opponent has not shown a strong long-range attack capability until now, and the subsequent battles are basically air forces, the threat of this ground force does not seem to be great. Therefore, it was temporarily ignored by the fleet.

And just like when the war bee swarm rushed over before, the midway fleet also killed three or four thousand Zerg guarding the tentacle monsters, but at this time, compared to chasing tens of thousands of Zerg, and the Zerg led by the high-level Zerg, this little gain It becomes less important.

Even the commanders in the fleet, at this moment, faced with this kind of comparison, they also had the same idea of ​​"just cannon fodder" like the Zerg commanders.It seems that the tactics of the sea of ​​insects are used too much. Both the enemy and the enemy will start to ignore the lives of cannon fodder, and I don't know whether it is good or bad.

"Why do you think so much? Anyway, before we start the official mission of luring the enemy, the only purpose is to consume the other party's vitality. Although three or four thousand is not much, but this is such a harvest in just a few minutes, who doesn't know the truth Know."

Thinking this way, the captain's adjutant sitting on the bridge of the Rhombus shook his head with a sneer.

At this moment, looking at the swarm of insects that are getting closer and closer outside the porthole, the number is over ten thousand, even if you look out from the porthole with a wide view, it is filled with the sky, seemingly without boundaries.This brings great psychological pressure to those who have experienced it for the first time. Even those who have experienced it many times may find it difficult to calm down their minds.

The friends present here all participated in the Battle of Dongshan, and the number of swarms at that time was countless times larger than the current number of more than 1 points.But no matter whether it is 20 or [-], from a visual point of view, they are all the same.However, after knowing the inside story, there is still a big difference in the psychological pressure that everyone can generate.

What's more, at this time, at the adjutant's place, he didn't think of the Battle of Dongshan, but the fleet made up of the first-generation airships propelled by ancient propeller sails during the second Zerg invasion.The fleet was only slightly modified, and was sent to rescue the troops at the meteorite base during the second Zerg invasion, but encountered the Zerg Sky Corrosion Dragon troops on the way, and suffered heavy losses.

And that was also the first fleet air battle of the Friends.

At that time, the adjutant was in it, but he was just an ordinary ship's orderly.

"I remember that time, I really think it was January last year, why does it feel like a long time ago?"

The adjutant sighed, his eyes seemed to be focused on the scene where the swarm was being shot in front of him, but his attention was still focused on the memory.

At this time, in the face of a large army of swarms, the captain is in the command of the large one, and the crew is trusted enough to control the small one. As an adjutant, he is just checking for omissions and filling in for vacancies, and it seems that being lazy has no effect.

"Perhaps it has changed too much in the past year."

Compared with the Executive Yuan and the Court of Law, which have established stable mechanisms for decades, the Military Yuan, because of the frequent transformation of the military, especially in recent years, has become increasingly tense in the demand for professional talents, and the promotion and transfer of personnel is extremely frequent. It is estimated that this situation is at least It will not stop until the fleet of friends is formed.

Due to the lack of professionals, most of the crew members in the initial crude airship fleet have stepped into the fast lane of life this year.

Needless to say, for the captains who survived, after a month or two of real time training and almost a year of training in the fantasy world, they quickly changed from captains of civilian spaceships to captains of capital ships; Captains, correspondents, etc., after training, directly become the captain of the assault ship or the captain of the cargo ship.

Since the crew of the friend clan airships were all friends at the beginning, it can be regarded as providing barely enough battleship members for the friend clan at the beginning, but their promotion speed is still shocking.

An existence like this adjutant was only a bridge orderly a year ago, but today, a year later, he has become the adjutant of the captain of the assault ship with the rank of second lieutenant.

As for the captain next to him, he was just an unknown navigator in those floating ships at first, because of his excellent grades in training, and the original position is also very suitable for the captain's prerequisite skills. Therefore, after graduation, he became the captain of the assault ship and the rank of captain.

"A chance encounter in life?"

Recalling the current situation of the third house under the Pengzu elders' house, it seems that the military college is the best mess, but it is also the most dangerous, but this adjutant likes it here, thinking of this, he couldn't help but curl his lips, But he was immediately spotted by the captain beside him.

"What do you think?"

The teasing voice contained no trace of complaint, but it surprised the adjutant slightly.

Although distraction at this time has little effect on the battle situation, it can be regarded as dereliction of duty after all, which can be big or small.As for the adjutant, he was even more unwilling to leave a bad impression on his superior. After a little remorse, the adjutant quickly pulled himself together, straightened his back and nodded to apologize.

"I'm sorry, but I remembered what happened to the Corrosion Dragon Squad when the floating fleet supported it a year ago."

"A year ago... oh, that time, it was really nostalgic."

The captain looked emotional.

"Who would have thought that in just one year, our friends would have changed from the days of sailing propeller airships that could only be used for cargo to the current fleet of dedicated steel warships? The times are advancing, so, Let's not work hard, or we will be laughed at by those who come later."

"Yes, Captain."

In the spirit of purge, the adjutant no longer mentioned the distracted things before, but instead carefully observed the captain's command and the cooperation of the fleet members, all in order to accumulate his own battleship command experience.

In fact, as an adjutant, he has a great advantage.

Needless to say, the captain of a battleship has absolute authority over certain habits among the friends, but the second-level class in the battleship below him has two parts: the deputy captain and the adjutant.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the deputy captain should be the second in command, but this is not the case among the friends.

Because of the thing called electromagnetic radar, after discussion in the technical department, it is believed that it is easy to reveal the position of the battleship, and it is not as good as the mental power detector that has just verified the theory in terms of concealment, accuracy, or size. , so it is not widely used among friends, especially on warships that need to consider the overall design from the beginning.

After all, the mental power detector is still being designed, so before it appears, the function of the radar is temporarily replaced by the servants of the energy body.

Therefore, the battleship is not equipped with the kind of huge things that the friends have designed and equipped in the industrial area on a small scale.

At this time, in order to provide the fleet with battlefield information, the Military Academy equipped each warship with an energyized soul class as a temporary battlefield information receiver.

However, considering that these attendants are only temporary positions, it is impossible for the Military Academy to add a new position for them in the battleship.After all, for something like position, it seems easy to solve it with one sentence when adding it, but it is very difficult to remove it when the time comes.

But within the clan, the status of these attendants is very obedient, and it is impossible to randomly assign a position to them.

Therefore, the guys at the Military Academy had an idea and gave up the position of the deputy captain.The person who was supposed to be the deputy captain was transferred to the assistant adjutant who was originally the captain's assistant, which increased the work pressure of the adjutant in the short term, but expanded the time for the other party to study behind the captain. A pleasant surprise.

Not all the attendants have good commanding skills, so the deputy captain is not in charge of assisting in commanding for the time being, and only needs to do his own 'radar' work well.

That is to say, among the warships of the Friends, at least before the mental power detector is on board, the position of adjutant is actually the internship training position of the backup captain, and the deputy captain, you are the human body radar and the human body cannon. That's it.

Therefore, the current adjutant is actually the future captain of a certain battleship.

Maybe it's the newly shipped Barracuda class, or it might be the old Barracuda left over after the captain's promotion in the future.As for the newer warships, this is not considered by the adjutant himself, he still has self-knowledge.Of course, if there are a lot of new warships produced at one time, he still hopes to become the commander of the new warships together with the captain and others.

But at this moment, of course, the ongoing battle is the most important.


More than 1 Zerg, say more or less, say less.

For a fleet of only eight warships, on average, each warship needs to deal with only one or two thousand ships.It seems that the data is not large. After all, even the Barracuda class in the design can deal with two or three thousand Zerg alone. Even with the existence of middle and high-level Zerg, it seems that a Barracuda class can barely deal with one or two thousand bugs powerful.

But the power of unity is huge, one pair of two thousand is no problem; eight versus ten thousand is a little troublesome.

Therefore, this time the fleet commander used the tactics of exhausting the enemy to command the fleet.

It is not a tired enemy in the traditional sense. After all, for the Zerg, their physical strength seems to be a bit against the sky.Even if there are claims such as cell fatigue, the friends have never seen a Zerg that is exhausted, which makes the commanders of the friends have to take this into consideration.

Otherwise, maybe the tired enemy will eventually become tired.

This time for the swarm, considering that the main body of the swarm ignored the fleet after dispatching [-] swarms, the fleet decisively took advantage of the enemy's psychological negligence, and at the same time combined with the current time requirements that are not urgent, played the role of the fleet in abandoning the swarm. The speed advantage behind the cargo ship keeps the distance from the swarm as much as possible, saves ammunition, and adopts the method of precise shooting to consume the number of middle and high-level zerg inside the swarm little by little.

To put it simply, it is actually just flying a kite.

But when it comes to the battlefield, things are of course not that simple.

The Zerg is not an idiot waiting to die. Facing the friends, they kept a distance of two or three kilometers between the two sides, and only used the main cannon to continuously attack the existence of the high-level Zerg Corrosion Dragon, but did not use the dangerous weapons that wiped out the war bee swarm before. The situation of the Zerg The commander immediately adjusted the swarm tactics of the pursuit.

Soon, more than 1000 Zerg with a smooth appearance, slender body and extremely fast speed suddenly flew out of the chasing swarm, and then dispersed, divided into eight parts and rushed towards the fleet from all directions.

"What is this, so fast!"

The fleet's cruising speed at this time can already reach [-] kilometers per hour, and if it takes risks, the burst speed can even approach [-] kilometers.However, the speed of these small Zerg has reached subsonic speed by visual inspection, and occasionally they can cause small-scale sonic booms.This made the fleet members feel puzzled, and at the same time, everyone who reached the soul level and above also felt a cold sense of crisis in their hearts.

The fleet decisively turned on the rapid-fire guns and launched an attack on the enemy.

However, the dispersed action of this swarm effectively counteracted the power of the rapid-fire cannon.

When these little bugs approached the range of one kilometer, the rapid-fire guns that were invincible to the Zerg before only killed half of the opponent.At the same time, the bug swarm that was separated to pursue the fleet was also harassing the fleet's attack with long-range attacks, making it more difficult for the fleet to defend against these unknown bugs.

Under the beating of the crisis, in the face of the approaching little bugs, the outer layers of the eight battleships appeared one after another with small mind shields.

This is the ability of the four Youshen elders accompanying the army. Their appearance shows that everyone in the fleet has no intention of keeping their hands back; it also shows that the elders think that the fleet is very dangerous to face such little bugs.

The elder's prediction was correct.

Boom boom boom...

Continuous explosions sounded one after another, and those super-fast little Zerg hit the top of the mental shields of eight battleships in a way that shocked the fleet members.

The power of each explosion is no less than that of the tentacle monster's plasma ball, so that even if Youshen's mental power is not consumed much, because of the power output per unit time, it cannot catch up with the attack power generated by the Zerg's explosion per unit time.So soon, the mind shield provided by the elders was broken.

Although the impact speed of these bugs was so fast that they hit the Psychic Barrier almost at the same time, so when the Psychic Barrier was blown up, the self-demolition bugs were also consumed.But the threat these little bugs brought to the fleet left a deep impression on everyone.The four elders in the team fell into a state of trance because they were forcibly destroyed by their mind protection, and it seemed that they would not be able to continue to function within half an hour.

Lieutenant General Dia had a serious expression on his face, and decisively ordered the team to further accelerate and distance themselves.

Anyway, within the range of three kilometers to ten kilometers, the total firepower output of the fleet will not change, but in order to pursue precise attacks, the longer the distance, the more time it takes to aim.But compared to the safety of life, as long as the mission is not affected, the time will be longer.

"Your Excellency, Lieutenant General, the scan of the swarm shows that there are no such self-demolition worms in the swarm chasing us. But in the large swarm in the distance, there are still about [-] to [-] remaining, so we need to be careful."

"Understood, continue to pay attention to the movements of the large insect swarm."

Lieutenant General Dia breathed a sigh of relief after getting the observation results of his subordinates and knowing that there were no self-destructive worms in the swarm chasing his side.No one is willing to face this kind of enemy who retains the speed advantage and also has the self-destruct function, especially for the fleet that relies on the speed advantage to barely deal with the swarm.

However, even though the large bug swarm saw that the fleet survived the attack of thousands of self-destructive bugs, they still did not add any further pursuit troops, but moved towards the original L11 direction as usual.

But the fleet members know that at this time, it is only more than 11 kilometers away from the original location of L30. Looking from the air alone, if L11 is still there, it can definitely be seen here. Now it seems that L11 has left for a certain distance.

At the same time, if the Zerg had known about the existence of the floating island L11 before, they would definitely have understood the current situation of the target's departure and would definitely take some action.However, the performance of this Zerg is as usual, which shows that the intelligence of the Zerg seems to be weaker than that of the friends.

This is great news.

In fact, it's not that Zerg is inferior to Friends.

It's just that under the protection of the system, the space monitoring that the cosmic race relies on or relies on has completely become blank at this time.The Zerg floating in the satellite orbit of the Double Moon is completely blind, let alone being able to contact the Zerg troops in the Double Moon.This directly led to the fact that the Zergs who landed on the double moon star lost the space surveillance they had always relied on, and fell behind in terms of information compared to the friends.

This is also the reason why the friends were able to fight the Zerg in the current stalemate.

At this moment, since the Zerg swarm chasing the fleet did not have these self-destructive bugs, for the lieutenant general, the rest seemed to be a question of how long it took to fly the kite, but the Zerg obviously couldn't satisfy the enemy.

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(End of this chapter)

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