Spore Story

Chapter 744 Barrage Xu Jin

Chapter 744 Barrage Xu Jin
The summer is cold and the sky is clear.

This place is already outside the Zerg-controlled area of ​​the 05 war zone, and the edge of the area where the animals under the guidance of the planet's will need to evacuate. Many animals who have been running around for several days to escape here are mostly resting after the great migration.With the physical strength and psychology of the animals at this time, it seems that it will take a day or two to restart the process of the natural ecological cycle.So much so that during this period of time, the animals in this place seemed extremely leisurely because they did not attack each other.

However, there are always exceptions.

As a carnivore, the scaleback bird gradually regained a bit of wildness when many carnivores were still flirting with the vegetarian animals around them.

Mammal birds with a body length of no more than one meter and a wingspan of no more than three meters, except for the small piece of scales on the back of the head that can reflect light, thereby preventing the possibility of the enemy diving from a high altitude to attack themselves, no one can compare it with many years. On the land before, it can also be regarded as the overlord of the light-scale dragon.

But nature is just that amazing.

In order to adapt to this increasingly cold climate, the light-scaled dragons tend to be a group in the polar direction. During natural evolution, they gradually evolved such a magical thing as feathers, and evolved the forelimbs that were initially shrunken like small hands into A feathered wing that is different from pterosaurs and wyverns.

At first, it was just a change in appearance, coupled with an improvement in cold resistance and a reduction in food requirements.

At the moment when they finally soared into the sky, their group has completely embarked on a brand new path. On this double-moon planet dominated by friends, no one knows what their future will be.

But at least they are living comfortably now.

At this moment, the scale-backed bird, which arrived here one step earlier than most animals by relying on its good heat preservation mechanism and its flying ability, was combing the feathers of its wings with a slightly tapered beak, feeling The signal belonging to the leader of the group in the distance quickly jumped from the tall tree.

One hovered and fluttered its wings in mid-air, and after finding the updraft, it flew into the sky smoothly.

Afterwards, six or seven of the same race flew out from various places.

They formed a regular circle in the sky, surrounded by a larger scale-backed bird, and danced in circles, but they were actually looking for this time's prey.

Although the level of brain and the accumulation of experience are not enough for the scale-backed birds to develop civilization, the scale-backed birds are actually very intelligent.They can organize simple circling siege formations, drive animals into ambush circles, select key attacks, and even launch fatigue tactics and so on.

This series of advantages allowed the scale-backed bird to gradually gain a very high status in the biological world with its not strong strength.

And the scale-backed birds have another advantage over ordinary creatures, that is, in each group, there will be a strong and smart bird as the leader, which makes the scale-backed birds out of the world of predators fighting alone. Become the owner of cluster advantages.

The topic is back.

Because they resisted earlier than ordinary animals, they also rested longer than other animals, and thus recovered their ambitions earlier than the surrounding animals. They decided to hunt immediately to make up for the lack of meat during this period. Regrets left.

The chosen target is a lazy grunt.

This is a medium-sized animal with neither high nor low response, but the meat quality is the favorite of the scale-backed bird.

In the original state before, this kind of monster was extremely vigilant, and even a flock of scale-backed birds wanted to hunt it would be very troublesome, but this time the grunts were also members of the Great Migration, so they were tired and relaxed. However, it provided a great opportunity for the scale-backed birds to have sex.

Almost pulling out the afterimage, three scale-backed birds suddenly appeared on the grunt beast. Before the slack grunt could react, they pecked out the opponent's two eyeballs, and pulled the grunt's weak side near the abdomen. There was a bloodstain.

The grunt being attacked could no longer keep calm, and it roared and screamed to attack everything around it. Its sharp fingers and claws cleaned up the grass, and its big mouth full of molars smashed whatever was stone or wood, as long as it was bitten. The living things were easily crushed, but the wound on the abdomen became fatal, and even a small half of the intestines was dragged on the ground.

The hunting action of the scale-backed bird announced the end of the safety time for the entire rest area.

The growling of the grunt was like a signal. The herbivores first gathered together vigilantly, and then charged towards the jungle and grasslands in the south without stopping; Start picking prey to chase.

The entire grassland was suddenly in chaos.

On the ground, the grunt beast left more and more bloodstains, but its growling sound became softer and weaker. Finally, after tripping over a stone and unable to get up, it gradually turned into a dying cry.

The scale-backed birds know that the time has come.

Forming teams in twos and threes, some of the scale-backed birds went on alert to guard against predators, while others gave the grunt the final blow, biting off the neck of the grunt who was still dying.

Then, it was time for the scale-backed birds to enjoy their food.

But at this moment, the leader, the scale-backed bird, suddenly noticed vigilantly that the surrounding atmosphere had become wrong.In addition to the bloody smell of grunts, the fragrance of vegetation, and the mixed body odor of other animals in the air, there was a strong but specious smell gradually drifting with the wind.

It seemed to smell like blood, but it was a smell that this experienced scale-backed bird had never smelled before.

Looking up in the direction of the airflow, the pupils of the leading bird with scales on its back suddenly shrank, and its body trembled unnaturally.

Afterwards, its limbs went limp, as if it saw a natural enemy, and it lay on the ground without moving.

However, at this time, the Scale-Backed Bird beside him did not notice what was going on behind him because of the memory and the food in front of him.The little nervous bird was pecking at the food in front of him. When he saw the lead bird fell on the food, he slapped him with his wings nonchalantly, as if to let the leader get out of the way.

Normally, this action would definitely cause the lead scale-backed bird to launch a counterattack, but at this time, the movement of the little scale-backed bird just woke up the leader scale-backed bird who was clearly in fear.

The next moment, the leading scale-backed bird uttered a cry like a baby, completely threw away most of the remaining food and flew south.

Even if the surrounding scale-backed birds don't know the situation, they will follow the survival rules of the race to catch up. Besides, they soon discovered the situation behind them. Unlike the leading scale-backed birds who overreacted, the nerves of ordinary scale-backed birds are obviously much thicker. So much so that apart from running away in fear, there was no such thing as lying on the ground and not daring to move.

Animals that can quickly react and escape like this scale-backed bird account for most of the creatures on the plain at this time, but there are also many animals that are scared to lie on the ground by the swarm of insects.

When the fleet of the third group had just wiped out the sudden self-destructing swarm, the large swarm in the distance officially entered this world where the animals had not been evacuated.

Seeing such a wealth of species resources, the Zerg commander even lost his mind for a moment.

For the Zerg race, rich genes represent absolute power, and even in front of excellent genes, resources can only be ranked second.

In an instant, except for the swarm chasing the fleet, the remaining hundreds of thousands of swarms even ignored their previous goals. Under the eagerness to move, even the friend clan fleet that was fighting in it felt the swarm's half-heartedness. This is the first time the Zerg has shown such obvious emotions.

From the looks of it now, they only need an order from the Zerg commander, and they will abandon all current targets and pounce on the ground far away.

However, at the critical moment, the commander of the other side maintained a cautious attitude and only separated [-] to [-] flying zergs from the swarm to rush to the distant biological group to capture the creatures, and then ordered a base worm to rush to the area rich in plants , began to take root and build a new base.

This opened the eyes of the fleet members.

Although the battle with the swarm was fierce, the fleet's attention to the swarm did not decrease, so the movement of the swarm was clearly seen.

In the command room of the flagship cluster, Lieutenant General Dia could not help but let out an exclamation.


In the beginning, it was okay for the friends to not know that the Zerg could steal genes, but now that they know, this situation is even more worrying.

"Before fighting in the 05 war zone for too long, I forgot that there are still a large number of biological groups that have not been evacuated. It is a trivial matter for the Zerg to obtain resources. If you get some good genes from these animals, even genes for friends... "

It's as if you can always find antidote herbs in places where poisonous snakes haunt, and you are also on the double moon star. Friends seem to be invincible on the double moon star, but in fact there are still creatures that can threaten the friends.At least there are two or three kinds that Pengzu himself knows, and 8051 also proposed several kinds during the chat.

But these are not comprehensive.

However, armed friends with technology, cultivation, and intelligence advantages do not actually have a deep understanding of these purely biological threats, because the army will isolate these things from the friend's life circle.But this kind of in-depth understanding only refers to ordinary friends.

If the Zerg were given some dangerous genes, God knows what they would do?

plague?infectious disease?Or the Legion of Natural Enemies?
Thinking about it carefully, Lieutenant General Dia and all the staff in the command room broke out in a cold sweat.But even if they want to do something now, does the fleet have that capability?Originally, the plan to lure the enemy was formulated to squeeze the limit of the fleet's capabilities, and there was no room left.

With such an excessive change, the Friends Fleet is powerless.

"Sure enough, it's still a little naive."

Lieutenant General Dia thought in his heart that the plan to use the strength of the troops to the limit seems to be an exciting thing, but it also caused the members of the mission to have almost no ability to respond to unexpected situations. It has to be said that it is a depressing thing.

After a moment of contemplation, he could only give up thinking about the solution.

"Get rid of these guys first!"

Slapping heavily on the table, Lieutenant General Dia stood up and looked at the fleet's kite tactics that had wiped out all the self-demolition bugs and most of the higher-level Zerg. At this time, only the chasing bug swarm with more than 7000 troops remained.

With their initial strength, the fleet members are actually confident that they can directly kill the 1 swarms in a head-to-head confrontation.However, the appearance of the self-destructive bug made everyone shut up.And then think about it carefully, if the self-destructive bugs are excluded, and the bug swarm is completely composed of Zerg known to friends, then the fleet is indeed capable of dealing with more than 1 bug swarms.

This is not an excuse, but an indication of the strength of the fleet at this time.

After the self-destructing worms disappeared and the number dropped to [-], it was confirmed that there were no other special zerg in the swarm, so the fleet finally gained some confidence.

Facing the current situation, they decided to launch an attack in advance, actively attracting more insect swarm's attention.

At this time, the swarm was about to arrive at the original location of L11. The swarm, which had confirmed the position of the shelling position according to the trajectory of the shells, would obviously take further actions after confirming that there was no target at the destination.In the beginning, the friends' plan didn't require the fleet to attract them, and the swarm that lost their target would most likely turn their attention to the fleet. This is why the fleet's previous performance was not aggressive, but rather flat.

But now that there are so many natural creatures attracting the Zerg Swarm's attention, if the previous plan remains unchanged, maybe the Zerg Swarm will only send out [-] Zerg exorcist fleets as before, and leave most of the experience in the swarm. deal with these biota.

At that time, the element of luring the enemy in the plan may not be able to be completed.

So now, it is obvious that the fleet needs to take the initiative.

Forming a box formation, the fleet suddenly stopped retreating, and the entire fleet accelerated towards the swarm.

The swarm on the opposite side did not cause chaos due to the sudden change of the enemy. Driven by the fighting instinct, they just roared and continued to smash various medium and long-range attacks on the fleet, while the melee swarm accelerated towards the fleet. fleet.

"Barrage attack mode, rapid-fire guns are ready!"

With a loud roar, the rapid-fire guns in the fleet began to adjust their aiming directions.It was no longer a precise attack on the swarm of insects in front of them in unison, but instead they swayed from side to side irregularly, and some even obviously aimed at blank areas.

Looking up at the sky, the sun has just revealed its full body from the eastern horizon.

After a moment of calculation, when Lieutenant General Dia raised his head again, the sun and the horizon had already been covered by dense swarms of insects.

When the two collided, the Zerg reacted very quickly.Although temporarily lacking the Psychic Shield of Youshen, relying on the instability of the magnetic field in the shell area brought by the magnetic field engine, it can still bring short-term movement instability to the insects when the Zerg approaches the battleship, thus providing the battleship with a 2-minute buffer time.

that's enough.

After discovering that the eight battleships were surrounded by densely packed Zerg, Lieutenant General Dia ordered all the rapid-fire guns to fire.

The rain of bullets flew across the sky, like a celestial maiden scattered flowers, and the blood-colored petals covered the Zerg wrapped in the battleship.

With the previous experience in Dongshan, the fleet shot very methodically.

Each battleship has calculated the duration of the shooting. In about three seconds, the rapid-fire gun of a battleship can cover the space around the battleship once.

Therefore, after three seconds of shooting, the battleship suddenly stopped the rapid-fire artillery attack.

When the swarms surrounding the battleship fell to the ground because they were hit and died, and then they were replaced by the peripheral zerg, but because of the magnetic field disturbed by the magnetic field engine, there was a great opportunity for them to be inconvenient. Rapid-fire shells The attack will start again.

The startup time is still three seconds.

Three seconds, pause, three seconds...

Repeated, burst-like attacks, although compared to the amount of ammunition consumed by precise attacks, this attack mode still consumes a large amount, but it saves at least 70% compared to non-stop barrage assaults.

Which one is better, in fact, depends on the situation.

It's just that at this moment, facing thousands of insect swarms that are not absolutely huge in number, this kind of attack can achieve the best efficiency that the friends can play now.

However, this comfortable attack method could not last for too long.

Accompanied by the first corroding dragon with a size of several tens of meters, a wagging tail hit the surface of the battleship.Although it didn't smash through, the battleship was forced to make a small lateral shift because it was in the air.It may not be a problem for the battleship, but the battleship is controlled by humans. Under this kind of shock, the soldiers will inevitably have design deviations in their weapons.

Now that no automated barrage attack machinery has been designed, the Pengzu relies on elite gunners to perform barrage attacks.Under this kind of impact interference, the gunners inevitably made mistakes, and when there was a gap in the shooting, the Zerg took the opportunity to break into the inner circle of the battleship's defense and began to attack the battleship.

At this time, various small problems began to appear on the battleship that had already experienced a great war and needed repairs.

"No, it's stuck!"

When a rapid-fire gun fires continuously for a long time, its service life is gradually approaching the end.At the tense moment, the reel was stuck by the worm's stump. Although the reel was forcibly turned by relying on the great strength of a friend, it left a hidden danger on the reel.Under the continuous shooting and vibration, the rotating shaft finally came to an end, and there was an obvious gap in the barrage of the assault ship.

"Hurry up and repair it, I'll take care of it!"

The main gunner turned the rapid-fire gun up and down and continued to shoot the Zerg. The assistant gunner was busy with repairs, and the escort team finally had a job. They lifted the AZ02 in their hands and shot through the gaps in the turret. Bugs wreaking havoc on the hull of the battleship.

Fortunately, the Zerg approaching at this time, due to the size of the barrage gap, are mostly small bee-like bugs. The 02mm caliber of the AZ10 semi-automatic rifle is more than enough to deal with them at close range.

However, crisis situations emerged one after another, and various forts had problems one after another, especially in the places that had been severely damaged in the Battle of Dongshan, minor problems appeared one after another.

The guard soldiers who were about to walk the birds in the corridor leisurely at ordinary times turned into firefighters at this time. Before they finished their work here, they started calling for people there again.

At this moment, a dazzling light suddenly flashed on the shell of an assault ship.

When the soldiers in the ship finally regained their vision, the bugs on the shell of the ship and within three meters outside the shell disappeared.

The deputy captain on the bridge took a heavy breath, took the two electric cores handed over by the orderly at the side and stepped up to absorb them, and at the same time glanced at the charred magnetic field engine on the shell due to overload, and couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"I knew that the magnetic field engine can be used as the magnetic field armor of the battleship, and it can release a large-scale grid technique. It should have been specially added to the battleship at the beginning, and there is no need to risk the engine breaking down this time."

"Is the power all right?"

The latter words were addressed to the maintenance personnel. The other party was checking the engine circuit under the power console with the isolation panel opened. After hearing the question, the attentive maintenance personnel just shook his head and did not say much.

Seeing that there was no serious worry on the other party's face, and presumably the problem was not serious, the attendant heaved a sigh of relief.

Although it was expected that the warships in the fleet had just experienced a major battle and then participated in battles, there was a high possibility of minor problems, but everyone did not expect that the probability of problems would be so high.

"Fortunately, there are not many worms in this swarm."

Lieutenant General Dia, who was in the command room of the Heart Rhythm, looked at the swarm that had been cleaned up and sighed. The barrage attack consumes a lot of energy, but the killing speed is also fast, so it seems dangerous, but the fleet finally killed it This wave of chasing swarms was eliminated.

But at this moment, the bridge brought the news that 'the swarm has split another [-] zergs to attack the fleet'.

"No~ yes~ right..."

Everyone smiled wryly.

Although the Zerg had sent a large force to rush over according to the plan of the friends, but not all of them after all.According to the situation of the fleet at this time, it seems to be somewhat difficult to continue to wipe out this swarm as planned, in order to lure most of the swarm.

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(End of this chapter)

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