Spore Story

Chapter 745 Double Moon Creature: Don't Underestimate

Chapter 745 Double Moon Creature: Don't Underestimate
On the hill, the beautiful shadow swayed, and 8051, standing on the top of a century-old tree like an illusion, was looking up at the distant sky.

She was already here when the swarm swooped down on the creatures around the area where the original L11 was.

However, she did not rescue immediately, but observed for a few minutes, and waited until the many creatures around her who had calmed down under the influence of her thoughts gathered into a group behind her, and then turned her gaze to the Zerg in the distance.

"I didn't want to snatch the opportunity to exercise from the friends, but you have to bump into it yourself, so don't complain."

Accompanied by Wu Nong's soft words without the slightest killing intent, the group of animals that received the order of the planet's will 8051 at the same time, quickly took many black-handed creatures as the vanguard, and rushed to the swarm of insects in the distance with the might of the sky. A trace of hesitation.


Who has the real numerical advantage?
At this moment, facing a huge group of creatures, the swarm knew the best answer to the current question, but unfortunately, it turned out not to be the swarm.

Even tiny grains of sand, when gathered into rivers, can turn into sandstorms that submerge the world; even locusts that can be grasped in one hand, gathered in swarms, can make all civilized creatures change color.

This is the advantage of quantity.

Concealing quality with quantity has always been the strength of the Zerg in the eyes of other races.

But I'm afraid they haven't thought about it. On this double-moon star, the real number is certainly not counting the number of people who die of old age and newborns every year with their fingers. They plan the life and health arrangements for each precious baby early. It is not only second to the Zerg, as long as they have food, they can quickly expand the Eldar and Moon Spirits; but it is not the Zerg themselves who have resources and can grow infinitely, but lack this growth time...

Rather, it is a biological group composed of non-civilized creatures on the double moon star that really occupies an absolute numerical advantage.

Even if it is not a biome of a planet, but only a part of a small area, it is huge beyond the Zerg's expectations.

This thing is precisely in the hands of the will of the two planets, 8051 and Shuangyue.

Became the enemy of Zerg.

Previously, perhaps due to the individual pursuit of survival, the animals would not unite with the enemy to attack the powerful group of the Zerg.However, at this time, the Zerg's wanton attack on the creatures made the biogroup realize the irreconcilable contradiction between the Zerg and them.

This is not so incomprehensible, it can be detected purely by animal instinct.

Therefore, when they have a common enemy and realize the danger of the Zerg and start to fight against the biological group, at this time, they also remembered the initial act of 8051 forcing the animals to leave. support in the group.

However, the impact of this thing is not dominant, so I won't mention it much.

But at this moment, the animals who realized the threat of the Zerg had no objection after receiving the order from the planet's will to "use their numerical advantages to destroy the enemy".

Herbivorous animals rely on their numerical superiority to obtain the continuation and survival of their race. Facing the enemy, they like to charge in groups and let the opponent die under their own four hooves; although carnivorous animals do not have quantitative advantages, they also have their own pride. At this time, at least on the surface, our own side has the upper hand, so it is not recommended to take the opportunity to kill the enemy and swear their territorial rights to this land.

Therefore, with the order of 8051, no matter it is the grunt beast or the scale-backed bird, whether it is the ground dragon or the cloud jellyfish, or even the fur ball and the bee, they all turned around and rushed towards those who were wreaking havoc in the biological group, but still dared to attack. A Zerg force with more than 3 members rushed to the distant friend clan fleet.

They want to make the enemy suffer.

But here, 8051 played a little tricky trick.

Originally, the biological group was mixed together, and they rushed to the swarm of insects in front of them without any rules. The team was chaotic and disorderly, and there were even stampedes within the team, but the number of animals with a normal size above the palm size definitely exceeded a thousand. Ten thousand, the huge number advantage made the animals fail to realize the problem, but 8051 was very clear.

Given the current situation, it is very easy to drive away the hundreds of thousands of standardized and specialized combat swarms of biological groups of different sizes and shapes, but it is very troublesome to solve them, because there are no rules, and the command is a mess .

At the same time, 8051 also needs to make some adjustments to the current biological group due to the training and screening tasks previously communicated with Shuangyue and the purpose of protecting the current vulnerable friend troops.

Soon, the bios were on their way to the swarm, and because of the influence of the planet's will on their subconscious, they began to divide the ranks in the charge.

It's not that the teams of creatures of the same race are close, but a rationalized team division by 8051 based on animal size and lethality.This move directly made the entire biological group more aggressive and cooperative in combat, so that when facing the Zerg, it was no longer as chaotic as before.

For example, three black-handed animals were surrounded by dozens of predators, but they did not become charging arrows that required strength.Before and after them, there are a large number of common herbivorous animals that seem to have little attack power, but are more accustomed to relying on the advantages of numbers and speed to charge and hit the enemy, so as to survive.

When this kind of biological group rushed into the insect swarm, the ordinary animals in the front line naturally didn't have much chance of survival in the face of the waiting insect swarm.But they relied on the powerful push of the animals behind them. Even if they turned into dead bodies, they still squeezed the defensive formation of the swarm step by step, so that the zerg in front did not benefit from it.

In order to avoid being divided and surrounded by animals due to direct impact, the swarm chose to retreat for the first time when fighting frontally, although it was only a slow retreat rather than a retreat.

The original intention of the Zerg was to ease the charge of the biogroup and maintain their defense line through such a little retreat, because they still thought it was just an ordinary group of animals rampaging, but the direction was directed at themselves. .

If the biological group in front of him is really just like that, then after the insect swarm is restrained by this method for a few minutes, the biological group will probably wake up from the rampage due to the gradual decrease in speed, and then disperse on its own.

However, this biome is not like this, but a unit with a unified will, a unified direction of action, and even a unified command.

They are not rioters, but they are not considered soldiers, but at least adding a title of militia is a matter of course.

Considering the Zerg as hundreds of thousands of elite troops, then the biome is tens of millions of militiamen.

Is this also the tragedy of the elite troops?
With the passage of time, the insect swarms on the ground gradually struggled to resist the charge of the biological groups. Although there were serious and disproportionate exchange ratios at every moment, resulting in the death of a large number of living things, the absolute number of biological groups The advantage made the pressure on the Zerg fail to decrease as expected, but instead became higher and higher.

The commander of the swarm quickly realized this, but he was unable to win the victory through the tactics of the sea of ​​insects he was good at and the beheading tactics against civilized races, because they were not dominant in numbers, and they could not find out the huge numbers of these different races. The location of the actual commander of the biome.

Ultimately, the swarm commander found some parallels in his experience with the Zerg Civil War.

However, it is frustrating that in the swarm civil war, facing the enemy with absolute numerical superiority, the numerically inferior party seems to end in failure.

Will the Zerg also fail this time?
what can we do about it?

While the commander of the swarm ordered the swarm to slightly increase the retreat speed to ease the charge pressure of the swarm, and commanded the swarm in the sky to continue to increase the attack, while he was thinking hard about countermeasures, the swarm started under the order of 8051. detachment.

This is already the location of L11 during the shelling. L11, which is called the equatorial part of the starry sky, is of course operating around the equator.

On Double Moon Star, 80% of the terrestrial organisms have to concentrate around the equator due to the severe cold climate.

As a result, the richness and quantity of the biota here are naturally extremely large.

Therefore, it is not as difficult as before in the north to find epic creatures and black hands.

In the sky, most of the epic creatures led the black hand elite biogroup, avoiding the sky troops ushered by the insect swarm and rushing to the fleet to rescue each other; the remaining sky biogroup, although there are many less epic creatures and black hands, but The total number of all normal-sized creatures is more than one million. If creatures that are smaller than the size of a finger are counted, this number will suddenly increase to a unit of one hundred million.

It is conceivable that the sky troop of the insect swarm, in front of the sky troop of the equatorial biota of the double moon star, is a completely sad scene like a mayfly shaking a tree.

In particular, unlike the ground forces that only have two-dimensional operations, the purely three-dimensional operations of the air forces allow their own numerical advantages to be better utilized.When the swarm rushed into the biome, they may have experienced for the first time how those races felt when they relied on numbers to bully other races.

The sky and the ground, the front and back of the head, the left and right sides, and even the gap between the carapaces are all biological groups of double moon stars.

A mouthful of white mist that is extremely lethal to tiny organisms passes by, perhaps tens of thousands of small insects will die, but when the white mist is completely consumed by those dead small insects, then hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and hundreds of thousands will pounce on them. Tens of thousands, tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of little bugs.

They will take advantage of the attack interval to wrap the attacking Zerg into a sphere.After these double-moon swarms flew by, all that was left was an empty shell of the Zerg that kept falling.

In comparison, those bimoon-flying biota whose body size is above the palm size seem to be not as huge as these little bugs.

Although correspondingly, their casualties are much less.

This is the equal price of giving and receiving.

When the Zerg commander reacted, there were only 10,000+ of the hundreds of thousands of Zerg rushing towards the double-moon swarm and the double-moon flying biome in the sky.

The bi-moon biome is almost advancing in a steady manner. Wherever it passes, all the Zerg have only the only result, that is, only the carapace remains and falls to the ground.Even the dead Zerg that had been torn apart by normal-sized organisms would soon be cleaned into carapaces by those hungry little bugs after the Zerg swarm of the Double Moon Star flew by.

Don't waste a morsel.

Such a shocking scene, after being blocked from the sun due to the large number of both sides, became dim, but in a world with countless night-vision creatures shining and shaking their eyes, the Zerg commander was even more terrified.

How could ordinary creatures, which have always been used as a source of resources by the swarm and never been taken seriously, possess such powerful combat power?After searching the entire Zerg public information base, it failed to get the answer it wanted.

However, when it hesitated for a moment, tens of thousands of Zergs died in the sky, and the battle line retreated nearly two kilometers on the ground, resulting in the loss of thousands of Zergs on the ground.

Although in comparison, the biological group has been clearly seen to be smaller (from a high altitude (=.=)), but the loss ratio of the swarm is much larger.

No, the enemy must be defeated with absolute strength!
It's not that the Zerg commander never thought about evacuating. When facing a powerful enemy, he chooses to evacuate and then solve the opponent in a roundabout way, which is not uncommon in the history of Zerg wars.But this time, the Zerg commander clearly realized that facing such a huge group of creatures, once they choose to evacuate, the Zerg will put themselves in a more difficult and dangerous situation under the premise that the speed is not superior.

The light flickered, and the tentacle monsters in the sky retreated early when they discovered the attack of the biological group, and finally began to attack with all their strength.

On the ground, the remaining base bugs that had not been transformed into bases also began to cross the Zerg line of defense, relying on their size advantage, to use huge tentacles and limbs to sweep away the biological groups that were not individually strong.

Even the Black Hand class, facing such a huge biological attack, has only the fate of being swept away.And among the flying creatures in the sky, even the epic creatures can hardly face the plasma attack of the tentacle monster.

Seeing this, 8051's eyes were fixed, and he recorded all the battle situations in his heart.

Seeing with her own eyes a huge epic creature that was powerless in the face of a swarm of insects, her understanding of biological combat has risen to another level.

"Small size also has benefits of being small."

Nodding and waving, all the epic creatures in the sky moved to the direction of the fleet, and all small creatures began to scatter towards the tentacle monsters in the distance, and the remaining small and medium-sized creatures were responsible for attacking creatures other than the sky Zerg tentacle monsters.

On the ground, facing a large area of ​​base worms that can be swept away with a wave of claws, the performance of epic creatures is much better than that of their peers in the sky when they encounter tentacle monsters of the same level as base worms.

With their huge size and enormous strength, the epic creatures on the ground quickly blocked the attacks of the base worms, and gradually drove these base worms away from the center of the battlefield by relying on their numerical superiority. out of space.

The epic creatures and the base bugs fought inseparably at the edge of the battlefield.

Even if there were other creatures fighting here at the beginning, after more than a minute of epic creatures fighting at a height of tens of hundreds of meters, only the ground that has become much harder and the giant creatures in the collision of passion are left .

"In comparison, are the epic creatures on the ground much more powerful? That's right."

I don’t know when I learned the habit of illusion, and I started to caress the 8051 of the minibus, running my brain with all my strength, and even relying on the assistance of Double Moon Star, to observe the movements of all the creatures on the entire battlefield, and make decisions about the races of these creatures. Objective evaluation against Zerg.

She doesn't worry about the creatures here being wiped out, and she doesn't need to worry about a race that has been praised by herself and Shuangyue, but it is exterminated here, because all the races are left by her to grow elsewhere.

The battle field at this time is actually the first experimental field used by 8051 to screen the creatures of the double moon star for future war adaptability.

The speed of natural selection is too slow, and it is full of too many accidental factors. Even if a certain creature has a very good ability at a certain period, and has the development potential to occupy the top of all creatures, they may also evolve naturally because A small accident, but submerged in the dust of history.

The 8051 doesn't want this to happen.

Therefore, although there are inevitably some subjective factors in the active selection of the planetary will, they can obtain a relatively reasonable and comprehensive biological evolution because of the overall control of the biosphere by the planetary will.

The same is natural selection and survival of the fittest, but the active selection of the will of the planet is less chance and luck than natural evolution, and more comprehensive.

However, this is the view of 8051 and Shuangyue at this time.

How exactly, depends on the future.

But at this moment, excluding tiny creatures, there are tens of millions of biological groups, but after more than half of the Zergs were wiped out, they also lost nearly tens of millions of scale.

Such a huge consumption made 8051 tongue-tied, and it was even more speechless when it received Shuangyue's continuous complaints about "the number of biological souls returning too quickly in the planet's will space".

But she is not worried.

In this attack on the Zerg, the members of this biome took the initiative.

It is not that 8051 influences or even instigates, but that they actively fight back in self-defense. The job of 8051 is just to command everyone to fight. Not only is there no fault, but because reasonable command will reduce the casualties of the biological group, so it has credit.

Therefore, there is no negative effect on the status of the planetary will.

As for death, it is just a reincarnation.

Facing the aggressive creatures, after the tentacle monsters and base bugs that were developed mainly were suppressed by the creatures relying on the advantages of the number of miniature creatures and the strength of epic creatures, the commander of the swarm finally realized the severity of the current battle .

The swarm began to retreat, but no matter how good they were at fighting, the body structure of the swarm had inherent limitations, and the individual retreat speed was only 1/3 of that of a frontal charge.At this time, while fighting the enemy, they retreated, and the large number of Zerg huddled together, and their retreat speed was definitely not as fast as the impact speed of the biological group.

I don't know whether it is the cycle of heaven or pure luck, but the Zerg commander's mind unexpectedly came up with two words like Lieutenant General Dia, the commander of the third group a few days ago: Broken Queen.

But here you can clearly see the difference between the two sides.

It is also the idea of ​​​​breaking the rear. Lieutenant General Dia will hesitate to consider the population of friends and future combat power, and spend a lot of time until he is about to arrive at L11. Efficient ways to achieve goals while ensuring fewer casualties;
While the Zerg commander thought of this word in his mind and confirmed the validity of the cutoff, he didn't think too much about other issues, but directly asked the Zerg that in its opinion, how much it consumed was nothing more than a bunch of numbers. The group issued an order to stop.

The purely numerical exchange ratio of a small number of casualties in exchange for the majority of survival is obviously the command method of the Zerg.

(End of this chapter)

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