Spore Story

Chapter 746 Bimoon Creatures: Aid Fleet

Chapter 746 Bimoon Creatures: Aid Fleet
Thank you for the monthly tickets of Xingchenqingfengyinyue, Xinlian, Shuzhong, Xuezhi~, and the reward support of Feng Sijin on the track~\(≧▽≦)/~
When the biosphere attacked the swarm, the third fleet of the friends who were surrounded by the chasing swarm had already formed a box formation to ensure safety, at least to ensure that they could escape at high speed and take advantage of guerrilla warfare.

At this time, the fleet, apart from being able to see its fellow fleet members, could not see the sky from above, the ground from below, and there was no wind or cloud on the left or right, and it was heading straight in a certain direction.

Fortunately, there is a ghost in the team. Even if the exploration of spiritual power is blocked by the swarm, at least the direction can be confirmed through the magnetic field that has not been disturbed by the swarm, and based on the previous position of the swarm, it can be concluded that the fleet is moving away from L11 And move in the direction of the main force of the swarm' this conclusion.

However, since the surrounding area is full of insect swarms, the range of mental power scanning is limited, and the fleet members have no idea that the outside world has changed rapidly. The Zerg began to back away slowly.

They still think that they are fighting alone, and 8051 may want to continue to hone the fleet soldiers, and did not make any notice.

But at this time, the fleet that seemed to be surrounded by insects should be in great danger.But in fact, they relied on the barrage attack to firmly resist the Zerg Swarm from the fleet. As long as they persisted, the Zerg couldn't break in.

But this does not mean that the fleet will be the winner.

The chasing swarm and the Third Fleet of Friends are actually comparing whether the chasing swarm will be consumed by the fleet's barrage attack first, or the fleet's barrage attack will first consume their own ammunition reserves.

Whoever wins the competition is the real winner.

The premise is that the biota does not intervene.

However, even if the battleship has left a large amount of ammunition for future war preparations, the consumption of barrage attacks is really shocking.

At the same time, it is impossible to store all 25mm rapid-fire gun ammunition in the ammunition compartment of the battleship.

Therefore, seeing the inventory in the rapid-fire gun ammunition warehouse shrinking at a visible speed, other battleship forts are obviously firing at the fastest speed, but the ammunition inventory in the warehouse does not seem to have changed, far less than the 25mm ammunition. , which makes people feel speechless.

"Commander, this is the situation you just asked me to count, please go over it."

The adjutant carefully handed over a report that he personally ran to the warehouse to make statistics, but Dia, who was focused on the current battle situation, did not take it, but just buried his head and waved his hands, speaking with great momentum.


Add a sentence at the end: "Just focus on how long you can last."


After saluting, the adjutant gave the most direct answer without any muddling.

"The barrage attack can only last for another 10 minutes, because the consumption of 25mm ammunition for the barrage attack before has reached 1/3 of the stock, but the remaining caliber electromagnetic guns, including rifles, still have enough ammunition."

"1/3? This time we have prepared for six days of fighting."

Lieutenant General Dia was startled, touched the map on the table with his palm, and muttered to himself: "Sure enough, the bullet screen is very useful, but it consumes too much, and even the Military Academy requires attention to use it, but now this kind of But the situation has to be used.”

"Indeed, but our results are also brilliant."

The adjutant nodded to explain.

"Since this swarm of about 60 swarms caught up with us, and then we gradually dragged the opponent away from the main swarm by relying on bullet screens. Up to now, it is calculated that we have been away from the main swarm for [-] kilometers, and we plan to eliminate the opponent. At least [-]% of the members. It's a pity that the Zerg has no fear, otherwise, with such a huge loss ratio, any race of the Double Moon Star would probably flee, even if they took the initiative."

"This is the power of the Zerg."

Turning his head and instructing the fleet to increase the flying altitude to avoid some low-altitude troops of the Zerg and reduce the pressure on his own side, Lieutenant General Dia looked at the adjutant beside him and didn't say much.

The lack of experience caused the friends to have frequent problems when fighting real enemies like the Zerg.But relying on this blood lesson, the friend clan army is growing rapidly.Every friend knows the current disadvantages and mistakes, and every friend knows that they will never make these mistakes in the future.

Growth is the process of accumulating experience little by little.

At least at this time, Lieutenant General Dia believed that although he still failed to reach the level of a qualified group commander, at least in terms of fleet command, no one among the friends could surpass him.Even the two hot-blooded guys in the first and second groups can't compare with themselves who have gone through several battles, winning and losing. This is the benefit of experience.

However, at this moment, a staff officer in the command room suddenly exclaimed and pointed to the insect swarm on the left.

Lieutenant General Dia, whose thinking was interrupted, was about to glare at the other party and issue some reprimands of concern, but the next moment he subconsciously followed the other party's pointing and looked in the target direction, he also froze.

There, different from the armored creatures of the Zerg, a huge creature that obviously belonged to the native of Double Moon Star pierced through the barrier of the Zerg and appeared in front of the fleet members.

"Epic creature?"

Lieutenant General Dia narrowed his eyes, seeing the sun again, he seemed a little uncomfortable.

"It's not even one head!"

The adjutant made the same movement, supplementing Lieutenant General Dia's words.

At this moment, there were similar exclamations in the fleet one after another.Even though there was no order from the command room, and the specific identity and friendliness of the visitor could not be determined, the fleet members still subconsciously adjusted the range of the barrage attack and moved the muzzle away from the direction where the epic creature appeared.

Even though they had intersected with epic creatures before, and even fought with epic creatures in cooperation, this behavior of the soldiers actually severely damaged the integrity of the barrage attack, thus leaving a hole for the Zerg's attack.

But after all, after being surrounded by the swarm for so long, the soldiers could hardly meet a glimmer of life.

In any case, they also want to seize the opportunity, and dare not let the newcomers regard the fleet as an enemy because of the barrage attack.

Lieutenant General Dia, who was in the flagship command room, understood these thoughts through the actions of the soldiers.That being the case, even though it has not been determined whether it is an enemy or a friend, according to the regulations, it is necessary to maintain the barrage attack at this time, but the lieutenant general still made a decision that met the soldiers' wishes.

"Let go of the barrage attack on the left, and move closer to the epic biome!"

At this time, it was only a few seconds before the epic creatures appeared outside the swarm, and there were only two or three epic creatures that caught the eyes of the fleet soldiers. The reason for the number of sightings has not been discovered by the soldiers for the time being.

But even so, there was a glimmer of hope for a breakthrough, and everyone cheered up.

At this moment, the Zerg seized the opportunity to deal a fatal blow to the fleet due to the opening of the barrage attack, but they were blocked by the epic creatures in this gap, which made the fleet members They were immediately full of confidence.

"Charge at full speed! That is our comrade-in-arms!"

At this time, Lieutenant General Dia also analyzed the situation of the epic creatures ahead.

Knowing a lot of secrets, he was reminded by Youshen, and recalled the first line of defense plan built by relying on the double-moon star creatures. Of course, he quickly deduced that the double-moon star creatures and his side were on the same front reality.Although he couldn't understand how the higher-ups tamed so many double-moon star creatures, and even the epic creatures bowed their heads for my use, it didn't prevent him from realizing the fact that his side was saved at this time.

However, as the group of creatures led by the epic creatures rushing in from outside became larger and larger, and gradually covered up the size of the swarm, and gradually increased and expanded to a mass as large as the entire world, the fleet members were completely stunned.

Even the barrage attack was illegally stopped at this moment, and no one cared, because the gunners who were operating were trembling at this moment.

But without the fleet's barrage attack, the swarm could not cause damage to the fleet, because all their attention was also attracted by the biological group.

It's just that instead of being in a daze, the swarm abandoned the fleet like a praying man's arms and launched an attack on the biological swarm.


"Okay, a lot..."

The sound of swallowing saliva kept coming and going, but they failed to make a ripple on the calm pond-like water in the command room.

In the entire command room, there is only the subtle but direct hum of the magnetic field engine, as well as the reverberation of external wing vibrations and animal roars that cannot be blocked even by soundproof glass.

Compared with the quiet Zerg, the members of the biome obviously prefer to roar and wipe out the enemy.

Then the whole space was filled with deafening roars.

And in the entire fleet, no one thought that one day, they would be able to see with their own eyes the members of their 'own' who surpassed the superiority of the insect swarm.

How much biota is there in the sky?
Can't calculate.

At least the members of the battleship can't figure it out, because the eight battleships that usually look huge, if they are like nails on the cat's paws in front of the swarms that were chasing before, then facing the biological swarm at this time , that is the ant at the foot of the giant elephant.

If the protection of the planet is removed at this time, the Zerg in outer space will see that the huge biological group like a small hurricane swallows the chasing bug swarm in their planetary forces.

Of course, because of the protection of the planet, they cannot see such beautiful scenery.

In the group command room of the Third Fleet flagship Xinyun.

Di Yazhong didn't notice that his beloved pen fell to the floor, but just sat upright and leaned against the porthole, trembling, reached into his underwear pocket, took out a cigarette tremblingly, and took a lot of effort to light it and put it in his mouth After that, he couldn't make any effort to take a puff, so he could only let the carefully kept cigarette be lit.

The faint smell of smoke lingered in the mouth and nostrils, and the lieutenant general gradually regained his senses under this stimulation.

The surrounding staff officers were not so relaxed. They stood there blankly and stared out of the window. They couldn't express their feelings at this time, but they couldn't utter a word with their usually eloquent mouths.


The biological group was too dense, the fleet flew straight towards the biological group, but the pilot forgot to control it because he was dazed, and the battleship just crashed into the biological group.

It wasn't until the few animals that couldn't dodge were smashed by the battleship that the pilot reacted in horror and immediately slowed down the speed of the battleship.Without even waiting for the commander's order, they took the initiative to stop the battleship, waiting for the surrounding biological groups to respond.

Fortunately, although a few of them were accidentally bumped into by "friendly forces", they were inconspicuous in this biome of tens of millions. Even the existence of the fleet, if 8051 hadn't notified the animals before, maybe they would have been caught by these animals too. Biota ignores.

But now, seeing the swarms of creatures that didn't care about bypassing the fleet and rushing to the distance to chase the swarms of the fleet, Lieutenant General Dia, who finally woke up from the previous impact, sat in the command room, thankful for this The huge strength is enough to destroy the Zerg in the 05 theater, but at the same time, it frowned.

Why was such a powerful potential combat power not used before?
If that is the case, will the third group still suffer such a huge loss in the Battle of Dongshan?
Doubts and worries expanded little by little, as if they were going to devour Dia's heart, but in the end, reason and trust in the top management prevailed.

Maybe it's because of their considerations, whether it's tempering, difficulty in mobilization, or other reasons, at least we were saved this time.

Although he is confident that without these biological groups, the fleet can get rid of this chasing Zerg and complete the mission later, Vice Admiral Kedia is still deeply grateful to the commander of the biological groups.Because without them, the fleet would have to pay the loss of at least one or two warships this time.

For Lieutenant General Dia, such a loss is still too great.

The scene outside the porthole suddenly lit up, like daylight after the dark clouds cleared.

But in fact, after the biological group drove away the insect swarm, the equatorial sky that was normally close to noon was exposed around it, but such a scene left a deep impression on the hearts of Lieutenant General Dia and many fleet members. impression.

Many years later, when they grow old and tell stories about the past with their children and grandchildren in their arms, they will occasionally say: "I think of your grandfather at that time, when the originally dark sky suddenly revealed light, I knew we were victorious." gone."

But at this time, the fleet members who had just woken up from the shock of the biological group, and fell into the world of light and dark, and were briefly sluggish, finally fully woke up after the biological group wrapped the chasing insect swarm.

"Just now, a lot... I seem to have seen the Saber Pterosaur and Tyrannosaurus Rex, these are rare species!"

The adjutant who had just woken up grabbed Dia's arm tightly with both hands, stared straight ahead, and was still a little incoherent.

The people around her are not much better than her, most of them pull the people around them, regardless of who is talking or not, they all talk about the scene that they have seen similarly to others, as if they want to divide the previous shock Give half to the other party, as if to make yourself awake.

But at this time, Lieutenant General Dia's arm hurt from being grabbed by the adjutant, so he fully woke up first.

With a cigarette in his mouth, the lieutenant general reprimanded everyone with a calm expression.

"Quiet me up! Isn't it just a herd of animals? Let me tell you, it's the elders' house and the secret troops of the high-level. This time, I will rot in my stomach what I saw and heard. Unless the higher-ups allow, who Don't talk nonsense! Do you understand?"


Lieutenant General Dia frowned at the sparse responses, but seeing the tired look of a group of staff officers with dark circles under their eyes, he really couldn't speak seriously.

Perhaps ordinary soldiers had rested for a few hours at L11 before, but they, the staff officers and commanders, only napped for half an hour before getting up to discuss future battle plans.

Counting it together, including the Battle of Dongshan, they have not had a normal rest for several days and nights.

It's okay to say that the battle situation was severe before, but at this time there was a biome rescue, and our side had an absolute advantage, and there was no danger, but everyone suddenly lost their reason to support them, and their spirits became sluggish.

With a soft heart, Lieutenant General Dia's tone was no longer so blunt.

Lieutenant General Dia, who took a deep breath of smoke, waved his hand: "It seems that we are safe in a short time now. Take this opportunity, everyone go to rest first."

"But here..."

Although obviously sleepy, the staff officers still seemed hesitant.Because of their responsibilities, facing a pile of plans waiting to be revised on the table, they were afraid of delaying time.

This behavior is touching, but not desirable.

Lieutenant General Dia once again turned his face hard, using his usual power, looking directly at the many staff officers.

"My order is the order of the cluster headquarters. Now, immediately, give me a rest! You must fall asleep, and soldiers will call you in three hours!"


The staff turned and left, looking at the command room that seemed to be empty, Dia released a trace of electric current in his body to stimulate his spirit, took a deep look at the group of creatures that had already robbed the protagonist of the fleet, and put the cigarette in his mouth into his mouth. Then, he got up and began to sort out the scattered documents on the table.

At this time, a pair of familiar but not so beautiful, but slightly dry hands pressed Dia's wrinkled right hand, pulled out the documents in it, and tidied them up little by little.

Looking up, seeing that the adjutant hadn't left, Lieutenant General Dia was a little annoyed.

"Didn't I let you go to rest!"

"I'm your adjutant. It's an essential job to help you pack your things. Don't make trouble."

There is still a trace of the once beautiful adjutant between the brows, and he gave Dia a reproachful look, but it is different.But what he said made Lieutenant General Dia a little stunned for a while, and he hesitated and didn't know how to refute.

Smiling and tapping the opponent's forehead, the adjutant gently patted a stack of documents in front of the lieutenant general, gently stretched out his hand to cover Lieutenant General Dia's right cheek, rubbed it with his rough palm, and walked along the face of the lieutenant general. His chin slid down, swept across his chest, and finally retracted, with an imperceptible spoof smile on his face.

"Okay, at this time, it seems that the safety of the fleet is no problem. So, you should go and have a rest, my lieutenant general."

Not knowing why he was unwilling to refuse, Lieutenant General Dia stood stubbornly for a few seconds and finally retreated.

Facing someone who was an adjutant at work and his wife at home, the Lieutenant General couldn't bear to argue, so he just sat on a sofa in the command room and slept with his clothes on.Maybe it was too tired and relieved, but he soon fell into a sweet sleep.

In response, the adjutant just smiled and shook his head.

No one noticed that when the adjutant's hand swept over the Lieutenant General's chest, the Lieutenant General's hard-fought storage of cigarettes was arrested again.

"It's better to smoke less."

Blamingly covering the other party with a blanket, the adjutant put the confiscated loot into his pocket to avoid something important being carried in it and the other party couldn't find it when he needed it.

The carefulness made the captain's adjutant who had just arrived and witnessed all this feel ashamed.

(End of this chapter)

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