Spore Story

Chapter 747 Love and Moe

Chapter 747 Love and Moe (mistake)
"Is there a problem?"

Lieutenant Admiral Dia had just let Lieutenant Admiral Dia fall asleep and rest. The wife of the Lieutenant Admiral and the adjutant of the group commander frowned and looked at the adjutant of the flagship captain at the door.If it's a small matter, she doesn't want to disturb her husband and boss who finally took a break;

It is not uncommon for adjutants and commanders to have a kinship relationship like this, but the premise is that the adjutant must have basic ability and self-consciousness.

Under these two prerequisites, the commander and adjutant of the general friend clan let the commander choose independently, because it is easier to cooperate with the commander's work.As for this kind of cronyism, problems such as group formation and power growth that may be caused in the army are not worrying among friends.

Because the real highest strength of the friends is the elders' house, and only within the elders' house will there be a tendency to carefully supervise the elders' families and themselves; as for ordinary people, as long as the government can meet the basic needs of these people and give them hope, Then there's no fuss at all.

What's more, the entire friend family has always been waiting for positions, and some are full of satisfactory promotion and job opportunities.

As for the deterrence of the elders.

Elder Youshen's combat power is absolutely formidable in Shuangyuexing, and its huge lethality often makes the enemy fearful in war.But this time it was unlucky. Encountering an enemy like the Zerg who had no morale, the Youshen could only fight head-to-head. As a result, many Youshen combat problems that were not noticed in the past were revealed.

But this can be regarded as a blessing in disguise, it is better than finding out in the final battle later.

Heck, back on topic.

I just saw a warm, black-bellied, and cautious scene. At this time, I was still a little stunned. The adjutant of the captain of the flagship Xinyun heard the adjutant of the group commander who was also an adjutant, but his military rank was much higher than his own. After asking, he quickly woke up from the reverie he didn't know, his face flushed slightly, and he saluted.


"Shh... be quiet."

The lieutenant's wife put her finger on her lips, blinked cutely, and pulled the somewhat at a loss captain's adjutant out of the command room.

From the attitude of the other party, she could see that it should not be an urgent matter.Then, such a matter should belong to her, the commander and adjutant, who can handle it, so she directly pulled the other party out to avoid disturbing her husband's rest.She is sincerely happy to fight for more rest time for the lieutenant general.

"Tell me?"

"Yes, sir."

The captain's adjutant didn't care about the actions of the commander's adjutant. After realizing the current situation, he simply nodded to signal the other party to follow, and then walked and talked.

"Our side found that the swarm was evacuating, not only the pursuit of the swarm this time, but also the main force of the swarm. The biological group seemed to be blocked by the rear troops of the swarm, so I hope someone in the command room can understand the current situation Think about it, and then make a decision on the next action of the fleet."

Having said that, the adjutant hesitated for a moment.

Thinking that the other party, as the commander's adjutant, according to the internal habits and ranks of the friends' army, is actually No. 1 under the commander-in-chief of the third group and several deputy commanders, and he also has the right to make such decisions, so he also Do not make any pauses.

"You also know that our previous plan was to use this fleet to attract the attention of the insect swarm. After the other party found that the original location of L11 did not have the target they were looking for, they would target this fleet that has been harassing but failed to eliminate. This This possibility is very high, but instead, we can transfer away from the main force of the Zerg, away from L11 and the core target, and then provide help for the upcoming first and second combined fleets to attack the core target.”

"It was planned that way."

Speaking of this, both the fleet adjutant and the commander's adjutant sighed in unison, feeling very complicated.

"Now the swarm is unexpectedly repulsed by the bioswarm, but about 1/3 of the force is left to escape, and it is not injured. With the remaining and newly added power inside the swarm, the swarm can even be said to be Not much has been lost. Facing the threat of biological groups at this time, the Zerg is likely to adopt a tactic of concentrating their strength and defending. This has caused our plan to seriously deviate from the original track, so the original plan is no longer feasible. The captain hopes The command can come up with a solution as quickly as possible, preferably before the combined fleet arrives."

"Is that so?"

The commander's adjutant didn't know much about the overall plan of this battle because of other jobs before.But at this time, after listening to the captain's adjutant's narration, combined with what he saw and heard around the lieutenant general before, a little analysis can draw most of the conclusions.However, the plan now clearly encounters the variable of biota, but as the other party said, it cannot continue.

After contemplating for a while, the two had already walked through a short passage and arrived at the bridge of Xinyun.

Although she didn't say much when she learned that the command staff and the captain were resting due to fatigue, Lieutenant Admiral Dia's female adjutant could still see the same tiredness and envy in the eyes of the surrounding members.

Smiling slightly, the female adjutant who knew Lieutenant General Dia's meaning very well had already understood the general situation on the way here, so she ordered without any pressure: "Your Excellency Lieutenant General means that there are many variables in this battle. Adventurous nature. But now with the help of the biological group, we have repelled the insect swarm, and the next step is probably to wait for the combined fleet to arrive. There is a period of free time, and everyone can rest first."


"Don't worry."

Facing the captain's hesitant expression, the female adjutant had a gentle smile on her face, and said understandingly: "There are too many variables in the plan. You can also see from this battle that the eight warships of our Third Fleet, Because many wars have been severely damaged, we need to bravely admit that we cannot complete more tasks on our own and for the sake of our friends."

"This is not everyone's fault, because in terms of combat experience and ability, I am afraid that no one in the entire friend clan can compare to us, but the hardware problem is helpless and has to be accepted."

"So, everyone can rest now. For specific questions, wait until the first and second clusters of the main force arrive. Now that we are making some plans, the other party may not pay too much attention to them."

Facing Lieutenant General Dia's female adjutant who expressed these analyzes in gentle language, everyone felt a little bit of goodwill in their hearts.

Even after experiencing failure, everyone's confidence remains undiminished.But no matter how confident you are, without the approval of others, it always makes people feel difficult.However, the behavior of the female adjutant just recognized everyone's contribution from a reasonable point of view, and explained everyone's failure. Even if it was only within the third group, everyone was willing to accept it.

"Well, let's rest the fleet here."

After being reminded by the female adjutant, knowing that everyone in the headquarters was resting, the flagship captain took over the command of the fleet as a matter of course, and began to issue various orders to the fleet.

According to the command structure arrangement of the Pengzu military group, the highest officer of a group is the group commander, with the rank of lieutenant general;
There are four deputy commanders under him, namely the commander of the battle fleet, the logistics chief, the commander of the marine force, and the commander of the base. According to regulations, they should all receive the rank of major general, but the actual situation is often somewhat different.

The commander of the battle fleet is the flagship captain. According to the plan, he should be awarded the rank of major general, but because the captain of the entire friend clan fleet can be said to be an absolute newcomer, he is already a little nervous to become a captain suddenly, and then promoted to fleet command The officer and the major general are too much.

Therefore, to be on the safe side, the Military Academy only gave the commanders of the three major fleet fleets a colonel rank beyond the commanders of ordinary battleship squadrons. By the way, they carried the brand of temporary major generals. They had to wait for the credit to appear, and after their strength was demonstrated in actual combat Correct again;

The chief logistics officer, as the name suggests, is the chief officer who manages the increasingly important logistics part in modern warfare.

They manage the logistical distribution of the entire cluster, and command the cargo ship fleet in a unified manner. They can even temporarily deploy the floating turret squad when needed, conduct defensive operations against the cargo fleet, and support the landing operations of the Marine Corps. The rank of major general.

Because this kind of chief officer is directly trained and transferred from the former army logistics force, the work experience is quite sufficient, but there is a lack of adaptation period for the new era, and these can be enriched step by step through the simulation of the fantasy world , and through the final run-in through the war, so in terms of rank, they are all real major generals;
The Marine Force is the most mature force for the friends, and its commander is of course a real major general.The various military tactics of the Marine Corps have never stopped studying in the decades of recorded history. Although most of them are summarized from the history of the Black Bone Clan wars, they have all been adjusted to be suitable for the use of the friends.It's just that like many troops, they lack experience in using new equipment (it hasn't been used yet, and it will be replaced soon, such as tanks and flying tanks).

The Commander of the Group Marines had nine regiments (about 1600 men each).In wartime, it is the size of three armies and one group.Usually in the fantasy world simulation, because the ground combat data is relatively sufficient, the simulation can also gain sufficient experience, so this kind of deputy commander has a high status;
In comparison, the base commander is more like the administrative officer of an industrial base than the commander of the army, and is also the rank of major general.

The scope of their management is fixed and very complicated, but they don't participate in direct combat, and their actual work is similar to that of the chief officer of an industrial base.They manage the independent artificial floating island base configured by the friends for each cluster, with repair shipyards, small shipyards, parts factories, defensive buildings and other facilities on it, and the plan is very complete. The base will be responsible for the independent maintenance of the cluster' and other requirements in normal times.

It's a pity that until now, the bases of the three major clusters have only three general skeletons.

The completed part is only the basic areas of ports, dormitories, warehouses and maintenance facilities.However, the chief officers of the bases at this time have already hung up the rank of major general, and are busy in directing the construction of their respective cluster bases.

In this way, it seems that the fleet commander is the one who suffers the most.

However, the fleet commander is the most likely to become the cluster commander, because no matter from which perspective, some analysis institutions such as the Pengzu Military Academy have concluded that the future development direction of the Pengzu army is the floating fleet 'Conclusion, therefore, as the most important fleet commander, everyone has to pay attention to it.

What's more, it is an indisputable fact that the fleet commander of the Pengzu is indeed inexperienced.

But don't discuss these things now.

After receiving orders from the group deputy commander, fleet commander, and flagship captain, Colonel Xinying (temporary major general), L11 slowed down its movement speed without any hesitation, and then moved away from the original location of L11, where the third group fleet is now located. Seventy kilometers away, slowly wriggling at a speed not much faster than ordinary people, waiting for further orders.

As for parking...

Sorry, after encountering the situation where the floating island was activated before, resulting in a lot of casualties, the members of L11 seem to have some kind of phobia about the start and stop of the artificial floating island.Because it doesn't affect the overall situation, after receiving the report, Colonel Xinying said very empathetically that there is no need to stop, just move slowly.

Looking at his watch, it was exactly three hours before the arrival time given by the first and second clusters.

Although Lieutenant General Dia's female adjutant was also curious, how is the battle of biomes outside at this time?However, due to the large number of biomes, the fleet was squeezed behind again. After staying for a few minutes without seeing anything, she thought of the husband of the lieutenant general in the command room, and then stayed, "If the biome commander appears, please be sure to inform me." After my' order, I returned to the command room.

In this way, Colonel Xinying completely accepted the current fleet command work.

This was the first time in her life that she commanded the fleet in a real situation, and a little excitement was inevitable.But now the mission of the fleet is to rest, and she has no good orders.Sitting excitedly on the captain's seat, and having fun with the familiar bridge members around him for a while, he gradually became bored.

"However, in this way, our resume will also have the item 'During the battle in the 05 theater, we have independently commanded a group fleet', hehe."

"That's true, but..."

The adjutant looked at the childlike captain and acting group commander in front of him, and he couldn't help shaking his head wondering, how did the other party get the position of second in command of the group?

"Are you thinking of something rude?"

Colonel Xinying puffed up his face, looked at the adjutant beside him, with a serious expression learned from Lieutenant General Dia, and looked at the other party pretending to be old-fashioned.It's a pity that that baby face can't produce something called majesty, but instead gives the adjutant a sense of "cute" in folk tales.

It turns out that this is cute.

The adjutant thought so, but was also surprised that he could have entered the house like this?But he hasn't even read the comics himself?
Forget it, ignore these things.

Faced with the captain's 'scrutiny', the adjutant shook his head under great pressure, but the other party did not agree with it at all. Instead, he responded strangely to what the adjutant was thinking: "Don't forget, we are in the fleet command. The school spent one year and six months in the fantasy world to learn to command fleet operations. The level of command has reached 30 warships, and the cumulative command time is 1000 hours. The elite commander with a continuous command time of nearly 100 hours is an elite commander from all friends. Just twelve, hum."

Seeing the other party waggling his fingers and showing his chest with a proud face, but he looked unreliable at all, the adjutant suddenly became worried about the judging standards of the school judges.

Shouldn't we choose whoever is cutest?
Thinking back carefully on the hobbies of the teachers I met at school, and the folks' guesses about the hobbies of some elders in the elders' house, it seems very likely that the upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked...

"It's very likely your sister! If the elders find out, you kid will wait to go back to the furnace and rebuild!"

"Wow, don't say such scary things!"

The adjutant who was remembering suddenly had a frightened expression, but in fact he was indeed frightened.Because he suddenly discovered that he was thinking instead of talking before, and the captain in his memory seemed to be only at the level of the early soul class, on par with him, so it was impossible to peep into his thoughts.

"You said it yourself, okay?"

The captain's eyes flickered, his hands were unnaturally placed under the operating table, and his eyes were fixed on the adjutant in front of him, trying to make an expression of contempt.

But the sad adjutant didn't find the tricks in it, because he was once again cute by this cute expression, and even felt a little ashamed after believing what the captain in front of him said.

Sure enough, my own sense of secrecy is too poor, it seems that I must pay attention to it in the future.

In a place where a certain adjutant has not seen at all, the great Colonel Heart Shadow, 31 years old, is at the age of friends, but he already has many friends when he is a 60-5-year-old adult. The young girl was sitting on the captain's seat, holding a common instrument called a spiritual power amplifier in her hand, and she was smiling.

Who would have thought that after the amplitude of mental power, we can still control it precisely?quack.

The girl continued to giggle.

However, the adjutant did not have much doubt about the abilities of these elite graduates.Because the assessment for each class of graduates is carried out in the real fantasy world, the two sides conduct a battle-like manner, commanding their respective fleets to fight, and at the same time, various possible accidents will occur.

Guys who can often become graduates of elite commanders not only have a high winning rate in battle, but also get high points by handling various unexpected accidents and completing special tasks, and there will be a limit on the number of each session. It didn't come easily.

As for the specific elite commander exam, there is no nonsense here.

However, even if these elite commanders become captains after graduation, they may still be uncomfortable in actual combat. After all, lack of actual combat experience is a flaw, which is difficult to simulate in the real fantasy world.Because no matter how real the fantasy world is, people who enter it subconsciously have the idea of ​​"this is an illusion", so no matter what, they can't achieve the absolute real effect, they can only approach it infinitely.

But at least among the graduates of the same period, these people are definitely the most powerful, and they are also the group with the most potential among the friend clan commanders.

However, just because a battleship is powerful in command doesn't mean everything is perfect.

Therefore, the captain's off-line character has become a daily pleasure for the bridge members.But the adjutant doesn't know that his own natural stupidity is actually sometimes used as an adjustment for life.

This is the authoritative fan bar.


(End of this chapter)

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