Spore Story

Chapter 748 Gains and Losses

Chapter 748 Gains and Losses (Choose)
Historical administrators are just an elegant name. They are actually a group of historians who are deeply in love, or are used to it, or are bored, or simply for survival, and embark on this path of exploring and summarizing history.

In the Pengzu, since before [-] AD, the gods of the ethnic group were responsible for the task of recording all historical events in detail, and in addition, the change of the Pengzu's regime was not turbulent, so that the Pengzu's own historical archives were very important to the Pengzu. Whether it is national history, rural history, or unofficial history, there are huge written records in various places.

Even because of the small number of people in the ethnic group and the fact that they assist in controlling other races, this perfect historical recording method has been spread to other civilizations in the entire Double Moon by the friends, causing the entire Double Moon civilization to consciously record with their own historical archives.

These comprehensive historical files are generally kept in libraries and archives in various places.

Therefore, scholars of later generations who studied the history of the Pengzu... Shuangyuexing civilization, in addition to going out to consult local diaries and unofficial histories to complete the historical content, spent most of their time in the library with complete historical files.As a result, a large number of historians have chosen to become librarians in order to summarize and study history for a long time.

Their life is basically reading those historical documents all day long.

In fact, most of the time, these scholars are sorting out and analyzing the various causes and results of these historical events and other factors, rather than studying the authenticity of history and other issues, so they rarely go out.So in the eyes of outsiders, their behavior has become a family house that spends all day managing books in the house.

Therefore, they have the title of 'historical administrator'.

Speaking of which, it doesn't seem like an elegant name.

But ignore such little things.

A historical researcher once commented on the history from the Pengzu entering the sky century to rushing into the universe: "Turn through the entire thick historical books of 'sky to universe', whether it is from the Pengzu or the Spirit Race. , Black Bone Clan, Shadow Clan or any other double-moon star land race, it seems that there are only two words in the whole text - killing insects."

This kind of evaluation is actually correct, although in the eyes of the veterans, it also feels a bit belittling their combat achievements, but after all, this is not the mainstream.

The detailed historical records, as well as sufficient historical demonstration materials and specimens, have also created a large number of hindsight for future generations.

They criticized the performance of both sides of the war from front to back in the entire "History of Insect Killing".

But then, these cunning guys hit a sweet date with a stick, and then praised it over and over again.No matter good or bad things have been said to these people, but it is impossible to refute, because they found all these from history.And this kind of debate also provides a large living space for historians.

But no matter how people in later generations comment, history is history, they have already happened, and they cannot be changed. objections and arguments.

As the real first full-scale war with the Zerg planet after the friends entered the sky century, the third Zerg invasion can be said that the performance and gains of both sides are remarkable from the beginning to the end of the entire battle.

For the Zerg, this is the first time that the Zerg has confronted the Shuangyue star group with a relatively complete planetary strength, and obtained information about many friends and the Shuangyue star's resistance forces.

This information, by their use in a way beyond the comprehension of the civilization of the friends, was left to the latecomers.Therefore, although the invading troops were wiped out this time, it can still be said that they have completed most of the reconnaissance tasks, and they have not pointed out to the latecomers that at least for a period of time after the third invasion period, they are all feasible aggression paths.

And for the friends, the harvest this time is even greater.

Through this war, the entire Pengzu army can truly be said to have matured.In particular, the military tactics, army composition, and military training of fleet warfare, etc., all became mature after this war by summarizing the war, thus laying a solid foundation for the future confrontation with the Zerg army; The three-dimensional war after the universe paved the way.

However, looking back at history, the largest and most complete war in the third Zerg invasion was still the battle in theater 05.

The 04 war zone, that is, the war in the G04 area where the original No. 06 Zerg meteorite base fell, made the friends intuitively realize the power of the cosmic threat, and thus comprehend the importance of controlling the universe, which directly led to the construction of a cosmic meteorite defense system. .

The war in theater No. 03 allowed the friends to realize the powerful combat power brought about by the cooperation between the Yin God and the Youshen, supplemented by thunder clouds and fleet containment, so that the friends understood the elite beheading tactics.Relying on the geographical advantages of the 03 war zone, they got in touch with the Haizu, laying a solid foundation for the future integration of land and sea.

In comparison, the battle in theater No. 05 can be said to be an absolutely real frontal collision.

Needless to say, the initial battle of Dongshan in the 05 theater has exposed many problems in the combat of the group of friends.

After that, summing up the lessons learned from the failure of the Dongshan Battle, finding out the problems and advantages, and integrating and adjusting the L11 containment campaign plan, at least according to the theory on paper, it is already possible to win.However, in terms of the army at that time, the formulation of the campaign plan was still a little immature, because it missed calculations, or overestimated the reliability of the floating warships that appeared only four or five years ago, resulting in almost a complete defeat at a critical moment.

If it weren't for the rescue of the biological group after that, the fleet could escape, but the loss would be further increased.

In this battle, the true strength of the double-moon star creature was shown for the first time in front of the friends and his enemies - the Zerg. While saving the Third Fleet, it also made the Zerg deeply understand the double-moon star creature. The group is different, which led to many targeted plans made by the Zerg when they broke into the Double Moon Star.

As a result, I don’t know if the elder Kong Ling (8051) who commanded the biological group to fight at that time realized it, but in the subsequent battle with the Zerg, the Double Moon Biogroup was also listed as a defense target by the Zerg. Obtained a very high promotion, but this is an irrefutable fact.

However, scholars who stand in the history of later generations rarely analyze problems from the historical situation at that time, which can be regarded as a blemish.

And once that is done, people will find that the action of the biota is not only a rescue of the friends, a resistance of the bilunar biosphere to outsiders, but also the beginning of the overall active evolution of the bilunar biosphere.

Perhaps, historians will say that this is the work of biologists, but people who often consider issues from a historical standpoint should pay attention to comprehensive issues, rather than narrowly focusing on a certain person or a factor that affects history ?
History has always been comprehensive.

For example, if there was no glacial climate, the double-moon star civilization race and biosphere would not gather in the equatorial region.If the biosphere and civilized races hadn't gathered in the equatorial region, leading to the concentration of the power of the Double Moon Star, I'm afraid they would have been defeated by the Zerg, and the future would have become unknown.

But these many issues are not the focus of the discussion at this time.

Back to topic.

When the biological group showed its full strength for the first time and successfully defeated the Zerg, but the opponent relied on the gecko-like method of docking its tail to block the biological group with nearly half of the remaining troops, thus successfully evacuating more than 6 ground Zerg and 4 While the multi-sky Zerg maintained their basic self-protection power, the sky fleet, which was originally the main force of the war, has now become a complete bystander.

But what they did as bystanders was not very qualified.

Because, the commanders on it seemed to take the opportunity to lie down on the bed to rest, and only the acting commanders of the ships were still chatting and watching the show on the bridge.

"It's really a group of heartless guys."

After sensing the situation inside the fleet, 8051, who was behind the biome, just covered his forehead helplessly.She couldn't figure out whether to criticize or agree with their behavior, after all, logically speaking, the other party was also overworked.Moreover, unlike energy bodies above the Youshen level, ordinary creatures still need to rest, and the consumption of mental power is not unlimited.

"Forget it, let them go."

This is not just for the fleet members, but for the Zerg deserters as well.

After cleaning up all the Zergs around, if 8051 wanted to, she could let the biological group continue to chase, thus ending the battle in the 05 theater, but after thinking about it for a while, she didn't do that.

There is not only the idea of ​​leaving these enemies to the friends to continue to exercise, but also the factor of buffering the battle of the biological group so that the creatures can also have a rest time.

"Sister, the selected creature has been adjusted for special attention."

Shuangyue's lovely child's voice rang in her mind.

During the battle, 8051 had carefully screened through the records of the specific performance of various creatures, and after analyzing the statistics in his mind, he submitted his preliminary conclusion to Shuangyue.

Then, based on the review of the biological race of the Double Moon star in the space of the planet's will, combined with the submission status of 8051, Shuangyue further analyzed whether this biological race has supportability, a certain base, and basic growth potential.

Once it is confirmed that it is available, the future development of this kind of creature will be focused on by the will of the planet.

This is the method that 8051 came up with to actively promote the biological evolution of Double Moon Star.

And the focus here is not to say that this race will live well in the future.On the contrary, this kind of biological race, after being focused on, will face more difficult survival pressure. Except that it will never be exterminated because of the special attention of the will of the planet, at least these biological races have a basic development base, The creatures of the future can be predicted to be rich and colorful.

In this case, these races can be said to have embarked on the fast track of development.

As for the contribution, it is the replacement of a large number of internal independent individuals.

However, this kind of active evolution will not select most of the candidate races for the purpose of prudence, and the selection results reported by Shuangyue to 8051 are 8051% less than the optional races submitted by 80. Discuss the ratio.

"Although the scale-backed bird's sky combat power is not high, the race is very cooperative, and it even has several false master consciousnesses to support it. If we want, we can choose one of them to become the real master consciousness. Of course, we can also choose from Choose one of the ghost gods from the friend clan to fuse into one. Although it is difficult for them to develop civilization within ten thousand years due to insufficient brain development, they are still an excellent reconnaissance and raid race, and can produce very good Therefore, it can be listed as one of the populations of special concern.

Needless to say, the importance of the cloud jellyfish, although there are many shortcomings, but the huge power is not much better than that of the Youshen of the Friends of the Clan, but the number far exceeds that of the Youshen of the Friends of the Clan, and the ability to operate at high altitude is even more extraordinary. The best transporter in the bimoon biosphere.

The cloud bees are tiny creatures, but the combination of huge racial reproduction, group combat ability and weak thinking ability makes them able to win the battle against the huge tentacle monster, which is a surprise.However, as they develop, they may pose a certain degree of threat to friends, so we need to be cautious..."

On the long list, the candidate organisms proposed by 8051 were screened and analyzed bimonthly one by one, and more than 30 kinds of organisms were finally left.

Compared with the total number of 10,000+ kinds of creatures in this battle with the Zerg, it seems that only 30 kinds of creatures are selected, which seems very low. However, in terms of the proportion in the entire history of biological evolution, more than 30 kinds of creatures were selected by the will of the planet at one time. It can be said that the proportion of species that are valued as the key to promote evolution is already very high.

In the future biological development, this number may increase, but after a short period of active screening, eventually, this number will still drop.

However, I am afraid that even 8051 is not aware of one thing: what they are doing at this time seems to be pushing the creatures of the double moon star towards the development direction of the original Zerg. Coordinating command organization...

In doing so, they still can't predict what will happen to the civilized races such as the Bimoon Biosphere and the Friends in the future. At least for now, 8051 still have a unified purpose-to eliminate the Zerg.

"Okay, let's go, but don't stay too far away."

Gentle instructions, but the voice is useless, because the main effect on the creatures is the subconscious influence of the will of the planet on many creatures.

8051 was able to view the battlefield after dispelling the biogroups that gathered to destroy the Zerg.

Looking around, as the Zerg corpses of the defeated party, as expected, there is no huge group of corpses of the sacrificial creatures.

"It seems that the individual combat power is too weak."

Shaking his head, 8051 deeply felt the difference between the Zerg and ordinary creatures at this moment. Even the weakest puppy among them is still far superior to the ordinary predators of the Double Moon Star, and can be compared to the non-civilized creatures of the Double Moon Star The second-ranked Mafia-level animal.

However, the combat power of animals that surpassed the black hand level and reached the epic creature level suddenly surpassed many Zergs, reaching the level of Zergs that surpassed giant elephants, but slightly lower than the level of super Zergs like Base Bugs.

However, the number of epic creatures is too small, and it may not play a decisive role in the future when facing larger Zerg.Even if you want to make them evolve to be stronger, it is not enough for a few decades.

Thinking in this way, 8051 focused on controlling the entire land, and began to shake like an earthquake.

In the entire land below the original location of L11, the earth and rocks began to roll away, and the large strata cracked layer by layer.Whether it was the corpses of the Zerg or the double-moon star creatures on the ground, they were all covered by the tumbling mud during the vibration.

Ten minutes passed, and the shock ended.

When the land returns to calm, looking around, there is only new mud left on the ground, telling the latecomers about the previous war, maybe the unknown existence tens of millions of years later, a pile of fossils can be dug here .

But now, ashes to ashes, dust to dust, whether it is the creatures born and raised on the Double Moon Planet, or the Zerg produced by using the resources of the Double Moon Star, they have all returned to the real nature in this way.Then through the absorption of the earth, the nutrition returns to the cycle of the biosphere, but there is no waste at all, but a little more because of the arrival of the meteorite.

"Thinking about it this way, it seems that the planet is the beneficiary."

Tapping his lips, 8051 suddenly discovered such a thing and was shocked.

If you think about it carefully, if you think about it from another angle, as long as the Zergs are not allowed to fly out, then more Zergs will come from outer space in the future.They bring in resources that are not double moon stars.Then when they died in battle on the Double Moon Star, the resources they carried would enter the natural circulation of the Double Moon Star through the earth.

In other words, as long as the biosphere of the Double Moon Star is not destroyed by the Zerg, and the Zerg come here without returning, then the Zerg will no longer be a deadly enemy to the Double Moon Star, but will become a transport in a certain sense. team leader.

Then, wouldn't the attitude of the planet change?

I was even more shocked.

8051 is only half of the will of the planet, and when she thinks about problems, she will mostly consider the feelings of her friends or illusions.

And if the planet's attitude towards the Zergs changes, especially after the planet's level of cooperation with the current friend race meets the above two conditions, will the planet's attitude towards the Zerg race and the friend race be subtly shifted?

This deviation is unlikely to happen that friends want to see.

Because in the future, the friends will definitely go out of the planet. At that time, in terms of the ratio of what the friends take out and what they bring back, which one is higher?At that time, what good and bad will the behavior of the friends do for the planet?
Even without considering these long-term issues, considering the current situation alone, Shuangyuexing has seen the benefits that the Zerg has brought to himself from the universe through the perspective of 8051.The creatures that die for a while are nothing to the biosphere of the entire planet. The important thing is that the increased resources can make the biosphere more prosperous.

For example, some plants may evolve the ability to drive away animals when animals hurt them; but when an animal dies under it one day and provides it with more nutrition than usual, some plants will respond Following its path, it evolved the ability to devour meat.

The will of the planet, in a way, seems to be the same.

Relatively speaking, if the friends are allowed to completely kill the Zerg, then the friends will become the overlord of the Double Moon Star.At that time, the influence of planetary ideas seems to be weakened.Would the will of the planet be willing to become like that?

"No, it's not like that..."

Force myself to stop thinking about it, because 8051 is very scared. If I continue to think about it, the planet will have a stronger vigilance against the friends, which will affect the subsequent war against the Zerg, and even lead to the decline of the friends.

By the way, it is boom and bust!

8051 thought about this word in his heart, but he couldn't think of anything deeper.

Force yourself to stop thinking about the relationship between Zerg, Friends and Twin Moons, so as to prevent the will of the planet from resisting the friends because of her thinking relationship, and affecting the development of the friends.But she clearly knew that just some of the things she had thought before had already made the planet subconsciously wary of her friends.

"In the end, how can civilized races achieve harmonious coexistence with the planet's biosphere?"

Since Pengzu stepped into civilization, they have worked together with Void to allow Pengzu to develop at a high speed as much as possible without affecting nature.

So far, the two sides have maintained harmony at least on the surface, and the internal conflicts are not intense, which can be regarded as quite effective.

But 8051 fell into silence at the moment.

How to take the future path and how to deal with the relationship between planets and civilizations seems to be a heavy burden on her shoulders, because she is neither pure planetary will, nor is she only able to assist the illusion in the system space in the past. auxiliary system.

Looking up to the east, 8051 showed some weakness on his face.

"Han Huan, what will you choose to do at this time?"

Lying in the nest...

I just rejected my father's request to find a job again, and I feel so powerless.

(End of this chapter)

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