Spore Story

Chapter 749 Combined Fleet

Chapter 749 Combined Fleet
Even though it is midsummer, the weather is still cold. In the current Shuangyuexing, people can complain endlessly.

But most of them are ordinary people, unable to fight against the weather.Except for those guys with all-hands-eyes in the Elder's House and Shenting, ordinary friends can only silently accept this nasty climate, and then strive to work hard from the subtleties, trying to make themselves as powerful as the members of the Elder's House.

At that time, the cold weather, exams, and work will probably be easy, right?At least in the eyes of ordinary people, the people in the elders' house are always so relaxed and carefree.

Of course, there is also a relatively simple way, that is, to wear more clothes.

At least for realistic people, this is the kingly way.

As for those who aspire to become elders, before their goals are achieved, they also know that they are still ordinary people who can only accept government laws, strive to improve their small lives, and express themselves in the cracks between life and work.

In comparison, the army is much simpler than society, because they don't need to think too much.Most of the things, the people above have arranged for you. If you don't have too high requirements, then execute the order according to the army's standards and just follow it.

Correspondingly, however, the soldiers also have to pay more precious things to maintain the current life, such as life.

Sergeant Chi Yu's second group of a Marine Corps assaulted the cliff. It was supposed to be carried on a cargo ship according to the regulations. Along with the cargo ship dragging the floating turret slowly moving towards the 05 theater, to watch the battleship fleet pull out the long The tail disappeared into the distant horizon with the clouds all over the sky.

Then at that time, depending on the situation, determine whether there is still a chance to participate in the war, or like the 03 war zone, you can only do some cleaning of the battlefield.

However, that was all just planned behavior.

Flying thousands of kilometers from Xinpeng Island to the 03 war zone, stimulated by the various victory and defeat battle reports of the third cluster, I have already suffocated but I didn’t even get the soup in the 03 war zone, and now I have to fly a few thousand more Kilometers, looking forward to the fighting opportunity that does not know whether it exists or not, but has to let the battleship troops go first.

Faced with this situation, the members of the Marine Corps' resentment towards the cargo ship finally reached a peak.

"How can the fleet be able to go back and forth quickly, and our marines, who have worked harder than them in training, are better than them in individual strength, and have a higher history, glory, and qualifications than their recruits, want to sit on the boat and enjoy the scenery! His body is almost rusting, isn't it! Bastard!"

The complaints of the soldiers did not attract the attention of the army chief at first.After all, the entire friend clan has always seemed to be loose, but the emphasis on discipline and class has not been so nihilistic.

This time, however, the chief officers miscalculated the soldiers' resentment at not being able to fight.

At the same time as the order to move the battleship troops was issued, the marine soldiers who had already accumulated grievances for a long time broke out in the cargo ship.Although it was not a riot, the soldiers of each cargo ship stood up and yelled about unfair treatment, and put pressure on the headquarters to express their positions and dissatisfaction.

Ordinary soldiers don't have a very long-term consideration. Most people only see the current situation where the marines follow the cargo fleet and watch the show behind the battleships, and don't understand the considerations of the headquarters; and the headquarters failed to consider the marines. Emotions are also a major dereliction of duty.

At this moment, the chief officials couldn't calm down when faced with such a situation.

While reporting the situation here at the Military Academy and the General Headquarters, the supervisors also suspended the order to speed up the battleship force, but let the entire combined fleet continue to cruise and move, and took advantage of the gap waiting for the order from above to appease many members of the Marine Corps.

It wasn't until eight or nine o'clock in the morning that the third group came from the direction of No. 05 war zone and began to adjust tactics, and when the opponent's combat plan was transmitted to request the cooperation of the joint fleet, the solution from the Military Academy was issued immediately.

Therefore, both the Marine Corps and the Fleet made some concessions according to the guidelines of the Military Academy: the Marine Corps selected some representative troops, and the elite equipment was transferred to the 24 battleships in the joint fleet, and the battleships moved with them.

Although this move obviously increased the load of the battleship, squeezed the living space inside the ship, and did not meet the combat requirements of all Marine Corps members, it at least eased the dissatisfaction within the Marine Corps.The Academy of Military Affairs also promised the Marine Corps that after this battle, the Marine Corps will take over faster cargo ships and reorganize part of the Marine Corps to join the mothership group.

This is also the first time that the Academy of Military Affairs has publicly announced that it will form a mothership group as soon as possible and upgrade the tank unit to become a flying tank unit.

The appearance of this news can be said to have effectively suppressed the dissatisfaction within the Marine Corps, and even with a visible hope, it allowed the Marine Corps members to completely transfer their previous dissatisfaction.

Of course, what troops are selected to join the battleship at this time?But it was a good fight.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that whoever goes this time will be able to transform first.

However, I won’t describe how the Marine Corps competed here. In short, due to time issues, the competition was not long but fierce. Soon, 24 cliffs stood out from the army and transferred to the battleship force.

The assault cliff where Chiyu is located has been performing well all the time, and Chiyu himself is good friends with Liu Yuan, the captain of one of the assault ships, so they can coordinate well with the further deepening conflict between the fleet and the Marine Corps at this time, so It was a very smooth ride.

But for the members of the battleship, these soldiers who squeezed their comfortable space on the battleship are annoying.

The internal conflict is not intense, so there is not much to talk about.

At this time, it was approaching noon, and the battleship force had just crossed the coastline and arrived at the continent where the 05 theater was located, and now it was moving in the direction notified by the Third Fleet with all its strength.

Chi Yu, who had been bored in the lounge for a long time, was bored and saw that the sea outside the window was finally not the same. He also left his bedroom, stepped into the corridor, and walked towards the bridge.

As Sergeant Major, he could have stayed on the bridge, but he had nothing to do and was not interested in going there.

"Excuse me……"


The orderly who was pulled back turned to look at the person who held him back with a little dissatisfaction.He intended to complain a few words, but when he saw Chi Yuya's sergeant commander's rank, he immediately shut up and saluted unwillingly.After that, the soldier who seemed to have the same prejudice against the Marine Corps did not show any further resistance, but told Chi Yu what he needed to know one by one.

Since the Marine Corps boarded the ship, along the way, the orderly thought he had mastered the temper of these Marine Corps guys.They even dared to do things against the order of the chief officer, and it was not easy to teach him a little orderly.

Hmph, it's time to go back to Xinpeng Island and see what you guys who don't obey orders will do.

Discussing in his heart, the orderly still pointed out the location of the bridge for the other party, then turned and left without looking back.Chi Yu, who was a little confused at first, didn't let the other party lead the way, because he had seen many conflicts between ordinary soldiers and fleet members along the way, and it was best not to cause trouble on a friend's ship.

The overall length of the Barracuda-class assault ship is only 192 meters, even if it is modified, it is only 199 meters. The layout of the ship is not complicated because it is to facilitate the movement of soldiers. Main channel structure.Of course, the passage of the classified important part is not listed.

Passing through the long corridor and arriving at the stairs under the bridge, Chi Yu, a sergeant major in marine armor, was sadly stopped by the guard soldiers.

"The important place of the bridge, please do not enter indiscriminately."


The corners of Chi Yu's mouth twitched, and he deliberately sent the sergeant major rank on his shoulders to the two of them, but the guard soldiers deliberately looked directly into Chi Yu's eyes, as if they were dutifully competing with the intruder, but they were actually taking advantage of this Make excuses by pretending you didn't see the other party's rank.

Regarding the opponent's performance, Chi Yu frowned slightly.

It's one thing to piss off the Guards for making things difficult for the Marines, but it's not the main thing.But through the performance of the guards, he quickly thought of the harmonious friend army, how did this happen?You know, ignoring the chief is a big deal in the army. The previous behavior of the Marine Corps was indeed a bit extreme, but at least they still maintained rational restraint. But at this time, a small guard corporal dared to do this to himself who was equivalent to a second lieutenant...

"Liu Yuan, I'm afraid I need to remind him to pay attention to these subordinates."

Shaking his head, Chi Yu stared at the two guard soldiers, curled his lips in disdain, and opened his mouth to roar suddenly with the loud and clear voice trained in the army.

"The 207nd Combat Group of the Pengzu, the 11th Assault Ya of the [-]th Marine Regiment, Sergeant Chief Chi Yu, asked to enter the bridge!"

The entire corridor suddenly fell silent, whether it was a battleship soldier or a marine soldier, they all turned their heads to look here.

At this time, the two members of the guards could no longer make things difficult, they pushed away with ugly faces, and raised their hands to salute.Then, one of them said coldly: "Please wait a moment, I will inform..."

"No need, Sergeant Chi Yu please come in!"

Although it is equipped with a sound insulation system, the sound insulation system inside the ship cannot completely isolate Chi Yu's high-decibel roar before. Captain Yanagihara, who is located near the door of the bridge, naturally heard the voice of his friend and felt a trace of it. anger.He still doesn't know what his guards are doing, he just wonders why he entered the bridge of the assault ship as his good friend Chi Yu, so why should he ask for instructions like this, it's difficult for the army to stay for a long time and become dull?

It was strange, but he directly invited the other party in.

When the automatic door closed, Chi Yu felt relieved when he saw that there was no shortage of sincere friends in curiosity.

He directly sat on the additional seat behind the other party, and after briefly mentioning the question of paying attention to the relationship between ship members and the Marine Corps, he saw Liu Yuan's expression of "you don't worry".Chi Yu, who was not interested in getting angry with the two escort corporals, opened his mouth, and finally didn't say much, but changed the topic to the main purpose - about the current movement and the subsequent battle situation.

This aspect belongs to military affairs, of course Liu Yuan talked about it without reservation.

"...It can be said that this time I really didn't expect that the biological group was dispatched to disperse the Zerg. The Third Fleet was lucky this time, otherwise it might have suffered disaster."

There was an uncomfortable gloating tone in Liu Yuan's tone, which made Chi Yu frown again. This friend of hers seemed to have changed a lot.

"Luck is also a kind of strength, but..."

After a pause, Chi Yu still paid more attention to business.

"Zergs are not fools. Using super Zergs like tentacle monsters and base bugs to lead the low-level Zergs to break the line, on the surface it seems that we have killed many Zergs, but in fact, except for the loss of a few super Zergs, this time the Zergs have saved a large number of Zergs. For some middle and high-level Zergs, their strength has not dropped much."

Nodding, Liuyuan locked his eyes tightly thinking about the information shared by the Third Fleet that he had received earlier.

"Originally, the plan was to let the Third Fleet transfer these guys, and we went to raid the Zerg Meteorite Base, in order to break the surface and resolve the battle as soon as possible. But now, although the Zerg has been repelled, it seems to be a big victory, but it is let The Zerg are on alert. Especially in the face of the threat of biota, even if you want to get away from the mountain now, it will be really difficult."

"Yeah," Chi Yu also realized this, and felt troubled.

At this time, with the strength of the 24 floating warships of the United Fleet alone, it is still possible to raid the Zerg Meteorite Base, which still retains a heavy army. The outcome is unknown.

Although the Zerg was defeated this time, most of them were low-level Zerg.

This thing might be produced in half a day by the many small bases of the Zerg, so it's no wonder that the other party doesn't care about the low-level Zerg.And the biggest threat to the fleet is the large number of anti-air defense buildings inside the meteorite base. Together with the mobile forces of the Zerg, the power of these things in battle is no less than that of a few super Zerg.

This may be one of the reasons why the Zerg will let the super Zerg end.

"By the way, isn't it possible to let the biome assist?"

If the biogroups can cooperate to fight together, the subsequent battles will definitely be much easier.

Although this goes against their original intention of disobeying military orders to fight for a chance to fight, Chi Yu and Liu Yuan are both military school graduates, and they obviously have a wider problem than ordinary soldiers. Casualties of one's own side are all desirable.

However, Liu Yuan shook his head regretfully.


Stretching out his finger and pointing out the window, Liu Yuan's face was a little helpless and also a little bit confused.

It is not that no one in the United Fleet thought of asking the biological group to join the battle before, but the third fleet quickly contacted the controller of the biological group, or the other party took the initiative to contact the third fleet. Unexpectedly, it was the Elder Kong Ling of the Elder's House .

However, after asking for help in the battle, the opponent refused without hesitation.The reason is that the loss of the biome is so great that it is no longer possible to gather and attack the Zerg by affecting their emotions, unless the Zerg attacks the biome again.

But the problem is that all subsequent battles will probably break into the 05 theater, that is, the Zerg-infested area, where the biota has long been evacuated.

The implication is that biomes can no longer function in subsequent battles.

Liuyuan didn't know what the elders thought, but at least, although everyone couldn't guess what Elder Kongling meant, they could only accept the fact that the fleet still needed to fight independently.

After telling Chi Yu about this, the other party's reaction was very flat.

"Isn't that obvious?"

Facing Liu Yuan's doubts, Chi Yu smiled lightly.

"Even if it's a camel dragon, can you drive them to attack epic creatures? That's what it means. Elder Kongling should use the Zerg to attack the biological group, but there happens to be a large number of biological groups in order to mobilize the biological group." We won the victory by attacking the Zerg. But after that, we took the initiative to go deep into the Zerg area, where there is a lack of food for the maintenance of the biological group, and we are facing more dangerous enemies. With the powerful crisis perception ability of animals, it is strange to dare to go in."

"I see."

Liu Yuan nodded again to show that he was taught, and he no longer doubted Elder Kong Ling's thoughts, and even felt a little ashamed of his previous doubts.

Chi Yu's explanation is very popular among people who know that Kongling, the controller of the biome, refuses to assist in the fight, but have confidence in the use of the elders' house, and at the same time, they don't know much about the secrets of the friend clan. It can be regarded as an exemption for 8051 Went to a lot of trouble.Of course, whether people who know the inside story think so is another matter.

But since there is no support from the biological group, what to do in the subsequent battle has become a problem.

"Has the command discussed a solution?"

"It's still arguing. Anyway, before meeting with the Third Fleet, they have time to discuss the problem. Of course, this kind of matter is left to them to solve. But after arriving, it's time for us executors to be busy."

Liu Yuan saw these things very clearly.

As an ordinary captain, his ability is not very outstanding.After graduating from the military academy and becoming a captain, he realized how busy the real captain's work is, and he didn't just sit on the bridge and command in the school.There are not only the content of the captain's duties learned in the military academy, but also many trivial matters such as maintaining the harmonious relationship among the members of the ship, rationally deploying the use of ammunition, and coordinating the relationship with other members of the fleet.

As time passed, he also gradually felt that the task was heavy.

Regarding the overall combat mission, he still spends a lot of time thinking about it at the beginning, and then submits his considerations to the headquarters to gain approval and is full of enthusiasm, but as time goes on, because he is busy with trivial matters in the ship, he becomes obedient to the command of the headquarters. "It's good to do your job well" has become his common phrase.

Regardless of what others say, at least he feels that his current ability is just that.

As for the future, let's talk about it later.

Regarding this, even Chi Yu, who was still full of enthusiasm, frowned directly.But looking at his haggard friend, he also felt puzzled in his heart: Is the job of the captain really so difficult?
Liu Yuan didn't explain, and Chi Yu didn't ask either.

The topic once again turned back to the current battle, but the two of them, an ordinary captain of an assault ship, and an ordinary sergeant major of a land assault ship, discussed things that were not very effective. There is only one preparation.

Although the members on the bridge were also dissatisfied with the Marine Corps, seeing that the captain was so familiar with the other party's chief officer, they were doing their own things quietly and did not do anything unpleasant.

The entire bridge was filled with the analysis of the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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