Spore Story

Chapter 750 The decision between friends and insects

Chapter 750 The decision between friends and insects
Thank you Yeyue Black Wing for your monthly ticket support (=w=)

It was three poles high in the sun, and most of the cold air that permeated the earth was dissipated by the shock that covered all the corpses before. At this time, with the efforts of the glowing and glowing father-in-law Sun, he finally fled.

The world above the earth has rarely recovered a trace of warmth.Even the earthworms that shuttle back and forth in the soil have become more active and delightful.And the green grass pushes away the loose soil bit by bit, exposing the thin sharp corners.

However, for the Zerg, it is obviously not so happy.

As long as the climate change is not extreme, the impact on the Zerg will be extremely low, so the Zerg don't care about the so-called warm and cold.However, after being attacked by the biological group before, the Zerg commanders were forced to realize that the Double Moon Star was nothing more than an ordinary ecological planet with planetary civilization level civilized races close to the civilization of the universe. The entire Zerg There are hundreds of thousands if not millions of people occupied by destruction.

But I didn't expect that this time the cheating land came here because of the failure of the transition, and met an even more cheating planet creature that could unite against the enemy's planet, and things became not so simple.

what can we do about it?

Although it has been observed that the biota has dispersed, the members of the biota, that is, the animals, are still staying in place, but they have only resumed their natural way of life.They didn't disappear, they just didn't have a unified command, which didn't make the Zerg commander feel at ease.

On the contrary, after receiving the news of the arrival of another large fleet from the friends from the Zerg who secretly expanded the scope of investigation, the Zerg commander felt that the situation was even more serious.

To be honest, the Zerg didn't pay much attention to warships like the Friends before.

Thinking about it, a lot of space battleships have been destroyed, are you still worried about a few atmospheric floating battleships?
Although in the battle, the warships of the friends are not weak, and they are enough to fight against [-] ordinary Zerg teams, but Zerg battles have always been calculated in tens of thousands, and there is actually no way to face such a fleet. Too much to worry about.But with the continuous encounters with friend warships, the performance of this warship gradually made the Zerg commander a little weird.

These battleships themselves are really not very good, but why do the weapons and operators inside the battleships always make Worm feel worried, as if they seem to have known each other before.In particular, the Thunder Cannon that appeared in the previous Battle of Dongshan, although not very powerful, can restrain plasma weapons and electronic weapons, making the Zerg commander feel a familiar feeling, as if he had met it in the Zerg memory bank. Same.

But when looking through the information he could share, the Zerg commander at the No. 05 Meteorite Base couldn't find anything.And for more information, you need to contact the brood in the universe.But since they broke into the planet's atmosphere before, they have been in the stage of disconnecting from the brood. If the commanders of the three meteorite bases want to exchange information, they need an ancient communication method in the eyes of the Zerg. The reason why the Zerg commander has always been very cautious.

But now there is no time to think about what is there, because there is a question that it must consider: whether to continue to expand the creep?
Although it was blocked by the Pengzu's artillery fire during the period, about [-]% of the creep construction work had been carried out in the past half a day. According to the current progress, the Pengzu unexpectedly did not continue the shelling after taking the upper hand.If it continues, then at most one day, the Zerg will be able to use the creep to unite all the bases to achieve the goal of forming all the Zerg bases into a complete resource system.

At that time, the middle and high-level arms of the Pengzu will be able to appear at the same production speed as the current low-level arms.

No matter how powerful the biota is, it is also limited by natural reproduction. The total number in a certain area is limited, but as long as the resources are sufficient, the Zerg can expand infinitely.At that time, the Zerg in the 05 war zone, which already occupied several high-quality mines, had enough confidence to fight against the creatures and civilized races of the double moon star.

However, the question now is, will the other party give himself a day?
At least in the view of the Zerg commander, it is impossible for a person who can push himself to the present level to really leave this day for himself.

Maybe when the biota dispersed before, it still had a fluke mentality, but when it discovered that the support fleet of the friends had entered the mainland and was about to merge with the fleet that had been surrounded by its own troops before but failed to knock down a ship, that trace As soon as the fluke mentality surfaced, it was pressed down.

After all, reason stands in the majority.

The laying of creeps takes up a lot of resources, and now each sub-base has a great contradiction in choosing whether to develop creeps or concentrate resources to urgently produce a batch of low-level Zerg to make up for the current serious shortage of troops.This is not a dispute within the Zerg, because the Zerg commander in the entire 05 war zone is the only one who is an intelligent creature, and the rest follow orders.

However, this contradiction arose in its own mind, which troubled the worm even more.

If the production of creeps continues, there is no doubt that the small bases will lack the resources to produce low-level units. If the friend clan fleet launches an attack within a day, then only less than [-] sky Zerg will be able to meet the enemy.According to the previous battle conclusions, the winning rate is obviously not high, and the risk is too high.Moreover, that is under the premise that the biological group is not considered, otherwise one's own side is likely to be completely defeated this time.

If you stop the production of creep, you may be able to produce enough troops before the friends attack, but at most you can stop the friends attack, so that the two sides become a stalemate, and it seems a good idea to talk about expanding the range of creep at that time.But in fact, as long as the friends continue to use artillery to attack, the Zerg itself does not have much offensive ability at that time. In addition to the threat of the biota, the production of creeps will not even become a stalemate between the two sides last night, and may be shelled by the other party without any worries. Clean up.The result is that one's own side tries to consume resources, but to no avail.

Moreover, the Zerg did not control the entire planet. It is impossible to say whether the Friends will have more and stronger cards besides the combat power that has appeared now. The size of a floating battleship is too shabby.

Once it is as the Zerg commander thinks, then the Zerg themselves will still have a cup.Thinking about it this way, it seems that the original task of capturing the entire Shuangyue star in the 05 theater is now impossible to complete.

But the Zerg commander is obviously unwilling. Obviously, the 05 war zone has already spread so many sub-bases, and only needs to complete the next step of the creep connection, so the Zerg will be able to gain a firm foothold in the entire Double Moon Star, but they have encountered this kind of thing, so , it wants at least one last fight.

Therefore, the Zerg commander began to adjust the Zerg in the 05 theater.

At this time, the battleship group of the United Fleet finally joined the Third Fleet at the original location of L11.

"Haha, welcome, welcome, the two commanders are tired from the journey, why don't you take a rest first. As for cleaning up some small bases, let our Third Fleet do it, and you can use this to familiarize yourself with the situation here, right?"

Lieutenant General Dia slept soundly for three hours under the care of his adjutant. After a restful sleep without worries, he is now completely full of energy and looks radiant.

In comparison, the two cluster commanders, Haotian and Xingtian, who had just rushed over from their respective flagships relying on the power of Youshen's mind, looked exhausted from the journey.

But once contacted by Pu, no one wants to suffer because of it.

Before the confluence, the final battle plan had already been finalized in the command room of the United Fleet. Of course, this time, more issues were considered comprehensively, and an improvement interval was left instead of all the previous plans. As soon as the result changed Just go wrong with the plan.

The plan stipulates: the fleet will first clean up the small outlying bases, and now that the friends have a certain degree of initiative, everyone will demand stability, seek a positive victory, and advance steadily to squeeze the living space of the Zerg. Kneading is of course much easier.

But not long after this final plan was passed on to the Third Fleet, when I planned to take the opportunity to deal with more small bases and make up for the previous regrets with the accumulated achievements, the United Fleet has already arrived in a hurry, making the third fleet's careful thinking Frustrated.

This made Lieutenant General Dia very depressed.

Hearing the two cluster commanders mentioned by Lieutenant General Dia, they did not show any weakness.

"No, the third group first fought at the No. 03 meteorite base, and then crossed the polar glaciers, trekking thousands of kilometers to squeeze and beat the Zerg into the current beautiful situation in the 05 theater. Although Dongshan regretted it, it still wiped out a large number of them at that time. The small number of Zerg sub-bases and mobile forces have made great contributions. Now that the Third Fleet is exhausted, for the sake of soldiers, please rest well. The rest will be left to our first and second groups.”

Listening to Lieutenant General Haotian's speech, Lieutenant General Xingtian on the side nodded in agreement.

This made Lieutenant General Dia a bit uncomfortable to speak, and the other party put on a big hat of "considering the soldiers", but it was difficult to refute.But if he really wanted to retreat to the back to rest like this, then the soldiers he considered would definitely not appreciate it, and might actually tear himself apart.

I heard that within the United Fleet, the Marine Corps had a large-scale protest because it was unable to participate in the battle.

The road is pretty smooth, and there is no need to worry about some problems, but I have a lot of problems in the third group, and it will be the last straw that breaks the dragon. The current activities of the third group are walking on thin ice.

If you think about it carefully, everyone should not be at a disadvantage.

So Lieutenant General Dia put on a smiling face.

"Thank you for your concern, but before the Battle of Dongshan, the soldiers were all breathless. At this time, whoever said to let them retreat can be in a hurry with whoever, even I, the commander, may not be able to do anything. So I think, or It's good to fight together, although our third group of battleships suffered losses, but not too much, they are just as powerful in battle, and won't hold everyone back."

After speaking, Lieutenant General Dia smiled and pointed to the Third Fleet, which was covered with frost on the hull of the battleship because it was located at an altitude of [-] meters.Covered with a layer of frost, the warships in the fleet look like new from a distance. Even though they know that most of these warships are damaged, the two lieutenant generals can't judge whether it is really so. It's about to collapse as expected.

The two newly arrived lieutenant generals looked at each other and nodded, hesitated for a moment, smiled and greeted lieutenant general Diya and entered the entrance of the shell on the back of the Xinyun, which can be regarded as acquiescing to lieutenant general Dia's proposal.

The remaining details are mainly the work of the staff.

Compared with the bosses discussing the division of labor and work, the subordinates are busy preparing for the war.

Chi Yu's unit is the Marine Corps. Although they roared and followed the battleship before, they still sadly found that they still had no chance to fight.

"What the hell is this!"

Yazhang sadly sat inside the chariot stuffed into the warehouse of the assault ship, smoking a cigarette without a puff, but his eyes were full of sorrow like an old farmer whose farmland had failed. The complaints of the soldiers echoed from time to time outside the chariot, which made the The cliff chief felt very depressed.

"The battleship troop swishes past, kills the enemy, and then swishes to the next place. Damn it, our marines are simply following the show, what a mess!"

"Forget it, anyway, let's run along this time, and change to the flying chariot unit after returning, and it should be fine by then."

"I'm afraid that if I don't get the battle merit this time, they won't change it after I go back!"

The soldiers outside suddenly fell silent. In fact, many of them made a joint protest out of resentment caused by the imbalance of "others are fighting in full swing, but they themselves are not fighting".But this time, those who came chasing after the fleet, after they calmed down, began to consider the relationship between their military exploits and the transition of the troops.

If there is not enough credit, it will be another twists and turns if you go back and talk about transformation and changing clothes.

"What's the noise! ​​Is it useful to talk so much?"

The outside of the car seemed to recall a familiar voice, Yazhang's heart moved, and he was about to stand up from the car to greet the other party, but the voice outside came again, making him stop temporarily.

"With so much time, why don't you think about what opportunities our marines can intervene in the future battles. Doing that will be more useful than complaining a hundred or a thousand sentences here!"

The voice was easy to distinguish, it was Sergeant Chief Chi Yu who had just rushed back from the bridge.

Hearing this, the leader of the cliff was a little ashamed. Compared with the soldiers who didn't understand the overall battle plan, the leader of the cliff like him should really follow what Chi Yu said to find the fighter.But at this time, he was sulking in the chariot listening to the complaints of the soldiers.From this point of view, he is really unqualified.

I don't know how Chi Yu got the evaluation of "not suitable as a commander" from the military academy.

Shaking his head, watching the cigarette in his hand light up a little bit, Yazhang smothered it fiercely and threw it into the trash can. He got up and pushed open the hatch above the chariot's head to go out, but he was greeted with an ecstatic ouch.


"Are you okay?"

Ya Chang was sweating profusely. Who would have thought that Sergeant Chi Yu was leaning over to open the hatch of the chariot, but by coincidence, he was knocked on by the hatch that was suddenly opened by Ya Chang.

Looking at the soldiers around him who were snickering, and Chi Yu who was rubbing his chin and smiling wryly, Yazhang's eyes flickered and he couldn't speak.

"Well, did the headquarters have anything to say?"


Still smiling wryly, he turned around and sat on the chariot, seeing Yazhang’s angry eyes wide open and running away in all directions, probably trying to figure out how to get the marines to fight, Chi Yu shook his head after withdrawing his gaze.

"Focus on the overall situation. The commanders are all running to the Xinyun to have a meeting to discuss the next battle. We still have to fight for the Marine Corps."

Speaking of this, as if just remembering it, Chi Yu turned to look at his colleague Ya Zhang.

"By the way, I told the commander of the gorge and the cliff leaders on several other warships about this situation. They are building a temporary communication network and invited the regiment commander and army commander to join in. Everyone just discusses it together."

"Okay, you kid is really good."

Looking at Chi Yu in front of him, Ya Zhang became even more suspicious of why the other party had become a sergeant instead of a commander.

The construction of a temporary communication network is very simple, just need to consider the issue of spiritual connection and distance.At this time, the warships of the three major clusters gathered together, and the distance between them was more than [-] meters for safety. The two farthest cliffs in the entire fleet were about two kilometers away.

This is also the reason why the fleet does not line up in a straight line.

The temporary communication network constructed by means of a tactical network connects everyone's mental power to form a small communication network. The atmosphere of the discussion follows the chief officer of the Marine Corps among the 24 battleships and several assault groups who came with him. The head of the regiment and the army commander joined in and became enthusiastic.

By the time the discussions between the headquarters and the Marine Corps members were over, Father Sun had turned to the western sky.

"It's already 16:00."

Lieutenant General Dia looked at the two Lieutenant Generals Haotian and Xingtian who left one after another, and sighed slightly in his heart.

When it comes to night, although it has little effect on Zerg and Friends, one of them is born with night vision, and the other relies on simple skills to obtain night vision and can use mental power to enhance observation. No matter how you say it, it is not as easy as fighting in the daytime.

In comparison, the Zerg, which relies on numerical superiority to fight, obviously benefits more from fighting at night, so the friends also have some problems with night battles.

But the discussion is over, and the battle is about to begin.

The results of the discussion of the Marine Corps were submitted at around 15:00, and the discussion on the allocation of the Marine Corps was held an hour ago.

The opponent was also very reasonable, explaining that they were giving each unit a chance to exercise without affecting the overall situation of the battle.The tone is very tactful, but everyone understands the meaning, and the current situation is not easy to refuse, so the headquarters adopted their suggestion after discussion, and slightly adjusted the battle plan.

Of course, all under the premise that it will not affect the battle.

The commanders of the Pengzu at this time are not arrogant enough to think that the current enemy can be manipulated at will.

Around 16:20, the fleet began to clear the Zerg bases along the arc with the meteorite base as the core.

Every time it reached the periphery of a Zerg sub-base, the fleet first launched a mid-range and long-range bombardment, and at the same time released a force of 500 soldiers from Xiasan to the ground.

If during this period of time the insects have little counterattack power and choose to stick to it, then the self-propelled guns of the Marine Corps will push over with the fleet.Generally speaking, such bases are considered useless things abandoned by the Zerg, and the friends don't need them as specimens, so they cleaned up the building, burned the creep, and continued to the next goal.

It was not until around 20:00 in the evening that the fleet discovered a problem.

The defense forces of the peripheral Zerg sub-bases seem to be too weak.

There are only a few defensive Zergs, not even Zergs that support work, and there are even very few basic defensive buildings. Most of them are still in the statistics not long after the L11 bombardment, as if the biological group attacked the Zerg After that, there are no new additions.

That is to say...

"The Zerg is actively shrinking the line of defense!"

(End of this chapter)

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