Spore Story

Chapter 751 Chariot Charge

Chapter 751 Chariot Charge
As the fleet commander expected, the Zerg were not only shrinking their defenses, but also completely adjusted their expansion strategy.

Previously, the Zerg Commander had proposed two options for himself in the face of the fact that the biological group had repelled the main force of the Zerg:

One is to stop the expansion of creep, and instead accelerate the production of low-level Zerg in various places, so as to improve their own defense and counterattack capabilities in the short term;

The other is the opposite, continue to expand the creep, and use the strategy of sub-base level-by-level resistance to contain the warship troops of the friends, and buy time for connecting most of the sub-bases with the creep, in order to counterattack strongly after the connection is successful.

But after careful consideration, it found that none of these were good choices.

Even if the former one blocks the friend clan fleet in the early stage, it will make itself lack the ability to develop in the future, so that when facing the friend clan with a large rear to gather strength to attack, one's own side will become weak in succession; and the latter method, However, the period of time when the creep is connected is too dangerous, and it is impossible to calculate how many bases are needed to stop the floating friend clan fleet for enough time, so the success rate is still too low.

In the end, it chose a compromise method.

That is, abandon the sub-bases with little hope in the periphery, and use creep to connect the main mining areas and the sub-bases in the inner circle that have been developed for a long time, so that the Zerg meteorite base and surrounding bases can form an overall base group in advance .

Although this move will obviously reduce the scale of the overall base group after expansion, the intensity of expansion is not as large as the area with a radius of more than 100 kilometers at the beginning, perhaps only an area with a radius of [-] to [-] kilometers, but under the current situation , but it is a choice to abandon the pawns and protect the commander. Once successful, at least the Zerg will have the basic resistance strength and stabilize their development potential.

However, there are still many issues that need attention.

On the other hand, when the combined fleet of the three major clusters destroyed five or six sub-bases outside the Zerg Meteorite Base successively, but encountered only sporadic resistance, they finally realized that the Zerg had abandoned the outer bases and concentrated their forces on the inner circle intention, although this is only part of the other party's thinking.

"Where's your Canglong? Now is the time to need information on the Zerg base!"

Lieutenant General Xing Tian unceremoniously connected to Lieutenant General Dia's mental power, and then asked about the situation of the Canglong that monitored the meteorite base.Before coming here, he and his colleagues had heard a lot about the Canglong and Nanling, the two special warships of the third group, which obtained a lot of Zerg information during the war and provided traction for the bombardment under the Zerg's eyelids. .

Therefore, everyone is also very curious about these two warships.

However, this time, it was clear that everyone's luck was not very good.

"The Canglong was previously transferred to monitor the main Zerg swarm. After reuniting with our side, considering that the battle was too long and the mental pressure was high, we were evacuated to L11 for a short rest."

"Uh, how could it be such a coincidence."

He muttered to himself, but he didn't pass it through the link of mental power. Although he seemed irritable, Lieutenant General Xing Tian was still a group commander, and he still knew the basic priorities.However, he was really depressed about not being able to provide information from the Canglong during the whole time.

"By the way, what about the Nanling?"

The Canglong is resting, so the Nanling should at least be working.

From Lieutenant General Xing Tian's point of view, although Lieutenant General Dia's third group suffered a big loss in the 05 war zone, the opponent's basic military literacy is still sufficient, otherwise it would not be able to reach that position.Therefore, at least one reconnaissance troop should be maintained to ensure that the cluster's access to Zerg information will not be cut off, and the other party will not be unaware.

Sure enough, Lieutenant General Dia did not shake his head this time.

"The Nanling is still moving towards the inner circle of the Zerg, and it is only close to the area about [-] kilometers away from the meteorite base. According to the current investigation situation, at least the Zerg sub-bases in the unexpected area of ​​[-] kilometers are resigned to their fate. .”

"Why is it so slow? Isn't the Swordfish class like the Nanling, the fastest, able to reach subsonic speed?"

Lieutenant General Xing Tian was full of doubts. As for the so-called resignation performance of the insects, he didn't think that he could force his friends into an enemy mobilized by the whole people on the ground, and he would choose to resign after only one biome attack.

"The Nanling is not marching, but relying on the misty clouds to sneak. The places it passes are all inside the Zerg, and the Zerg reconnaissance troops are densely packed, so they can only cover up by relying on the speed of the polar region. Otherwise, even if there is no cloud provided by Elder Zero A good thing like the mist will be found wrong by the Zerg."

In this case, it seems that the current Nanling can't provide much usable information.

The United Fleet discussed it internally, and everyone felt that the Zerg could not really accept their fate, so the possibility of shrinking the defense and establishing an absolute territory in the inner circle is very high.And we must oppose what the enemy does. With this principle in mind, the United Fleet discussed and believed that at this time it should turn to attack the inner circle of the swarm and break the possible shrinking defense plan of the swarm.

However, when carrying out this kind of plan, one must be careful about the movements of the many sub-bases outside the Zerg.Because no one could tell, the Zerg really gave up on these places. After all, the buildings in the sub-base could still work.If the fleet rushes into the inner circle of the Zerg, and the opponent's outer sub-base suddenly produces a large number of soldiers, and the fleet dumplings are outsourced at that time, the combined fleet may become the laughing stock of everyone.

But the United Fleet is busy attacking the inner circle, and has no time to attack the outer sub-bases.

This situation that made the fleet members frown, but it made the captain of the marines shine.

"Ahem, everyone, I have an idea."

In the spiritual network, the chief officer of the marine corps here, who was originally calm, suddenly interrupted the discussion of several lieutenant generals, which immediately focused everyone's attention on him, and the spiritual network was even quieter immediately. The protests in the fleet had only been happening for a few hours.


Lieutenant General Haotian did not pause at all, and immediately gave the other party a chance to speak.

"Yes, Your Excellency the Lieutenant General."

The colonel calmed down, organized his words mentally, and began to speak on behalf of the marines on the Internet through his mental power. He knew that this was an opportunity that was extremely important to the marines.

"The marines who came with the United Fleet this time have a total of 24 cliffs. Adding one cliff brought by the Third Fleet out of insurance considerations, there are 25 cliffs and five valleys, which is close to the strength of two regiments. , more than 2600 people, a total of more than 300 tanks of various types, enough to participate in some small and medium-scale battles.

At this time, on behalf of the Marine Corps, I request that these troops be united into a temporary armored army, and we will be responsible for the cleanup of the Zerg outlying bases, so as to provide the necessary assistance for the fleet's assault mission. "

The eyes of several combined fleet commanders who were discussing suddenly lit up.

Previously, it was just an expedient measure for each battleship to carry no more than a hundred marines. Although they knew that they carried these marines this time, it was because of habit, and they subconsciously thought that these were just a few. Participate in some missions to sweep up the remnants and earn some credit for the small troops.

But this time, after hearing the summary of the head of the Marine Corps, they found that their fleet actually brought out nearly two regiments of tank troops, which together were close to the power of a battleship squadron.

What's more, the Zerg base is built on land after all, and using the army to deal with it does have its own advantages.

"I think it's feasible. The Marine Corps has its own set of tactics. Although it didn't show much before, but in the first and second Zerg invasions, the land troops performed very well. Mobile artillery, assault tanks and assault guns, we should have confidence in dealing with these outlying sub-bases."

After the colonel finished speaking, the Internet paused for a moment, and Lieutenant General Dia first stood up to express his opinion.

In a purely defensive battle like the Battle of Dongshan, although there were not many opportunities for the armored troops to perform, the bravery and elite of the soldiers in defense were remarkable.What's more, most of them have been upgraded from the former three major armies of the army, and they are a bit sweet and emotional, unlike the ordinary sailors in the fleet, many of whom are recruits and ignore the strength of the marines.

There was one person who took the lead, and the staff officers and lieutenant generals around him had their own analysis, and they also expressed their agreement one after another.

The colonel of the Marine Corps, who had been waiting silently for a while, suddenly became excited.The third Zerg invasion, from the beginning to the present, seems to be a performance by the battleship troops, and the marines didn't even pick up any scum. This not only started to sound "the army is useless" in the society, but even among the troops. It hurts the colonel who has lived in the land army from the time of the army to the present.

Unlike those ordinary soldiers who have turned their minds to the flying tank unit, he firmly believes that the era of the army has not passed.Although the Army has now become the Marine Corps, the fighting space is still the earth, which is enough for him.

Therefore, he hopes that the Marine Corps can get an opportunity to perform independent operations more than ordinary soldiers, so that people can understand its importance.

Just wait, no matter when and where, even if you are rushing to the universe, you must always keep your feet on the ground, so land troops will never become obsolete.

This is the colonel's belief.

And when everyone in the command headquarters agreed to his application, and the fleet began to descend and put down the Marine Corps on the periphery of a Zerg sub-base, he became even more determined in his belief.

Isn't this the opportunity for the Marine Corps to play?
Compared with the colonel who is full of conviction, ordinary soldiers obviously don't think so much.

After receiving the order that the marines were about to act independently to attack the Zerg outlying sub-bases, Chi Yu and the others were excited but serious.Because after that, the army lost the support of the battleship troops, and it was a real test for the Marine Corps to use more than 300 tanks and a total of 2671 people to attack a dozen Zerg sub-bases in the periphery.

However, you must never show your worries, especially in front of friends who have some kind of competitive relationship.

"This time it's finally time for our marines to show their faces. Haha, Liu Yuan, don't worry, the outlying sub-bases and the like will never leave even a bird in front of our marines."

"That's right, you marines have to work hard, and we will pick you up after we solve the meteorite base."

"Haha, no need, the freight fleets of the third group and the first and second groups are coming. Although they can't fight, they are enough to support us in the battle dominated by our marines, and there are still remaining marines inside." Team, this time it depends on our performance, the fleet only needs to rest assured to attack the meteorite base."



The two were similar for a moment, then laughed and patted each other on the back.

"Take care of yourself."

"You too."

This may be a competition between the fleet and the Marine Corps, but at least everyone knows the priorities, the Marine Corps is under a lot of pressure, and the fleet is not small.

At 20:30, the marines landed on the ground and began temporary formation.

The cargo fleet of the third group mobilized from L11 will approach the location of the Marine Corps at around 21:00, and will bring a regiment of Marine Corps from the third group to supplement it, making the land force here a complete military scale. The scale of four thousand is close to 5000 people.

As for the freight fleets of the first and second clusters, they will have to wait until six or seven in the morning tomorrow, when they will be the marines of the three major clusters, a total of one army and three armies.At that time, maybe the Marine Corps can turn to support the fleet's attack on the meteorite base. If that's the case, the Marine Corps will be embarrassed.

However, during the period from this time to six or seven o'clock in the morning, the Marine Corps in the early stage had to bear huge combat pressure independently.

"We were assigned to a gorge and a cliff by the Second Regiment of the Provisional First Army, and we were about to meet up there."

The leader of the cliff waved the order and rushed to the group of chariots on the cliff where Chi Yu was. The soldiers who had been impatient for a long time heard the order and immediately rushed into the chariot, started the motor, and started quickly rolling over and destroying the Zerg creep After that, the bare earth that hasn't had time to grow new grass.

A little flying dust was raised, and the chariot troops pulled out the long dragon and assembled towards the destination.

In less than ten minutes, the entire chariot unit was lined up neatly and reorganized, and the muzzle was aimed at the Zerg base a few kilometers away, but the other party turned a blind eye to the movements of the friends.

The colonel, who was the commander of the temporary first army, glanced at the unit, and gave an order. The assault tank he was in took the lead, and the unit quickly rushed to a sub-base of the Zerg in the distance.

The fleet had just lifted off at this time, and although it was turning, it was not in a hurry to leave.

The colonel and Chi Yu who saw this knew that it was because the fleet's care of the marines was also a test.If the marines perform well, the fleet can leave with peace of mind, if not... no explanation.

"At a close distance of 3000!"

"The chariot troops attack the formation, turn around, and defend the gap attack from the Zerg base on the right!"

Accompanied by the colonel's order, Chi Yu turned the steering wheel with a smile, and the chariot followed the large army in a small arc, pulling out a long trail of dust to approach the target.

In the Zerg sub-base in the distance, as usual, only one or two thousand Zerg soldiers and sky units appeared, and there were not many defensive buildings, only sixty or seventy, most of which were still used for air defense.

Such a base, they are confident that they can kill it at the cost of the polar regions.

And the facts were just as they expected, there were not many accidents. The battle of the chariot troop was as if the fantasy world had simulated countless battles:
At a distance of 2000 meters, first contact with the Zerg flying troops;
The rapid-fire gun of the assault tank that can be used in both air and ground was quickly raised. It was specially used to deal with the low-end and mid-end units of the Zerg. knock down.The main battle tanks bombarded the insect swarms and sub-bases in the distance while moving, and the self-propelled guns even launched attacks on the defensive insect-like buildings.

At a distance of 1700 meters, less than a thousand battle bee swarms rushing over have been scattered;

Most of the assault vehicles began to shift their attack targets, instead of ending the ammunition projection, they directly leveled the rapid-fire guns and launched attacks on the Zerg defensive buildings in the distance.The distance between the chariot and the Zerg land units was close to 500, and the weapons of both sides had already started roaring. The swarm was blown away from time to time, while the chariot troops kept moving, trying to avoid the Zerg attack.

At a distance of 1500 meters, losses began to appear;
Several chariots were hit by Zerg land attack weapons in a row. Although the armor of the chariots was thick, they were still vulnerable to Zerg attacks and had to lie down.Even the lowest damage is corroded armor or tracks, stopping to move.This shows a strange phenomenon between the friends and the Zerg at this time: neither side can defend against the other's attack.

Fortunately, the time interval for the friend team to attack the Zerg is relatively short, and the formation can also be kept sparse, failing to provide the Zerg's weapons with a chance to kill the Zerg.The assault guns and self-propelled guns of the tank troops have also killed several defensive buildings, reduced the pressure of the charge, and cleared most of the land Zerg.At this time, there are only three or two kittens left in the sky Zerg, and most of the rapid-fire guns have shifted their targets, taking over from the tank guns and attacking the approaching Zerg land units.

At a distance of 1000 meters, the victory of the chariot troops is in sight;

After losing six tanks and injuring 27 vehicles, more than 20 self-propelled guns of the tank unit completely cleared the 23 Zerg land defense buildings facing the attack direction of the tank unit.Among the remaining Zerg, there are only some solitary Zerg flying units and long-range attacking Zerg land units, which can still pose a threat to tank troops.

At this time, the Zerg ground troops had already contacted the chariot troops, and the two sides fought at zero distance.Wearing five generations of armor and trained in the fantasy world, the friend tribe infantry full of veteran atmosphere, holding their weapons calmly but excitedly, rushed out of the infantry fighting vehicles that did not slow down, and then rushed towards the Zerg Soldiers launch precision attacks.

With a distance of 700 meters, there is no suspense in the battle;

The Zerg flying units in the sky were called by the rapid-fire guns of the assault vehicles, or they flew away or were cleared.More than 1000 of them rushed over, and only a dozen survived at this time.

However, the defensive buildings in the Zerg sub-base have been cleaned up, both for air and ground.At this time, the self-propelled artillery had already begun to attack the core buildings of the Zerg; as for the Zerg land units that had collided with the chariot troops, there were only two or three hundred left, not even enough for the soldiers to squeeze their teeth. Insufficient, but at the moment there is not one left.

At a distance of 300 meters, the chariot troops began to slow down.

Use incendiary bombs to clear the creeps around and inside the Zerg base, and the core building of the Zerg has been killed.The self-propelled artillery is still attacking the few remaining production buildings, and there are sporadic assault vehicles to clean up those buildings that are still producing dogs and other Zerg.

The victory of the chariot troops is certain, but the bugs don't seem to want to leave a drop of resources for the friends.

"Careful to the left!"


Chi Yu, who was sitting in the driver's seat, immediately discovered the new body of the poisonous stinger dragon wriggling from the Zerg building through the viewing window, and immediately issued a warning.

The sub-gunner with a machine gun on top of the tank immediately aimed at the target.A shuttle of ammunition passed by, and the poisonous stinger dragon, which had just exposed half of its body from the production channel, turned into a corpse without even breaking out of its larva state.

Chi Yu looked at the disgusting liquid and broken Zerg buildings around him, and even felt a little bored.

From the beginning of the battle to the end, the whole process took less than 10 minutes, and he felt that the battle was over just after charging.

"Forget it, at least let the guys in the fleet feel at ease. Cut, I'm so upset."

Looking at the United Fleet flying towards the Zerg Meteorite Base, Chi Yu, who opened the hatch and sat on the roof of the chariot, spat a little dissatisfied.

After a moment of helplessness, looking at the surrounding troops who began to clean up the chariots, he regained his vitality.

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(End of this chapter)

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