Spore Story

Chapter 752

Chapter 752 Troubles of Network Nodes

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White clouds are fluttering, the breeze is stirring...

Well, this is crap.

For the Marine Corps running on the barren land, it was cleaned up by bugs, and some places were even made flat, but it was just convenient for everyone to drive; but for the fleet flying at an altitude of [-] meters In other words, the scene of frost hanging on the shell has long been used to, the weather or something, as long as it is not a storm, anything else is fine.

But for the members of the general headquarters located on Xinpeng Island, it is slightly different.

The battle on the front line is indeed concerned about people's hearts, but no matter how the front line fights, whether it wins or loses, it doesn't mean that the friend clan will stop developing, and the friend clan government will do nothing but fight.

At least for now, the Pengzu is not in a desperate situation.

Therefore, they have to work hard to use the time that is not tight now, to develop, develop, and develop again...

The staff who are busy shuttling in the government office building are still wandering around like hardworking bees.A Dunjia man wearing a neat short jacket and a strange hat rushed past everyone, arousing curiosity in the corridor.Of course, it is not the person who is curious, but what he does.

However, everyone understood the confidentiality policy, and they were only curious for a moment while they were walking, and they turned around to continue their respective work without disturbing the inquiry.

The Dunjia orderly, who didn't know about all this, walked through the corridor familiarly. After knocking three times, he passed the permission and pushed the door in. He respectfully placed the thick documents in his hand on the desk, and then He glanced at the entire office curiously.

very common.

It's only a few tens of square meters, except for a few paintings and brush characters that are not known by whose hands, there is no extra decoration.Three similar desks are placed in a row, two of which can be clearly seen as temporary additions, which seem a bit out of place with the surroundings, and the two sitting next to them are buried in the mountains of documents on these two desks , unidentified.

It should be a coolie assistant or something.

On the contrary, it obviously belonged to the room itself. The person sitting in the main seat at this time seemed much more relaxed, and the Dunjia man also put the documents on this table.However, it's not because the other party is free to throw it to this person, but because these documents need to be handed over to the current supreme ruler of the friend clan--Elder Lingxue.

"Okay, let's go down."

There was a sound of chasing guests away, and there was no dissatisfaction. The Dunjia orderly, who was accustomed to it, bowed and saluted, and then closed the door and left the hut.

When he turned to leave, he seemed to hear the beautiful voice of the elder inside with some smiles.

"Come on, Kong Huan, there's another pile."

Then there was a moan.

The orderly smiled sympathetically.


"No way, hey, Lingxue, this is obviously your job!"

Kong Huan, who was pulled by the young man, was looking at the pile of documents on his temporarily added small table with black lines. God knows why there are still friends after the division of labor. So many documents are sent here to the supreme ruler of the friend clan?Sure enough, should we continue to reform the friend clan government system?
Because he was too lazy to get so many documents, Kong Huan once again came up with the idea of ​​further deepening the reform of the government system and strengthening the division of labor.

However, he turned his head and glanced at the clean desktop of Lingxue and her assistant, but knew that most of the documents had been piled up in his place, and suddenly felt dissatisfied and full of resentment.

However, since Lingxue did this to Kong Huan, there is obviously a solution.

She sighed sadly, put her hands on the pile of documents on the empty table, her eyes deliberately made a foggy scene, no matter how she looked at it, she looked false, but she didn't stop.

"In the beginning, didn't you say that you wanted to help us?"

Kong Huan couldn't help shivering with the tone of a resentful woman.

"Forget it, since Kong Huan feels that he can't fulfill his promise, we can't embarrass you. I feel sorry for the feelings and life that I have given, I... ah~"

"Forget it, let me come."

Really unable to bear the emptiness of the other party's funny movements, he hit Lingxue's head with a knife, and seeing the other party's expression of covering his head and squinting his eyes, he couldn't laugh or cry.

But in this way, wouldn't he have to continue.

The emptiness with tears streaming down her face, the sadness at this time is obviously much more real than what Lingxue pretended to be, but it can't touch the darker Lingxue's heart at all.Hearing Kong Huan's speech, her slender fingers that had only touched the document with her fingertips immediately retracted.

Afterwards, the smiling Lingxue covered her forehead with her hands and bouncing back to her desk; while the mournful Kongfan, of course, continued to bury her head in the documents; as for the assistant who had been making soy sauce, she said she would not participate.

"But speaking of it, in terms of the shadows and the technology department, don't you want to take a look at it?"

The sky outside seemed to be getting darker, and it was obvious that it was going to be the end of the day. After Lingxue put down the small stack (really only a small stack) of documents transferred from the empty table, she turned her head to look at unreal.

After most of the files were shifted from the right side of the desktop to the left side, the browsing speed seemed to be a lot slower and unreal. At this time, he also looked up at the certain woman who threw himself into the work hell.

He froze for a moment, as if recalling what the other party said, before shaking his head.

"The shadow system has been perfected internally. If there is any important information, it will naturally be analyzed and sent to the corresponding department first. Only very important but confidential information will be directly handed over to me. Usually, I don't manage , as long as the network nodes within the system are controlled, the system will be able to run on its own without breaking away from my control."

"Yes, the network node, this thing is really easy to use."

"of course."

Emptiness is full of pride.

The network nodes of the shadow system are, of course, illusory.

The entire friendzu network has now become a whole after a short period of development.

This whole is divided into many parts at the same time, such as government network, army network, various factory networks, school network and so on.

Each independent network has an important area that exists as an information storage center and a node connected to the friend network, which is generally served by a soul-level energy body with a calm personality and who does not like activities; because of the wide coverage of important networks, The reason for the high degree of secrecy is handed over to the Youshen class; as for the four Yinshen, they are the core nodes of the entire Pengzu large network system.

If the friendzu network is compared to the sea, then the networks of various departments are the information rivers connecting the sea.

For example, the government network, its core nodes and information centers are several elders born in government affairs such as Lingxue and Die Wu.They are like the mouth of a river of information. If members of the entire government network want to enter the network of friends, any information they exchange will inevitably need to pass through these elders.

As a result, most of the government information needs the support of the Friends Network to disseminate it to the outside world.

That is to say, almost all information exchanges related to network-related government affairs will pass through the information database specially prepared for the network, separated from the consciousness of several government affairs node elders such as Lingxue, so as to leave files in it.

In this way, any government exchange of information will be monitored by several network nodes.

And because Pengzu is vigorously developing the Pengzu network, not only is it directly connected to the communication network, but also incorporates many temporary document exchanges, identity file information, business transaction information, etc. into the Pengzu network, which is convenient While exchanging information, it also strengthens the monitoring of the society by network nodes.

In this way, the House of Elders ensured direct control over the political affairs of the friends.

Similarly, for important departments such as the Military Academy, the Law Court, and the Ministry of Technology, the external nodes of their networks are all served by the elders of the elders.

With the rapid development of network technology, the importance of such nodes will increase day by day.

In this regard, of course the most profound understanding is the fantasy trio.

This is also one of the reasons why there are many elders of the Peng clan, but not many people can participate in the battle.Because compared to taking the risk of participating in frontal combat directly as a combat force, it is obviously more important for the elders to rely on their ultra-high brain speed, the immortality of their energyized bodies, and their huge information capacity and analysis capabilities as network nodes. It can effectively enhance the overall strength of the friends.

However, after all, there are only dozens of elders, and the four Yin gods need to be responsible for the core nodes and information database of the entire Pengzu network. Therefore, for a large number of factories, schools and other private institutions, the network nodes are transferred to energy-based soul-level serve.

Of course, out of safety considerations, these soul-level selections are obviously cautious.

As a result, a representative new profession has emerged in the friend clan society: network node.Any agency that wants to grow its internal network needs to hire them.

Also, because of the development of the friends network, more other occupations have emerged one after another.

For example, the Yueling Network entry school that specially trains Yueling people to enter the network, the training school that teaches Dunjia people how to use ordinary spiritual power amplitude instruments to enter the Pengzu network, and the factory that designs network external devices for various ethnic groups, etc.

Closer to home.

It can be seen from the above that the application of the Internet in Pengzu has begun to expand.

As one of the core technologies of the existing Pengzu large network, the source of the spiritual power network is the spiritual power network within the shadow system, so the development of the shadow network is the most advanced.

Inside the entire shadow system, the identity has been calibrated with spiritual power to prevent counterfeiting. At the same time, relying on the shadow network to form an internal network independent of the friend network.

The entire shadow network external node does not have other institutional network multi-node settings, but only one, and that is Void.

In other words, any information that needs to be transmitted from the Shadow Network to the external network will pass through the part of the information base separated from the illusory consciousness.In this way, the empty illusion does not need to pay attention deliberately, and can know all the information sent out from the shadow system.

At the same time, a good node often also serves as the information center inside the network. The network representatives are servers, websites, databases... these names.

Therefore, most of the information exchanged within the shadow system is also carried out through the nodes provided by Unreal.

This seems to put a lot of pressure on Kong Huan, but in fact, the amount of information exchanged by tens of thousands of members of the entire shadow system is just a drizzle for Kong Huan, who is the peak of the Youshen level and the consciousness of the friend clan leader.

He sometimes even calculated that the amount of information exchange and calculation that can be supported by the ability of his main consciousness may exceed the four Yin gods, but he is limited by the quality of the ghost level and cannot better exert the ability of the main consciousness.

But having said so much, it actually shows that in the normal state, the empty illusion's control over the shadow system is absolute.

Of course, if there is a problem with a member of the shadow system, deliberately not using the shadow system, but using the language used by ordinary people to communicate with the target, it will involve other security agencies, so I won’t say much here.

"The shadow system is what you are doing anyway, as long as there are no problems."

Lingxue waved her hands as if she didn't care.

"However, recently, Aiyi seems to be complaining about the information exchange within the technical department, which takes up too much of her calculations, so that she can't concentrate on her work. Let you share it."


If Lingxue didn't know the inside story of Kong Huan, she obviously wouldn't say that.

According to the research and speculation of the Pengzu Technology Department, there is theoretically no upper limit to the amount of information that can be stored (memorized) by an ordinary Energized Psyche.But in reality, if the technology department hadn't specially developed the technology of separating consciousness to form an information base for network technology, it would be difficult for ordinary people to quickly recall the content of more than 20 years, which would turn the information center into a write-in A sad hard drive that is fast but difficult to read.

Of course, after all, such a good technology has appeared, so relying on the new method of separating consciousness to form an information base, the information center provided by the nodes can already well meet the needs of everyone.

Especially after the promotion of this kind of technology, as long as anyone in the entire Dapeng clan system can feel their own consciousness, they will become geniuses with an unforgettable memory.Regarding the use of these abilities, the friends did not keep it secret.

On the other hand, compared to the amount of memory, the amount of calculation has become the biggest limitation.

According to experiments, the computing power of a Youshen-level energy body can support the information exchange of up to 1 people at the same time. The body can only support about 1000 people, depending on the situation.

In comparison, a Yinshen-level energy body can support at least a million-scale quantity, which is speculation.Because the entire Friends Clan now includes friends, moon spirits, Dunjia people, and even Shadow Clan people equipped with external equipment, only 10,000+ people can connect to the Friends Clan network, so it is impossible to test a Yinshen level limit.

What's more, it is impossible for the Pengzu to put Yinshen, Youshen, and even soul-level personal calculations on the Internet, because they still have to live.Therefore, the members who act as nodes in the Pengzu network generally pay only 30% of the computing power for the network.

Insufficient, use the way of multi-node sharing.

For example, in the Government Administration Council, only 7000 to [-] people need to use the Internet from time to time, but not only Lingxue, the Yin God, but also three Nether Gods are responsible for the node work.

In comparison, Kong Huan, who was originally only at the peak of the Youshen level, due to the identity of the main consciousness, has the most calculations in the friend clan, because he can borrow the abilities of the entire friend clan members.In fact, if it is not for the consideration of security, the core of the entire Pengzu network only needs one person, after all, there are only 10,000+ users of the Pengzu network today.

It is also because of understanding this that Lingxue proposes to ask Konghuan to help Aiyi share the network computing here.

However, emptiness is doubt.

"Although there are more than 1 in the technical department that need to be connected to the network, besides Aiyi, there are two elders and a dozen attendants. These numbers, even considering the 30% ratio that does not affect life and work, are enough to support More than 1 people are online at the same time, right?"

"You should discuss this with Aiyi. I don't know the specific situation."

Lingxue waved her hand: "But I guess it's because Aiyi thinks 'wasting my calculations where I don't need them'. After all, not everyone likes to turn their consciousness space into a vegetable market, especially It's her quiet personality."

"The vegetable market..."


Kong Huan couldn't help laughing out loud. Thinking about it carefully, this description is really appropriate. Although a lot of people don't really talk and talk in the communication center provided by the node owner, the information they exchange must pass through this center. It's like there are so many people talking and arguing there.

From this point of view, it should be Aiyi who wants to be lazy, right?After all, when the network was first built, it was said that each person needs to share the amount, and it is very troublesome to change a node.

However, he finally had an excuse to abandon this mountain of documents and escape from Lingxue's clutches. Even if he didn't intend to agree with Aiyi's idea, he would not refuse this opportunity.

"...So, that's the reason."


Kong Huan, who had already contacted Aiyi through the Internet, heard the complaints from the other party, which was exactly the same as what Lingxue had guessed, except that Aiyi's situation was more complicated.

Since the node holders are also responsible for the information center, the amount of knowledge the node holders have determines the popularity of the information center, and the higher the popularity, the higher the flow of people is.And Aiyi, as a leader in the scientific community of the friends, possesses a wealth of scientific research knowledge, even if a small part is opened through the information center, it is enough to make the following technicians flock to it.

In comparison, the two elders and more than a dozen attendants supported by the Pengzu Presbyterian House are completely incomparable.

In this way, the amount of calculations that should have been evenly distributed according to the plan caused serious injustice because the technicians floated to Aiyi like plants tending to the light.

With the total amount unchanged, the information exchange that Aiyi really has to be responsible for at the same time has been maintained at more than [-] for a long time, and the combined responsibility of the other two elders and a dozen attendants is not as much as Aiyi.

These things account for about 70% of Aiyi's calculations, which makes Aiyi, who already needs to put a lot of computing power into her scientific research, feel embarrassed.

In this way, even adding another Youshen will not help.

But Kong Huan is different, he not only has a huge amount of calculations that can be easily afforded, but more importantly, Kong Huan has scientific research information that is no less than Aiyi.Don't forget that he also holds the technical module of the Civilization Control Center, and was a member of the technical department before, participating in many technical researches.

Although in terms of fineness and depth, Void may not be as good as Aiyi, but in terms of the breadth of information, Aiyi, who specializes in energy, cannot compare with Void, which casts a large area of ​​nets.

And those researchers, most of whom are leaders in their field, have relatively less demand for specialized knowledge. The main purpose of joining the network is to discover the details that they have overlooked, and to discover from a wider range of information. available roads.

Such a demand means that what Konghuan can provide is more than Aiyi.

As for now, as the information exchange function generated by the network becomes more and more obvious, the internal network information exchange of the technical department is also more frequent, and more and more people with external access rights use the network of the technical department. By 'site', of course it is more popular.

However, the server girl of Aiyi expressed that she was overwhelmed.

Therefore, let the empty phantom server divert.

(End of this chapter)

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