Spore Story

Chapter 753

Chapter 753

Think about it carefully, this is really a website.

After Kong Huan walked out of the headquarters of the technical department, a lot of things such as 'website', 'server', 'network', 'combat power five', 'block your IP' and so on floated in his mind, and he couldn't help it Head full of black lines.

However, compared to the behavior of various websites in the human world desperately gaining popularity, and even maintaining a large number of harmful pop-up windows, the friends who serve as the nodes of the website server have just the right idea, because The problem of the amount of calculation is very resistant to the emergence of excessive popularity.

Maybe it's because you haven't realized how big an advantage this kind of popularity and information control will bring you?
However, Kong Huan does not intend to let these node users realize this at this time. After all, after the continuous development of the friend clan network, the class composed of network node users will become the second government of the friend clan to some extent. , as the framework builder of the Friends First Government, Kong Huan felt that he needed to be cautious.

In fact, under the impetus of Kong Huan, the Elderly House began to build the existing network node system in accordance with the purpose of forming a network government, otherwise it would not have such strict requirements on the quality of the node users themselves.

However, will there be online specialties like trolls in the future?
Kong Huan tilted his head, and the two letters at the beginning of the word A and a small TV that kept shaking appeared in his mind unconsciously, then he shook his head.

"There is no District 11 or bilibili here."

As for Aiyi’s problem, it’s very simple to solve. Copy some of the things in Aiyi’s information database, hand them over to the other two elders to memorize them and post them in their information center, and then post an announcement on the technical department. It will flow naturally.

It's just that there is no copy-and-paste magic tool inside the Friends Network, and it uses a network model composed of "human". Basically, information exchange can only rely on independent memory. Don't forget, but you also need to look over it.

The time required to look at it once is obviously far longer than copying and pasting.

Therefore, during the period when the other two elders memorized the information that Aiyi distributed, Kong Huan temporarily acted as a meat shield to help Aiyi attract the enthusiasm and firepower of the members of the technical department. It is also a waste.

Thinking like this, Kong Huan suddenly, Kong has such a huge amount of calculations, but the actual use has not even reached 7%, does it feel a bit standing [beep——] not [beep——].

Such a waste.

"Why don't you make an announcement and sell the amount of calculations, the amount of calculations for information exchange per 100 people, how much money will you charge a month as pocket money? Quack."

"This is a good way. By the way, it can help the government recover some funds."

A voice suddenly sounded from the side, Jiang was thinking deeply about the sale of computing power, and soon realized what a huge business opportunity this was, so he jumped up in surprise as he began to drool in the face of the estimated revenue.

When he came back to his senses, the voice was already laughing wildly, mocking Kong Huan's extreme performance.

"What's so funny, it's called vigilance! You know? This is the quality that an important person should have."

"Oh, it turns out that the important people are all rabbits who jump up when someone says a word behind their backs."

"Um, who would talk in the ears!" Kong Huan roared!
"Hey, isn't it a lot? I remember that besides me, there are Lingxue, Lingyun, Xiao 8, etc... a lot, um." Dark Blood had an expression that couldn't be counted.

At this time, the hard-hit Kong Huan was already squatting in the corner.

But maybe he had developed an antibody, and he quickly recovered: "Speaking of which, why are you back? Is there something wrong with the Black Bone Clan? My avatar, Darkblood."

"Divide your body!"

The slender feet kicked Kong Huan away, Anxue snorted coldly, and waited until Kong Huan ran back in disgrace a few minutes later, curled his lips and issued a solemn statement.

"I said it! I am Dark Blood, not Void!!"

As soon as the subject changed, Dark Blood stared at Kong Huan with disdain on his face: "Besides, you are not Kong Huan, you are just a gray man, a clone that does not yet belong to Kong Huan."

Faced with Dark Blood's speech and questioning, Kong Huan Huili frowned, but soon relaxed and smiled.

This action made Dark Blood seem a little surprised. After all, among the three of them, it seemed that only Kong Huan in front of him was the most obsessed with Kong Huan's identity, and most resembled the Kong Huan in his memory.

"But so what, you can't change the fact that you, me, and Bai Nong are all illusions. And I am the most integrated among the three, and I have been recognized and have the ability of main consciousness."

"Only in terms of the will of the planet, I am already the real main consciousness!"

"I'm an illusion!"

Kong Huan Huili stood upright, stood in front of him, looked directly at Dark Blood, and added loudly.

"Why do you call it so fierce?"

Deliberately provocatively digging his ears, the extremely indecent behavior was done by Dark Blood without any pressure, and he didn't have the reserve of ordinary girls. Of course, it also had something to do with his personality.

As for what Kong Huan Huili said before, even if she knew it in her heart, she was unwilling to admit it.Because once she admits it, she has to accept the reality that she is also one of the illusory clones.But Dark Blood is used to the current life and identity of Dark Blood, and he is unwilling to become another person for any reason, even if the other party is his origin.

Although the length of the illusory memory far exceeds Dark Blood's decades of life, to Dark Blood, it is more like an autobiography of someone else, and it is difficult to accept it.

Not to mention, that person is still a man.

In this regard, Dark Blood is extremely contradictory.

On the other hand, as the ethnic group is facing more and more pressure from the Zerg, the voices in the Elder's House about the fusion of the three consciousnesses to ensure that the absolute combat power of the emptiness of the master consciousness can be called at any time has become louder and louder.

For the sake of race, it seems that her dark blood should give up her attachment, merge with Kong Huan and Bai Nong and return to the body in Ga Shanzhong, becoming the super master consciousness that 8051 said will surpass the level of spirit gods and reach the level of planetary will.

However, the more people around her tried to persuade her with various reasons, the more she resisted in her heart.

However, if you want to merge the three consciousnesses, it is the basic premise that there is no resistance in your heart. This means that as long as the dark blood has the slightest reluctance, the fusion of the three consciousnesses will be far away.As a result, her situation in the elders' home seemed a little passive, and her relationship with Kong Huan and Bai Nong became awkward.

Even one of the four yin gods, the dark blood with complicated emotions chose to stay in the black bone clan like self-exile.

In the dark, because of the dark blood's resistance to Void's identity, it became more and more serious, and even subconsciously divided the memory of Void itself in consciousness.With the support of the consciousness segmentation and information center technology developed by the technology department for the network nodes, relying on his identity as the core node of the network of friends of the Black Bone Clan, he directly separated the illusory memory.

Both Wu Huan and Bai Nong could detect this move, but they didn't object or tell others.From Dark Blood's point of view, this is an understanding.Because of this, the relationship between the three can be eased, but Dark Blood will still subconsciously avoid meeting with Kong Huabainong.

But in fact, the reason why the two of them didn't reveal Dark Blood's movements was also because in their view, Dark Blood's so-called memory segmentation was nothing more than self-deception. .

The identity of emptiness has too much influence on the three of them.

Because from the moment the three of them awakened their phantom memories one after another, this influence never stopped, but all three of them had awakened at a very young age.In other words, unless they are willing to turn their consciousness, spirit, and memory back to those of a few years old children, their future will eventually be on the road of fusion into illusion.

What's more, even the so-called method of changing children and leaving their identities is just a dark guess. Who can say that the illusory identities did not start to have an impact before they were born?

For this thing, even 8051 can only express that it does not know.

In comparison, Dark Blood knows a simple method that is not very accepted by Hui Li and Bai Nong. It can not only free him from the path of fusion, but also allow the main consciousness of emptiness to appear, but it lacks a little power That's all.

At this time, seeing Kong Huan Huili roaring like this, she smiled wickedly like a kitten.

Secretly pursing his lips, looking up at Kong Huan, Dark Blood said in a seductive tone: "Even so, you are nothing but a clone of Kong Huan. After getting along for so long, you should be very clear that I will not agree to fusion, so why still What's the point of being so persistent? What's the use of waiting? Since you're worried, why don't you want to let the empty illusion return? You clearly know what to do!!"


"Think about it, obviously there is an opportunity in front of you, but you just don't want to grasp it, why did you ask me instead of you to fuse Gashan's body?"

Void Gray has a dignified expression.

"It's not impossible for you to fuse that body alone. At that time, you will become a real illusion, and you will be the only illusion. As for me and Bai Nong, I'm sure I don't want to fuse. What about Bai Nong? He Do you really want to?"

"No, you also know how much Bai Nong cares for that younger sister, but Bai Min doesn't like you. Do you think she wants her brother to become a fantasy, and she has to compete with Xiao 8 and the others for men?"

"Eh..." Jiong.

"Besides, although single-person fusion can't increase the strength of the main consciousness, but at the same time, it has added me and Bai Nong, a Yin God and a Nether God, and both have growth potential, which is very cost-effective, isn't it? ?"

Seeing that the empty illusion seemed a little moved, and the dark blood couldn't control his emotions, so he had the idea of ​​working harder.


"Enough! Stop, stop!"

The dark blood wanted to stir up, but Kong Huan's eyes flickered for a moment, and he overcame her temptation and shook his head and looked in the direction of Gashan: "Impossible, you resist becoming a void, but you can't get rid of that fact. Blood, you should know..."

"Stop talking!!"

Screams more excited than emptiness broke the tranquility of the street at dusk.

Kong Huan even found it dumbfounding that within the scope of the naturally emitted mental power, there were already people from the City Affairs Bureau running here because of the scream, probably thinking that something messed up had happened.

And the dark blood in front of him seemed to be more troublesome.

"Even so, so what! When Kong Huan was divided into three, he should have thought of today. This is not the clone of fantasy novels in his memory. We have been three independent people since birth, with different personalities, different experiences, and even... ...a different gender!"

Having said that, Dark Blood became firm again.

"That's the truth! We are three different people!"

"So illusory, forever, I will never accept the so-called fusion!"

After finishing speaking, An Xue turned around and flew towards the direction of the Elder's House without looking back, even forgetting the teleportation ability she possessed, not to mention her original purpose of finding Kong Huan.

But looking at the back of the fleeing figure, Kong Huan was slightly absent-minded, and then sighed.

Is it really necessary to give up the opportunity to leap beyond the spirit god level and give the friends a great advantage, and choose a single fusion?But is the illusory fusion like that really a complete illusory?

Phantom gray is not sure.

Ask yourself, are you really a complete and independent personality like Dark Blood said?

Not necessarily.

Kong Huan Huili believes that the other two have actually realized that while Huili has a relatively higher than conventional rationality, both Bai Nong and Dark Blood are irrational and appear frizzy; Li Li and Bai Nong seem to have no fighting spirit, peaceful and at peace with the situation; it is also at the same time that Bai Nong is close to nature, Hui Li and Dark Blood seem to be more inclined to environmental modification and biological control rather than equal communication.

This should not be a coincidence, but some kind of inevitable connection.

"Split personality?"

Maybe, but Kong Huanhuili himself wasn't sure.

And now, he feels more pressure on the sight of the pedestrians around him, especially when relying on mental power to perceive the thoughts of the people around him.

"Look, that poor guy has been in a daze for more than ten minutes after that pretty girl said 'impossible'."

"It's so pitiful. Although it doesn't look very handsome, it is an energy body after all, and if you look closely, it will give you a sense of intimacy."

"Young people these days are really bold."

"It looks like this young man is pretty good. Do you want to take this opportunity to introduce him to your daughter?"

"Another dumped one, comrade!"

"This group has ruled that this person is not guilty!"



Who are these people!
Even though he is the peak of Youshen level and has obtained the right to use the identity of the main consciousness, Ke Konghuan still feels the power of the masses standing on the street.The most important thing is that it is impossible for him to explain something to these people. God knows how many incorrect things these guys will understand once he explains.

Run decisively.

Therefore, in front of thousands of troops of the Zerg race, Mr. Unreal, who would not retreat in the slightest, had to flee back to the elders' house in desperation when faced with the ridicule of more than a dozen members of the group of three aunts and six wives on the street.


"Hahaha, you have today too!"

God knows if it was a deliberate dark blood, who seemed to have forgotten what he said before, and laughed at Kong Huan who had just returned in the elders' courtyard as if nothing had happened.Seeing the other party's expression, Kong Huan's expression darkened, and he understood.The other party must have divided the previous memory, but is it really good to escape like this?

Shaking his head.

I couldn't understand the illusion of dark blood more and more, turned around with a sullen look, and sat in the elder's house that hadn't changed much after being transferred to Xinpeng Island. Looking at the old ancestral tree that had been transplanted, there was something Drink the tea without a sip.

As for the dark blood at this time, ignore it, and stop after a while when you get bored.

It's like dealing with a child.

"Tch, it's so boring."

Sure enough, when the moon was on the top of the branch, the dark blood finally seemed to have exhausted its strength, and lay down on the table in front of Kong Huan, ignoring the scene of the two stalwarts on the chest crowded on the table like this. How tempting are men at home.

"Okay, what's up this time?"

"Can't you come back if you have nothing to do?"

Hearing Kong Huan's words, Dark Blood's spirit immediately recovered, with a teasing expression on his face.

"Eh." It seems that there is not enough time to hang aside.

"Forget it, I won't play with you."

Seeing the illusion and the possibility of turning into a wooden man, Dark Blood decisively suppressed the molesting thoughts that kept rising in his heart, coughed, and made himself serious.

"There is indeed a serious business when I come back this time, it is the Black Bone Race..."

"Could it be another riot?"

"You treat me like a statue! There is a riot, and my mother will turn me into meat sauce with a fist!"

"Uh," shaking off his profuse sweat, Kong Huan accidentally discovered that the dark blood seemed to have a tendency to become violent: "Then what's going on?"

"Actually, it's nothing, it's just that the six armies of the Black Bone Clan requested by the Military Academy have been formed.

After unifying the internal power of the entire Black-Bone Clan, vigorously promoting the beliefs of the Protoss and the history of the Double Moon Gods, and our strong suppression and transformation, the voices of resistance within the Black-Bone Clan have decreased a lot.

Whether it is lurking or really disappearing, at least at this stage, we have a relatively stable army whose physical strength is not weaker than that of friends.When I came back this time, I heard that the battle in the 05 theater was still going on, and I wanted to ask about the supply of ordnance and the arrangement of these troops. "

"Did you go to the military academy to see it?"

Kong Huan put down the teacup in his hand, and after seeing An Xue nodded, his face was slightly tired, and his heart softened.

"Do you want to stay and rest for a while this time?"

"No, if you stay for a long time, you guys will chatter, you might as well be happy with the Black Bone Race."

Nonchalantly waving his hand, Dark Blood pointed in the direction of the Military Academy and answered Kong Huan's previous question: "I've been to the Military Academy, and the ordnance is fine. The army's ordnance is being replaced very quickly, and many of the extra are sealed up. It is enough to equip a dozen legions. But regarding the positioning of the Black Bone Race army, Lingxue said let me discuss it with you."

"Discuss with me?"

Kong Huan was taken aback for a moment, but quickly realized, with a wry smile in his heart.

Lingxue's actions were obviously creating opportunities for himself to communicate with Dark Blood, allowing him more time to assimilate Dark Blood.But Lingxue is not one of the three consciousnesses after all, so she doesn't know how complicated the situation is.The current dark blood, after separating a large amount of empty phantom memories, seems to be thousands of miles away from the empty phantom, and it is impossible to assimilate through ordinary contact.

And because of this, Dark Blood didn't resist even when he knew what Lingxue was thinking.

What's more, true integration requires sincere recognition.

Will the dark blood truly agree that he is not an independent individual, but a clone of someone, and a clone of a man, through a few words?
Think about the future is gloomy.

(End of this chapter)

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