Spore Story

Chapter 754 Analyzing the Battle Situation in the Room

Chapter 754 Analyzing the Battle Situation in the Room

Thank you DK Qin Ge for your evaluation, v— for the reward =w=
Instead of discussing problems that cannot be solved in a short time, it is better to do something practical.

Soon, he chose to live up to Lingxue's good intentions, and focused his attention on the situation of the Black Bone Race raised by Dark Blood.

The current him may be limited by some essential reasons, and he is not good at commanding battles, so he took the initiative to stay away from those positions to avoid unmanageable consequences caused by disorderly command.And because of the recent problems with the Elder's House and the previous move to decentralize power, Dark Blood completely broke away from the control of the army to avoid trouble.

So, both of them started the work of logistics support.

In comparison, Bai Nong, who was so devoted to agriculture, animal husbandry and the calendar, seemed to be the most leisurely of the three, and also the one with the lowest sense of existence.

The situation brought about by the dark blood this time is the situation of the army of the Black Bone Clan, which is used as a reserve force supplement point by the Friends Clan.

As a good source of soldiers, the Black Bone Race's basic quality of individual soldiers is even higher than that of friends.

Of course, this does not mean that the black-boned men are stronger than friends. The main reason for the so-called high quality of individual soldiers is that the black-boned men have been fighting in the civil war for many years. Even ordinary black-boned men have fought close to the reserve soldiers of the friend tribe. Quality, and in terms of physical strength, the black-boned man is almost on par with friends, that's why it's said.

However, in terms of spiritual power, the quality of the Black Bone Race is not as good as that of the friends who have been studying the use of spiritual power all year round, and they are similar to the Spirit Race who are currently hiding underground and cannot come out. After following the correct path, the friends also restrict the opening of spiritual power skills to the black bones, so the potential of the black bones' spiritual utilization is far less than that of the spirits, let alone the members of the big friend system.

As for energy strength, the Black Bone Clan lacks an energy core, and even if the Friends Clan want to do something in this regard, it is impossible, so the possibility of the Black Bone Clan developing in this area is almost zero.

What's more, the Black Bone Race in the Pengzu plan is a development based on physical strength, supplemented by the machinery provided by the Pengzu. , this is the method of dark blood, the goddess of the soul, combined with years of experiments on the black-boned tribe, and it is the highest level that the black-boned tribe can reach among the cultivation methods researched and supplied to the black-boned tribe).

If they reach this level, there is only one way for the Black Bone Clan to accept the invitation of the Friends Clan and step into the Sky Temple of the Floating Island built by the Friends Clan.

But even so, due to their large number, strong learning ability, high training organization, especially rich experience in warfare, they can be well adapted to future Zerg wars and other advantages.

The task of Dark Blood there, besides stabilizing and controlling the Black Bones, is to screen available troops.

After being screened out this time, it is supposed to equip them with weapons and send them to the battlefield.However, the Military Academy considered that the current Zerg race on Double Moon Star was at the end of its strength, and it was not enough to train the troops within the Dapeng clan system. It seemed a bit competitive and strong to send the Black Bone Race, which was similar to a mercenary army. Suspected of the enemy.

But after all, this involves the original development plan of the Black Bone Clan, and it also needs to consider the future anti-insect business of Shuangyue Star as a whole, which is why the Military Academy is not sure about the situation and asks Dark Blood to ask Lingxue.

Then, Lingxue threw it to Konghuan.

"Let's go and see how the battle is going. After all, it is thousands of kilometers away from the 05 war zone. Even the transportation of warships will take a few days. Even if we decide to go to the war now, I'm afraid the battle will be over by the time we arrive. It's a waste of money." It’s a waste of time to run and take up the space of the spaceship.”

"Um, yes."

Only then did he realize that he had neglected the dark blood, sighed a little depressed, and then regained his spirit, dragged Kong Huan and hurried to the military academy.

I don't know whether it was intentional or accidental, because the two of them were running and walking, when they passed the street, they happened to pass by the place where they had been "abandoned" before.Due to getting off work at dusk, many people were still here for leisure, and they happened to see the scene of Dark Blood dragging his illusory arm in a certain direction.

As a result, the pressure on the illusion is even greater.

"Ah! This is unscientific! Die, die, die!"

"Young people these days, turning faces is faster than turning pages!"

"The comrade I just discovered, abandoned us just like that, this is betrayal! Traitor!!"



Kong Huan resisted the desire to break through the sky quickly, and when he passed the field with black lines all over his head, he heard dark blood sniggering from time to time, which made him even more depressed, and it was all caused by you what!

This woman must have done it on purpose!
Lying on the table in the reception room of the Military Academy, Kong Huan glared at Dark Blood without the image of an elder.However, the other party, who had no pressure on this, was still directing the receptionist of the military academy who saw the former boss and was full of enthusiasm, and asked the other party to take the two to the command room as soon as possible.

"It's here, Dark Blood... my lord."

The internal division of the military academy is strict, but because the friends' armies are now basically unified with the fleet as the core, and the cluster command assumes most of the command work, the composition of the military academy remaining on Xinpeng Island is actually not complicated: the staff Headquarters, direct army headquarters, gendarmerie, etc., are the composition of the Military Academy.

At this time, what Kong Huan and Dark Blood arrived at was the Frontline Analysis Bureau under the General Staff.

A major general and deputy chief of staff of the staff department, eleven staff officers of various ranks, plus a few orderlies and a few correspondents are the entire composition of this department.Their main job is to analyze and summarize the situation reported by the front line, get the current situation, and submit the summary information that does not contain personal thoughts to the General Staff and the General Command established during the war.

It can be said that the staff officers working in this department are actually very depressed.

Because, the various analytical abilities they have learned are used here a lot.Here it is only necessary to be able to classify and summarize the front-line intelligence and report it to the staff above. As for the specific analysis they occasionally make, it will only be used as a reference for the above at most.

As a result, over time, this place has become a place to train people's patience and accumulate experience in frontline intelligence analysis, so most of them are young people, that is, the chief of staff of the major general is an old man.

However, as the rear is the closest place to the front line, it is not only close to major institutions, but also tightly guarded, so it is also the favorite place for commanders who stay behind during wartime.

No, as soon as he entered the analysis room, a lieutenant general from the military academy got up and greeted him.

Kong Huan also smiled and stretched out his right hand.

However, most of his eyes seemed to be focused on An Xue, he didn't notice Kong Huan's movements for a moment, walked over, gave a standard military salute to An Xue, and left Kong Huan there with an embarrassing expression on his face.

"Lieutenant General Feng Gu of the General Staff Department of the Military Academy, welcome to... er, two elders! Sorry."

"Let's put it down, I'm no longer a member of the military academy, so the military salute is unnecessary."

Seeing that Kong Huan was deflated again, Dark Blood was in a good mood. He gave a rare introduction to the situation that had begun to fade out of the sight of government and military members due to being bored in the technical department and Lingxue for a long time, and then made a rescue for the other party.

And the Lieutenant General who knew the other party's identity could only apologize to the equally awkward Kong Huan in embarrassment.

Fortunately, Kong Huanbi is not a small-bellied person.

"It's nothing. We and you have the same purpose. We are here to understand the situation on the front line. How is the situation now?"

"Everything is going well, Elder Konghuan."

Lieutenant General Fenggu came one step ahead and directly took over the work of the major general staff in the analysis room, and explained the current situation of the 05 war zone to the two of them.

It was already around eight o'clock at night.

According to the front-line report received by the analysis room, the combined fleet had begun to divide its troops around seven o'clock.A provisional army of the Marine Corps is responsible for attacking the outer Zerg bases, while the combined fleet is fully assaulting the inner circle of the Zerg, in order to detect and interrupt the possible plans of the Zerg.

At close to eight o'clock, the leading Nanling Swordfish-class test ship discovered the Zerg's large-scale expansion of the creeper in the inner circle, and speculated that the opponent might be planning to reduce the spreading area of ​​the creeper, so as to speed up the internal attack. The actions of connecting the various bases, and soon informed the Joint Fleet Command of their own speculation and observation results.

Immediately afterwards, the headquarters made tactical adjustments and mobilized the L11 strategic bombardment unit to bombard the inner circle of the Zerg with the few remaining ammunition.Perhaps because of the lack of sufficient troops and other factors, the Zerg inner circle base seems to have adopted a strategy of ignoring the bombardment, which made the bombardment seem quite easy.

However, at this time, there was a problem with the Marine Corps in charge of the attack.

When accepting the marines who had stayed in L11 before being transported by the third cargo fleet that had just arrived, the marines on the ground suddenly encountered an underground raid by the Zerg.

Although the soldiers made preparations because they were discovered by the soldiers relying on their mental power when the bug broke into the ground for about ten meters, but after all, the reaction time was too short.Therefore, after a hard battle, the Marine Corps actually lost more than 60 tanks. Although there were not many personnel losses protected by tanks, more than 40 people died, more than 200 were seriously injured, and more than 300 were slightly injured.

This sneak attack by the bugs alone caused a greater loss than the previous few frontal attacks on the Zerg base.

Because of this, the Marine Corps became more cautious in its subsequent operations. After resting for half an hour and reorganizing, they began the next step.

Thanks to the support of the third group of troops, although more than 60 tanks were lost, the troops still expanded to a corps of more than 1 people.Intertwined with caution and confidence, the Marine Corps, like tigers on the road, quickly relied on the transportation of the cargo fleet to block and jump, and called several sub-bases outside the Zerg.

Although the Zerg wanted to repeat the same trick during the period, the friend marines who had been prepared for a long time did not give the Zerg a chance.

In addition, these Zerg bases were all abandoned, outside, there were no reinforcements; inside, the main force was cleared by the biological group during the Zerg's previous battle to find L11.Therefore, these Zerg bases can only rely on their own slow development to resist the attack of friends, and they have not caused more trouble to the Marine Corps.

On the contrary, because the attack of the Marine Corps is limited by the distance, each attack has a long time interval, which allows different time for the Zerg sub-bases to replenish their troops.

And this kind of situation directly caused the marines to have a sense of upgrading as if they had been tempered step by step during the attack, making the soldiers of the marines shout that they hadn't simulated reality in the fantasy world.

Attacking the first Zerg sub-base, the marines had just left the joint fleet, there was only a temporary army that was not fully formed, and the enemy only had more than 2000 land and air troops, and the battle went smoothly;
The attack on the second Zerg sub-base was about ten minutes away from the previous one, and the strength of the Zerg sub-base had obviously increased to about [-], and the marines had the experience of the last time, but they easily dealt with it;

Attacking the third one, more than 20 minutes since the last time, the Zerg sub-base has more than 3000 troops on the surface, but when adding the number of sneak attacks on cargo ships later, there are already more than 5000 troops, and the marines suffered a small loss that time;
Attacking the fourth, nearly an hour has passed since attacking the third, and the Zerg sub-base has increased to tens of thousands of low-level Zerg. The team suddenly expanded to more than 11 people, and with previous experience, the actions appeared to be more cautious, and the damage was actually smaller;
Attack the fifth, more than 3000 bugs, more than 1 marines, experience +N;

Sixth, there are more than 7000 bugs, the Marine Corps remains the same, experience + NN.

When the six Zerg outlying sub-bases were all settled, the Marine Corps relied on such coordinated training from the Zerg sub-bases, and their experience had not doubled or tripled compared to before.And the Zerg sub-base is so cooperative (unintentionally), it is no wonder that the soldiers shouted, "This is more like a game than a fantasy world simulation".

You must know that among the friends, the training of officers may not be comprehensive and detailed due to problems such as preparation, experience, and time span, but the training of soldiers is much simpler.

A small organization of illusion simulators once proposed a formula: to train an elite soldier, it only needs to simulate a radius of less than five kilometers; to train a qualified non-commissioned officer, it needs to simulate an area with a radius of at least twenty kilometers; Military officers, to be qualified, need to simulate an area with a radius of at least [-] kilometers.

The time, personnel and accuracy required for the simulation have not been raised here, so one can imagine the difficulty of the Pengzu in officer training.

Because of this, in the fantasy world simulation, the simulators even consider various battlefield situations to hone soldiers, but they cannot train qualified officers.

As a result, in the fantasy world training of the friends, there are often officers who think that the real battlefield is far more troublesome than the fantasy world; but the soldiers are just the opposite. Fantasy world is more difficult.

This may be a problem in terms of experience accumulation, etc. In short, it cannot be solved in the short term.

But anyway, the fight continued.

"What about the Marine Corps now? The six outlying bases have been settled, and the mission has been completed. However, I think that according to the character of those guys who dared to take the risk of protesting the order of the command in order to join the war, it is obvious that they will not just let it go."

Kong Huan glanced at Dark Blood, and while speaking, he was thinking about the root causes of these soldiers' behaviors.

This kind of behavior of daring to oppose unreasonable orders is commendable in terms of government, society and morality, but it is extremely dangerous for the army.Because in the army, you only need to obey, and you only need to think about things within your duties. Once the strict command structure is disrupted by some so-called activists, the friend army is likely to encounter disaster.

This is even more prominent at such a severe moment.

Fortunately, the behavior of the Marine Corps was restrained this time, and the problem was exposed very early, so the Military Academy can calmly adjust the plan, and the adjustment, rewards and punishments of relevant personnel have now begun to be discussed.In this regard, Kong Huan does not intend to interfere, and as for the dark blood beside him, it seems that it does not count as interference.

Closer to home.

Hearing Kong Huan's half-joking and half-reproaching words, the Lieutenant General chuckled, avoiding Kong Huan's aggressiveness, and then continued to narrate.

"Your Majesty Kong Huan speaks seriously. Rewards and punishments must be clearly defined. This is the purpose of our army. As for the marines this time, perhaps they have learned a lesson. I didn't take the liberty to continue attacking..."

"Oh?" Taking a sip of the tea, Kong Huan looked curious: "I didn't expect this group of hot-tempered guys to know how to restrain themselves?"

"Because they're out of ammo."


Both Hollow and Dark Blood spurted out at the same time.

"I [beep——], I said how this group of [beep——] are safe, it turns out that every ammunition of [beep——] can’t be hit!"

Kong Huan almost went berserk, the sliver of relief that had just risen disappeared without a trace, and even the dark blood beside him frowned in dissatisfaction.

But soon, Kong Huan calmed down and turned to look at the lieutenant general in front of him.

"Go ahead, what's next?"


I don't know what to think, seeing that Kong Huan and Dark Blood didn't make any further comments, the lieutenant general neither breathed a sigh of relief nor made any other comments, but spoke calmly.

When the marines stopped due to ammunition problems and waited for the cargo fleet to transport supplies from L11, under the attack of the L11 ultra-long-range heavy artillery group, the expansion of the Zerg creep was once again contained.

Although the Zerg didn't take much action at the beginning, maybe they were hesitant to send troops, but as the attack extended to the Zerg's mining base step by step, maybe they also noticed that their own behavior was discovered, and the Zerg became more cautious.

Although they couldn't find the Nanling hidden by 8051, just like the friends couldn't find their communication methods, but soon, the Zerg activities within the Zerg's control area became more frequent and disorderly, and gradually became impossible. It was detected by Nanling.

But just at this moment, the United Fleet entered the main defense range of the Zerg, attracting the attention of the Zerg.

Previously, the Zerg withdrew all mobile troops to the internal defense, and did not say anything about the joint fleet operating outside, but if they wanted to enter the inner circle, of course they would not stand idly by.

In fact, before the United Fleet entered the inner circle, it could be seen from its actions that the Zerg aimed at the friends had already dispatched all the flying insect swarms to form an air force, waiting on the way the United Fleet must pass.Perhaps it was because they thought that their actions could not be kept secret, so they lined up carelessly without even covering up.

And the Nanling they were guarding against was still in the sky over a certain Zerg base tens of kilometers away at that time, taking the opportunity of them mobilizing all the sky troops, they directed the artillery bombardment for the heavy artillery regiment again.If the Zerg ambushed at this time, it might be able to give another profound lesson to the commanders of the friends who have just passed.

However, the opportunity was fleeting. A few minutes after the Zergs arrived at their destination and waited in full force, the United Fleet formed a battle formation and rushed towards the Zergs.

Yesterday's Desires Day, how are you doing, Quack XDD
(End of this chapter)

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