Spore Story

Chapter 755 It's finally a man this time

Chapter 755 It's finally a man this time
In the not-so-spacious front-line intelligence analysis room, the lieutenant general's report on the battle situation stopped unscrupulously when the combined fleet rushed towards the Zerg that was waiting in full force.

"Rush over, what happened after that?"

Kong Huan looked at the lieutenant general shaking his head speechlessly, then turned his head to look at the staff officers who were analyzing and summarizing the front-line intelligence, and finally focused on the map on the table, and clearly saw the logos of the enemy and us on it, Then suddenly realized.

"Is it just the beginning? What a coincidence."

"Yes, the current time is 21:07. When the battle started, the United Fleet notified us at 21:01. According to military regulations, in an emergency battle situation, it will inevitably cause interference to the command, but In order to ensure that the headquarters can be informed of the battle situation in a timely manner, the frontline commanders can choose to adjust the time span of the report within the range of 1-30 minutes according to their needs. At this time, the last report by the joint fleet commander is only in the past It's been 6 minutes...ah no, it's been 7 minutes, that's all."

The major general's staff officer pushed the eyes on his nose, explained this, and then continued to focus on the things in front of him.

Kong Huan and Dark Blood looked at each other, and they both calmed down and planned to continue waiting.

However, after a few minutes without any news, the lieutenant general chose to run away, not knowing whether he was busy or couldn't stand the strange atmosphere between the two elders.

And just one minute after the lieutenant general escaped, the frontline report came.

I don't know that the poor general will not sigh.

"Report, the United Fleet made an urgent report. After a brief confrontation with the Zerg swarm, we chose to temporarily evacuate the place to ensure the safety of the fleet, and at the same time mobilize the swarm to leave the core area."

Failed?Or tactical adjustments.

Kong Huan and Dark Blood frowned at the same time, and then asked, "How about the loss?"

"Sorry, I don't know because the United Fleet did not report. However, according to previous habits, if there are warships or major losses, they will usually be brought along in the report, so there will only be a small amount of personnel damage at most, please rest assured."

The major general's staff report did not reassure the two of them, especially Dark Blood, who seemed extremely nervous.

Although she has already withdrawn from the military academy, she established this department by herself. She behaves like a mother looking at the growth of her child. She may not pay much attention to it on the surface, but she loves it tightly in her heart.In comparison, Kong Huan pays much less attention to the friend clan government he established, which may also be a gender difference.

But seeing the dark blood behave like this, Kong Huan's understanding of it has risen to another level.

Women, it is really difficult to understand.

Shaking his head, Kong Huan looked at the staff officers.

"Can I ask about the damage..."

"no need."

To Kong Huan's surprise, it was the dark blood who was the most nervous, who stopped his inquiry with words.

"What? Don't you want to know?"

"Of course I want to, but contacting now is not a good thing for the fleet that is still in combat. It is impossible for them to take the time to make statistics, but if it is mandatory, it is obviously interference with the frontline command. What's more, even a communication , It will also make the front-line commanders have to be distracted and consider the situation here, putting the cart before the horse. Anyway, it is only a few hours if we know it early or late, and it has no effect on us in Xinpeng Island."


From the tone of Dark Blood, Kong Huan also knew that the other party seemed to have given up the idea of ​​letting the Black Bone Race troops go to the battlefield now, because from now on, the Friends have already dispatched all the warship troops, and the rest are in the dock part of the build.

Even if only land troops are counted, the Marine Corps of the First and Second Fleets at the latest will join the Marine Corps put down by the United Fleet within a few hours.At that time, with all the current military strength of the whole family, it will only be a matter of a few hours to deal with the No. 05 meteorite base of the Zerg, which is still on the surface, but is actually at the end of its strength.

As far as the current situation is concerned, although the United Fleet has suffered a small setback, the Zerg has been unable to recover. The time for the end of the battle is only a matter of a few hours in front of the friends based on the floating fleet.

What's more, nearly ten Youshen were temporarily deployed to the three fleets there.

Therefore, even if the Black Bone Tribe troops are really allowed to pass, it will only be a long-distance training, and there is no chance of cleaning the battlefield.

"However, I really want to see it with my own eyes. It's a pity that I have been busy with the affairs of the Black Bone Clan recently, but I finally came back and found that the battle is almost over."

Dark Blood blamed himself on the sidelines.

For this most outstanding military commander among the three of Void, it is a great pity that he was not able to witness and participate in the first full-scale battle between the floating fleet and the swarm of the friends.

It's a pity that even if he wanted to, Kong Huan couldn't help.

What's more, she chose to hide in the Black Bone Clan at first. With some careful thinking, Kong Huan felt that this would make Dark Blood deeply realize the fact that she is a member of the Friends Clan.

Think about it carefully, isn't it fusion?It is necessary to resist so much.

Kong Huan stood and talked at the side without back pain, but the battle would not be suspended because of the discussion between the two.

At 21:21, the United Fleet reported that at an altitude of [-] meters, our side had a battle with the high-level Zerg troops and airbag flying troops of the Zerg. At the cost of losing an assault ship, our side obtained the elimination of most of the high-level Zerg troops and The results of airbag flying troops.

Before Void and Darkblood lamented the loss of a strike ship and several hundred crew members aboard, the Combined Fleet comm was on its way again.

At 21:27, the United Fleet used barrage attacks around the middle and low Zerg units. After cleaning up a small part, it could not cope with the huge number of Zerg swarms and began to lift off.Then, with the help of the cover of high-altitude clouds, they got rid of the pursuit of a large number of low-level and middle-level Zerg units.

At 21:51, the United Fleet used a point-by-point raid to destroy a mining base of the Zerg, but was quickly entangled again by the middle and low-level Zerg units, and a battle broke out with the low altitude.Because the swarm could stop them, the fleet failed to lift off and had to break through at low altitude.

At 22:11, the United Fleet took advantage of the ultra-low-altitude mountain range, went in the opposite direction, and used a scattered breakout method to get rid of the harassment of a large number of low-level Zerg and regroup at high altitude.Then three of the assault ships and one capital ship landed and hid in the mountains due to engine damage. At this time, there were still a large number of Zerg searching for these four warships, and they could not rescue them from the sky.

"The battleship was blocked on the ground, this matter..."

This time it was due to underestimating the power of the Zerg's low-level arms, the Zerg Sea. Although most of the middle and high-level Zergs were cleaned up by this method, and tens of thousands of opponents were eliminated in the battle with the low-level arms, they were still defeated. The swarms of insects chasing them had no choice but to resort to scattered raids.

This also allowed the United Fleet, which bought most of the Zerg's middle and high-level arms in exchange for an assault ship, to immediately dispel all arrogance.

"This time it's time for the Marines."

Hearing the situation report of the United Fleet, Kong Huan sat on the chair with his head in his hands, turned his head and looked at the dark blood in the side shaking his head, but there was a hint of emotion to go to the front line to take a look, which was different from the powerless dark Blood, he has a way to reach the front line quickly.

Or, use the possession system?

At this time, the United Fleet reported that the United Fleet, which suffered a lot of damage, is discussing the next countermeasures, but the four warships that have landed and concealed also need to be rescued as soon as possible, so after getting supplies, they are waiting in peace because there is no action order for the time being. The marines resting in place issued an order.

"Dark Blood, help me look at my body, I'll go to the marines to have a look."

At this time, it was also unbearable, Kong Huan finally decided to leave, but even if no one would harm the body that his consciousness temporarily left, it was necessary to find someone to take care of him. (It's just that the person you're looking for...)
"Well, but you must keep reporting to me! Intervals must not exceed 10 minutes, otherwise... hum."


Faced with Dark Blood's blackened and menacing smile, Kong Huan hurriedly nodded.

Smiling in satisfaction, Dark Blood continued to immerse himself in thinking about the current battle situation, and waved his hand to indicate that Void is free.Although she won't directly intervene in combat, it doesn't mean she won't think about what she would do in this situation.This is also a kind of learning. After all, Dark Blood is an information center in the Friends Network. Because of the rich military knowledge it publishes, it has become a node that military enthusiasts often visit in society, so she should also enrich herself even more. military experience.

Because of this, the existence of dark blood has almost become the core of the friends' simple military knowledge dissemination to the public. Even the education system in the army has adopted the information provided by dark blood.

And the empty fantasy that finally satisfied the dark blood also sank into the space of consciousness.

From the initial single consciousness space here, it has been divided into three parts: the autonomous consciousness of Void, the location of the civilization control center, and the location of several network node consciousness areas that Void is responsible for.

The most massive is the area where his autonomous consciousness is located, and it is also the most closely connected with the illusion.Especially after being approved by the main consciousness, this area has been transformed into the location of the main consciousness of the entire friend clan, just like the will space of the planet, it has become a subconscious gathering point for the members of the friend clan.

It's just that the consciousness reincarnation function of grabbing the will of the planet has not yet been acquired, so it is obviously incomparable with the space of the will of the planet.

The busiest ones are several network nodes, among which the nodes of the shadow system are connected to more than 1 shadow members. Although the shadows are usually quiet, they are actually very noisy in the network.Through these lines alone, Kong Huan can accurately know that no one but him knows the total number of people in the shadow system; in comparison, the network nodes of the other responsible technology department, the network nodes of the large network (the main body of the friends network), etc. The area will be much deserted.

But the purpose of this trip, of course, is the civilization control center.

Consciousness space is not a concrete area, everything depends on feeling, and when emptiness sinks into consciousness, because it thinks of going to the civilization control center, this area also appears.

Due to busyness and lack of time, the Civilization Control Center has been stuck at level 2.However, Unreal, which has made Pengzu more and more independent, has lower and lower requirements for the control center, so it is not in a hurry to upgrade it.

At this time, the maps of several major modules of the Civilization Control Center have completely become real maps, which are only for illusory reference; the data has become a reference for high-level selection, identity verification for shadows, etc., but they are not relied on; the scientific research module is very busy, but They are all carrying out some advanced theoretical verification and current urgent application technology research, such as quantum physics, nanotechnology, [-]-ton marine steel, thunder cannon material composition, etc. Due to the development of science and technology, many basic theories are now controlled by the civilization control center. It will take several years or even decades, and the success rate is still very low, which has become uneconomical.

Compared with the previous ones, the possession system is Konghuan's favorite aspect.

Think about it, relying on the possession system, Konghuan can share the sight, hearing, taste, and even touch of any friend anytime and anywhere.And by referring to Chu Ling and Xiao Lingyun before, he discovered a tricky way to come directly.So what is there in the whole group of friends that is illusory that cannot be seen, heard, or touched? (Suddenly evil feeling XD)

Closer to home.

Consciousness directly turned on the possession system, and after finding the location of the marines on the map, judging from the opponent's movement pattern, the troops were on their way.However, through this possession system and the friend guidance system attached to the main consciousness, Kong Huan can clearly see that there are six friend gathering points 3000 meters above the Marine Corps, which presumably are the hiding spots of six cargo ships. .

Eleven kilometers ahead of the Marine Corps, there are two assault ships, which are the closest.

"It seems that a rescue operation is already underway, just right."

Select a target, and the phantom will start possessing it.

But a moment ago, Kong Huan hesitated.Thinking of the words of a female attendant in the 03 war zone before, he smiled slightly, and then through the network system of the consciousness space, after passing the permission of the network node of the Military Academy, he connected to the current temporary network of the Marine Corps through the command system, and finally found Chosen frontline soldiers.

When the illusory voice sounded in the opponent's mind, it made the soldier panic for a while.It took more than a minute in the real world to explain the situation to soothe the emotions. In addition, Kong Huan pulled the supreme commander of this army, that is, the colonel, to sit in the battle, and the soldiers agreed.

Afterwards, it took some talking, before agreeing that Kong Huan temporarily descended on the other party's body.

Although it was a lot of trouble, it made Kong Huan feel a little relieved.

This is probably the difference between taking the initiative to forcibly descend and descending after obtaining permission. At least both parties should feel at ease.

In order to avoid problems in the process of the phantom descending, the soldier's chariot temporarily slowed down, taking the opportunity to quickly possess the phantom, and then relying on the guidance of the possession system to guide the consciousness, put the entire consciousness in the past.However, since the soldiers selected are only at the mid-term level of the ghost level, considering the physical and mental endurance of the opponent, the strength after the illusion comes is only at the early stage of the soul level.

of course
The main thing is
this soldier...

It's a man.

I already have a lot of resentment about this emptiness, why have I accidentally descended on women several times when I descended? Could it be that I am so hungry and thirsty?It seems that I need to find 8051 to discuss the philosophy of life and the meaning of biological existence.

Thinking this way, the male barbarian soldier opened his eyes again.

After a brief moment of confusion, wisps of blue light began to glow in his eyes, but they disappeared quickly.

Perhaps it was due to the instability of the Phantom's possession system, the spiritual power that had soared to the soul level quickly spread to within a radius of one kilometer around the chariot, providing the surrounding situation to the Phantom earlier than the vision, and it could not be recovered.

To appease the consciousness of the soldier in the corner of the consciousness space, Kong Huan took a deep breath, and gently patted the loading port of the cannon in front of him.

BL01 Tyrannosaurus tracked assault tank, equipped with a 75mm assault gun, was originally designed to be equipped with 4 people. However, after the development of Pengzu technology, this batch of tanks has been improved automatically, leaving only driving and maintenance, shelling and command, and equipment. Three players.And the soldiers that Unreal chose to come were the artillery and command, that is, the commander.

"Excuse me, everyone, don't worry, I am also one of the designers of this chariot, so there will be no unfamiliar situations."

The empty illusion that came back to his senses was first of all to appease the two soldiers around him, because the arrival could not be concealed from these two soldiers.And no matter what I say, I just robbed their car commander's body, which makes people feel that it can't be any better.

Obviously, for soldiers staying at the ordinary level, this kind of body control is still a bit scary, so the two soldiers behaved very stiffly.This also made Kong Huan rejoice that he had passed the soldier's permission before, otherwise he might not know what would happen at this time, after all, the chariot was still galloping with the large army.

"The elder was joking, everyone is very clear about your strength."

Somewhat embarrassed to answer, the driver looked out of the car with all his heart, making a look of 'I'm driving hard, don't disturb', but the task of communicating with Konghuan was left to the loader on the side.Discussing the unscrupulousness of his teammates, the loader looked exactly the same as the commander he was familiar with, but he felt like an 'elder' who was much different.

Arrival, is really a powerful ability.

Sighing like this, his body felt uncomfortable for a while. The loader looked at the 'elder' who was curiously looking at the cabin of the tank, but began to doubt whether the opponent could really control the shelling.At that time, not hitting the enemy is the next best thing, and it will be troublesome to accidentally injure teammates.

"Oh, by the way, our next combat mission is to pass through this shallow mountain area, pass through the forest and clean up the surrounding Zerg, and then cooperate with the cargo fleet to make emergency repairs to the landing spacecraft and rescue the wounded before moving on to the next goal ..."

"Well, thank you."

Although he knew this earlier, Kong Huan did not interrupt the soldier's narration.

After the other party finished speaking, the team was already eight kilometers away from the two assault ships that Kong Huan had seen on the map before.

Looking through the bombardment viewing port, on the ground without creepers and lawns, the rolling yellow sand rolled up by the chariot almost obscured the entire line of sight.At this time, each tank is relying on the mental power amplitude device, allowing the driver to observe farther, otherwise it is impossible to say that they have to slow down to clear the shooting area at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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