Spore Story

Chapter 756 Heavy Cavalry: Chariot Assault

Chapter 756 Heavy Cavalry: Chariot Assault

The terrain of the 05 war zone is dominated by plains, but it is not all flat land that stretches as far as the eye can see. Such good places are mainly concentrated on the east side of the meteorite base.At this time, most of the area where the marines where Kong Huan was running was shallow mountainous terrain, which made it difficult for tank troops to carry out long-range attacks during battles, which extremely tested the soldiers' skills.

Fortunately, the friends' officers were not satisfactory, but the soldiers were absolutely elite, there is no doubt about it.

The land at this time belongs to an undeveloped new continent. Zerg units have no wheels and do not need to build roads. Of course, after the blanket is laid in all directions, special roads will not be built for friends to attack, so chariots can only be used in the barren and rugged areas. Galloping on the ground is a test of the stability of this weapon, which has only been around for a few years.

The chariot driven by Kong Huan pushed forward on a piece of land where a few tenacious grasses had just grown. After jumping over a half-meter-high ridge, the several tons of weight of the chariot directly pressed the ridge into flat ground.

In the rear, where the chariots passed, besides the dust all over the sky, there were traces of intertwined tracks, which showed the majesty of the chariots to everyone with a sense of presence, but made many grasses that had just grown resentful .Friends should be thankful that the will of the planet did not adopt an equal parliament for all races, otherwise Xiaocao might sue the friends.

And ahead, as far as the eye can see, there are a group of chariots made of steel.

Not only assault tanks, but also special insect-killing tanks equipped with weapons similar to the rapid-fire guns on assault ships. They will be the main force to deal with the Zerg sky troops and ground bug swarms.Carrying a long barrel on their backs, they stopped while running, and the self-propelled artillery, which had already begun to cover the surrounding area of ​​the assault ship with cannons, was mixed in the group of tanks.

The torrent of steel on the ground is running, but the sky is much deserted.

Looking up, under the twinkling starry sky shrouded in night, the cargo ships with lights that appear and disappear from time to time have stopped following the tank troops and slowly raised their flying altitudes in order to distance themselves from the tank troops and avoid future attacks. The battle with the swarm.They don't have the combat effectiveness of battleships. Each cargo ship is only equipped with four ordinary rapid-fire guns for self-defense, and there is almost no armor.

They are inferior to battleships in all aspects. If they encounter Zerg flying swarms later, the outcome is likely to be a disaster. Therefore, early preparations and leaving the battlefield are the correct tactical measures.

"Cliff 311, the target is on your east side, and your current task target is area 21."

Kong Huan was taken aback for a moment, then he came to his senses and realized that this thing was the body of the commander of the tank under his temporary control, and he had received an order from the command headquarters of the tank troops on the upper level.Although he temporarily controlled the commander of this chariot, on the one hand, he did not ask for independent action, and on the other hand, he did not inform others of his arrival, so the chariot still belonged to the normal army sequence.

But that's okay, don't care about anything at this time, be an ordinary chariot commander, take the chariot and follow your comrades to your destination to fight. This may be a better experience. What an unforeseen situation.

As for the battle command, of course it is handed over to the officers above.

A smile appeared on his face, and the feeling of suddenly relaxing in his heart pushed the joystick hard.The engine of the Tyrannosaurus Assault Vehicle suddenly made a louder buzzing sound, mixed with the surrounding groups of the same kind, and quickly rushed to the commanded area 21.

Behind him, more and more chariots followed.

Area No. 21 is a shallow mountain, close to the mountains stretching in the distance. After passing through, there are mountains with complicated roads and the landing site of the assault ship.It would be fine if they encountered enemies who belonged to the land force in this kind of place, but at this time the situation discovered by the cargo ship at high altitude was confirmed: a large number of flying Zerg had discovered the chariot force and were coming towards them.

If the mobility is blocked by the shallow mountains or even the mountains after that, and the sky is wide open, then the chariot troops may only be passively beaten. At this time, Void is curious, how the assault ship escaped the pursuit of these bugs and then hidden.

But obviously not the time to ponder those questions.

"Commander, a large stone forest is found ahead!"

Although he felt mixed feelings about the car commander being descended by an unknown elder, once he entered the fighting state, the elite soldiers immediately forgot about it.

The big battle between heaven and earth is the biggest.

"stone forest?"

Looking around, a large number of naturally formed stone pillars dotted the junction of the shallow mountains and mountains in front like a forest.At times like this, it's good to give the Marines a place to shade the Zerg sky units.Although it is impossible for troops to hide from the enemy, this place allows self-propelled guns and assault tanks with extremely poor anti-air capabilities in tank troops to evade.

Seeing that the Zerg was about to arrive, he didn't care to marvel at the ingenious workmanship of nature, so Kong Huan directly entered the state and gave orders loudly.

"Go at full speed, get in first, don't get bitten by bugs!"

Shi Lin looked very big from a distance, but when he approached, he found that the area of ​​the large army was occupied by large stone pillars. The dozen or so chariots on the Chariot Cliff where Konghuan was at this time were enough to enter, but the entire Marine Corps had nearly a thousand soldiers at this time. car.

Fortunately, not all chariots need to enter the stone forest to evade the sky Zerg. The rapid-fire guns of the insect-killing chariots that occupy most of them are the nemesis of the sea of ​​insects. The barrage attack that comes out.

Because it is flat, this kind of barrage attack not only lowers the requirements for soldiers, but also consumes much less ammunition.

As a result, the assault tanks that could only attack ground and large sky targets, and the self-propelled guns that could only attack the ground and were completely powerless against the sky, filed in and rushed into the stone forest.

No Zerg land units found!

The troops entering the front are described as such, and the troops entering the rear are much easier.But Kong Huan, who was rushing forward, quickly found something wrong after scanning with soul-level mental power at the Youshen level.

As soon as the two sides found out, they began to move closer to each other. On the Zerg side, only sky troops appeared, but according to the character of the bugs, it is impossible to have no land troops.Soon, Kong Huan discovered from his spiritual power that there were a large number of Zerg soldiers in the stone forest.It seems that the opponent arrived here first, and even planned to ambush the chariot troops.

"Sure enough, you can't underestimate the commander of bugs, the level is not low."

It's a pity that it happened that Kong Huan was haunting here. While thinking about it, he had already reported the discovery to the Marine Corps Command.

Although there are many soul-level friends, most of them are concentrated in the technical department and battleship units. For the Marine Corps, there are very few soul-levels, especially the members of this kind of tank. The design of the tank is to ensure that the soldiers are less injured Therefore, it is impossible to wastefully distribute the powerful soul level.

"Brothers, something delicious has appeared!"

With a loud roar, Kong Huan reported the situation, and took the lead in commanding the chariot to rush towards the nearest group of bugs in the stone forest.The other party hid behind the stone forest, and seemed to be waiting for an opportunity, but they were already in the upper hand, but the moment they were discovered by Kong Huan, they had already determined that there was no chance to ambush them.

"Change armor-piercing bullets!"


Regardless of whether the loader understands the illusory descending behavior, but right now he is in battle, and he must obey the commander's orders.At this time, the advantages of usual training are shown. From selection, loading, to closing, the loader only took six seconds, which is amazing.

But Kong Huan only glanced at the opponent accidentally, and then focused on the sight in front of him.

Pengzu's optical equipment manufacturing technology is still very good, because the initial short-term research is supported by his research model, and later researchers only need to expand.

The distance is very short, and there is no need to consider the impact of wind and gravity on the flight of the shell, so you only need to use the front sight to aim directly.

Although you can't find bugs in your spiritual power, friends have learned to find out what's wrong with the situation where the opponent squeezes the ground soil. Void Magic can even "see" the opponent's outline by relying on the flow of the surrounding air, which requires Youshen-level mental strength The ability that can only be obtained by controlling the level has become the key to his success at this moment.



The 75mm caliber electromagnetic gun shone brightly, and the sharp armor-piercing projectile was quickly shot out of the muzzle. After flying a distance of less than 400 meters, it slammed heavily on a stone pillar with a diameter of more than three meters.

The chariots around were still wondering what this chariot was going to do, but the armor-piercing projectile had already passed through the thick stone pillar at high speed, and precisely hit a venomous Hydra hidden behind the stone pillar, knocking the opponent and The two puppies behind the other party were brought out together, and they slammed heavily on the cliff not far from the stone pillar, stirring up a burst of stumps and dust.

There was a creaking sound, and the stone pillar was also deflected backward under such impact, and the surrounding chariots immediately dodged.

"it is good!"

Kong Huan, who was very satisfied with this attack, hadn't made a sound yet, but the driver of the chariot had already shouted, and the loader beside him was full of admiration, as expected of an elder.As for those chariot members who were affected because the stone pillar fell like dominoes cursed, that's another matter.

Immediately, there was a sense of emptiness, and he planned to make persistent efforts.

At this time, the chariot troop, marked by the firing of the chariot where Kong Huan was located, also received information about the existence of the Zerg ambush troop issued by the commander, and connected with the surrounding Zerg who realized that they had been discovered and no longer evaded.Feeling the scanning of the entire battlefield in the mental power, the blank area created by the Zerg squeezing the air, and the position of the friend race chariot in the stone forest have been completely intertwined.

But the trouble is that the airflow in the stone forest is unexpectedly unstable, causing this scan to go wrong from time to time.

Fortunately, there are no major problems.

As for the Zerg, according to the outline, it can be judged that most of them are the four types of dogs, poisonous snakes, jumping spiders and rolling balls that friends are familiar with.In the previous battles, the study of its strength in all aspects has been in-depth in the Pengzu.Whether it is the high defense of the dog's head carapace, the short-range and long-range attack of the venomous snake, the attacking tactics of the jumping spider, or the high-speed rush and self-destruction of the rolling ball, all of them have been obtained in the research of various marine team tactics of the Pengzu. Countermeasures.

It's just that at this time, there is a lack of important insect-killing tanks equipped with rapid-fire guns, and there are only troops with assault guns and long-range self-propelled guns. It is a bit troublesome to deal with these bugs, but it is not impossible.

"Boom!", feeling the slight recoil from the launch of the electromagnetic weapon, causing the car body to shake, and a solid calcium carbide bomb rushed out of the electromagnetic track of the 75mm gun.

Through the parameters provided by the fire control system, which is still somewhat crude, the shooting is still perfect again.The shells precisely smashed into the group of rolling balls that were charging towards another chariot in front, and directly relied on kinetic energy to smash an unlucky jumping spider that just jumped into it.


The explosion that followed far surpassed the power of the cannonball smashing the jumping spider, and the jumping spider hit by the calcium carbide bomb shattered like a watermelon hit by a heavy object.The calcium carbide bomb that followed immediately engulfed the Zerg within a range of more than ten meters.Although it was not as powerful as the calcium carbide shells of the long-range heavy artillery unit, it still caused huge damage to the swarm.

In particular, these jumping spiders have their own explosive function, which makes the energy solution in their bodies very unstable. Under the influence of the electromagnetic pulse generated by the calcium carbide bomb, they explode one after another as if the detonation button was pressed.Although the radius of the calcium carbide bomb is only a dozen meters, under the influence of the electromagnetic pulse, the self-explosion of the rolling ball is within a range of nearly a hundred meters.

"I [beep——], so powerful!"

Seeing the effect of the calcium carbide bombs, the surrounding chariots had no choice but to replace the attack ammunition one after another, burying the calcium carbide shells in the track, and prepared to clean up the surrounding rolling balls that caused great trouble to the troops.And Kong Huan has recorded these benefits in his heart, and is going to tell the technical department after returning to Xinpeng Island that he needs to further explore the advantages of calcium carbide shells.

"Refreshing, so comfortable!"

Although when you were a Youshen, you did a lot of things like moving mountains, filling rivers and controlling the weather, but it was the first time you went to the front line to experience the war at close range. Kong Huan felt that the animal blood that was cultivated in his body since the small cell period was still there. Little by little it was stimulated.

After all, this is not a fantasy world simulation. I killed only a few dozen bugs by bombarding them at close range, but successfully exposed the Zerg's hiding place, and at the same time boosted my morale.

At this time, Kong Huan felt very enjoyable, and the two soldiers in the same car were also very excited.Because the previous attack on the Zerg base seemed to be to charge and kill the enemy. I have never experienced this kind of situation where the two sides mixed together and strangled each other in a small area. Now the soldiers are all excited after experiencing it.


Seeing that the surrounding tanks began to support and cooperate with each other to attack the Zerg that had surrounded them and were so flexible that it was difficult for a single tank to directly hit them with weapons other than rapid-fire guns, Kong Huan also suppressed the excitement and turned The muzzle aimed at the next target.


"Master Xia, that, that guy is really powerful. He has killed at least a hundred bugs by himself, and almost every shot has more than a dozen rewards!!"

The chariot commanded by Kong Huan was not far away, and another chariot that cooperated with it had just relied on rolling to wipe out the two bugs that could not move after being amputated by shelling. The high-profile performance of the chariot was immediately shocking.

"I [beep—], so arrogant!"

Actually proficiently use various ammunition alternately!

Xia Chang, who was staying in the chariot, couldn't help but gasped. Although he had heard many high-achieving students in the fantasy world simulation, they used various shells too frequently in extreme training, and the combination of different shells produced different effects. Thereby exerting a move far beyond ordinary power.

Some people even summed up some different combinations of shells on different battlefields.

However, that is after all the experience summed up in the simulation of the fantasy world. There are too many uncontrollable factors on the real battlefield, and even if it is used, it needs constant running-in with reality.

But the guy in front of him is a little too perverted.

We are all in the same unit, and we have only been in contact with the real battlefield for a long time. We are originally half-assed people.The two chariots I control now are just trying to use a mixture of armor-piercing shells and calcium carbide shells, but the opponent has alternately mixed armor-piercing shells, calcium carbide shells, split shells, armor-breaking shells, etc., and it is generally used.

"Damn it, it's really more popular than others. This guy might be a high-achieving student in the imaginary world simulation. Why didn't I know there was such a person under my command, who of you knew?"

The leader of the chariot can't help but click his tongue, the opponent's results are brilliant, and the technology is even more dazzling.Although the tank unit of the Marine Corps is very strong enough to produce many ace tank gunners, because of the lack of enough real wars, there is no chance to hone those potential ace gunners.More importantly, there are too many monks and too few food, and there are more chariot troops, so the opportunities to hone and the enemy are much less.

"I don't know, that chariot should be from the first or second group. They were transported in units of cliffs this time. I heard that in order to fight, that group of lunatics almost rioted and killed the commander who refused to let them participate in the battle." It was torn up. Although it was assigned to the command of our third group of marines this time, it was only temporary, so I didn’t move around much at ordinary times.”

"So it's these lunatics."

Hearing the words of the driver beside him, the leader Xia twitched his mouth strangely.

From the standpoint of a commander, he is very disgusted with the behavior of soldiers who don't obey orders and use the banner of independent thinking to ignore the command and act on their own.But from the Corps' standpoint, he was also dissatisfied with the lack of combat in the Marine Corps.And this kind of ambivalence has different biases in different ranks in the army.

Now, the marines of the third group did not participate in that kind of riot. Regarding the marines of the first and second groups, they privately gave a crazy evaluation.Because in their view, irrational riots and protests can only be done by lunatics.

But who knows, once they are placed somewhere, will they make the same or even more drastic moves.

But no matter what, the matter is over, and they just commented in private because of complicated emotions.

At this time, facing the arrogant chariot, everyone sighed.Of course, they were not in leisure time, so after observing each other for a short while, they were attracted by a bunch of puppies rushing over.In order to deal with this group of approaching guys, the infantrymen of the Marine Corps also lay on the roof of the tank, and used the AZ dormitory rifle attached to the tank to call the enemies one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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