Spore Story

Chapter 757 Heavy Cavalry: Battle of Stone Forest

Chapter 757 Heavy Cavalry: Battle of Stone Forest

Thank you lame antelope for your monthly ticket support~\(≧▽≦)/~

There was another violent explosion. Under continuous high-speed shooting, he almost entered a state of emptiness with a high concentration of mental power. Even the soldier whose body was occupied in the consciousness space was mentally exhausted because he paid too much attention to emptiness' shooting skills. With a high degree of concentration, he seized such a good opportunity to copy and learn illusory design skills directly from the consciousness space.

It is conceivable that even if you leave this body now, the owner of this body, that is, the soldier in the corner of the consciousness space, can still shoot in such a smooth manner, but after stopping, the level may be improved. Decline, but that is inevitable, but at least he has greater growth potential.

At the same time, because the consciousness of the two controllers of this body is highly coordinated at this time, the coordination of the body has also been greatly improved.In this way, Konghuan was even able to use this body to display a shooting speed close to that of his own body, increasing the shooting speed from the initial 7 seconds to 5 seconds.

Under the impact of the explosion caused by the close-range bombardment in front of him, the inside of the chariot shook violently. Even the loader, who had been stable before, had to grab the handrail to avoid bumps and injuries.

Because of this, Kong Huan, who finally woke up from that state of ecstasy, had time to look at the target he had just killed.

Unexpectedly, looking through the sighting port, the one hit by him at close range in front of him was a giant elephant who did not know when it appeared.

The giant elephant hit by a calcium carbide shell, because this type of shell is not very penetrating, the outer carapace of the giant elephant is actually only dented with a large piece.The entire group of friends is at a distance of more than 500 meters, and unless armor-piercing bullets are used, it is difficult for the rest to knock the giant elephant armor directly.But this time the giant elephant was obviously very unlucky, not to mention being directly bombarded by the electromagnetic gun within 400 meters, the calcium carbide shell was even embedded in the depression of the opponent's brain.

As a result, a tragedy happened, and the calcium carbide bomb that was almost embedded in the brain exploded, directly allowing this giant elephant to experience the fate of the senior (beheaded).

No, this time it was a headshot.

As for the other innocent bugs around who were affected by the calcium carbide bomb, they have been reduced to the roles of passers-by, and no one cares about their life or death.

"I remember that I just saw a shadow emerging from behind the stone pillar, but subconsciously threw the calcium carbide shell out, and then..."


"Uh...forget it, anyway, it's already killed, the next target."

According to the estimate of the Ministry of Technology, the exchange ratio between the Pengzu chariot and the giant elephant is one to one; but the estimate of the Military Academy is one to three.In any case, it is expressed that to kill a giant elephant, it is likely to need to pay the scale of a chariot.Although this kind of conclusion is a statistical value drawn from the fantasy world, it is not completely applicable to the real battlefield, but at least it is a relatively accurate number summed up from many experiments.

However, it seems that the data can only be used as a reference forever.

With the cover of the tanks of the same team, they obtained a momentary buffer, thereby avoiding the possibility of being seized by the enemy during the short-term dizziness caused by the close-range explosion. Kong Huan also took the opportunity to look around.

Except for the rapid-fire artillery and insect-killing chariot troops who were cleaning up the insects in the air outside, the other more than 200 assault chariots and self-propelled guns entered the stone forest.

The chariot units inside the stone forest also began to divide into battles.

The self-propelled gun, which has almost no deterrent effect on the approaching Zerg, but dare not go out to be attacked by the Zerg in the sky, but is very lethal to long-distance enemies, is surrounded by assault vehicles in the inner circle, and is protected by the infantry of the Marine Corps. , constantly bombarding the ground Zerg on the other side who tried to rush into the stone forest to attack the troops.

Although there were records of being attacked by the Zerg during the period, and several of them suffered damage such as broken tracks and twisted barrels, there was no major danger. Troop maintenance personnel were doing emergency repairs under the protection of the surrounding infantry.

At this time, the main combat force in Stone Forest is the assault tank equipped with 75mm electromagnetic assault gun, which can rotate, aim and shoot at a reasonable speed, and has the ability to kill in a range, thus making up for the lack of precision in attacking flexible Zerg.Coupled with the support of a large number of infantry wearing armor, it also equalized the initial disadvantage caused by being ambushed a little bit.

After recalling it roughly, Kong Huan suddenly found that because of his selfless attack, he had killed hundreds of bugs one after another. Of course, compared to Youshen's combat level, this result is not enough to look at, but he is purely controlling the chariot now. fighting.His single chariot can destroy so many enemies, while boosting morale, it will inevitably bring a lot of pressure to other chariots.

Of course, this stress is benign.

"It's about the same. At this time, the number of bugs is less and they are scattered a lot. The power of weapons of mass destruction is much lower, which just saves ammunition. Besides, killing people with such high efficiency, no matter how you look at it, it is a bit suspected of grabbing credit .Although others don’t necessarily mind, but it’s useless to leave the credit to me, so it’s better to give others more opportunities.”

Seemingly modest, but in fact extremely high-profile illusory, feeling the state of the driver in the consciousness space with black lines all over his head, he burst out laughing.He has not experienced life so relaxedly for a long time. The battle at this time may be dangerous to ordinary people, but it is actually like a game to Kong Huan. He is bound by race and trivial matters, and it has indeed been a long time since he has not devoted himself wholeheartedly. To do a very ordinary thing.

It seems wasteful, but that's how people are. It's impossible to plan your entire life to live. It's only a bit rebellious and wasteful to feel complete.

At this time, a communication from the leader of the Chariot Gorge suddenly came from the communication network.

"Good job! I'm convinced, how is it? Are you interested in coming to our second cluster 203 Gorge? Don't rush to refuse, let me tell you a secret, boy, this time our two clusters come to the troops, I can't tell Going back is the first batch of troops to refit with flying chariots, this is a good opportunity, although your third group will also choose, but it doesn’t necessarily matter to you, how about it?”


Empty and full of black lines.

Well, is the robbing of people already so intense in this friend clan chariot unit?Also, what kind of secret is that, why don't I know.To say that the refitting of the flying chariot is still in the drafting stage, and the mothership will have to wait until the end of the year to start the sea trial, and the sea trial period will take at least three months.Although the speed of the fighter planes will be faster, and it may start to be equipped around December or March, it will not be determined which troops will change their equipment now.

Of course, these are all off topic, Kong Huan is just very speechless and he was poached.

"Ahem, thank you for your attention, but I'm already used to this place."

"Oh, is that right? Forget it, but your skills are really good, high-achieving student?"


Kong Huan was stunned again, and it took a while to digest it. Then he looked at the soldier's consciousness full of black lines in the consciousness space, and couldn't help but crack the corners of his mouth. Are you planning to make a good relationship after the direct invitation is rejected?

"No, but Xia Zhang, it's not good to say these things on the battlefield?"

"Oh, that's right. Let's talk later and make friends."


Smiling wryly and disconnecting the direct connection, Kong Huan looked at the consciousness of the original commander in the consciousness space, and saw that the other party was hesitant. From the perspective of consciousness perception, Kong Huan could know that the other party was just a question about the flying chariot, and wanted to ask Kong Huan But the elder was not easy to say.

To this, Kong Huan smiled.

"Although it is not a secret, it is still the same as my coming this time, it is best not to talk about it, so don't talk nonsense. As for the issue of the flying chariot unit, I can miss the bottom line. It is now July. Specifically Discussing who will give priority to changing clothes will have to wait until around October, so don't worry."

The soldier nodded gratefully. Before he could apply, Kong Huan exited the space of consciousness again. He didn't want to open the back door right now.

"Come on!"

Apparently, the great power of the tank belonging to Kong Huan greatly encouraged or stimulated the attacking power of the surrounding tanks.Facing the gradually stable defense line, the chariot troops also began to cooperate with the infantry troops to drive away the surrounding Zerg bit by bit, expand the range of the defense line, and improve the mobility of the chariot troops.

Soon, a team of chariots rushed out of the line of defense and began to run quickly along the perimeter of the gradually empty line of defense, and took advantage of their speed and impact to strangle the Zerg.

Kong Huan also hurriedly followed. Although he didn't use multiple ammunition alternate attack methods, he relied on the target calibration of mental power. Even without the guidance of mental power, within the range of mental power, he had to hit the Zerg with high flexibility. It may be troublesome, but it is not difficult to hit nine out of ten shots.

In comparison, the performance of the soldiers in the surrounding assault tanks was not much worse than that of Kong Huan.

Because the distance to the enemy is very short, ordinary soldiers rely on the spiritual power of the ghost level to release it externally, and the distance is enough to control within a range of about [-] meters, and use this to provide early warning, aiming and other functions for the tank.It's just that the multi-layered shooting of Kong Huan dazzled people's eyes before, which made Wu Huan feel unique.

However, as everyone fought more and more smoothly, and Kong Huan deliberately placed the attack target on the key target, thus reducing the amount of damage, it gradually made the surrounding assault tanks catch up, showing a scene of common progress .

Condensing the mental power into a beam for a comprehensive scan, the situation of the entire battlefield was once again displayed in Kong Hua's mind.Most of the chariots of the friends clan performed well, whether they were in or outside the stone forest.Moreover, at this time, the activities of the Zergs are also becoming less and less due to the suppression of the chariot troops, which means that on this battlefield, the balance of strength between the friends and insects is slowly tilting towards the friends.

It's a pity that this is not a flat plain, and it is impossible to see the decisive battle between the friend clan chariot troops and the Zerg ground troops.The current terrain of stone forests and shallow mountains is more of a test of the overall combat effectiveness of the tank crew and the performance of the tank. Fortunately, both of these did not disappoint Kong Huan.

The extermination tanks outside are partly separating and heading towards the stone forest, which means that the threat of flying Zerg has been greatly reduced.

Looking around, because the chariot troops used a large number of explosive shells, many stone pillars collapsed, and a few unlucky chariots were also smashed during the period, which took the lives of many bugs.

Originally, I was worried that due to this kind of destruction, the chariot troops would be exposed to the flying Zerg without the cover of the stone forest, so I can rest assured at this time.

Sure enough, apart from the crew members of this vehicle, the only colonel commander of the Marine Corps who knew Kong Huan's identity quickly gave a battle report to Kong Huan.

Most of the flying Zerg outside the stone forest have been cleaned up, and the rest are evading by flying high, but neither side can attack.Even if the Zerg bombarded from a high altitude, the chariot could dodge it calmly, not to mention that such a small number of bugs could be dealt with by the cargo ship that hadn't shown its face for a long time.

As a result, the six or seven hundred insect-killing tanks equipped with rapid-fire guns outside were released and began to support the Stone Forest area.

"Get ready, when the exterminator chariot rushes in, we will immediately form an arrow and rush out from the other side of the stone forest. After arriving at the mountain range, we will immediately rush to the location of the assault ship. Now that there are no encircling Zerg, the assault ship will soon recover its power .”

The commander of the troops in the stone forest issued an order, and the tanks began to clean up the surrounding Zerg in a targeted manner, and handed over the low-level Zerg to the infantry to deal with, while the tanks began to save ammunition.

Although it is equipped with an electromagnetic gun, there are no artillery shells on the earth that occupy most of the propellant, so the ammunition carried by the tank is very high.For example, the BL01 assault tank where Konghuan is located is equipped with more than 70 rounds of various types of 230mm electromagnetic bombs.

But in the face of a huge number of Zerg, this loading capacity is still somewhat small.

In comparison, the principle is not clear yet, but it seems that the Zerg Hydralisks and other long-range attack Zergs with sufficient energy supply are obviously much more relaxed.Even though they are at a disadvantage, without any fear, they are still happily firing at the chariot troops.Even though many of the attacks were missed, they still caused a lot of hit effects under this numerical advantage.

However, although the Viper's attack is powerful, it is a chemical corrosion attack.

Friends who have a lot of research on chemistry still guard against these things after encountering Zerg. As the main enemy in land warfare, most of the armor of tank troops is covered with a thin film, which can just prevent acid and alkali corrosion. Effect.

Thus, a scene that was quite funny and made the friends happy and the bugs depressed appeared like this.

The venomous Hydralisks of the bugs sprayed continuously, often hitting the chariot, but most of the time, it seemed like a viscous ordinary liquid hit it, flowing down the surface of the chariot, and finally corroded a hole on the ground. It was a small pit, but it failed to cause any harm to the chariot.

If it weren't for the fact that the formation was too dense at this time, the infantry couldn't control the distance, and standing around the chariot would be easily splashed with corrosive liquid, causing some casualties. Perhaps the bugs would be mad because the attack of the Hydralisk was ineffective against the friends.

However, infantry are not really so vulnerable.

Although the sixth-generation armor is still being tested and has not been popularized, most soldiers are equipped with the fifth-generation armor, but even the fifth-generation armor has extremely high defensive power and can assist energy attacks.

For those corrosive liquids splashed over, they can only cause damage when they hit the gaps in the armor.

And when the bugs were in close combat, they found that each of these armored soldiers seemed to have the energy attack ability of no less than half an energy body.Grid technique, electric shock technique, energy stimulation, high-energy flash and other things emerged one after another, giving the bugs a very good experimental lesson on how to use the fifth-generation armor.

After all, for soldiers fighting on the front lines, armor is their only protection.

The battlefield is more and more tilted towards the friends, and the Zerg, who have no fear and only fighting spirit, are still full of morale, which makes the members of the friends quite depressed.But even so, our side is still about to win, so if you are depressed or anything, throw it into the sea for the Sea Clan to play with.When Unreal controlled the assault gun to aim at a group of Zerg that had briefly gathered together due to wrong movement, and was about to press the button, the single line of high-speed shooting swept across the group of bugs.

For a moment, limbs flew across.

"Ah, it was actually robbed."

Compared to the illusory joke, there were cheers from the team, and even the two soldiers in the assault vehicle he was in roared.Anyway, in a narrow area, a group of insects use the stone forest to fight guerrilla attacks. The two sides are intertwined and it is not easy to take advantage, but because of the existence of flying insects outside, it is not a comfortable situation.

Even if they had achieved great success in this uncomfortable place.

Sweep carefully and start to organize on the move, rushing out of the stone forest, strangling the surrounding Zerg while rushing to the landing point of the assault ship, among the chariots that stirred up the yellow sand, and the stone forest is still being repaired depressedly, For various reasons, the soldier lying on the chariot, Kong Huan smiled slightly.

"However, judging from the situation, even without the appearance of flying chariots, our clan's chariots still need to be updated."

Recalling the previous battles against the Zerg, because of the problem of the rotation speed of the turret, it was always impossible to keep up with the moving speed of the Zerg and could not shoot; and because of the problem of the connection of the track, the track was killed by the bug from time to time, and the whole vehicle turned into a nest. The situation of the fixed fort is illusory and thought-provoking.

"Perhaps, even if all of them are replaced with fighter planes later, and these tanks are sold to the Black Bone Race or even the Spirit Race, it is necessary to consider the problem of at least giving them basic combat power and modify these tanks."

"However, how to modify it?"

Because he had to think about many problems, he temporarily returned his body to the original owner, and became a bystander. While enjoying the battle of the tank unit, he made an old mistake, thinking about the modification plan for future export tanks.

Perhaps it would be nice to change the way the tracks and wheels move to one that is suspended by pumice and propelled by wind.

"The chariot is small in size and has little air resistance. After being suspended by pumice stones, the friction with the ground is zero, so it only needs to provide a small wind force to gradually accelerate to a very high level."

"Even taking into account the mobility and explosiveness issues, it seems like a good idea to turn the wind provider into an obsolete jet engine solution."


Suddenly, Kong Huan was startled! !

"It's over, I forgot to report the battle situation to Dark Blood!"

In a certain front-line intelligence analysis room, there was a howling cold wind as if encountering an ice age ahead of time.

Who shall we provoke?The staff members burst into tears. (TT)

(End of this chapter)

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