Spore Story

Chapter 758 Heavy Cavalry: L11 Inspection

Chapter 758 Heavy Cavalry: L11 Inspection

Thank you for the reward that Feng seems to be on the track, ga =w=
"Keep you waiting for a long time, this big guy is okay."

In the narrow valley, two huge protrusions were covered with mud, and they were being cleaned up bit by bit.The soldiers of the Marine Corps surrounded the two assault ships located in it, pointing and expressing their views as if seeing it for the first time.

In the center, the commander of the colonel of the Marine Corps looked at the captains of the two assault ships with a serious face and spoke to express his concern.However, in the eyes of the two captains at this time, no matter how they looked at it, they were gloating, but they couldn't refute it.

One of them seemed much more stable, knowing that at this time the two parties could not quarrel.

"It's okay, but the engine has a little problem, and it was almost repaired at this point in concealment, and there is no problem with the pumice power, so if it is towed by a cargo ship, it is enough to return to L11, and then it can be further repaired gone."

"Oh, that's good, please take off as soon as possible to join the cargo fleet. We also need to rush to the next location for rescue. You must know that there are two assault ships and one capital ship this time."

After finishing speaking, the colonel turned around and left without talking nonsense.

The remaining two captains of the assault ship looked at the surrounding marines with unlucky faces, shook their heads and pulled the people beside them back into the assault ship.

Soon, under the gaze of everyone, two assault ships more than [-] meters long slowly lifted into the sky.

The soldiers had seen this shocking scene a lot, so they didn't say anything at all.On the contrary, Kong Huan stood there and looked up, feeling a little emotional in his heart. The fact that the Pengzu can make this kind of thing is actually very powerful, but it's a pity that the comparison now is the civilization of the universe.

The assault ship, which looks scarred on the surface, is actually not much damaged. Because of its concealment, soil and leaves have accumulated on the surface. At this time, after taking off, under the influence of the pumice engine, it is wrapped like an artificial floating island. The dirt and leaves lifted into the air together, and it couldn't be cleaned up in a short time.

As a result, the two assault ships at this time do not look like battleships, and the floating islands are not like floating islands, but they are quite embarrassed.

Fortunately, although the soldiers of the Marine Corps gloated, they didn't show it so obviously.Otherwise, maybe the crew of the battleship troop would go crazy here, which would mean that the already unharmonious relationship between the fleet and the Marine Corps would become even more tense, which would make the empty fantasy who stayed aside and mixed in with the ordinary soldiers quite tense .

"Huh, luckily it's okay."

Wiping off the profuse sweat, Kong Huan looked around, wondering if he should continue to follow the troops.

When it occurred to him that he didn't report the situation, he immediately made a detailed report, but he still got dark blood to complain for a while.Of course, women are bound to be willful, just like men are inevitably stubborn.So you just need to talk warmly for a while, and promise some benefits, and you'll be fine.

Therefore, Kong Huan largely forgot about Dark Blood's complaints.But thinking about it, Dark Blood is indeed a woman. It seems that fusion is really difficult.

"But, is there something wrong with it?"

Rubbing his chin, Kong Huan returned to the position of the commander of the tank, and watched the tanks boarding the cargo ship one after another to rush to the landing site of the next battleship to rescue the assault ship there, but his thoughts still stayed On the body of the third consciousness.

My own idea is to integrate the three consciousnesses. I and Bai Nong have no major problems, but the resistance from the dark blood side is extremely strong.

Is it just because of gender?

So, is it necessary for Dark Blood to abandon the identity of a woman and identify with the identity of a man?

This should be a breakthrough.


With black lines all over his head, he lay powerlessly on the edge of the turret, looking at the sky gradually covered by the cargo ship's bilge, and returned to his body with a lazy look.

"With Darkblood's personality, it's impossible. Although she looks like a man, she is actually a woman from the inside out. If she really wants to make her think that she is a man, then... uh. "

Can't help shivering, Kong Huan said that he still wants to live a little longer.

Therefore, the boat will naturally go straight when it reaches the bridgehead, so let’s put aside the fusion and so on. Anyway, it’s not in a hurry.Such an indifferent attitude seems to have become an illusory subconscious behavior, and it doesn't matter if it is called instinct.

Putting aside the thinking about the three consciousnesses, Facing the current situation, Kong Hua felt another headache.

After the troops rescued an assault ship, they were satisfied with the fantasy of two ordinary battles and chose not to move with the troops anymore.But he did not exit the possessed state, and handed over the commander position of the chariot to another soldier temporarily, while he continued to control the current soldier's body, and returned to L11 with the towed warship.

After learning about the situation of the chariot troops, he planned to stop by L11 to learn about the construction of frontline logistics bases like the Pengzu.

However, it is clear that the situation of the frontline logistics base L11 is not as good as he imagined.

Arrived at L11 Konghuan, visited several key places successively. The floating island is not big, so I swam all over it in a few hours.Because there is not much secrecy, there is no need to disclose his identity, Kong Huan can inspect various places as an ordinary soldier.

This made him discover many problems and deficiencies.

Ammunition supply is nothing, because this is the focus of construction from the beginning, so the managers are also very attentive.Although the stocks in several warehouses are not full, most of them have been consumed after several wars, but there is still enough for the next battle, but the management needs to be improved. This is a system problem.

The biggest flaws are in maintenance and medical.

First of all, it is about the medical treatment of important personnel. Considering that although the entire medical system of the friends is complete, the personnel are still insufficient. Even if there is priority care, L11 only has three doctors, more than 30 nurses and more than a dozen orderlies. .

On the surface, this doesn't seem to be a big problem, after all, L11's usual resident population is only a thousand.But at this time, after the three clusters on the front line settled in, the problem was suddenly exposed.The number of wounded soldiers transported successively from the United Fleet and the Marine Corps has exceeded the tolerance limit of the poor three doctors and thirty nurses, and even the hospital, which was originally designed to be enlarged, is at this time. It looks crowded.

This shows that everyone lacked experience when they first considered the problem.

If it only meets the needs of L11 locals, a hospital with a capacity of 100 patients is enough; if considering the logistical problems of the front line during wartime, then a hospital with a capacity of at least 2000 patients is required.But the hospital in L11 is completely flat, with a capacity of 500 people, but now there are more than 200 seriously injured people transported here, plus minor injuries...

cover forehead.

After all, that idiot designed it.

Someone suddenly popped up in my memory when setting up the L-series floating island hospital. Facing the 100-person hospital set by a group of designers, he stood on the stage and directly changed 1 to 5 with a face full of 'we are long-term' Consider the 'look like' scenario.


Kong Huan decisively turned his head away.

Walking through the crowded corridors of the hospital, seeing those L11 garrison personnel who temporarily participated in the rescue work, their movements were a little rusty but still full of enthusiasm, Kong Huan felt an indescribable sadness in his heart.

When I modified it myself, I was still too conservative. Instead of changing 1 to 5, I should add a zero after it.

But who would have thought of such a scene at that time.

The whole corridor was filled with a smell of blood. The slightly wounded crowded in the corridor, looked after each other's wounds, and took the medicine brought by the nurses to do it themselves.Even though it is only a few battleships lost in the data, in fact, there are not a few members of the battleship who were injured due to various situations, but most of them were not seriously injured.

However, even so, it seriously affected the combat effectiveness of the battleship.

"Hey, that, yes, it's you, what are you screaming for standing in the corridor? If you are not injured, return to the army immediately!"

Although he was inspecting the situation of the hospital, the ordinary corporal that Kong Huan possessed at this time just walked carelessly through the already crowded corridors, looking here and there aimlessly, and sighing while covering his forehead from time to time, This action quickly aroused the dissatisfaction of the surrounding soldiers.

When Kong Huan was in a daze, more and more soldiers expressed suspicion and contempt.

With a wry smile, he did not explain, but quickly left the hospital through the corridor.

Although there were a lot of wounded among the soldiers, most of those who stayed in the hospital were slightly injured but they affected their combat performance, so they were sent here.Relying on locals and military doctors supported by warships, they can barely maintain it.And because of the small number of people in the Pengzu, the Pengzu is quite well prepared for patented medicines in the construction of the medical system.

Ordinary members and soldiers of the Dapeng clan system were also required to learn some simple first aid, which showed results at this time. Most of the slightly injured could be rescued by themselves, which saved a lot of work for the nurses and avoided panic.

In addition, every few days, there will be a cargo ship rushing to Xinpeng Island, which can regularly transport the seriously injured to other floating islands for diversion, which avoids the danger of the hospital being overwhelmed by the backlog of wounded.

Walking out of the corridor, briefly shielding his eyes from the sunlight, and letting his ordinary body get used to it, Kong Huan took a deep breath of fresh air outside.

His gaze stayed on the two assault ships that had stopped there after arriving in the L11 square in front of him, and his thoughts began to shift.

Compared with the crowded but unsatisfactory medical system, if L11 is considered on the scale of the logistics base, another problem cannot be ignored.


The artificial floating islands at the equator of the starry sky that start with L each have a repair shop made of a hollowed-out structure, but the repair shop has a limited capacity and can only repair a warship of about 6000 tons.However, under the conditions of war, the maintenance scale of a ship is obviously insufficient.

Fortunately, the number of battleship troops and maintenance personnel on the L floating island is still sufficient. Relying on the mutual cooperation of the floating island square and scaffolding, L11 can actually repair a warship of the current level of the friend clan warship normally at this time, and overhaul it at the same time Five warships of the same class.


"how long!?"

Perhaps after visiting his colleagues in the hospital just now, the captain of the assault ship who just came out of the hospital was stopped at the door by a worker in a maintenance worker's uniform covered in oil, and yelled something.

Judging from the captain's expression, this doesn't seem to be a good topic, at least the captain's face is full of displeasure.

This attracted Kong Huan's attention, and he invested his mental power without hesitation, almost eavesdropping openly.Anyway, I have been the intelligence leader of the shadow system organization for a long time, and it has almost become instinct.

Perhaps because they thought it was safe at L11, neither the captain nor the maintenance workers noticed this.

This makes Kong Huan frown on his friend's sense of secrecy.

"It will take about a week, Your Excellency the Captain."

The maintenance workers seemed very calm. Generally speaking, even if they calculated the maintenance period accurately or even shortened it, it would still cause some principals to be dissatisfied, so he was used to the captain's reaction.

"One week, um, yeah, sir..."

"Just call me Chen Gong."

I feel calm about the captain's reaction, but I am a little flattered by the title of Mr. After all, this title is not something that can be called casually among friends.Therefore, he naturally recommended that when he was in the factory, the people around him called him, which was much more kind.

Of course, the captain didn't intend to get entangled in such trivial matters, he cared about more important things.

"Okay, Mr. Chen, week after week! It's almost time to assemble a new ship..."

"It's an assembled cargo ship, Your Excellency. And when the Mei Ling is repaired, it will be a new battleship instead of an ordinary cargo ship..."

"But I don't want a new boat!"

The captain looked directly at the calm engineer in front of him quite depressed. It seemed that the other party was the team leader in charge of the maintenance of his lovely Meiling, but he obviously didn't want to wait so long.

"I just want my battleship to be the same as before, as long as it can immediately enter the battle!"

The maintenance team leader was very helpless: "To be honest, Captain, there are not many Meiling left. Maybe you shouldn't have caused her so many injuries in the first place."

"But it wasn't me who caused it, it wasn't me who attacked her!"

The captain spread out his hands with a depressed expression, as if this would double the speed of the maintenance team: "Everyone knows that I was absolutely doing my best to prevent her from suffering so much damage..."

"But now it seems that your efforts have not paid off, have they?"

The maintenance team leader finally got a little impatient. This is not a shipyard in an industrial area. The only maintenance factory is still occupied by another even more miserable warship.However, the combination of the square and the scaffolding is already considered a miracle to have such a speed, and that is the result of after they worked hard to make a plan and changed it again and again.

Who wouldn't want to be able to have their repaired battleship rush over to help when it's time to fight the last of the Zerg in this invasion?But there is a contrast between reality and ideal in everything, and reality is...

"In short, it will take at least a week to complete the repairs."

"Why don't I start the whole ship to take off the armor, pick up the maintenance tools, and climb up the scaffolding to install and replace the armor plates? It definitely won't take a week, right? Maybe we can set sail at noon tomorrow!"

The captain said that he could not calm down, and he even made an expression that he was about to leave.

And staying under a big tree not far away, making an illusion of watching the scenery of the floating island to adjust the mood, but it was also powerless for a while.It seems that the captain is really stubborn, and what is even more speechless is that he met another opponent who is more stubborn and reasonable.

This doomed him to failure.

"Your Excellency, I have already explained that the problem with the Meiling is not limited to the armor plate."

The team leader pointed to the assault ship covered with scaffolding in the distance. The dilapidated appearance did look quite sad: "There are many internal circuits that are coking and need to be replaced. The turret shaft is stuck and needs to be maintained and oiled. In addition, there are mechanical The transmission system had to be tuned, and the most important thing is that there are cracks in many places on the engine skeleton."

"Perhaps, you should be thankful that the overall structure is still strong, so the skeleton of the hull is not damaged, otherwise this time will not be waiting for a week, but forever..."

"Okay, I understand."

The captain, who finally understood the truth that it is reasonable to travel all over the world, also found that it was impossible to quickly compress time with a few words of his own.Instead of arguing like this, it is better to give the other party more time, so he decisively chose to surrender.

"But I've waited for so long, at least I need to replace the rapid-fire gun turrets that are approaching the end of their service life with new ones, and those main guns are useless, please help replace them with ordinary rapid-fire guns."

"This...then we need to wait another week for Xinpeng Island to deliver the goods. But to do that, I'm afraid it will take you at least two weeks, Your Excellency Captain." The maintenance team leader was as indifferent as ever.

"how long!!!"

The entire hospital gate was filled with the captain's howls, and even the mental power eavesdropping film placed behind the opponent was forced to vibrate violently, so he had to remove it to avoid causing harm to himself. Trouble, after all, this body is still very fragile.

Of course, the captain also experienced the harshness of the friend system.

The moment he roared, a certain doctor, who happened to be inspecting a group of wounded not far from the gate, ran out decisively, and gave an in-depth, profound, and very philosophical discussion to His Excellency the Captain. The education about how to abide by the law of 'no noise inside the hospital and its surroundings' was followed by tears.

That's right, a certain captain who had just been hit was already in tears.

In view of the captain's cooperative performance, and the embarrassment of his powerful ability to even think that a big man, especially a soldier, would cry, the doctor let the captain go after a few minutes.

As for the former maintenance team leader, because he was a local population, he knew a certain doctor deeply, so he left the captain early and ran away on the grounds that he needed to do all the maintenance and was inconvenient to continue wasting time.

However, Kong Huan, who was still giggling, soon discovered that the doctor was looking directly at him when he turned around.Glancing up and down at the emptiness at this time, the doctor probably realized that he wasted some time and was unwilling to continue doing unnecessary waste, so he snorted coldly, turned and walked towards the hospital.

But before Kong Huan could breathe out, the other party's message came, just in time for Kong Huan and the captain to hear.

"If you have the time to laugh at your boss, don't do something serious!"

"Uh... that, Captain, please listen to my explanation."

"Oh, yeah? Maybe the maintenance team needs a porter to do the job and explain."


(End of this chapter)

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