Spore Story

Chapter 759

Chapter 759
Thank you Ben frivolous 124 for the reward~\(≧▽≦)/~, I haven’t met so many rewards in a long time, so happy, Quack.

descended of heaven

I'm sorry, I deeply apologize for the troubles I caused to your life during my coming, and I deeply understand the harm of this behavior.

Therefore, I have returned my body to you.

If you wish, I can also transfer you into the test unit of the flying chariot to participate in the test of the flying chariot as compensation.Of course, that's because I have a deep understanding of your technology and think it's appropriate.And even if you accept it, you will have to test it before making a final decision.

Above, a certain elder of the friend clan stayed.


For someone who has just returned from the consciousness space and regained control of his body, he immediately found out sadly that he had offended the captain for unknown reasons and had to assist maintenance workers in carrying heavy armor plates, so in the short term it is Unable to return to the army.

Because of this, he, like the members of this battleship, lost a great opportunity to participate in the battle of the third aggression in the late stage, and he wanted to cry but had no tears.

Anger and resentment are justified, but he can only laugh and cry when faced with the compensation from Kong Huan and the rather unscrupulous message in the space of consciousness.Of course, he obviously wouldn't miss such a good opportunity, so while working, he also contacted the contact information left by Kong Huan to get the arrangement of the test, which unexpectedly reduced his work by a few days.

It can be regarded as what each needs.

As for the empty illusion, the observation has already confirmed that the soldier's ability is not high, but it is not low. In addition, the empty illusion is the sharing of the openness of the consciousness of both parties. In fact, the soldier already has a short-term promotion. The ability to reach the soul level, so don't worry about going to the fighter unit to have problems.

What's more, facing an aircraft that is very different from a tank, most experimental pilots have to learn from scratch, so it doesn't matter the trouble caused by ability, as long as they can learn.

The soldier didn't really need to complain, though.

Because he threw the trouble to him, but he escaped back to Xinpengdao's body, the illusory elder, did not get the relief he imagined.There is a creature far more dangerous than the captain of the assault ship and the hospital doctor, the dark blood elder is waiting for him.So, mourn.

Dark Blood, Elder of the Friends Clan, Yin God; one of the three conscious avatars (but always resist this identity); delicate and violent, full of military fanaticism but inherited the black belly learned from 8051; danger level: MAX; calibration title : Super. BOSS; Guess the exclusive weapon: Hatchet.


"What was it just now, emptiness, do you want to explain?"

For a while, he forgot that in front of the Yinshen class, even though he had the main consciousness ability, his actual level was no more than the illusion of the Youshen class, and his thoughts were decisively read by the dark blood.As a matter of course, Dark Blood discovered the evaluations in his illusory consciousness.So, after waking up to see the dark blood covered in black air, and even pulling out a hatchet from nowhere in his hand, his illusory brain subconsciously reacted.

"Cold, calm down, dark blood, you have to calm down!"

However, this reaction may be very correct, but the person concerned does not seem to accept it.

The staff in the front-line analysis room turned a blind eye to the tragedy (domestic violence?) that was breaking out, probably because they were used to it or did not dare to participate.It is because they want to ignore the situation here, they work a little more seriously than usual, and they are full of enthusiasm in doing things.


When the night entered the deepest part, and the cooing bird was lying on a branch that could not lift its head under the weight of its body, making a purring sound, the time pointer in the analysis room pointed to exactly 0:00.

A new day arrives after the second hand crosses the highest point.

"Report, the frontline marines report that all four assault ships have been successfully rescued. In addition, another capital ship that was originally to be rescued had cleared the chasing enemies before the marines arrived and was moving in the direction of L11 middle."

"Very well, it seems that the guys on the capital ship are also a little aggressive."

"There are another assault ship, but it's just not enough."

"Yes, I know."

Kong Huan, who didn't know when he would be resurrected, was sitting in the house at this time, looking at the dark blood who was not close or far away, exuding the aura of keeping strangers away from Kong Huan, but gentle like a spring breeze to the surrounding staff, Kong Huan could only carefully comment on the situation of the battle, but he still found a rebuttal, so he was speechless.

Afterwards, Dark Blood added: "Indeed, in terms of aggressiveness, you are only at the level of passers-by."

"Ha!" The blow was a little bit bigger, the entire analysis room was occupied by black lines.

"Ah, isn't it?"

"No matter what, I have done a lot of things, how can I make such an evaluation!" Kong Huan decided to defend his rights.

"That's right." With an expression of approval, Anxue covered his face with one hand, and added again: "Evaluating your aggressiveness as a passer-by is demeaning to passers-by, so it should be a street lamp." !"

"What's the matter with your suddenly enlightened expression!"

street lights...

Dark Blood pretended to be natural and didn't know what Kong Huan was talking about, but his hoarse voice was like hitting Kong Huan with all his strength on the cotton, which had no effect.

As a result, the atmosphere between the two became more silent.

As time went on, Dark Blood was also boring. After laughing for a while, he stopped teasing Void, sighing secretly that the game was broken or something, unaware of the strange eyes of the people around him.

As for the surrounding staff, don't look at one or two with stern faces as if they don't know anything, and they might smile in their hearts, but Kong Huan doesn't care about it.

With a cold snort, he turned his head to look at the staff officer beside him with stiff facial muscles, and shook his head empty.

This is not good within the friend clan. Usually, when they are free, the class concept between each other is too indifferent.This may also be due to the lack of people.But because of the small number of people, and after moving to floating islands and gathering in industrial areas, dungeons and other areas, people in the same area, no matter friends or others, often meet each other and get to know each other very well.

Everyone looked up and saw each other all day long, and if something happened, it was quickly spread among neighbors without any secrets. It was like a small village where everyone knew everything.

In this familiar atmosphere, there will be harmony with each other, but it is difficult to generate real awe.

What's more, the friends' government also expressly prohibits the existence of all kinds of oppression. In addition, the number of people is small and concentrated, and the government's laws and regulations are quite easy to implement and supervise, so they are stable.Therefore, within the friend clan, the relationship between members of each region is neither high nor low, which can be said to be a certain state of equality.

When it comes to arguing about prestige, I am afraid that the elders' house can be regarded as the only authoritative institution of the friends.

This may be the advantage of a small country, but there are also many disadvantages.

At the same time, because of the distance between the floating islands, industrial areas, and dungeons, as well as traffic problems, a feeling of clique and xenophobia gradually arose in some areas.This phenomenon has not been revealed too much at this time. After all, it has only been four or five years since the establishment of various places, but Void, which has human experience, has also made preparations for this early.

At the same time, measures such as large-scale communication promoted by the Internet, frequent personnel exchanges in various places, and strengthening communication and transportation connections are all being steadily implemented.

Closer to home.

"Do you have any analysis results? How long will it take for the attack on No. 05 to end?"

The staff officers who had been bored in the analysis room for a long time felt hot in their hearts.

This is an opportunity. If it is done well, these staff officers who have spent time in the frontline analysis bureau are very likely to get further recognition after performing well in front of the two elders, especially Dark Blood, the founder of the Military Academy. Promotion opportunities, that is not difficult.Even if there is no promotion, there should be opportunities to transfer to other major departments.

As a result, several staff officers immediately made a draft in their minds.

But Kong Huan obviously didn't intend to make them more prepared, but asked again, with a little dissatisfaction.No matter what these people think, the purpose of the empty illusion is simply to understand the general staff's consideration of the battle situation, so as to check for omissions and fill in the gaps.

"Elder Void, Elder Dark Blood, according to our estimates, this battle can end before noon tomorrow at the earliest."

After a brief discussion, the staff members also planned to go straight to the point without talking nonsense.

"Oh, that means half a day?"

Looking up at the clock, Kong Huan nodded, and then asked: "Reason? Why did you come to this conclusion? Tell me."

The reason is actually very simple, push and wipe out the enemy.

However, it can be seen from the above that the standards of these staff officers are indeed not good, and their estimates are too optimistic.

The current position of the United Fleet is just outside the meteorite base. It has fought several times with the Zerg. After the two sides have won each other, they are resting in the sky at this time, and the Zerg seems to be producing soldiers with all their strength.

According to the latest Nanling report, the number of Zerg's middle and high-level arms is currently maintained at about [-], and it is increasing by nearly a hundred per hour.Because the sub-bases of low-level arms have been wiped out in large numbers, there are not as many bases for producing low-level arms as there are for middle- and high-level arms. However, because of the fast consumption and unit production speed, the growth rate still exceeds their bosses, reaching about one or two thousand per hour. , while the current total is around [-].

In terms of the United Fleet, there were originally 32 warships, but two were killed, and seven were seriously injured and returned to L11. At this time, only 23 ships were able to fight.However, according to the estimates of the staff based on the previous battle situation, it is theoretically enough to deal with [-] Zerg with such a number.

Therefore, in their thinking, the United Fleet only needs to rest for a while, and then push all the way to solve the meteorite base in the shortest time.In front of the capital ship's main guns, even the meteorite base can be blasted away, not to mention there are nearly ten ghosts and more than 300 energy bodies in the fleet (the three clusters add up).

However, perhaps in order to show the comprehensiveness of the staff's thinking, they proposed several other possible tactics and encounters after they proposed the method of pushing all the way.

And it was these considerations, taken as incidentals, that attracted Void's attention.

First, the United Fleet does not use the most time-saving flat push.

From Kong Huan's point of view, this is very possible, but the so-called time-saving flat push should be the least likely method to be chosen.

The United Fleet chose to fight guerrilla warfare with the Zerg floating units. While dragging the Zerg soldiers around, relying on the advantages of maneuverability and long-range attack, they gradually wiped out the Zerg outlying bases.After reducing the opponent's development potential in this way, the Marine Corps will launch the final blow to the meteorite base.

This method may take a day or two or even longer, but it is quite safe, and it is a joint land-air operation, and it can achieve the ability to coordinate the two armies, at least in Kong Huan's view.

However, after analysis, the staff thinks that because of the lack of understanding of the Zerg, it is impossible to say what the last trick of the Zerg is like.Because the villains of most stories seem to talk too much nonsense, and the delay for too long gives people a chance to come back.If the Zerg were given time to make a comeback because of the adoption of this method of warfare, then the Friends would be in trouble for the villain.

However, the leaders of the military academy did not think that the possibility of this analysis was very high, so they did not adopt it.

In fact, Kong Huan also thinks so. Maybe these staff officers have read too many novels, so there are so many troubles in reality.And considering the current situation alone, the tactics that the friends will adopt are definitely based on the premise of exchanging the minimum casualties for the maximum damage.

Of course, in the staff work, this kind of "overthinking" is worth advocating. After all, their job is to consider the problem as comprehensively as possible, so as to make various responses to provide support for the commander.

Therefore, Kong Huan did not express any dissatisfaction or opposition, but spoke words of encouragement.

Second, the joint fleet may use the Marine Corps as its main force.

From the previous battles in which the marines killed the six outer sub-bases and rescued the fleet warships, they have already shown that they are not weak. If they can get the support of the sky troops, they will obviously be able to exert greater power.

And more importantly, the Marine Corps of the first and second clusters will also arrive at four or five o'clock in the morning. At that time, the size of the Marine Corps will reach three legions, 4 close to 2000, and more than [-] for two battles. The sheer size of the car.At that time, the cargo fleet will also reach a mobilizable scale of thirty or forty ships, so that the troops will have sufficient ammunition supplies and marine transfer capabilities.

As a result, the marines have completely overwhelmed the fleet in terms of firepower output alone.

After all, although the number of heavy artillery in the fleet is much more, when dealing with bugs, unless you have an absolute advantage in super powerful artillery.Ordinary heavy artillery, even if it reaches 255mm, may not be as powerful as a few rapid-fire cannons when dealing with insect swarms.

Moreover, the attack speed and cost performance of that kind of super heavy artillery are obviously unsatisfactory.

Therefore, in the view of the staff, if the United Fleet pushes forward all the way as they want, it will be the best solution to hand over the sub-bases and mining bases of the Zerg non-meteorite base to the Marine Corps again.

However, Darkblood made some modifications here, turning the split attack into a collective attack.

At that time, the joint fleet and the Marine Corps will cooperate with each other and attack the mining base first to reduce the resources of the Zerg.

No matter what backhand the Zerg has, it will inevitably consume resources. This is the rule of the universe, and it is impossible to violate it.Then once the mining base that provides resources for the bugs is cut off, even if the bugs have some reserves, they won't be able to jump for long.

Then, send troops to attract the bug's mobile force.

If the bugs don’t come out, well, the fleet and the marines will leave a few monitoring meteorite bases, and the rest will focus on the sub-bases; if the bugs come out, that’s even better, the joint fleet, energy bodies and the rapid-fire guns in the marines will cooperate, and the bugs will That's less than [-] troops, and it's just the rations in the blink of an eye.

At that time, only the worms in the meteorite base will be left, and they can only accept the same ending as their predecessors.

"That's what I said..."

"Facts can't be changed just by talking about them, and no matter how powerful the Zerg base is, it has its limitations. What about the cosmic races? They were sniped twice by us, and they will win the third time, right?"

Darkblood disdains the hesitation of the staff officers: "Of course, the necessary caution is also necessary, so there is nothing wrong with your actions."

On the other hand, Kong Huan, who was watching from the sidelines, thought about these proposals and discussed them, and then directly delivered the sorted items to the staff headquarters through the Internet, allowing them to decide on their own.

In fact, doing so is also an acknowledgment of the staff in front of him, but it is not very clear.

"Anyway, it's fine to discuss here, but the final decision still needs to be decided by the United Fleet itself, but how will they choose?"

Void Fantasy was very curious, and the staff members were looking forward to it, but Dark Blood didn't care, because she knew that no matter what she chose, the ultimate goal of the United Fleet was to defeat these rotten bugs, especially the No. 05 meteorite base.

"I am also very curious."

The voice from outside the door attracted the attention of several people.

Before Kong Huan could turn his head, a pair of small hands hugged his neck, and his upper body suddenly became heavy.

"Hang Huan, you are so unfeeling. He has been lying in the hospital for so long, and he came to see him six times."

There is no doubt that behind him is Xiao Lingyun who just woke up, but what makes Kong Huan very embarrassing is, why did you go to me six times by yourself.You must know that every time you pass by, the little Lingyun that Kong Huan sees is lying there quietly without moving, but knowing that it is the initiative of Xiao Lingyun to restore her spirit, she doesn't worry too much.

"Two flirts aside, this is where quiet is needed."

The dark blood, who was upset for unknown reasons, looked down on him from the sidelines, but there was a feeling in his vision of "if 8051 sees you, you will die".This made Kong Huan very speechless, he didn't remember what he did to make Xiao 8 angry.

And as if he had a tacit understanding, after Dark Blood imagined this in the air, he immediately lowered his gaze.

Kong Huan lowered his head, just in time to see the little Lingyun hanging on his neck, lying on his chest like a kitten, a pair of rabbit ears just rubbing against Kong Huan's chin.

"Are you a small animal? Get up."

Holding the other party in his hand, he mentally scanned it and found that his body was fine and his spirit had recovered, so Kong Huan didn't have much to worry about.

"Now that you're awake, you have to work hard in the future."

"It's pathetic, I think we are all laborers squeezed by illusions."

At this time, Dark Blood grabbed Xiao Lingyun and pretended to be quiet, but communicated with Xiao Lingyun just enough that Kong Huan could hear it.

And this little rabbit was still nodding.

(End of this chapter)

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