Chapter 108
"That Qingchen was able to kill Xuanli, and his strength is extraordinary. Although we have three brothers who are sure to win together, it is better to be careful. There are too many strong people surrounding Qingchen. We not only have to beware of Qingchen, Beware of other monks."

The leading man instructed the two people behind him.

"That Qingchen is in this misty mountain forest. This time, he must be crushed and beaten to death."

The Xuan Snake Clan also arrived, and the leader Da Luo's eyes flashed with cold light, and his killing intent burst out.


The breakthrough in comprehension of the Dao of Water Xing made Qingchen advance by leaps and bounds on the Dao of Water. Not only did his Dao Xing greatly increase, but also the power of the original form of innate water was revealed, creating all kinds of unparalleled powerful secret techniques.

Fog is originally composed of countless water vapors, and it belongs to the water element.Within the mist, Qingchen's body turned into a cloud of water mist, and kept shuttling through the mist, silently observing the practitioners appearing here one by one, and even drifting past some practitioners face to face, approaching Observing their strength breath from a distance.

Water source technique, this is a secret technique created by Qingchen with the help of the avenue of water and his own source of water. Although it is only a new creation, it contains the mystery of water, which is extraordinary.

With this technique, Qingchen can be turned into thousands of water objects in the world. Once it is cast, the appearance of the charm is the same as the original, and it is difficult to distinguish the real from the fake, unless the strength is far beyond Qingchen. The powerful and powerful man who destroyed Qingchen.Otherwise, Qingchen has absolute confidence that there are very few people who can see through this technique.

It was relying on this technique and the terrain of this misty mountain forest that Qingchen came up with a temporary idea and dared to introduce many powerful Daluos to this place to carry out a lore, intending to shock the entire Western Continent, and even the entire prehistoric desolation, so that some people with evil intentions Don't dare to hit his mind easily.

The entire misty mountain forest covered tens of thousands of miles, which was enough to scatter some Da Luo powerhouses. Qingchen was calm and calm, waiting for the best time to make a move.


A gust of mountain wind whizzed past, and the mist was blown away in an area of ​​the misty mountain forest, and then gradually closed and condensed, making the mist thicker and deeper.


An invisible sword light protruded from the mist soundlessly, pierced through a monk's head easily, pierced the forehead from the back of the head, and his soul was silently shattered.

This is a well-known Da Luo strongman in casual cultivators. He never expected that he would die so suddenly, and the shock and disbelief before his death still remained on his face.


Qingchen put the corpse into his own small world, and with a thought, the corpse exploded, and the blood rained down, turning it into nourishment to nourish the small world.

Time passed bit by bit.A cloud of water mist continued to wander in the mountains and forests, and invisible sword lights appeared silently, quietly taking away the lives of monks Da Luo.

In the small world, blood rains down continuously, turning into pure energy, slowly nourishing the world and promoting the evolution and growth of the world.

A strange and terrifying atmosphere permeated the misty mountain forest. The Daluo monks in the mountain forest finally noticed the abnormality, and each of them tensed up.

"This is just the beginning, and the good show is yet to come."

Qingchen sneered, with a hint of banter flashing in his eyes, looking down at the tense Da Luo strong men in the forest, now the single Da Luo had been dealt with by Qing Chen, now it was the turn of the crowd.

Feiyu and Feixuan are two rare red-feathered red cranes. They have been cultivating together since the beginning of their spiritual wisdom. He likes to study the way of swordsmanship, and he has taken a fancy to the Qingmeng Excalibur in Qingchen's hand.

"Brother Dao, be careful. This Qingchen is full of tricks. He may have some means to lead us to this forest." Fei Yu stared at the fog flowing in front of him vigilantly, and said worriedly.

"Don't worry, brother, you and I join forces, as long as Qingchen dares to appear, it will be his death."

Taoist Feixuan said with great vigor and confidence.

"call out!"

"call out!"

Two sword lights suddenly appeared three feet above Feiyu and Feixuan's heads, the sword lights were sharp, and they slashed towards Feiyu and Feixuan Lingtai Baihui silently.


Fei Yu exclaimed, a crimson light shone above his head, resisting the sword light, and retreated violently.


Fei Yu spat out a mouthful of blood, although it blocked the sword light, but the sword light was powerful, and it became hasty again, and was severely injured in the hasty defense.


A shrill scream suddenly resounded in the silent misty forest, Feixuan was not as lucky as Feiyu, in a panic, he was stabbed into the altar by the sword light, and his body and soul perished.

"Brother Dao!"

"call out!"

"call out!"

Sharp sword lights appeared continuously, slashing at Fei Yu quickly.

Daoist Feiyu ignored his grief, and kept waving a slender divine sword in his hand, trying his best to resist the attacks coming from all around him, hoping that he could hold on a little longer, until the nearby monk Da Luo arrived here.


An invisible and fine sword thread shot out from the dense sword light, and penetrated Taoist Feiyu's eyebrows instantly through the cover of the sword light.

Qingchen brought the two corpses into the small world, turned them into a cloud of mist again, and drifted away in one direction.




The sound of piercing the sky sounded, just as Qingchen left, a few strong men of Da Luo came here, and there was nothing around except the mist and giant trees in the mountains and forests, only a faint smell of blood lingered in the air and slowly dissipate.

This scene made the hearts of several Da Luo powerhouses tense. They were only thousands of years away from this place, and they came here in a breath. They didn't expect it to be too late, and a panic slowly grew in their hearts.


Soon, an unwilling and angry roar sounded, piercingly piercing, making the fog that permeated the entire mountain forest seem to stagnate suddenly.

When the sound came out, many Da Luo strong men who heard it couldn't help trembling, their faces were dignified, and there was a little panic.




There were sword lights flashing past, sword intent sweeping across, the entire foggy mountain forest was spattered with blood from time to time, the tragic cries of the strong man before his death kept ringing, and the corpses of the strong man turned into blood rain and splashed the forest from time to time, the bloody smell became more and more intense. full-bodied.


A strong Dao Luo couldn't bear this strange and fearful atmosphere, and roared in the mountains and forests, "Qingchen, if you have the guts, come out and fight the poor Taoist dignifiedly. It's really embarrassing to hide your head and show your tail like this."

"What Fellow Daoist said is very true. This Qingchen who killed Xuanli, the strong Da Luo, thought he was also a noble and upright person, but he didn't expect that he would only attack secretly. It seems that his battle with Xuanli might also be tricky. .”

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(End of this chapter)

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