Waterfront in the Wilderness is Immortal

Chapter 109 The Ancient Battle Thunder Sea

Chapter 109 The Ancient Battle Thunder Sea
No matter how frightened Da Luo strongmen shouted their throats, Qingchen remained indifferent. He was not a brainless and impulsive person, and he would not rush out in a daze to fight the scolding person openly just because of a few irrelevant provocations.

Although he used his means to kill many big Luos, some big Luos still survived, each of them huddled together, powerful and difficult to deal with, and showing up now is definitely courting death.

As for the so-called reputation, he doesn't care, the winner writes everything, it doesn't matter how you win, and when you achieve your goal, others will naturally admire you, not to mention that now that your life is at stake, and your head is struck by lightning.

There was silence in the misty mountain forest, only the sound of Da Luo's constant cursing sounded, and the thick fog covered the sun and the moon, flowing slowly, and it was all gray.


There was Da Luo impatient, and he stretched out his hand to attract a hurricane, and the strong wind blew away the fog that filled the sky.


That big Luo cursed, the fog had just been blown away, and immediately gathered, and it was getting bigger and bigger, the sight was blocked more seriously, even the soul detection was blocked, and the six senses were weakened.



In the thick fog came the scolding voices of other Da Luo powerhouses. They knew something about this misty mountain forest, and it was a strange place in the prehistoric world.

The fog here usually only slightly blocks the monks' sight, and it is even more unobstructed to them, but once it is impacted by abnormal forces, it will become weird, blocking vision and blinding consciousness.Now that Qingchen is in the dark and they are in the light, the situation is already not good, and now it is even worse.

That big Luo kept his mouth shut, his head lowered slightly, and he didn't dare to make any other moves, for fear of provoking the wrath of the crowd, Qingchen would take the opportunity to kill him after placing the order.

After some elusive attacks, Qingchen didn't rush to attack again, and hibernated again, silently waiting for the opportunity, waiting for this group of nervous Da Luo to slowly relax their vigilance and show a little bit of cheating.

Qingchen's lurking terrified the group of big Luos, and the terrifying and strange atmosphere stirred and dispersed in the mountains and forests as the surrounding fog became thicker and thicker.



You Da Luo can't bear this feeling of wandering on the edge of life and death. They are the powerful Da Luo in the Great Desolate Western Continent, looking down on all the cultivators. Now they are being watched by Qing Chen, and they feel aggrieved. The threat of their lives makes them feel uneasy and terrified , I don't want to stay here any longer, so I fly out of the mist with the cloud light.

"call out!"

"call out!"

The bright sword light pierced through the mist and rushed towards the departing Da Luo. Da Luo reacted quickly, and the spirit treasure in his hand turned into a protective shield, emitting a brilliant brilliance. There was a sound of hitting, sparks flew, and it was narrowly avoided.

Da Luo was caught off guard, the sword light flashed by, and an arm was cut off, blood was splashed everywhere, and a few were even more unlucky. They were the closest to Qingchen, and directly encountered the intensive attack of the sword light, and the sword light tore the sky. The body dies and the soul dies.

"That Qingchen appeared!"


"Slaughter Qingchen!"

Da Luo has a keen sense, and at the moment Qingchen appeared, he caught Qingchen's trajectory, and quickly shot, and the lightning struck down with such violence that the surrounding mountains and forests exploded and collapsed, and large pits hundreds of meters deep appeared. .

A divine sword came slashing, the sword intent soared into the sky, the sword energy was swift, and there was a piercing sonic boom, the void roared and exploded, carrying the killing intent soaring to the sky.

The void is like water, with waves of ripples, Da Luo of the Xuan Snake clan made a move, the ice froze the mountain forest, and a chain of glittering ice crystals came across the sky, trying to capture Qingchen alive.

"Good come!"

Qingchen did not dodge or dodge, and swung the Qingmeng Divine Sword in his hand, blessed by the power of the small world, a silent and magnificent sword light collided with the divine sword that came from the swing, the power was violent, this mountain collapsed, and the earth and trees were horizontal. Flying, smashed into pieces by the sword intent scattered by the collision.


Qingchen stared coldly at the Ice God Chain bound to him, the power of the world blessed the Divine Sword, swung the Divine Sword violently bombarded and chopped the Ice God Chain, and directly shattered the Ice God Chain.


The thunderbolt with a thick arm bombarded Qingchen one after another. The thunder and lightning burst fiercely and was known for its destructive power. Instantly extinguished by Sanguang Shenshui, his vitality burst into life, and his injuries were completely healed.

"Fellow daoists appreciate Qing Chen's blue eyes, and Qing Chen can't repay him, so I invite everyone to taste the taste of thunder and lightning together."

Qingchen's face was livid, although he didn't suffer any substantial damage, the feeling of being struck by lightning was really not very good, the pain of being struck by the electric shock went straight to the bone marrow, making Qingchen grin his teeth.

"Get up!" Qing Chen yelled angrily, and typed out a formula in his hand, swipe in mid-air, with Qing Chen as the center, the mist of tens of thousands of miles billowed, and the whole mountain forest was dense with water.



As a drop of water in Qingchen's hand fell into the forest, it was as if sparks fell into a gunpowder magazine filled with tung oil, causing a series of explosions in an instant.


The billowing mist instantly rioted, converging into a vast ocean, and the water waves rushed wildly.

"Not good! Back!"


In the forest, the strong men of Da Luo cursed angrily, feeling that something was wrong, and the light was scattered everywhere, shooting away in all directions.


Qingchen's eyes were cold, and a seal in his hand swung into the void, and a large number of Sunflower God thunders smashed down, and then Qingchen turned into a ball of water and submerged into the vast ocean of water mist.


The dark clouds overwhelmed the top, and the water-blue thunder light galloped through the clouds, covering this vast mountain forest. After Qingchen submerged in the water, the small world burst open, and the water flow of the whole world was compressed and flowed into this mountainous ocean. Under the power surge.

In the mountain forest, monk Da Luo was entangled and surrounded by endless water, preventing them from breaking through the air. Some monks soared into the air, but were instantly knocked down by violent waves. It was only a moment, but it was enough for Qingchen.

"Chi la chi la~~!"

Crowds of divine thunders blasted into the ocean water in an endless stream, bursting out with frightening power. In an instant, the vast ocean of mountains and forests looked like a sea of ​​thunder, and violent lightning criss-crossed, destroying everything. People are shocked.


"Qingchen, you must die!"

"Qingchen, this amount of lightning can't kill me. Once you get out of trouble, it will be your death."

Pieces of terrifying thunder light bombarded and exploded in this sea of ​​thunder, which made the scalps of the powerful Da Luo who were hiding in the void of various ethnic groups feel tight, and their hearts trembled.

Cultivator Da Luo in the sea of ​​thunder was instantly attacked by endless lightning. The lightning destroyed everything and continuously impacted their bodies. The bone-piercing pain distorted their faces and made them look hideous and terrifying.

 Hope you all support!
(End of this chapter)

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