Waterfront in the Wilderness is Immortal

Chapter 110 The battle of the ancient times, the black-robed old man won miserably

Chapter 110 The battle of the ancient times, the black-robed old man won miserably
"call out!"

"call out!"

Qingchen turned into a ball of water and continued to flow in the sea of ​​thunder. With the help of the turbulent thunder and water as cover, he continued to attack the powerful Da Luo who was deeply trapped in the sea of ​​thunder. increase.

The sword light surrounding the lightning arc is elusive, leaving a series of hideous and dazzling sword wounds on Da Luo's strong man. Qingchen often walks away with a single blow, regardless of whether he hits or not. The speed is extremely fast, and he is completely integrated with Lei Ze , Slippery and not slippery, making the group of strong men jump angrily.

However, it was not all smooth sailing for Qingchen. Some mighty Da Luo powerhouses were formidable in strength. Although the violent Lei Hai temporarily entangled them, once Qingchen approached them within three feet, he would be discovered immediately. Fei Wu blasted towards Qing Chen, so powerful that even if Qing Chen escaped in time, he was affected and suffered some injuries.

"Qingchen, do you really think that this transformed Lei Ze can trap the poor?"

A cultivator from the Xuan Snake Clan whose cultivation had reached the level of the Da Luo strongman Xiaocheng was struck by the lightning, his whole body was scorched black, and he roared angrily. A ten thousand zhang icy black snake appeared in the sea of ​​thunder.


The ice black snake roared, and the huge snake letter swallowed endless cold air, and the void was cracked by the cold ice.


Xuan Snake ignored the pressure of the greater lightning bombardment due to the sudden increase in its body, roared crazily, and dashed and turned in the sea of ​​thunder, like a dragon that overwhelmed the river, and filled the sea of ​​thunder with a ferocious aura.The huge snake body was rampaging in the sea of ​​thunder, and the tail of the snake was like a stick holding up the sky, hitting the sea of ​​thunder ferociously continuously, cutting across the river and cutting the sea.


Lei Hai was injured, Qingchen's face turned pale, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

This sea of ​​thunder is a great supernatural power that Qingchen uses to fuse the sea of ​​thunder with his own small world. Although it is powerful, it is also a burden for Qingchen. It takes a lot of mana to maintain such a huge sea of ​​thunder Even if Qingchen had the mana supplement of the entire small world, he still couldn't bear it. Now that he was hit by the black snake in the sea of ​​thunder with no regard for safety, he suffered a certain backlash and was injured a lot.

"Huh! Let you be arrogant for a while, and then slowly concoct you."

Qingchen wiped off the bright red blood at the corner of his mouth, stared coldly at the black snake that was charging straight into the sea of ​​thunder in the distance with his eyes, snorted coldly, and turned into a stream of water again, aiming at a direction and rushing towards it.

He has to hurry up and solve the remaining troubles, so that he can free up his hands to slowly deal with the Xuan Snake Clan.


In the Leihai area, three Taoists with loose green hair and one-horned heads rely on each other. A jade bowl is crystal clear, blooming with rays of light, suspended above their heads, firmly protecting the three of them, and resisting the surging lightning giants in all directions. wave.


The thin green-haired Taoist waved a purple-red long knife in his hand, and the purple light surged and flashed, defeating the incoming wave of thunder, and said, "Brother, I didn't expect this Qingchen to be so difficult to deal with."

"It is natural that Qingchen dares to offend the Xuan Snake clan, and it is reasonable to be difficult to deal with. However, such a powerful supernatural power will consume a lot of his mana. If he persists for a while, this thunder sea will not attack. Self-destruction, when Qingchen's mana is exhausted, it will be the time of his death."

A huge golden sledge hammer kept coming down, every blow caused the surrounding lightning to spread in pieces, the green-haired man who controlled the sledgehammer said to the two companions behind him.

"That's right! I'll hold on for a while longer, I want to come." Another tall and thin Taoist said with a face of approval. Just as he was about to continue to say something, his face suddenly changed, and he hurriedly called out via voice transmission, "Be careful!"

"call out!"

Sword lights covering layers of lightning suddenly appeared in this area, rushing towards them from all directions at high speed, and before the tall and thin Taoist could finish his sentence, the sword lights all over the sky had already rushed to him.

At the same time, the power of extreme cold swarmed and froze the space, causing the three green-haired Taoists to slow down their movements.

"Brother, what should I do?"

The sword light came so suddenly and swiftly that the three of them were caught off guard. Qingchen actually chose to strike at them at this time. To their surprise, the two green-haired Taoists anxiously sent voice transmissions to the big man holding a giant hammer.


The big green-haired man roared angrily, swung the golden giant hammer in his hand, and took the lead in smashing towards the endless sword light that was coming.



The remaining two green-haired Taoists obviously trusted the big man very much. As soon as the big man finished speaking, the two also held the Lingbao, colliding with the endless sword light without hesitation.

The golden giant hammer, the purple long knife, the sharp long dagger, and the thunder and lightning sword light kept colliding and roaring.

"Big Luo Fentian - Thunder and Fire Swordsmanship!"

With a loud shout, Qingchen suddenly appeared in the field, the Qingmeng Excalibur in his hand was divided into eight parts, the sword shadow entwined with the power of fire and ice merged with the surrounding thunder sea, thunder and fire suddenly arose, and thunder, fire and sword light rushed to the field The three green-haired Taoists in the middle.

This is Qingchen's 10 years in the small world. In addition to comprehending the way of heaven, he occasionally pondered some swordsmanship. This Thunder Fire Sword Light is the swordsmanship he has comprehended. Although it is very difficult to exert the power of the absolute domain of swordsmanship in the realm of the upper swordsmanship, it is extremely powerful and cannot be underestimated.


Under the continuous bombardment of thunder, fire, and sword light, the two skinny green-haired Taoists had less than half a cup of tea before they were submerged by the thunder, fire, and sword light, and their bodies turned into blood mist.

"Second brother! Third brother!"

The big green-haired man roared in pain, staring at Qing Chen with blood-red eyes, looking crazy, and asked loudly: "Why? Why?"

"Hmph! You should have this kind of awareness from the moment you decided to hunt and kill me."

Qing Chen stared blankly at the man who was already a bit crazy, and his voice was cold and heartless.

"Hahaha! 300 million, 300 million years of brotherhood, the two virtuous brothers are easy to leave, brother, I will protect your revenge for you, and come to accompany you immediately!" Qing Chen smiled sinisterly: "Qing Chen, let's die together!"

"Not good!" Qingchen had a premonition one step earlier, the water movement technique was running, the speed soared, it turned into a swift streamer and fled to the distance, and at the same time took the small world back into the body at the first time.


A huge explosion sounded, as if hundreds of thousands of nuclear bombs exploded at the same time, the violent energy destroyed the world, and the thunder sea tens of thousands of miles away was shattered and collapsed in the sound of the explosion.

"I'm not reconciled!"


"Regret at the beginning! Regret at the beginning!"

The self-destruction of a strong man who almost reached the realm of Daoguo and Xiaocheng
The power was too vast and terrifying, the sea of ​​thunder collapsed, and the misty mountains and forests of tens of thousands of miles were blasted to the ground.



Qingchen coughed up blood, looked at the place where Lei Hai had overturned with horror on his face, and couldn't help but rejoice in his heart. Fortunately, he spied on the big man's intentions in time and escaped one step ahead of time. It is not a fatal injury.

With a move of mind, Sanguang Shenshui flows in the body, filled with vitality, repairing the injured body.

The other Da Luo, who were lucky enough to escape their lives, broke out in cold sweat, and felt that they would survive the catastrophe. Although their injuries were not small, compared with their lives, they would be able to recover within a hundred years if they retreated for a period of time.

Although a big Luo of the Xuan Snake clan was not dead, his body was covered in blood, his scales were flying, and his body was covered with hideous and huge wounds, his life was hanging by a thread.

In the sea of ​​thunder, he turned into the avatar of the ten thousand zhang black snake. He was the largest in size and suffered the greatest impact. It is a great luck that he is not dead now.

"call out!"

Just when everyone was sighing in a trance, a bright sword light suddenly appeared, cutting through the void.

 Xuehai is here to ask for votes, and I hope you will support Xuehai a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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