Waterfront in the Wilderness is Immortal

Chapter 112 The battle of the ancient times, the black-robed old man, defeated

Chapter 112 The battle of the ancient times, the black-robed old man, defeated



The two forces collided, and Qingchen was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and was thrown backwards by the huge force. The difference in strength was too great, even if Qingchen tried his best, he was still easily crushed by the old man.


Despite bleeding from the mouth and nose, Qingchen continued to attack the old man, and the Sanguang Shenshui in his body continued to repair the injuries on his body. Qingchen ignored it, attacked like crazy, and used all kinds of exquisite swordsmanship magical powers one after another.

After some fights, he had known for a long time that although the old man beat him to death every time, he had no intention of killing him at all.

In this way, Qingchen is completely being treated like a living target. Even though he is tortured miserably every time he makes a move, Qingchen doesn't care. Anyway, he has the Sanguang Shenshui to constantly replenish his vitality, and he has the power of a small world. With mana as a support, it can completely afford the huge consumption.

"The Three Secrets of Water!"

"Double Dragon Fighting Technique!"

"Turn sword into silk!"

"Big Luo Burning Heaven Sword!"

"Four extreme swordsmanship!"

Qingchen used the powerful swordsmanship mastered without reservation, attacking with all his strength, displaying his full strength to the fullest.

Time passed, one day, two days, three days. With Qingchen's full strength, the sword skills became more and more exquisite, and the power became more and more powerful. Every move gradually had a mysterious sword path, and the sword road between heaven and earth also roared. .

Qingchen's whole body was completely immersed in the way of swordsmanship, and endless truths of the way of swordsmanship flooded into his mind and were analyzed by comprehension.He felt that the divine sword in his hand had become a part of his body, and was completely connected with his body. Swinging the sword again and again gradually transformed into a kind of instinct, and all kinds of sword skills became smooth and smooth, and he could do it easily. No longer sticking to the form, the essence of swordsmanship is highlighted, and it begins to reveal a trace of charm.

"The way of the sword, the supreme way of attack"

"The sword, the supreme sharp weapon, is composed of the hilt and the sword body. The sword body consists of the tip, the blade, and the spine, which is the main body of the sword. The hilt includes the grid and the stem, which is the root of the sword."

"Swordsmanship is the externalization of kendo. It is the way to release kendo and the means to show the supreme power of kendo. Swordsmanship is like the branches and leaves of the trunk, and kendo is the root root deep in the ground, which is the source."

"The way of the sword is broad and vast, and it varies from person to person. There are thousands of ways, and a sword has thousands of faces. It may be feminine, or ruthless, or lingering, or overbearing, or sinister, or upright, or extinct."

Ten days passed in a blink of an eye, and within ten days, Qingchen fell into a deep epiphany, and his cognition and understanding of the way of swords gradually deepened in his heart. The true meaning of Dzogchen's kendo has also changed, and a trace of the law of kendo has begun to emerge.

In the outside world, Qingchen kept swinging his sword day and night, slashing again and again, and was beaten by the old man again and again until he vomited blood and flew backwards. His Tsing Yi was soaked in blood stains, his body was in a mess, his hair was disheveled, and he fell to the ground and hit the mountain. Falling into the rock, falling into the lake. Every time I fell down, I quickly got up again, and rushed to the past with my sword again, persevering, like a madman. I only saw the old man in black in front of me, and I only kept drawing the sword, and then drawing the sword again. thought.

Qingchen's swordsmanship became more and more unpredictable, with no traces to be found, and its power increased every day. Although it still flew backwards every time, the frequency of vomiting blood became less and less.


Qingchen exhaled deeply, woke up from his enlightenment, and plunged the Qingmeng Excalibur into the thick mountain wall, constantly mobilizing the Waterway Avenue to wash away the huge force from the shock again and again, and continued to release the force.

"Kick! Kick! Kick!"

Qingchen staggered back a hundred feet, looking at the black-robed old man with horror on his face, he never thought that after his strength improved, he still couldn't withstand the old man's random blow, and he attached unprecedented importance to the old man in his heart.

"Thank you, Senior, for your guidance."

Qingchen stabilized his figure, looked at the black-robed old man who was standing with his hands tied, and bowed his hands to the old man. Qingchen was not stupid, his mind was still very clear, and he quickly noticed the old man's purpose.

Although the old man beat up Qingchen without a word as soon as he met him, he clearly possessed the strength to destroy Qingchen with ease, but he still had to spend so much time volunteering to be Qingchen's sword-testing target, and tried his best to give Qingchen The purpose of the pressure is to let Qingchen break through under the pressure.

No matter what the old man's schemes are, just helping Qing Chen in this way is worth Qing Chen's worship, but Qing Chen was interrupted by the old man with a wave before he finished speaking.

"That's right, it's about time. Good luck, little guy."

The black-robed old man glanced at Qing Chen appreciatively, then without waiting for Qing Chen to ask, he raised his palm high and patted the air lightly.


The storm turmoiled, the space exploded and shattered, and a deep and huge black space vortex appeared. Without waiting for Qingchen to react, the old man suddenly stretched out a finger and frantically threw Qingchen into the space vortex.

After a while, the wind and cloud gradually calmed down, and the huge space vortex gradually turned into a black spot, and finally disappeared.

"Hey! This kid really hurts the old man. Hey! The old boy is here, and this time he tricked his apprentice, so let's hide first."

Seeing the gradually dissipating vortex, the black-robed old man clapped his hands, muttered to himself, then stretched out his hand, a space crack appeared, and the old man disappeared into the space crack in a flash.


Just as the old man left, a purple figure suddenly appeared in this area. If Qingchen was here, he would be surprised, because this young Taoist in purple is Qingchen's cheap master—Taoist Taishi .

"This old ghost slipped away pretty fast, but do you think I'll take care of you? Just wait for my apprentice to come out, and ask him for a few good things." Taoist Taishi said, "It's dangerous there, but How can this disciple fail to pass, there are a few good things in it, maybe he has a chance to get it."


After Taoist Taishi finished speaking, he stretched out a jade-like finger and swipe lightly in the void. A space passageway that can only accommodate one person appeared. Taoist Taishi raised his foot and stepped into it, and then the passageway gradually closed.


In a quiet void, the sky is high and the sky is bright, white clouds float leisurely, suddenly there is a loud noise, wind and clouds swarm, a huge space vortex emerges from the void, deep and vast, a group of people are spit out by the space vortex and slowly dissipate.


"Ahem~~! Can't you be gentler?"

With a sad expression on his face, Qingchen coughed a few times, spit out a few mouthfuls of lake water that he poured into his mouth, and roared at the vortex that had disappeared in the void.

Unexpectedly, after thousands of years, he, who has long been accustomed to flying into the sky and escaping from the ground, would fall into the water and almost drown one day.

"Wait! Drowning!"

Qingchen was agitated, looked around, observed the surrounding environment, and found that he was in a huge lake surrounded by mountains. He wanted to poke out his soul and scan around, but was surprised to find that he couldn't get out here at all.

The water movement technique was running, and Qingchen was about to fly through the air, but just as he leaped into the air, he fell into the water with a plop.

"Sure enough. It's forbidden to be empty here!"

This time Qingchen's complexion changed drastically, this place was too weird, not only the spirit couldn't visit it, even the most basic flight couldn't be done.Looking at the four towering mountains around him, Qingchen had a bitter expression on his face. This area is too vast to see the edge at a glance. If he really wants to walk on foot, it will take hundreds of years even if he travels thousands of miles in a day.

"Nimma, old man, what the hell did you get yourself to!" Qing Chen cried out in his heart, wanting to cry but not crying.

"Haha! Boy, I'm afraid you haven't said anything good about the old man. This place of divine burial contains supreme opportunities. The old man sees that you have worked so hard to play with the old man for so long. The old man will give you a chance. If you can't grasp it, it depends on your kid's ability."

The voice of the old man in black suddenly rang in Qingchen's ears, his words were full of jokes.

"For the sake of your master, the old man revealed some information about this place to you, which will be very helpful for you to survive in this place. You don't need to thank me, old man. I always do good things and don't want to thank you."

The words of the old man in black gradually blurred, and a jade talisman pierced through the void and shot towards Qingchen.

"Thank you big-headed ghost!"

Qingchen cursed angrily, full of depression and displeasure, and then stretched out his hand to grab the jade talisman into his palm. Although the spirit couldn't probe outside, there was no problem at all in detecting the information in the jade talisman.

It is not known when the place of divine burial was formed, it is longer than the opening of the prehistoric world, and has existed since ancient times.It is mysterious and strange, vast and knows no boundaries. The laws of heaven and earth here are special, very different from the outside world, divided into outer domain, inner domain and core area.

Endless years ago, the first Tianzun discovered this place by chance, and retreated here for hundreds of millions of years, leaving behind many inheritances and secrets.

Later, the monks of later generations came here according to the guidance of the first Tianzun, or explored the opportunities left by Tianzun, or practiced hard here. Countless monks fell and failed to pass the test of Tianzun in this area, and they also walked out of some heaven-defying ways. Almighty, second day deity, third heaven deity.
One by one, the great powers came out from here, and after traveling for endless years, they returned to this place to sit and sleep forever. Therefore, this place is full of inheritance left by the great supernatural powers, has great opportunities, and is restricted by some powerful formations set up by some powerhouses. , and later there were some dangerous lands that were naturally derived from the places of burial of the gods, which contained great terror, murderous intentions, and dangers.

Moreover, the place of the divine burial is floating, making it difficult to locate and capture, and it is as difficult as going to the sky to enter it normally. Only with the help of the 690 nine pieces of Dao Talisman passed down from the place of the divine burial can one enter.

This time, Qingchen was sent here by the black-robed old man who borrowed Taoist talismans to open up a space passage leading to the place of divine burial.

(End of this chapter)

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