Waterfront in the Wilderness is Immortal

Chapter 113 The battle of the ancient times, the Tianjiao cemetery, the battle

Chapter 113 The battle of the ancient times, the Tianjiao cemetery, the battle

In the place where the gods are buried, Qingchen tried his best to find information about the great lake he was in in the jade talisman.

Tianjiao Cemetery, the outer area of ​​the burial place of the gods, countless peerless Tianjiao and evildoers have come to the place of the burial of the gods for endless years, and each of them has a cultivation level below that of Daluo Daoguo, but they can match the realm of Daluo Daoguo The strong ones, the most monstrous ones are the ones who have personally beheaded the strong ones in the Daoguo Dacheng realm, each of them is amazingly talented and unparalleled in the world.

However, ninety percent of the Tianjiao who came here looking for opportunities fell here, and even the most monstrous layer also fell. The souls were trapped in this area forever, and merged with the special laws of the divine burial place to become the entire periphery. The most dangerous creature in the area has become the gatekeeper of the burial place of the gods.

The most important thing is that Qingchen learned from the jade talisman that this Tianjiao cemetery is tens of thousands of times faster than the passage of prehistoric time, and monks with a cultivation level below Daluo Daoguo must come to the place of divine burial within ten thousand years. Clarify one's own Dao, and comprehend the upper Dao, so as to advance to the realm of Da Luo Dao Guo, otherwise, it will be swallowed and assimilated by the law of the place of divine burial, and it will be completely transformed into a mass of energy. Only by successfully advancing Da Luo, Qingchen Only then is it able to shake the power left by the black-robed old man in the jade talisman, and open up a space passage in this peripheral area to return to the prehistoric world.

Seeing this, Qingchen frowned. There are different avenues. He has long known from the inheritance of the Taishi lineage that avenues are divided into basic avenues, upper avenues, top avenues and supreme avenues.

Among them, the basic avenue refers to the avenue of metal, wood, water, fire, earth and five elements, the avenue of wind, thunder, and yin and yang, which constitute the most basic avenue of space and time.

The upper avenue refers to the higher-level avenues born out of the basic avenue, such as the way of the sword, the way of the sword, the way of the stick, and the charm.

The top avenue and the supreme avenue can only be comprehended and controlled by the strong in the realm of Hunyuan Daoguo. How exactly, there are very few records in the inheritance of the Taishi lineage. Qingchen knows very little about it. The state of the world may be known clearly.

Right now, these are too far away for Qingchen, and he can only consider them after he advances to the realm of Daluo Daoguo.

The basic avenue Qingchen only comprehends the water-walking avenue, and Qingchen in the upper avenue has intensively studied kendo. Although his comprehension of kendo is getting better and better, the kendo is vast and obscure, and it is more than a hundred times more difficult than comprehending a basic avenue However, it is not easy for Qingchen to master the way of swordsmanship within ten thousand years.

What's more, in addition to comprehending the upper-level swordsmanship, Qingchen also needs to comprehend the Nine Heavens Dao, and only after smelting the original source can he obtain the Dao Dao fruit. The difficulty is beyond imagination. Stay away.

Some of the Tianjiao who came here in the past fell in the dangerous places in the outer area, some died at the hands of the guards who had already fallen Tianjiao's soul incarnation, and some were buried by the gods because they failed to fully comprehend an upper road within ten thousand years. The law of the earth is the same as that of the incarnation.

The thoughts in Qingchen's mind became more and more chaotic, as if he had foreseen the scene where he forcibly broke into the Daoguo Realm of Daluo and fell ten thousand years later because his original source was not full, and strands of black energy began to be born in the originally pure sea of ​​soul .


A beautiful sword light flashed by, and the sound of sword chants in the sea of ​​Qingchen's soul was endless. The small and dense sword lights pierced into Qingchen's true soul, and the twelfth-grade good fortune Qinglian radiated brilliance, resplendent and dazzling, turning Qingchen's soul into a prison. Hold it firmly, and then a stream of fresh air escapes, entangled with the black air continuously, forcing the black air out of the sea of ​​spirits and souls.


Qingchen felt as if his mind was being torn apart, and then a gust of coolness entered his body, instantly awakening Qingchen.

"Hoo! It's dangerous!"

Qingchen broke out in a cold sweat behind his back, and secretly cried out that it was dangerous, his heart was full of fear, and his vigilance towards this place of divine burial was instantly raised to an unprecedented level.

This place is too weird and frightening, and it can make me fall into demons without knowing it. If I hadn't already had good attainments in the way of swordsmanship, warding off evil spirits, and having the Twelve-Rank Lucky Lotus Body Protector, I'm afraid it would be a disaster. few.

Even so, since he has reached this point, Qingchen will not back down, and a flash of determination and fighting spirit flashed in his eyes.The predicament in front of him also aroused Qingchen's arrogance, and his fighting spirit was high.

The water is naturally straight up to the bridge, even though this place is extremely dangerous, he still has to make a foray, not believing that he will perish here, since some monks have left safely before, Qingchen believes that he can do it within ten thousand years.

Even if there is no Qiankun Ding to re-practice his origin, he still has to strive for that ray of life, and advance to Daluo within ten thousand years. Qingchen believes that there is no unparalleled road, and he wants to try his sword here, fight fiercely with all the talents, and use They come to hone their swordsmanship, help themselves to take a step forward, and see who wins in the end.

Qingchen looked around, unsheathed the Qingmeng Divine Sword behind his back, went up to the shore of the lake, and walked towards a steep mountain peak.

Qingshen Peak, a tall mountain stretching tens of thousands of miles to the south of Tianjiao Cemetery, where the gods are buried.

A Taoist in Tsing Yi was holding a divine sword that glowed with a divine light, his mind tensed, and he looked around vigilantly, noticing every move around him, and would strike immediately if something abnormal happened.

Although Qingchen had a high fighting spirit, he did not dare to be careless when he actually set foot on this fabled land. If he rushed forward only with the will in his heart, he might not know how he died in the end.


A sharp and ear-piercing cry sounded suddenly, and a huge shadow covered the sky and the sun. Qingchen raised his head and saw a huge raptor with three heads swooping towards him. With a metallic luster, the six scaled claws were indestructible and shone with a gloomy cold light, as they grabbed Qing Chen with immense strength.


Qingchen retreated abruptly, taking a step of a thousand feet, and jumped thousands of feet away in an instant. He looked coldly at the place where he was standing just now, and took a breath. I don't know how many times thicker and harder the world should be. I didn't expect that the blow of the beast in front of me would directly leave a [-]-meter-deep hole in the ground.

"Evil beast!"

Qingchen stared solemnly at the huge vicious bird in front of him, his eyes full of awe.

The place of the burial of the gods is extremely magical, and some powerful creatures born and bred have been born in the endless years.

This evil beast is a creature that resides in the outer area of ​​the Tianjiao Cemetery in addition to the many dangerous places and the Tianjiao Battle Spirit. It lives by devouring the evil spirits in the God's Burial Ground. All alien creatures are often immortal and extremely difficult to deal with.


Since you can't be kind, let's act first.Qingchen swung the Qingmeng Excalibur, slashed out with one sword, and took the first step. The majestic sword light slashed out one after another, and the extremely cold sword intent burst out, rushing towards the raptors and beasts in front of him.




The sword light was overwhelming, one wave after another, endless, Qingchen didn't give the evil beast in front of him a chance to fight back, the Qingmeng Excalibur kept waving, the attack was airtight, and it didn't stop at all.

The sword light slashed on the hard scales and feathers of the fierce bird, making the sound of metal impact, and sparks flew everywhere.


The raptor-like beast uttered sharp and painful screams, large scales and feathers fluttered, blood spattered, and the extremely cold sword intent penetrated into the bone marrow, freezing the flesh and blood.

Six pairs of eyes stared at Qingchen resentfully, the beast screamed like a raptor, its wings fully spread out, and then quickly closed, the three heads belonged to the middle one, and the evil spirit all over his body soared, like a huge fast-rotating black electric drill, He rushed towards Qingchen, obviously hated Qingchen, and wanted to kill Qingchen in one fell swoop.

"Hmph, chop!"

Qingchen also planned to fight quickly, fearing that the battle would take too long and attract other powerful evil beasts around him, and fall into the danger of being besieged and killed by evil beasts.

With a sword across the sky, the sword intent of Nirvana burst out, and with the blessing of the true meaning of the way of the sword, Qingchen mobilized the power of the world in his body, and slashed at the violent birds and beasts with his sword.



The shrill cry resounded through the mountains and forests, a gray and majestic sword light flashed, and slammed into the black electric drill, the electric drill shattered and exploded, the fierce birds and beasts were directly divided into two, and the black blood sprayed open splash.


Qingchen collected the body of this evil beast into the small world, it was a good thing, he could not let it go easily, and then quickly ran away to the distance, the smell of blood here is too strong, I am afraid that some evil spirits will be attracted soon Beast, Qingchen can't stay for long.



Sure enough, not long after Qingchen left, the mountains roared, and a large group of evil beasts gathered here, roaring angrily one after another.

"Damn! What a lingering ghost!"

In Tianjiao Cemetery, in the depths of Qingshen Peak, huge trees were flying and rocks were flying, Qingchen glanced back at the beasts and a white figure that were chasing after him, cursed secretly, and waved a few sword lights , rushing forward quickly.

"Outsider, you can't escape. Now it's just a waste of mana. Why don't you stop and fight me openly!"

The white figure behind him shouted to Qing Chen who was fleeing in front, he was one of the peerless arrogances who fell on Qingshen Mountain, a monk whose strength was comparable to that of Da Luo Dao Guo Xiaocheng in his lifetime, and was turned into a god burial place after his death One of the guarding spirits of this Qingshen Mountain looks the same as ordinary monks, except that there is a dazzling vermilion mark on the center of their eyebrows, which is the source of their strength after they become war spirits.

"Fight your uncle!"

After hearing the words of the white-clothed war spirit behind him, Qingchen couldn't help but burst out a swear word for later generations, how to fight.After Qingchen beheaded the evil beast, although he encountered some evil beasts in the next few days, when he encountered the most evil beasts, he encountered three evil beasts at once, and he was able to handle it.

Who ever wondered if the previous luck had run out, and in the next few days, he was chased and killed by five or six evil beasts in a row. At most, nearly ten evil beasts besieged and killed Qingchen at one time. He escaped with the strength of nine oxen and two tigers, and just recovered from his injuries, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he was chased by the Tianjiao War Spirit and several evil beasts behind him.

"Fight a big-headed ghost! They are already dead and still have such haunting spirits. I would like to fight with you in an upright manner. I'd like to ask those brainless and impulsive beasts around you if they agree."

Qingchen cursed secretly in his heart, accelerated and rushed to the distance again, flying dust all the way.

"Hmph! You don't have to drink a toast!" The white-clothed Tianjiao Zhanling looked at Qingchen who was running closer and closer, his eyes were full of murderous intent, and he waved a big silver gun in his hand repeatedly.



The silver light flickered, and the spears shot fiercely, constantly bombarding Qing Chen who was running wildly in front, the earth and rocks collapsed, and the thick giant wood that several people hugged burst and turned into ashes.


Thousands of feet in front of the mountain walls collapsed, constantly blocking Qingchen's way.


Qingchen cursed angrily, slowed down, and kept dodging the collapsed mountain wall. The distance between the fierce beasts and white-clothed war spirits who were chasing after him gradually shortened.

"Fellow Daoist ahead, stay and be my companion!"

The battle spirit in white sneered, and said to Qingchen.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer, less than [-] meters in sight, Qingchen, who was running ahead, suddenly stopped, turned around abruptly, and slashed towards Qingmeng Divine Sword and Chishui Divine Sword in his hands, the speed was extremely fast, running like lightning.



The Qingmeng Divine Sword swung towards the white-clothed war spirit, and the Nirvana Sword Intent erupted, causing slight ripples to appear in the entire solid space and void, overflowing with killing intent.

The white-clothed war spirit reacted quickly, swept the silver spear in his hand, and collided with the Qingmeng Excalibur, causing the air to explode and make a piercing howl.

Qingmeng Shenjian didn't see any success in a blow, Qingchen was not surprised, it was completely in his expectation, if the white-clothed war spirit was killed by himself so easily, he would not be a peerless arrogance comparable to the strong Da Luo, let alone be buried by the gods However, Qingchen didn't intend to kill the white-clothed war spirit with one blow, his purpose was just to stop the white-clothed war spirit.

Taking advantage of this gap, Qingchen has already come to several evil beasts, brandishing the Chishui Divine Sword in his hand, the Nirvana Sword Intent erupted, and the true meaning of the Dzogchen Sword Dao was blessed, and the power of the entire small world was mobilized by Qingchen.

The gigantic sword reached the sky, and with one slash, the land of a hundred miles was cracked inch by inch, and exploded with a bang, blood spattered, and blood was like pillars.

"Fellow daoists are plotting! It's been a long time since outsiders have come to this Qingshen Mountain, so fellow daoists should stay here completely today!"

The battle spirit in white stared at Qing Chen, his eyes were full of murderous intent, and he was faintly excited. The stronger Qing Chen was, the more excited he was.

The cultivation of war spirits only depends on the accumulation of practice over time, and there is not much progress in the long years. The way to quickly improve the strength is to kill alien creatures one by one, and plunder the power of the creatures. The stronger the creatures, the more power they will plunder after death. .

Although many Tianjiao turned into battle spirits after death, their ideology is still there, and cultivation is called a kind of instinct. War spirits with enough strength can even enter the inner domain of the God's Burial Land to gain opportunities, and even have a bit of rebirth. The hope of resurrection, so the Tianjiao's desire for strength after death is even more fanatical than their life.

(End of this chapter)

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