Waterfront in the Wilderness is Immortal

Chapter 114 The battle of the ancient times is endless, the black-clothed war spirit

Chapter 114 The battle of the ancient times is endless, the black-clothed war spirit
Tianjiao Cemetery, Qingshen Mountain.


The silver spear was shining brightly, and the sword light was sharp and magnificent. They kept hitting each other, and the cyan and white figures intertwined. Constant collision.


Another violent collision, a huge energy impact swept across, the mountains trembled, rocks pierced through the air, and stones as large as millstones were continuously blown away, and then exploded in mid-air, turning into crushed stone powder, and the smoke and dust scattered throughout the sky.

With a loud bang, the two intertwined bolts of lightning suddenly parted. Qing Chen and the white-clothed war spirit faced each other from a distance, their eyes were cold and murderous.

"Outsider, your strength is really beyond my expectations, but that's all for now. After killing you, I will definitely increase my strength and become the most powerful battle spirit in Qingshen Mountain."

The fighting spirit in white was excited, his eyes were full of light, and the silver spear in his hand was rounded, the light was dazzling, the spear's intent to soar into the sky stirred up the situation, and the spear shot horizontally, as if a terrifying ancient silver dragon woke up and came out of the cave. The breath is rising, whistling in the mountains and forests.

"If you want to kill the poor, it also depends on whether you have the ability, but the unlucky ghost who fell here dares to speak loudly. It's still too early to kill the deer, kill!"

Qingchen's voice was cold, holding Qingmeng Excalibur and Chishui Excalibur, confronting the battle spirit in white without showing any weakness, Chishui Excalibur performed four-pole swordsmanship, Qingmeng Excalibur cut out the sword intent of extinction, the sword light was endless, and the earth Fengshuihuo is surging, and a powerful sword intent that makes everything wither and silence the common people bursts out and covers this area.


The silver spear and the divine sword collided violently, as if the heaven and the earth collapsed, the earth shook and the mountains shook, and the extremely solid ground of the sacred burial ground was torn to reveal huge and deep openings, like densely scattered spider webs, riddled with holes.

"Sweep the world with guns, break the universe!"

Unable to hold Qingchen for a long time, the white-clothed war spirit became more impetuous, the crimson divine pattern between the eyebrows became more dazzling, an obscure imprint of the divine pattern emerged, clearly visible, a violent force burst out from between the eyebrows, the white-clothed war spirit shot, A shot pierced through the void, the air exploded in groups, and the roaring sound continued. The entire space seemed to be distorted, time and space were disordered, and the universe was upside down.


Qingchen's face was solemn, and he didn't dare to be careless in the face of the killing blow of the white-clothed war spirit. The two divine swords in his hands were blazing brightly, and the extremely cold sword intent and the nirvana sword intent burst out, intertwined with each other, and their power rose sharply. The true meaning blesses the sword intent, the avenue of water mobilizes to increase the extremely cold sword intent, the power of the world surrounds it all the time, Qingchen is fully fired, and the two swords slash, with an unmatched awe-inspiring aura and the fierce attack of the white-clothed war spirit Collide together.


An undetectable sword thread quietly passed through the energy circle of the explosion through the huge bombardment. It was as fast as lightning, and it arrived in the blink of an eye. The center of Zhan Ling's eyebrows was drawn out, and a drop of vermilion blood with silver light quickly sank into the center of Qingchen's eyebrows and disappeared.


Qingchen staggered back and rolled hundreds of feet, coughing up a mouthful of blood, dripping from the corner of his mouth.

Although Tianjiao Battle Spirit is powerful in battle, its strength is the same as it was in life, and even because of the development of the place where the gods are buried, its strength may be a bit stronger than before life, but it also has a fatal weakness. The source of energy is also its fatal weakness.

The strength of that white-clothed battle spirit was comparable to that of Qing Chen, strictly speaking, even a bit stronger than Qing Chen. Although he was beheaded by Qing Chen's means during the fight, Qing Chen was also seriously injured.

The Sanguang Shenshui surged in the body, constantly repairing the injuries in the body, but with the effort of half a cup of tea, most of the injuries on Qingchen's body were healed, stood up and put away the silver gun that fell to the ground, Qingchen slammed in a direction Come on, get out of here quickly.

Galloping all the way, Qingchen silently recovers the injuries in his body, trying to make himself fully healed before the next battle, so that he can fully display his strength. This area is full of crises, and Qingchen must ensure that he is in the most peak state at all times to deal with it. A life-and-death crisis that may arise at any time.

While parting his mind, he secretly observed the vermilion blood drop shining with silver light that shot into the sea of ​​spirits and souls.After each war spirit dies, it will leave behind a drop of blood containing its own Taoism, which contains Tianjiao's comprehension and inheritance of Taoism during his lifetime.

The blood beads in Qingchen's mind and soul sea were left after the death of the white-clothed war spirit who wielded the silver spear, and contained all his comprehension of the Tao.

The incarnation of the soul submerged in the blood bead, sitting cross-legged on the twelfth-grade green lotus, silently comprehended the Dao in the blood bead. This battle spirit in white mainly comprehended the Dao of the Universe, and also understood the Dao of the Golden Path. There is a summary of War Spirit in White's understanding of the use of power and marksmanship.

Although none of them coincide with the Dao that Qingchen has realized, it is also a great inspiration and reference for Qingchen. This kind of Dao of Tianjiao also helps Qingchen reflect on himself and make up for his own shortcomings from his Dao.

For Qing Chen, the skill and power of the marksmanship in that book is now able to absorb the essence of it, quickly improve his combat power in a short period of time, increase his strength, and have greater confidence in the Tianjiao Cemetery survive.

Qingshen Mountain stretches for tens of thousands of miles, and it would take two or three days to complete it at Qingchen's speed. However, although Qingshen Mountain is only averagely dangerous in Tianjiao Cemetery, there are also many powerful evil beasts entrenched, Some powerful Tianjiao fell and turned into battle spirits of Qingshen Mountain.

Not long after Qingchen and the white-clothed war spirit fought, they began to be attacked by various evil beasts along the way, some singly and some in groups, and they were even chased and killed by some arrogant war spirits.

A few days ago was the worst time for Qingchen since he came to Qingshen Mountain. He was surrounded by dozens of evil beasts, and beside him were two war spirits who were slightly stronger than the white-clothed war spirits.

In that battle, Qingchen fought fiercely and fought bloody battles. He kept waving the two divine swords in his hands, and displayed his strength to the fullest. After cutting it off, his mana was exhausted, and he almost died there.

At the last critical moment, Qingchen still relied on the unparalleled defense of the twelfth-grade good fortune Qinglian and the power of the world that consumed the small world incessantly to break out of the encirclement, escaped with his life by chance, and hid in a secret cave to recover from his injuries silently .

However, Qingchen's escape didn't matter, it directly caused the whole Qingshen Mountain to explode. This was Qingchen's first defeat here, and he didn't cut the grass and roots, and completely exposed himself to this area.

Qingshen Mountain has not been visited by outsiders for a long time. The news of Qingchen's arrival made this area suddenly lively. Groups of evil beasts came out of their lairs and patrolled the mountain, full of murderous intent. A battle with Qing Chen, a rivalry, and then beheading Qing Chen, depriving Qing Chen of his power as his own, looking for Qing Chen in Qingshen Mountain everywhere.

At this time, Qingchen restrained his aura, hid in the cave, silently recovering from his injuries, while thinking about the gains and losses of the battle a few days ago, the soul avatar continuously simulated swords in the sea of ​​souls, finding out his own flaws, Deducing the changes in the way of the sword, constantly improving and supplementing, trying to make his own way of the sword as perfect as possible, and the power of the swordsmanship supernatural power will increase a bit. He understands that once he goes out, the entire Qingshen Mountain will be attacked by the whole Qingshen Mountain in front of him, so he must be ready.

time flies.
Half a month later, Qingchen's injuries all over his body recovered, and his swordsmanship also improved somewhat. This is the result of his continuous fierce fighting after he came to Qingshen Mountain. Suddenly, the entire Qingshen Mountain was surging, and a large number of evil beasts and Tianjiao war spirits rushed towards Qingchen.


The mountain wind howled, Qingchen stood on a huge boulder with a height of ten thousand feet, his robes fluttered, his momentum was like a rainbow, he kept waving the Qingmeng Excalibur in his hand, and his figure shuttled among the group of evil beasts that came first. Running, turning into water, constantly avoiding the attacks of evil beasts.

"Four extreme swordsmanship!"

"Big Luo Burning Heaven Sword!"

"The Three Secrets of Water!"

"Extremely Cold Sword Intent!"

"Ni Mie Sword Intent!"

Every time Qingchen swung his sword, blood was spilled, scales and feathers were flying, and there were constant howls and howls of evil beasts in pain. Some evil beasts with weak strength died under Qingchen's sword, and some attacked even more frantically. Xiang Qingchen left scars on Qingchen's body.


The sound of metal clashing sounded, and the Qingmeng Excalibur in Qingchen's hand danced, knocking away the lasing blue light, and retreated violently to a relatively safe area, staring sharply at the three people who appeared not far away. Dao figure, that is the three Tianjiao war spirits who rushed here first, two of them were the two who had intercepted and killed Qingchen at the beginning.

As the saying goes, enemies are extremely jealous when they meet each other, Qingchen's eyes are full of murderous intent, and the Qingmeng Excalibur in his hand is pointed at the direction of the three arrogant warriors, his fighting spirit is soaring, and the dark expression on his face is full of disdain. Cover up.

"Your defeated general let you escape that day, but today he will definitely kill you and deprive you of all your strength."

One of the Tianjiao War Spirits in Tsing Yi looked at Qing Chen who was not far away with an arrogant face, and was furious. He was the one who shot the few blue lights just now. In the battle that day, Qing Chen tried his best, although He was seriously injured, but the evil beasts that besieged him couldn't please him, and Qing Chen desperately beheaded seven or eight of them. The two besieging Tianjiao war spirits were also slashed by Qingchen. Ling's sword directly caused him a lot of injuries.

"Stop talking nonsense, fight if you want!"

Qingchen's face was unruly, and his tone was indescribably arrogant. The sword light on the Qingmeng Divine Sword was brilliant, and the sword intent of extinction was swept away, filling this mountain forest. Astringent and painful.

"Since you are courting death, I will fulfill you!"

The Tianjiao War Spirit in Tsing Yi was furious, with a ferocious expression on his face, he waved his fingers again and again, streamers of light flickered, several blue lights rushed towards Qing Chen, they were exactly palm-sized magic needles.

Qingchen also did not show weakness, the sword light of the Qingmeng Excalibur rose sharply, blessed by the power of the entire small world, the true meaning of the way of the sword increased the sword intent of Nirvana, and killed the Tsing Yi Tianjiao War Spirit.




Jianguang and Qingguang collided, and the entire Qingshen Mountain was shaking slightly. Qingchen and Tsingyi Tianjiao War Spirit all tried their best, and each blow was quite powerful, wanting to kill each other.

The other two Tianjiao War Spirits were not in a hurry to make a move. I don't know if they were quite confident in the strength of the Qingyi Tianjiao War Spirit, or they wanted to measure Qingchen's strength through the Tsing Yi War Spirit, or both.

Even another Tianjiao battle spirit with black and red pupils who participated in the siege of Qingchen at the beginning was also unpredictable about Qingchen's strength. Sure.

He always felt a vague sense of threat from Qingchen, which was enough to threaten his life. This was the unique ability of his clan during his lifetime. Disappeared, but strengthened by the power of the law, the ability is more accurate and powerful.

The newly-appeared war spirit was wrapped tightly in black clothes, with a majestic and deep aura, obviously stronger than the other two Tianjiao war spirits.

At this time, his eyes were shining brightly, without blinking, he stared closely at Qing Chen and Tsing Yi Tianjiao Battle Spirit who were fighting, and paid more attention to Qing Chen who kept making shots, every time Qing Chen used a kind of swordsmanship It made his eyes brighten, and his fighting spirit rose little by little.

"Hey! Fellow Daoist Heiyan, this is you."

The Tianjiao Zhanling with red and black pupils next to him was surprised by the fighting spirit gradually rising from the black-clothed Tianjiao Zhanling.

The strength of the black-clothed Tianjiao War Spirit is much stronger than him and the Tsing Yi Tianjiao War Spirit, and his strength is comparable to that of Daluo Daoguo Dacheng. It is rumored that he personally killed a Daluo Daoguo Dacheng realm. , among the Tianjiao War Spirits in the area of ​​Qingshen Mountain, they are strong enough to rank among the top three.

"I have been trapped here for endless years, and now I finally have a powerful monk with good swordsmanship. Naturally, I have to fight hard." The Tsing Yi Tianjiao War Spirit said via voice transmission: "You come down first, I will deal with this Taoist."

"Okay!" Although the Tsing Yi Tianjiao War Spirit wanted to kill Qing Chen, but he didn't dare to disobey the words of the black Yi Tianjiao War Spirit, so he could only strike Qing Chen again, and then retreated quickly with the force of the shock.

Qingchen looked at the black-clothed war spirit who was slowly walking towards him, his pupils shrank slightly, and he held the Qingmeng Excalibur in his hand tightly, with a serious expression on his face. He felt strong pressure and a rush of momentum from the black-clothed war spirit. The sword intent to be released, this is a proud warrior who is good at swordsmanship, and his strength is unfathomable.

(End of this chapter)

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