Waterfront in the Wilderness is Immortal

Chapter 121 The Battle of the Ancients

Chapter 121 The Battle of the Ancients

Jin Ming and Fufeng cooperated tacitly, and the moment Fufeng attacked the three of Qianxu, he also made a move. With a wave of his sleeve, the several golden shuttles that originally surrounded him were spinning non-stop, one divided into two, two into four, four into four. into eight.
In an instant, nine hundred and ninety-nine golden flying shuttles flew and circled like golden swallows. The sharp golden energy cut through the void, and with a wave of Jin Ming's hand, it suddenly rose and became more than three feet long. The golden trajectory of the aisle blocked all directions, and with the endless sword light bombarding the three of Qianxu, the momentum was so great that the entire array space shook slightly, as if the two of them had shown their true skills and displayed their most powerful skills so far. A powerful attack, to kill three people.



The remaining two battle spirits couldn't react in time, and they were the closest. They were the first to be affected. They were completely bombarded by Jinsuo Jianguang and turned into fragments. Two drops of blood dripped into the magnificent sea water of the blue sea.

"On my world chessboard, you still dare to be so arrogant. Today I will let you know how bad I am."

Seeing the power of Jin Shuo and Jian Guang, Gan Xu's face was ugly, his mind was tense, and his fingers moved continuously, facing the attack that came in a flash, he didn't dare to be careless.


The entire chessboard space is filled with starlight, rumbling sounds are endless, the stars in the sky above the space are blazing, and the starlight tides are swarming, and the stars turn into strange beasts filled with starlight, rushing fiercely and powerfully towards the golden shuttle and sword light.The entire chessboard space exploded continuously, like bright fireworks.

Qingchen came to the place where the two drops of blood dripped again, collected the blood beads silently, and watched the battle in the sky silently while meditating on enlightenment.


There was a sound of surprise, Qingchen frowned slightly, and stared at the direction not far away, where two figures were walking on the waves, one moment they were still thousands of miles away, the next moment they were outside the chessboard of heaven and earth, close in front of them.

A purple-clothed figure was carrying a long sword on his back. He was fierce and proud, and his whole body was like a giant sword piercing into the sky. The other was dressed in a red-gold robe, with a stern face, showing no prestige and self-indignation, like an emperor patrolling his territory. The stock is high above, and the momentum of looking down on the common people unconsciously diffuses out.

"Hahaha! Brother Dongyang and Brother Yushi have come to Jinming and Fufeng, your time of death is coming, let's go!"

The three people who were fighting fiercely all noticed the two people outside the chessboard. When Jin Ming and Fufeng saw the person coming, their faces turned green, and their hearts were full of vigilance and determination. Ganxu's mood was exactly the opposite of theirs. , with an excited face, waved his hand, a starlight flashed, and a long and narrow passage suddenly opened on the heaven and earth chessboard near the two of them.

"Kill! Thousands of swords flow back, without shadow or form."

"Gold travels in the world, and thousands of peaks are destroyed!"

Without any hesitation, Jin Ming and Fufeng directly attacked the two who had already appeared at the entrance of the passage without mercy, and seized the opportunity.

The extremely terrifying killing supernatural power bombarded down, the divine sword fluttered in Fufeng's hand, and the ten thousand swords swayed accordingly, turning into invisible and shadowless divine swords that disappeared into the void, attacking and killing forward.


Jin Ming skillfully manipulated the golden shuttle, as if he was using his fingers, and the rays of light radiated in all directions. Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine shuttles suddenly appeared in the void. With his loud shout, the shuttle turned suddenly and turned into golden mountains. Jufeng, wrapped in endless divine power and coercion, suppressed the two people who appeared, and ripples appeared in the void, shaking endlessly.

"Dare! Jin Ming, Fufeng, since you are so impatient to seek your own death, then we will fulfill you and die!"

Dongyang let out a muffled roar, and his red-gold robe fluttered. With his sleeves stretched out, endless divine light gushed out, and a mighty golden dragon appeared. The evil beast inside curled up, shivering in its lair.

Then the golden dragon roared and rushed towards the golden mountains, going forward boldly, arrogantly and domineeringly.

Standing tall in jade and purple clothes, the purple divine sword behind his back appeared in his hand, the eyebrows of the sword were tightly frowned, and the sword was raised upwards, the purple divine sword stood suspended, a mysterious and strange sword formula was pinched out, and with a sound of sword chant, the sword intent to destroy everything sprang up From now on, the purple sword is centered on the jade, and the sword light is lingering endlessly, like a purple sword lotus blooming wantonly, protecting the jade around the airtight.


The dragon and the mountain collided violently, the golden light was dazzling and extremely dazzling, the heaven and earth chessboard was shaking non-stop under the impact of the huge force, cracks appeared one after another, and there was a stalemate for a moment, the golden mountain was smashed by the dragon and turned into golden fragments, floating in the void, as if Countless golden lotus flowers bloom in the void, beautiful and tragic.


The invisible and shadowless sword light penetrates everywhere, moves erratically, and constantly bombards the jade wrapped in the purple sword light. The purple divine sword unleashes its supernatural power, resisting countless invisible sword lights, and its defense is watertight.

"It's not rude to come and go, Fufeng, you also give me a trick." Yushi's voice was cold, with a cold texture of metal.

"go with!"

The jade finger waved lightly, pointing to the void hundreds of times in an instant, the void rippled and rippled, and the movements were as natural as clouds and flowing water.


The sword light, like the purple sword lotus, stopped with the last movement of Yushi, moved to the ground, and suddenly shot out towards the position where Fufeng was, like a cannonball, drawing a beautiful and gorgeous arc, dazzling and dreamy but revealing endless murderous intent.



Jin Ming and Fufeng were blown away by Dongyang and Yushi almost at the same time. The corners of their mouths were bleeding and they were coughing continuously. They looked at Dongyang and Yushi who were looking down on the two of them in horror. Although they had known the gap between the two, they had never I didn't expect such a huge difference in strength after so many years.

"We will never be something you can provoke. We are destined to be high above and look down on all sentient beings. If you know good and bad, just hand over Bihai Jinsha obediently. Maybe seeing you are so knowledgeable, I can give you a pleasure. If I wait until I When you come to pick it up in person, you will have no way to survive, and you will have no way to die."

Dongyang looked down on Jin Ming and Fufeng with the attitude of a superior, with contemptuous eyes, making the final judgment on the fate of the two of them.

Although Yushi next to him didn't say anything superfluous, the raised purple sword had already shown his attitude. Once Jin Ming and Fufeng dared to mess around, no one would doubt him, and he would definitely take action immediately to kill Jin Ming and Fufeng. Quickly beheaded like thunder.

"Dongyang, Fufeng, don't deceive others too much! Everyone knows how we fell, and you owe us this account book, hum! You are high above and look down on all living beings. Since you are born different, why not Will die in this area, in the final analysis, everyone is the same, but relying on the power of this god burial place to survive, no one is better than the other."

(End of this chapter)

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