Waterfront in the Wilderness is Immortal

Chapter 122 The Battle of the Ancients

Chapter 122 The Battle of the Ancients

The blue sea and sky, the chessboard space of heaven and earth.

Jin Ming and Fufeng stood side by side, staring at Dongyang and Yushi coldly, and said with resentment and disdain.

"Haha! In this world, the weak prey on the strong. The strong dominate everything and establish rules and order. The weak are under the control of the strong and can only obey orders. Your skills are not as good as others, and you are not wise enough. Suffering calculations and falling for nothing can only show that you are incompetent. Don’t you all understand such a simple truth as the endless years? It seems that I really overestimated the two of you.”

Dongyang Heng looked at Jin Ming and Fufeng coldly, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and continued calmly: "As for us, I don't need to worry about you two trash, and it's not something you two can slander, hehe , What about falling, what about turning into a war spirit, since we are destined to look down on all beings in the sky, the process is not important, and it doesn't matter what it is, not to mention, once we enter the inner domain, we will find a way to get out of the body of the war spirit. "

"Hand over Bihaijinsha, otherwise, die!"

Jade War Spirit also changed his silence just now, his tone was cold, his sword intent soared to the sky, and he said with evil spirits.

"If you want the blue sea and golden sand, you have to step over our corpses."

Jin Ming and Fufeng met each other with deep and firm eyes. Since they are doomed to die, the two sides have already been unable to reconcile, so why bother to talk fiercely and haggle over some old things? Take a bite of the meat.

"Dongyang, Yushi, you two, be careful, they jump over the wall in a hurry."

Gan Xu quietly watched the two sides facing each other, and said to Dongyang and Yushi, seemingly caring for their safety, but in fact, these words were really for Jin Ming and Fufeng to hear.

Although Ganxu knew that he was alone, even with the five war spirits who died in the previous battle, it was impossible to take Bihaijinsha from Jinming and Fufeng, so he planned to make friends with Dongyang and Yushi, and notified them to come.

But for such a rare thing as Bihai Jinsha, Gan Xu didn't want to let it go, so he even took out the world chessboard at the bottom of the box, just wanting to take the opportunity to get Bihai Jinsha before Dongyang and Yushi arrived.

It's a pity that I still underestimated the strength of Jin Ming and Fufeng. Even relying on the wonder of the heaven and earth chessboard, I couldn't win Jin Ming and Fufeng.

The determination in the eyes of Jin Ming and Fufeng made Qianxu see hope again. Although it can be seen at a glance that Dongyang and Yushi are powerful, Jin Ming and Fufeng cannot compete against each other, but once the two really desperately desperately, maybe It is also possible to pull Dongyang and Yushi off the horse, and if you fail, you can hit them hard. At that time, you may have the opportunity to keep Dongyang and Yushi here completely, and then get Bihaijinsha and the treasures they left behind, so as to use this strength Dajin, proud of the blue sea and sky, entered the inner domain.

"Hmph! With these two trashes, they will still be trashes even if they practice for tens of thousands of years. It depends on whether they have the qualifications and strength. Only a trash like you will worry about this."

Dongyang scoffed at Qianxu's words, and snorted coldly with disdain, but the flash of solemnity in his eyes showed that his heart was not as relaxed as he appeared on the surface.


Ganxu secretly hated, lowered his head, where Dongyang and Yushi couldn't see, his eyes were full of killing intent and resentment, but Ganxu concealed it very well, and automatically retreated to the side, watching the two sides in the war silently.

The eight eyes met each other, the murderous aura condensed like substance, burst out, and sparks flew everywhere.



"Go to hell!"

"Eight Dragons!"

The four of them fought together, fighting fiercely, jade and Fufeng pointed at the wheat awns, sword intent clashed, sword light raged, shadowless swordsmanship appeared and disappeared, and purple sword lotus streamed light. Zhizhi's Fufeng stalked, regardless of his own injury, he temporarily fought evenly, and it was difficult for Yushi to take Fufeng down for a while.

Dongyang is also facing a similar situation. The golden flying shuttle turns into a mountain to suppress it, and the dragon roars and strikes horizontally, constantly colliding with each other. More than that, a pair of clear eyes were blood red, and the fierce attack was evenly matched in a short time.

"Kill! Kill!"

"Exquisite swordsmanship."

Qingchen turned into seawater and hid in the blue sea. While continuing to deduce and comprehend the Taoism and inheritance in the newly acquired five drops of blood in the sea of ​​souls, he stared intently at the four people who were fighting fiercely. The endless secret techniques made Qingchen It was an eye-opener, especially the battlefield between Yushi and Fufeng, which attracted Qingchen's attention. A series of wonderful swordsmanship made Qingchen dazzled, and his eyes were full of splendor. Some fighting skills made Qingchen suddenly enlightened, as if enlightened, I kept imitating the magic in my heart, and the power of swordsmanship improved little by little without knowing it.


With an earth-shattering bang, eight dragons flew into the sky and turned into a sky-reaching golden dragon. They bared their teeth and claws, crushed the golden mountain, and roared at Jin Ming. They passed through Jin Ming's chest in an instant, and the huge dragon tail swept Jin Ming away. Flying thousands of feet upside down, smashing huge stars one after another, Jin Ming's mouth and nose were bleeding, his body was in a mess, and his chest was like a water jet that opened a gate.


Fufeng was also pierced through the chest by the purple divine sword, and then another sharp sword light flashed by. Fufeng's arm holding the sword fluttered, blood was scattered horizontally, and was cut off by the sword light.

Fufeng coughed up blood, his resentful eyes wished he could swallow the jade alive.The body of the war spirit is made up of the laws of the land of the gods' burial. This kind of law is extremely contradictory, extremely powerful and extremely fragile. Sometimes the body is severely injured, even if only a mouthful of blood is left, it can be regenerated. Sometimes it is completely lost, and there is no regeneration. possible.

Yushi's sword pierced through, and the sword intent was like a tarsal maggot, which could not be wiped away, making Fufeng's broken arm completely unable to recover.



Fu Feng and Jin Ming rushed over again, fighting crazily with Dong Yang and Jin Ming, killing each other.




The golden flying shuttle flying in front of him was extremely fast under Jin Ming's control, leaving behind a series of phantoms, and blasted towards Dongyang at high speed. , the extremely fast shuttle exploded suddenly, the momentum shook the sky, and the huge power swept all directions, and the scattered huge energy impacted the heaven and earth chessboard, and the cracks were densely covered like spider webs.

(End of this chapter)

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