Waterfront in the Wilderness is Immortal

Chapter 123 I will accompany you in the battle of the ancient times

Chapter 123 I will accompany you in the battle of the ancient times
"not good!"

The huge energy impact changed the face of Qian Xu who was on the side, and he swung out the magic formula in his hand again and again, sinking into every inch of cracks, as if he would be overwhelmed in the next moment, and exploded the shattered chessboard of heaven and earth.


The bright starlight illuminated the entire chessboard space, and the heaven and earth chessboard, which was already on the verge of collapse, instantly recovered, and even the stars floating in the entire void became more dazzling and dazzling, and the chessboard space became more stable.

"Jin Ming, since you can't wait to die, I will fulfill you."

After the terrifying explosion, the energy dissipated, the brilliance subsided, Dongyang was covered in blood, his golden robe was blood-red, his hair disheveled, and his eyes staring at Jin Ming were full of hatred and humiliation.

Although Dongyang had been prepared for the self-destruction just now, he was still severely injured. He did not expect that there was a hidden deadly magical power hidden in the self-destruction of the golden shuttle. If it were not for his strong life-saving secret technique, he would have been decapitated by now , The soul flies away.

"You can give it a try!" Jin Ming's mouth and nose were still bleeding, and it was even more serious, a large amount of blood flowed down, but he didn't care much, and the refreshing and comfortable feeling that he could let his opponent be deflated before he died had already overwhelmed Man. Pain all over the body.


Dongyang was so angry that the eight dragons were constantly entangled under his control, and finally turned into an overwhelming eight dragon seal to suppress Jin Ming, trying to crush him into a puddle of flesh.

"Haha! Dongyang, I have already died once, and now I have turned into this lingering battle spirit. I can't save it for endless years, and I don't know when I will have the hope to enter the inner domain. I have long been disheartened. Death means nothing to me. What fear do you have now, I just hate that I can't kill you with my own hands, but even if my soul is gone, I will definitely not make it easier for you."

Jin Ming seemed to be insane, he couldn't stop laughing, and rushed directly to the flying seal, and then there was a loud bang, and the divine pattern between his eyebrows shot out extremely terrifying energy instantly, Jin Ming laughed endlessly, and blew himself up with a bang.

"Pfft! Ah~~~~!"

Dongyang roared angrily, and was once again vomited blood by Jin Ming's suicide-like self-explosion. His face was gloomy, and his eyes were fixed on the golden gourd left by Jin Ming's death and shot into Fufeng's hand. As for the golden gourd that dripped into the endless blue sea The blood beads were directly ignored by him, and his mind was full of blue sea and golden sand.

This is cheap. Qing Chen, who has been waiting in the sea for a long time, came to the place where the golden blood drop fell with an excited face and carefully collected it. This drop of blood is stronger than the previous five drops combined. The Daoist intention and the amazing inheritance surprised Qingchen, and he was lost for a moment, and then he quickly regained his clarity, and continued to stare at the several figures on the heaven and earth chessboard.

"Jin Ming!"

Fufeng watched his old friend die in front of his eyes, with tears in his eyes, even though he knew that the other party would die, but seeing this scene is still painful and unforgettable, as if returning to the time when they were plotted and died. One day, thinking of the endless years of companionship between the two of them, Fufeng suddenly exuded a tragic and tragic aura.

"Hahaha! Old friend, since you've already gone, what's the point of being a war spirit, but the walking dead have lived in vain for countless years. Don't worry, I'll come to accompany you soon!" Fufeng smiled miserably, his eyes tenderly Gently stroking the golden gourd floating in front of him, with cold and cruel eyes, he said to Dongyang and Yushi who looked wary: "Since you want it, take it."


Before Fufeng finished speaking, he suddenly threw the golden gourd in his hand. At the same time, he made a move of the Wuying Excalibur with his left hand, turning into a streamer of light and rushing along the trajectory of the golden gourd, always keeping a distance of no more than one zhang.



Dongyang and Yushi saw through Fufeng's plan and cursed secretly, but they had to act, otherwise the Bihaijinsha in the gourd would just watch them slip away from their eyes. Hidden supernatural powers or powerful spiritual treasures can break through the barrier of the world chessboard before they react, they dare not gamble, the chance is too rare, and if Fufeng escapes, it may become a confidant's trouble in the future, and the weeds must be eradicated.


The space is filled with a huge coercion, and the Eight Dragons Great Seal is crushing mightily, like a towering ancient sacred mountain, exuding terrifying power.


The sound of the sword was endless, and the purple sword in Yushi's hand danced. With Yushi as the center, a huge sword lotus completely condensed by the sword intent suddenly bloomed. The endless sword cut through the void, causing the stars to sway and fall, and go to Fufeng , at the same time the other hand stretched out quickly and slowly, grabbing towards the golden gourd.

"Haha! Wuying swordsmanship, strong winds, void explosion!"

Fufeng stared fearlessly at the violent and terrifying attack that was about to kill him in the next moment, holding the sword in his left hand to draw a strange trajectory, the invisible fluctuations in the void, the shocks were endless, the huge vibrations seemed like the sky was collapsing, and the sword after sword The light turned into a wind, raged violently, and the sword intent burst into turbulence, and then the entire void split open, and two sword lights brighter than the sun appeared, then disappeared instantly, and when they reappeared, they had already appeared in front of Dongyang and Yushi.

"Explosion! Explosion!"

Ignoring the already crushed divine seal and the sword light piercing his body, Fufeng glanced at the Wuying Excalibur in his hand with nostalgia, and with a thought, the Wuying Excalibur exploded along with his body without a huge explosion Sound, there is no terrifying energy fluctuation, only invisible fluctuations sweeping across, the chessboard of heaven and earth shattered silently, cut into holes by the invisible force, riddled with holes.


Ganxu was affected by the invisible force, spewing out a mouthful of blood, his face was pale, his eyes were fixed on the direction of Dongyang and Yushi.

"Crack! Kick!"

It sounded like the sound of space shattering, this kind of invisible fluctuation was even more difficult to resist, and it was unavoidable. After Dongyang defeated the dazzling sword light, the invisible force came from all directions, and suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood , the whole body was sluggish, and his body was shattered bit by bit, seemingly slowly but in an instant, more than half of it was shattered.

Yushi has been taken care of by Fufeng. It seems that even if he completely disappears from the world, he still has to compete with Yushi. The invisible force is wrapped with vigorous sword intent. Jade is like a target. , his body was full of sword wounds, one arm was blown apart, Feng Shui took turns, and before he died, he was swayed by Fufeng, which also injured his arm.

The golden gourd was impacted, and it was unknown what kind of material it was made of, but it was completely intact in the self-explosion, and fell straight into the blue sea.

(End of this chapter)

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