Waterfront in the Wilderness is Immortal

Chapter 148 Compromise in the Battle of Immemorial

Chapter 148 Compromise in the Battle of Immemorial
"The evil."

Dongyou was taken aback by Shangxie's sudden words, he looked at Shangxie dissatisfiedly, and was about to refute without thinking, but before he could speak, he was glared at by Shangxie, his cold and ruthless eyes pointed directly at people's hearts, causing Dongyou's hair to stand on end, He knew Shangxie best, if he opened his mouth to object at this time, there would be no good end, so he immediately kept his mouth shut.

Dongyou is very clear about Shangxie's calculations, and also knows that they still need to rely on Qingchen for tens of thousands of years of success or failure. Can't take it off, life after life doing a war spirit that he can't help himself.

But he already hated Qingchen extremely, and the long-standing hatred in his chest has become a demon. Only by beheading Qingchen with his own hands, and washing away his resentment with his blood, can he be able to enjoy the joy of countless times. The supreme glory after ten thousand years of success, Megatron the world.

It's just that the matter is of great importance, and Shang Xie won't let him do whatever he wants, Dong You feels resentful, looking at Qing Chen with bloodshot eyes, wishing to swallow him alive.

Qing Chen was taken aback by Shang Xie's words. Unexpectedly, the scene where he thought he would be beaten to death as soon as they met did not happen immediately. Ready to give up and make peace, this made Qingchen's eyelids twitch wildly, and he always felt a bad premonition.

With such an abnormal behavior, Qingchen had no choice but to aggravate the doubts in his heart, pondering and speculating that these two people could find a way to enter the third floor after the altar on the second floor was destroyed. There are other passages you can enter, and then you can quietly hide from your perception, and immediately change your attitude after a single hit. Moreover, the passage of this small world of the inheritance hall needs the blood of living people to open. The protective formation of the phaseless formation is intact, and it is obvious that no one has been here before.
Then what secrets are these two people hiding, and what do they need to do for them? These two people are very powerful. Logically speaking, there is nothing that can stump them, and it seems that they have to do it. Inexplicably, Qingchen thought After seeing the scene of Yu Dongyou at the beginning, I gradually had a guess in my heart, maybe it was for the crystallization of Hunyuan Daoguo.

Carefully looking at the two people with different expressions in front of them, one is calm and frosty, even if he takes the initiative to make peace, he looks like he is not close to strangers, as if he doesn't care about everything, the other's eyes are shining, He wished he could slap himself to death immediately, and make up a few knives on his corpse.

The corners of Qingchen's mouth twitched, and a few idioms learned by later generations popped up in his mind, such as sanctimonious, pretentious, human-like, human-faced, animal-like, hidden in a smile, duplicity, and killing a donkey.

Especially Shangxie is too eager to welcome and refuse, um, no, you are too cheap to make people beat up, who do you think you are, the rich second generation who will hang around in the future is still an awesome official second Dai, just a war spirit without a body, begging people to be pretentious and disgusting.

Looking at Dongyou again, his eyes met with him inadvertently, Dongyou's eyes immediately turned red, as if seeing the enemy who killed his father and took away his Taoist companion, he almost became an angry bird in the future.
Nima!Is this a begging attitude?Qingchen roared in his heart.

"How? How is fellow Taoist thinking?"

Qingchen seems to have thought a lot, but it happened in an instant. With Shangxie's words, although Qingchen wanted to refuse immediately, but the situation was stronger than others. I'm afraid that Dongyou, who has been ready to move for a long time, will immediately make a merciless move. Now he can only seek skin from the tiger, not to mention that he also needs them to lead the way. The place where Biyuan Tianjun's Dao Fruit is located must be extraordinary, heavily guarded, and full of dangers.

Pretending to ponder, when Shangxie and Dongyou were obviously impatient, Qingchen said quietly, "You can seriously say this, fellow Taoist, will this third-level treasure spirit root be taken by the poor? "

Qingchen asked in surprise, full of disbelief.

"There can be falsehoods in this statement. As long as the fellow daoist helps me get something, let alone take it arbitrarily, it doesn't matter if I give it all to the fellow daoist!"

Qing Chen's words made Shang Xie feel relieved, he was afraid that Qing Chen would be tough and would fight them to the end, but now that these words came out, he felt a lot of relief in his heart, even though Qing Chen refused to agree, they could still threaten them with force, even Killing a chicken to get blood, but if the heart is unwilling and the blood is full of resentment, then the effect of that thing will be somewhat worse.It is best to let the opponent take out the thing willingly without bloodshed.

Then Shang Xie waved his hand and said generously.

"Good! Thanks a lot, fellow daoist!" Qing Chen laughed, and casually collected a spiritual root not far away that was not affected by the attack just now. His eyes were full of greed, and then he seemed to remember something important, and turned sideways to face him. Shang Xie said: "So, I don't know when I'm going to leave, it's better to get it done earlier, so that the poor can receive these rare materials and elixir from all over the world as soon as possible."

After finishing speaking, Qingchen stared at Shangxie with burning eyes, full of impatience, as if he was really tempted by the promise thrown by Shangxie. As for Dongyou beside him, Qingchen blatantly ignored him. Anyway, he planned to die forever. Now the other party is unwilling to do even a little superficial kung fu, and I don't know how to catch up with him. It's best to piss the other party off.

"You!" Qingchen's behavior of completely treating Dongyou as air made Dongyou furious, the hatred in his heart was rising, his eyes were tearing apart, if it wasn't for Shangxie suppressing him, he might have pounced on him long ago, He tried his best to fight Qingchen to the death.

"Not urgent!"

Shang Xie smiled slightly, waved his hand, a stream of light shot out, and a jade talisman appeared in front of Qing Chen, shining brightly and shining with brilliance.

"What do you mean, fellow Daoist?"

Looking at the white jade talisman floating in front of him, a gleam of surprise disappeared in Qingchen's eyes, and his soul penetrated into the jade talisman. After seeing the contents inside, his complexion sank immediately, and he questioned Shang Xie in dissatisfaction.

Shang Xie smiled, and facing Qing Chen's questioning, he said without hesitation: "Daoist Qingchen, you must be sincere in everything. You don't need to talk too much about what you did before. You know it well, but now it's just a plan. I have peace of mind, after the fellow daoist makes an oath according to this method, Pindao immediately takes the fellow daoist there, and after the matter is over, Shangxie personally presents this third-level spiritual object as an apology, how about it?"

Although he was asking, Shang Xie's tone revealed unquestionable determination, and traces of sword intent radiated from his body intentionally or unintentionally, heading straight for Qingchen.

Without waiting for Qingchen's reply, he said again: "This jade talisman comes from an ancient and powerful Taoism, and the art of swearing to the gods recorded in it is difficult and exquisite. Fellow Daoist has benefited a lot, and to show the sincerity of the poor Daoist, this spirit treasure is given to Fellow Daoist, how about it?"

 The first tribulation of the Dragon and Han, the struggle between Taoism and demons, the Taoist in Taishi, the mysterious mountain range, and the Sanqing. Hurry up!Soon!It will start soon, and enter the familiar prehistoric
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(End of this chapter)

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