Waterfront in the Wilderness is Immortal

Chapter 149 The Ancient Battle

Chapter 149 The Ancient Battle

"Pindao knows better than you, and knows the oath spell recorded in this jade talisman better than you. What kind of big-tailed wolf is he pretending to be in front of him? You are fooling around and falling into your schemes."

Hearing Shang Xie's words, Qingchen felt slanderous in his heart. At the same time, he was puzzled. The jade talisman that Shang Xie took out exudes a trace of pure innate and wonderful aura, and it came out of the cultivation of Taishi's lineage practitioners. It is obvious that the jade talisman comes from the same vein as Taishi.

Why did something from the Taishi lineage appear in Shangxie's hands? Qingchen felt that he had to observe carefully secretly, maybe he could find a clue.

As for the swearing-in technique, Qingchen said that he has no pressure in his heart, but he can win some more benefits for himself, so why not do it.

Dang even pretended to be furious and showed a look of dissatisfaction with Shang Xie's proposal, but he was afraid of the threat of Shang Xie and the two of them, he dared not speak more, and felt aggrieved.

Sure enough, in order to appease him, Shang Xie made a compromise and took out an innate spirit treasure.

With a flash of light, Qingchen stared obsessively at the top-grade innate spirit treasure in front of him. The sword energy was cold, the divine light was brilliant, and the restrained sword intent contained powerful energy. This is a divine sword, quite extraordinary .

"This Tianjiao battle spirit was extraordinary in his lifetime, and he looked down upon his peers. It really is something good." Qingchen thought, especially since this Shangxie has almost reached the top of the battle spirit at this stage, and he is only one step away from reshaping his flesh and blood and transforming into a new life. .

"Since fellow daoists are kind, poor daoists will be disrespectful!"

If he doesn't take advantage of it, he's a fool, he deserves to be struck by lightning, Qingchen's face is full of joy, and his hands quickly put away the sword, branding it in front of them, as if fearing that the evil will regret it and take it back.

"As for the proposal of Fellow Daoist, the poor Taoist also thinks it is very good!"

The contented Qingchen smiled flatteringly, and with the appearance of reciprocating, he put out a ray of spirit and sent it into the jade talisman. He seemed to follow the records in the jade talisman and pinched out a few jerky formulas, and casually sent the jade talisman away. go back.

Qingchen's every move was clearly under the watchful eyes of the two opposite people, Dongyou pursed his mouth, and looked at Qingchen with contempt, as if he looked down on Qingchen's behavior, but still had no less murderous intentions towards Qingchen.

Shang Xie looked at Qing Chen disdainfully. Although he didn't have many high-grade innate spirit treasures, he had traveled across the blue sea and sky for tens of thousands of years. Chen's appearance.
Glancing at the Qingmeng Excalibur behind Qingchen, Shangxie looked down on Qingchen even more, especially after seeing Qingchen complete the swearing-in spell, he thought he had grasped Qingchen's lifeline, and his face turned frosty, but He didn't even bother to do a little superficial effort, so he took the jade talisman and said in a cold voice: "If that's the case, then let's go!"

After finishing speaking, Shang Xie transformed into sword light, and took the lead in shooting away into the distance.

Dongyou glared at Qingchen fiercely, stomped his feet, and turned into a starlight and followed him away.

Qingchen didn't say much, and the water movement technique was running, turning into a streamer and adorning the two behind them.

After a stick of incense, three beams of light fell in front of a magnificent palace. The gold bricks and jade tiles were shining brightly, and the fairy trees and jade trees swayed and gave off fragrance.

Standing still and showing their true faces, it was Qingchen and the three who came galloping all the way.

"This is where the real inheritance hall left by Biyuan Tianjun is located. It really looks extraordinary. Seeing the spiritual light pouring out, there must be a lot of treasures inside."

Qingchen took a step forward, amazed, with traces of greed in his eyes.

Shang Xie and Dong You ignored Qing Chen, and they looked at the palace in front of them complicatedly, with nostalgia, resentment, unwillingness, relief, and regret in their eyes
"Let's go!"

Shang Xie stepped out in one step and entered the palace.

Time goes by, time is like water.




After the three of Qingchen entered the palace, they encountered countless barriers, dense and unpredictable killing arrays emerged one after another, and were attacked and killed by some creatures guarding the palace. Their aura was strong and their strength was terrifying.

"We're here! I'll see you fellow daoist next, I hope you don't play any tricks, otherwise, you don't need to do anything, this swearing of gods will directly kill you."

In a bright jade palace, Shang Xie was a little embarrassed, with a fierce look in his eyes, warning Qing Chen.

Qingchen's eyes were astonished and terrified. When he heard the swearing-in spell, he looked terrified. It was obvious that some unpleasant things had happened along the way, or to deter him, Shangxie activated the swearing-in spell. No small pain.

"Go! After the matter is done, Pindao will fulfill his promise."

Shang Xie was very satisfied with Qing Chen's expression at this time, and after giving an order, he ignored it, and turned his eyes to a bright green light cluster on the high platform in the hall, showing obsession in his eyes.

Dongyou looked at Qingchen, excited and silent, as if he had seen Qingchen's end not long ago, blood spattered everywhere, the body exploded, and was torn to pieces.

Qingchen glanced at Dongyou speechlessly, rolled his eyes straight away, glanced at him contemptuously, turned and walked towards the high platform, this scene directly made Dongyou almost lose control, his lungs were about to explode, Qingchen is just letting him pinch in his eyes A round captive, a dying man, how dare he do this!

Qingchen seemed to be calmly walking towards the high platform step by step, but his heart was already turbulent, and his steps had slowed down, but he still came close.

"This is the Dao fruit left by Biyuan Tianjun!"

Putting the palm of the hand on the light ball, with a light swipe, drops of bright red blood slowly flowed into the light ball. Qingchen was anxious, his mind turned sharply, and he racked his brains to think of a way to get out of both ends. look forward to.

The emerald green light group absorbs Qingchen's blood essence to its heart's content, and suddenly bursts into dazzling light. Flowers grow in the void, and the Tao intertwines. , as if at your fingertips.

The fruit of the Dao is extraordinary, in an instant, Qingchen feels that the Dao has made great progress, and the Dao of Nine Heavens is almost perfect.

"Quick! Give me the Dao Fruit!"

Shangxie was in the middle of the sea-like Taoism, the body of the war spirit was comfortable, and the spirit and soul were greatly benefited. He suddenly lost his composure, opened his mouth eagerly, and rushed towards Qingchen.

"Give it to me! It's mine!"

If Dongyou pretended to be crazy, he rushed towards him not to be outdone.

"Peng! Zizi."

A picture of divine fire suddenly appeared in the hall, covering the sky and covering the earth. The divine fire was surging, and the purple fire was strange, like an ancient fierce beast bathing in fire swallowing Shangxie and Dongyou who flew forward.

Yingshu's figure appeared in the void, and he glanced at the Daoguo in Qingchen's hand with a slightly complicated look, then turned his head and concentrated on manipulating the divine fire map, and the whole hall was instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames.

 The protagonist is about to break through Daluo, cross the blue sea, and return to the flood. Are you excited? The familiar myths and legends are about to begin.

  Seeking recommendation, asking for monthly pass, asking for collection
(End of this chapter)

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